RIDOH has updated its COVID-19 data reporting as of August 10, 2023. Please visit the updated COVID-19
Google sheet
for data updates. This resource will remain available as a data archive, but it will no longer be updated.
Data Notes

The preliminary data summary table provides a weekly summary of the data for the most recent MMWR week (Sunday-Saturday). A detailed breakdown of these data by day will be posted on the Trends tab in the pubic Google sheets.

Test data reflect number of tests reported and includes people more than once if an individual is tested multiple times. Individuals with multiple tests in a single day are only counted once each day. Non-residents are included in test data. Tests reported include PCR and antigen tests; at-home tests are excluded from counts as they do not have oversight by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).

Case data is reported with and without non-residents of Rhode Island. Counts reported include confirmed and probable cases and exclude any positive tests without lab oversight by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). Reinfections are included in the case counts from 9/1/21 onward. Case data reflect the first positive test for each distinct episode of COVID-19 infection. Case rates per 100,000 residents exclude non-residents of Rhode Island.

All hospital data in the Summary and Trends tabs include out-of-state residents prior to January 1, 2023. Hospital admission and hospital discharge data exclude out-of-state residents from January 1, 2023, onward. The number of people hospitalized, number of people in the ICU, and number of people on a ventilator reflect the number of people in Rhode Island hospitals, some of whom may not be Rhode Island residents. Hospital data in the Summary and Trends tabs include any COVID-19 hospitalization, regardless of cause of admission. Please visit our Hospitalizations page for information about hospitalizations by cause.

Number of deaths reported among Rhode Island residents on the Summary tab reflect the total number of deaths (laboratory-confirmed and non-laboratory-confirmed) that were reported to RIDOH the prior week. Please note that this is different than the date of death, which is reported in the Trends tab. Laboratory-confirmed and non-laboratory-confirmed deaths are reported separately on the Trends tab. Tabs with demographic data report total deaths (laboratory-confirmed and non-laboratory-confirmed). A small percentage (less than 1%) of reported deaths include individuals who died in Rhode Island and have dual residency in another state.

Vaccination data reported include Rhode Island residents only and are limited to those with a record in RICAIR (Rhode Island Child and Adult Immunization Registry). Data are included for residents vaccinated in RI, MA, CT, NJ, and NYC. Residents who received a vaccination from a Veterans Affairs facility in Rhode Island on or after November 14, 2022, are also included. Data for Rhode Island residents who were vaccinated at other federal facilities or in states not listed here are not included unless they have submitted a copy of their vaccination record to the Rhode Island Department of Health.

At least partially vaccinated reflects residents who have received at least one dose of a primary vaccine series and includes the single-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
Completed primary vaccine series reflects residents who have received all recommended doses of a primary vaccine series.
First booster or additional dose reflects residents who received at least one vaccine beyond the primary vaccine series on or after August 13, 2021.
Second booster or additional dose reflects residents who received at least two vaccines beyond the primary vaccine series on or after August 13, 2021.
2022-2023 bivalent vaccine data reflects residents who received at least one bivalent vaccine. Totals may differ from the total reported in RIDOH's updated Google sheet, as historic updates are not reflected in archived data.
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