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Towards demand-side solutions for mitigating climate change

Research on climate change mitigation tends to focus on supply-side technology solutions. A better understanding of demand-side solutions is missing. We propose a transdisciplinary approach to identify demand-side climate solutions, investigate their mitigation potential, detail policy measures and assess their implications for well-being.

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W.B.d.B. acknowledges financial support from the Swedish Foundation for the Humanities and the Social Sciences; J.K.S. and F.W.G. from the UK ESRC (ES/K006576/1 and EP/K011790/1); C.H. from the Oxford Martin School; O.Y.E. and M.T. from the EU ERC (no. 154 336155) and N.D.R. from the EU ERC (no. 637462); I.M.L.A. from the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making (SES-1463492); J.C.M. from the German Ministry of Research and Education (03EK3046B) and L.M. from the German Academic Exchange Service.

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Creutzig, F., Roy, J., Lamb, W.F. et al. Towards demand-side solutions for mitigating climate change. Nature Clim Change 8, 260–263 (2018).

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