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Expression profiling — best practices for data generation and interpretation in clinical trials


Microarrays are routinely used to assess mRNA transcript levels on a genome-wide scale. As use and acceptance increases, there is intensified focus on appropriate methods of data generation and interpretation, with important questions being asked about the best data analysis methods. The development of such 'best practices' is needed, as microarrays — in particular, Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays — are becoming increasingly important in human clinical trials, both for differential diagnosis and monitoring of pharmacological efficacy. Here, representatives from high-volume microarray core centres consider the current status of 'best practices', focusing on the broadly used Affymetrix oligonucleotide arrays.

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Figure 1: Sample processing and microarray interpretation of Affymetrix GeneChips.
Figure 2: Dense time-series data with adequate replicates can provide robust visual interpretation of data.

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The authors thank their respective funding agencies, particularly the larger collaborative funding initiatives that make systematic and large-scale studies of the bioinformatics and biostatistics of genome-wide data sets possible from the Department of Defense and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation CSDA. The authors also thank S. Hilmer, A. DeBiase and G. Miyada for their critique of the manuscript.

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Corresponding author:

Eric P. Hoffman is at the Research Center for Genetic Medicine, Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC 20010, USA. email: Tarif Awad, John Palma, Teresa Webster, Earl Hubbell and Janet A. Warrington are at Affymetrix, Santa Clara, California 95051, USA. emails:;;;; Avrum Spira is at The Pulmonary Center, Boston University Medical Center and the Bioinformatics Program, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. e-mail: George Wright is at the Biometric Research Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. e-mail: Jonathan Buckley and Tim Triche are at the Children's Hospital, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA. e-mail:; Ron Davis, Robert Tibshirani and Wenzhong Xiao are at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California 94303, USA. e-mails:;; Wendell Jones is at Expression Analysis Inc., Durham, North Carolina 27713, USA. e-mail: Ron Tompkins is at Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. e-mail: Mike West is at the Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA. e-mail:

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Affymetrix Developers' Network

Affymetrix Technical Note

Agilent Technologies

ArrayExpress microarray database

The Children's National Medical Center Microarray Center

HOPGENE Program for Genomic Applications

MGED Data Transformation and Normalization Working Group

MGED Society

NETAFFX web site

NIGMS Glue Grant



A series of human, rat and mouse Affymetrix arrays released in 2003, in which the A array contained the best-characterized genes, and B and C arrays contained less well-defined expressed sequence tags. In 2004, all probe sets have been condensed so that there is only one microarray per species that covers the entire genome.


The use of different subjects in an experimental and control group or groups. The statistical analysis compares the median and variation within each group relative to the other groups.


Typically one element (spot) on a microarray. In spotted cDNA or oligonucleotide arrays, features correspond to genes or transcripts; in Affymetrix arrays, there are typically 22 elements per probe set and often multiple probe sets per gene, so a feature might refer to a single oligonucleotide, a probe pair or a probe set, or a gene with multiple probe sets. In bioinformatics it is most often synonymous with a gene.


(FACS). A method whereby dissociated and individual living cells are sorted, in a liquid stream, according to the intensity of fluorescence that they emit as they pass through a laser beam.


A small molecule, or a part of a larger molecule, that can be excited by light to emit fluorescence.


The loss of blood supply, and hence oxygenation, to a tissue or cells.


A technique in which individual cells, or regions of tissue, are excised from a histological preparation, using specially equipped microscopes, and isolated for further study.


The use of multiple samples from the same subject. With this design, each subject serves as their own control, eliminating confounding inter-individual variations at baseline; paired t-tests are used to interpret the data.


The use of antibodies or other reagents to remove all unwanted cells from a mixed population of cells. In this method, the desired cells are not exposed to bound antibodies, thereby avoiding potential activation or other molecular alteration in the desired cells.


In Affymetrix arrays, hybridization to the 'mismatch' probe of a probe pair might or might not be considered as a form of measurement of noise or background, and can be factored into the signal seen with the paired 'perfect match' as a penalty weight.


The process of using light to either etch or activate regions of a surface (substrate). This method is used in microelectronics to create integrated circuits and processors.


The quantification of the amount of PCR product during each cycle of a PCR reaction. The product concentration, as a function of cycle number, provides a good estimation of the relative quantity of the mRNA being tested.


Surgical removal of tissue, most commonly used for removing tumorous masses from surrounding tissue.


An experimental method for determining mRNA transcript concentration in a tissue or cell RNA sample. It involves using labelled DNA probes that bind the RNA, with overhanging non-hybridized tails of the probe then being digested by the S1 nuclease. This creates a smaller labelled DNA probe that is indicative of the abundance of the mRNA being tested.


A battery of statistical methods applied to data when mortality is often the only, or best, measured outcome.


The use of a series of samples taken at defined time points after a defined stimulus. In mice and rats, the samples at different time points are usually from different animals. In humans, time-series studies are necessarily longitudinal to avoid additional confounding noise.


Many statistical tests require underlying definitions that are assumed to be valid (for example, tumour versus non-tumour), and require data that show a normal distribution. Microarray data, and the clinical information underlying the definition of samples, is often less exact, with genes or samples often performing as statistical outliers. Tukey's bi-weight estimator is one of the M-class of statistical models that is less sensitive to outliers and performs more gracefully when underlying assumptions are inexact.


A statistical test that investigates the population median of paired differences. It is well suited for microarray work as it treats each gene as an independent variable and does not require normal distributions of the data.

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The Tumor Analysis Best Practices Working Group. Expression profiling — best practices for data generation and interpretation in clinical trials. Nat Rev Genet 5, 229–237 (2004).

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