1978-3-031-45467-7BishopChristopher M. Bishop; Hugh BishopChristopher M. Bishop, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK; Hugh Bishop, Wayve Technologies Ltd, London, UKDeep LearningFoundations and ConceptsXX, 649 p. 600 illus., 400 illus. in color.12024final79.9985.5987.9969.9994.5089.99Hard coverBook0Computer ScienceGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English649UYQUYQMSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-11-022023-11-012024-01-182024-02-151Preface.- The Deep Learning Revolution.- Probabilities.- Standard Distributions.- Single-layer Networks: Regression.- Single-layer Networks: Classification.- Deep Neural Networks.- Gradient Descent.- Backpropagation.- Regularization.- Convolutional Networks.- Structured Distributions.- Transformers.- Graph Neural Networks.- Sampling.- Discrete Latent Variables.- Continuous Latent Variables.- Generative Adversarial Networks.- Normalizing Flows.- Autoencoders.- Diffusion Models.- Appendix A Linear Algebra.- Appendix B Calculus of Variations.- Appendix C Lagrange Multipliers.- Biblyography.- IndexThis book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.
A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.
Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society.
Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.
“Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.” -- Geoffrey Hinton'With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The 'New Bishop' masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas.' – Yann LeCun
<div>“This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.” -- Yoshua Bengio
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.
A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.“Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.” -- Geoffrey Hinton'With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The 'New Bishop' masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas.' – Yann LeCun
“This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.” -- Yoshua Bengio
<p>Foundational and conceptual approach emphasizes real-world practical value of techniques for a wide range of learners</p><p>Companion volume to the author's standard reference text Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning</p><p>To reinforce key ideas, end-of-chapter exercises of varying difficulty are included to promote active learning</p><div><div>Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College, Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. He is a keen advocate of public engagement in science, and in 2008 he delivered the prestigious Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, established in 1825 by Michael Faraday, and broadcast on prime-time national television. Chris was a founding member of the UK AI Council and was also appointed to the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology.</div><div>Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, an end-to-end deep learning based autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. Before working at Wayve, he completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence in the engineering department at Cambridge University. Hugh also holds an MEng in Computer Science from the University of Durham, where he focused his projects on deep learning. During his studies, he also worked as an intern at FiveAI, another autonomous driving company in the UK, and as a Research Assistant, producing educational interactive iPython notebooks for machine learning courses at Cambridge University.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11645009783031454677463424511259_1_En511259Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData Science2970,3817,2967/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Data Science/Computer Science/Data Structures and Information Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Artificial Intelligence////010.1007/978-3-031-45468-4Deep Learning
2978-1-0716-1417-4JamesGareth James; Daniela Witten; Trevor Hastie; Robert TibshiraniGareth James, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; Daniela Witten, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Trevor Hastie, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; Robert Tibshirani, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USAAn Introduction to Statistical Learningwith Applications in RXV, 607 p. 191 illus., 182 illus. in color.22021final84.9990.9493.4974.99100.5099.99Hard coverBook0Springer Texts in StatisticsMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English607PBTUFMSpringerSpringer US0WorldwideAvailable2021-07-302021-07-302021-08-312021-09-281,978-1-4614-7137-0,978-1-4614-7139-4,978-1-4614-7138-7,978-1-0716-1305-4Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Statistical Learning.- 3 Linear Regression.- 4 Classification.- 5 Resampling Methods.- 6 Linear Model Selection and Regularization.- 7 Moving Beyond Linearity.- 8 Tree-Based Methods.- 9 Support Vector Machines.- 10 Deep Learning.- 11 Survival Analysis and Censored Data.- 12 Unsupervised Learning.- 13 Multiple Testing.- Index.An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, along with relevant applications. Topics include linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches, tree-based methods, support vector machines, clustering, deep learning, survival analysis, multiple testing, and more. Color graphics and real-world examples are used to illustrate the methods presented. Since the goal of this textbook is to facilitate the use of these statistical learning techniques by practitioners in science, industry, and other fields, each chapter contains a tutorial on implementing the analyses and methods presented in R, an extremely popular open source statistical software platform.Two of the authors co-wrote The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2nd edition 2009), a popular reference book for statistics and machine learning researchers. An Introduction to Statistical Learning covers many of the same topics, but at a level accessible to a much broader audience. This book is targeted at statisticians and non-statisticians alike who wish to use cutting-edge statistical learning techniques to analyze their data. The text assumes only a previous course in linear regression and no knowledge of matrix algebra.This Second Edition features new chapters on deep learning, survival analysis, and multiple testing, as well as expanded treatments of naïve Bayes, generalized linear models, Bayesian additive regression trees, and matrix completion. R code has been updated throughout to ensure