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Successful suppression of a field mosquito population by sustained release of engineered male mosquitoes

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Figure 1: Field site and mosquito releases in 2010.
Figure 2: Effect of periodic release of OX513A male mosquitoes on a wild population.


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We thank L. New and J. Renmant for assistance in egg production, Z. Ebanks and E. Ebanks for technical help in Grand Cayman, T. Matthews and E. Moxon for administrative support and all staff and students at the Mosquito Research Control Unit and Oxitec for their help and support during this study. We thank G. Labbé and P. Gray for comments on the manuscript and the Lands and Survey Department of the Cayman Islands Government for permission to use imagery and data. A.F.H. thanks Adapco, Bayer and Central Life Sciences for supporting her PhD studentship. I.B. and A.C. are PhD students supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering. C.A.D. acknowledges the UK Medical Research Council for Centre funding support.

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Harris, A., McKemey, A., Nimmo, D. et al. Successful suppression of a field mosquito population by sustained release of engineered male mosquitoes. Nat Biotechnol 30, 828–830 (2012).

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