Cosmological parameter estimation and inference using deep summaries

Janis Fluri, Tomasz Kacprzak, Alexandre Refregier, Aurelien Lucchi, and Thomas Hofmann
Phys. Rev. D 104, 123526 – Published 10 December 2021


The ability to obtain reliable point estimates of model parameters is of crucial importance in many fields of physics. This is often a difficult task given that the observed data can have a very high number of dimensions. In order to address this problem, we propose a novel approach to construct parameter estimators with a quantifiable bias using an order expansion of highly compressed deep summary statistics of the observed data. These summary statistics are learned automatically using an information maximising loss. Given an observation, we further show how one can use the constructed estimators to obtain approximate Bayes computation (ABC) posterior estimates and their corresponding uncertainties that can be used for parameter inference using Gaussian process regression even if the likelihood is not tractable. We validate our method with an application to the problem of cosmological parameter inference of weak lensing mass maps. We show in that case that the constructed estimators are unbiased and have an almost optimal variance, while the posterior distribution obtained with the Gaussian process regression is close to the true posterior and performs better or equally well than comparable methods.

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  • Received 20 July 2021
  • Accepted 16 November 2021


© 2021 American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Gravitation, Cosmology & Astrophysics

Authors & Affiliations

Janis Fluri*, Tomasz Kacprzak, and Alexandre Refregier

  • Institute of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Department of Physics, ETH Zurich 8093, Switzerland

Aurelien Lucchi and Thomas Hofmann

  • Data Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich 8006, Switzerland

  • *

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Vol. 104, Iss. 12 — 15 December 2021

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