compatibility.An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged in fields ranging from biology to finance to marketing to astrophysics in the past twenty years. This book presents some of the most important modeling and prediction techniques, along with relevant applications. Topics include linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches, tree-based methods, support vector machines, clustering, deep learning, survival analysis, multiple testing, and more. Color graphics and real-world examples are used to illustrate the methods presented. Since the goal of this textbook is to facilitate the use of these statistical learning techniques by practitioners in science, industry, and other fields, each chapter contains a tutorial on implementing the analyses and methods presented in R, an extremely popular open source statistical software platform.Two of the authors co-wrote The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman, 2nd edition 2009), a popular reference book for statistics and machine learning researchers. An Introduction to Statistical Learning covers many of the same topics, but at a level accessible to a much broader audience. This book is targeted at statisticians and non-statisticians alike who wish to use cutting-edge statistical learning techniques to analyze their data. The text assumes only a previous course in linear regression and no knowledge of matrix algebra.This Second Edition features new chapters on deep learning, survival analysis, and multiple testing, as well as expanded treatments of naïve Bayes, generalized linear models, Bayesian additive regression trees, and matrix completion. R code has been updated throughout to ensure compatibility.Presents an essential statistical learning toolkit for practitioners in science, industry, and other fieldsDemonstrates application of the statistical learning methods in RIncludes new chapters on deep learning, survival analysis, and multiple testingCovers a range of topics, such as linear regression, classification, resampling methods, shrinkage approaches, tree-based methods, support vector machines, clustering, and deep learningFeatures extensive color graphics for a dynamic learning experienceIncludes supplementary material: James is a professor of data sciences and operations, and the E. Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration, at the University of Southern California. He has published an extensive body of methodological work in the domain of statistical learning with particular emphasis on high-dimensional and functional data. The conceptual framework for this book grew out of his MBA elective courses in this area.Daniela Witten is a professor of statistics and biostatistics, and the Dorothy Gilford Endowed Chair, at the University of Washington. Her research focuses largely on statistical machine learning techniques for the analysis of complex, messy, and large-scale data, with an emphasis on unsupervised learning.Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani are professors of statistics at Stanford University, and are co-authors of the successful textbook Elements of Statistical Learning. Hastie and Tibshirani developed generalized additive models and wrote a popular book of that title. Hastie co-developed much of the statistical modeling software and environment in R/S-PLUS and invented principal curves and surfaces. Tibshirani proposed the lasso and is co-author of the very successful An Introduction to the Bootstrap.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11649009781071614174422930165009_2_En165009Statistical Theory and MethodsStatistics and ComputingArtificial IntelligenceStatistics3921,2965,2970,2966/Statistical Theory and Methods/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Statistical Theory and Methods/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Statistics and Computing/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Statistics/Mathematics and Computing///010.1007/978-1-0716-1418-1An Introduction to Statistical Learning
3978-3-030-54255-9SkienaSteven S. SkienaSteven S. Skiena, Stony Brook University Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook, NY, USAThe Algorithm Design ManualXVII, 793 p. 1 illus.32020final74.9980.2482.4964.9988.5084.99Hard coverBook0Texts in Computer ScienceComputer ScienceUndergraduate textbook0English793UMUMBSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-10-062020-10-062020-10-232020-11-2011998, 2008,978-1-84996-720-4,978-1-84882-197-2,978-1-84800-069-8,978-1-84800-070-4TO UPDATEPractical Algorithm Design.- to Algorithm Design.- Algorithm Analysis.- Data Structures.- Sorting and Searching.- Graph Traversal.- Weighted Graph Algorithms.- Combinatorial Search and Heuristic Methods.- Dynamic Programming.- Intractable Problems and Approximation Algorithms.- How to Design Algorithms.- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Algorithms.- A Catalog of Algorithmic Problems.- Data Structures.- Numerical Problems.- Combinatorial Problems.- Graph Problems: Polynomial-Time.- Graph Problems: Hard Problems.- Computational Geometry.- Set and String Problems.- Algorithmic Resources.'My absolute favorite for this kind of interview preparation is Steven Skiena’s The Algorithm Design Manual. More than any other book it helped me understand just how astonishingly commonplace … graph problems are -- they should be part of every working programmer’s toolkit. The book also covers basic data structures and sorting algorithms, which is a nice bonus. … every 1 – pager has a simple picture, making it easy to remember.' (Steve Yegge, Get that Job at Google)'Steven Skiena’s Algorithm Design Manual retains its title as the best and most comprehensive practical algorithm guide to help identify and solve problems. … Every programmer should read this book, and anyone working in the field should keep it close to hand. … This is the best investment … a programmer or aspiring programmer can make.' (Harold Thimbleby, Times Higher Education)'It is wonderful to open to a random spot and discover an interesting algorithm. This is the only textbook I felt compelled to bring with me out of my student days.... The color really adds a lot of energy to the new edition of the book!' (Cory Bart, University of Delaware)---This newly expanded and updated third edition of the best-selling classic continues to take the 'mystery' out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficiency. It serves as the primary textbook of choice for algorithm design courses and interview self-study, while maintaining its status as the premier practical reference guide to algorithms for programmers, researchers, and students.

