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Domain mapping for multisite

In addition to adding and mapping domains for a site via the VIP Dashboard, domains for a WordPress multisite must also be assigned to the relevant network site in the Network Admin using core WordPress functionality. This allows only one domain to be used per site.

  • If more than one domain needs to redirect to a site, set up vip-config.php to handle redirecting secondary domains to the desired primary domain for each network site. This includes redirects between non-www domains and www variants of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
  • For more advanced multisite domain mapping, sunrise.php can be used, or a domain mapping plugin.
  • Custom settings added to client-sunrise.php can enable a network site to be accessible from more than one URL, or for a domain to serve a specific part of a site.
  • Domains that do not match a Site Address (URL) for any sites on the network, but have DNS pointed to VIP and are added to a VIP Dashboard will resolve to the main site (ID 1).

Last updated: July 16, 2024

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  • WordPress