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Scalar dark matter interpretation of the DAMPE data with U(1) gauge interactions

Junjie Cao, Lei Feng, Xiaofei Guo, Liangliang Shang, Fei Wang, and Peiwen Wu
Phys. Rev. D 97, 095011 – Published 10 May 2018


Recently, the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) experiment released the new measurement of the total cosmic e+e flux between 25 GeV and 4.6 TeV, which indicates a spectral softening at around 0.9 TeV and a tentative peak at around 1.4 TeV. We utilize a scalar dark matter (DM) model to explain the DAMPE peak by χχZZ¯¯ with an additional anomaly-free gauged U(1) family symmetry, in which χ, Z, and () denote, respectively, the scalar DM, the new gauge boson, and ()=e, μ, τ with mχmZ2×1.5(TeV). We first illustrate that the minimal framework GSM×U(1)Y with the above mass choices can explain the DAMPE excess, which, however, be excluded by LHC constraints from the Z searches. Then, we study a nonminimal framework GSM×U(1)Y×U(1)Y′′ in which U(1)Y′′ mixes with U(1)Y. We show that such a framework can interpret the DAMPE data and at the same time survive all other constraints including the DM relic abundance, DM direct detection, and collider bounds. We also investigate the predicted e+e spectrum in this framework and find that the mass splitting Δm=mχmZ′′ should be less than about 17 GeV to produce the peaklike structure.

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  • Received 20 February 2018


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.

Published by the American Physical Society

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Authors & Affiliations

Junjie Cao1,2, Lei Feng3, Xiaofei Guo1, Liangliang Shang1, Fei Wang1,4,*, and Peiwen Wu5,†

  • 1College of Physics and Materials Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
  • 2Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • 3Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
  • 4School of Physics, Zhengzhou University, 450000, ZhengZhou, China
  • 5School of Physics, KIAS, 85 Hoegiro, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea

  • *Corresponding author. feiwang@zzu.edu.cn
  • Corresponding author. pwwu@kias.re.kr

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Vol. 97, Iss. 9 — 1 May 2018

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