The reader-friendly Algorithm Design Manual provides straightforward access to combinatorial algorithms technology, stressing design over analysis. The first part, Practical Algorithm Design, provides accessible instruction on methods for designing and analyzing computer algorithms. The second part, the Hitchhiker's Guide to Algorithms, is intended for browsingand reference, and comprises the catalog of algorithmic resources, implementations, and an extensive bibliography.

NEW to the third edition:

-- New and expanded coverage of randomized algorithms, hashing, divide and conquer, approximation algorithms, and quantum computing

-- Provides full online support for lecturers, including an improved website component with lecture slides and videos

-- Full color illustrations and code instantly clarify difficult concepts

-- Includes several new 'war stories' relating experiences from real-world applications

-- Over 100 new problems, including programming-challenge problems from LeetCode and Hackerrank.

-- Provides up-to-date links leading to the best implementations available in C, C++, and Java

Additional Learning Tools:

-- Contains a unique catalog identifying the 75 algorithmic problems that arise most often in practice, and the right path to solve them

-- Exercises include 'job interview problems' from major software companies

-- Highlighted 'take home lessons' emphasize essential concepts

-- The 'no theorem-proof' style provides a uniquely accessible and intuitive approach to a challenging subject

-- Many algorithms are presented with actual code (written in C)

-- Provides comprehensive references to both survey articles and the primary literature

This substantially enhanced third edition of The Algorithm Design Manual is an essential learning tool for students and professionals needed a solid grounding in algorithms. Professor Skiena is also the author of the popular Springer texts, The Data Science
'My absolute favorite for this kind of interview preparation is Steven Skiena’s The Algorithm Design Manual. More than any other book it helped me understand just how astonishingly commonplace … graph problems are -- they should be part of every working programmer’s toolkit. The book also covers basic data structures and sorting algorithms, which is a nice bonus. … every 1 – pager has a simple picture, making it easy to remember. This is a great way to learn how to identify hundreds of problem types.' (Steve Yegge, Get that Job at Google)'Steven Skiena’s Algorithm Design Manual retains its title as the best and most comprehensive practical algorithm guide to help identify and solve problems. … Every programmer should read this book, and anyone working in the field should keep it close to hand. … This is the best investment … a programmer or aspiring programmer can make.' (Harold Thimbleby, Times Higher Education)'It is wonderful to open to a random spot and discover aninteresting algorithm. This is the only textbook I felt compelled to bring with me out of my student days.... The color really adds a lot of energy to the new edition of the book!' (Cory Bart, University of Delaware)'The is the most approachable book on algorithms I have.' (Megan Squire, Elon University)---This newly expanded and updated third edition of the best-selling classic continues to take the 'mystery' out of designing algorithms, and analyzing their efficiency. It serves as the primary textbook of choice for algorithm design courses and interview self-study, while maintaining its status as the premier practical reference guide to algorithms for programmers, researchers, and students.
The reader-friendly Algorithm Design Manual provides straightforward access to combinatorial algorithms technology, stressing design over analysis. The first part, Practical Algorithm Design, provides accessible instruction on methods for designing and analyzing computer algorithms. The second part, the Hitchhiker's Guide to Algorithms, is intended for browsing and reference, and comprises the catalog of algorithmic resources, implementations, and an extensive bibliography.
NEW to the third edition: -- New and expanded coverage of randomized algorithms, hashing, divide and conquer, approximation algorithms, and quantum computing -- Provides full online support for lecturers, including an improved website component with lecture slides and videos -- Full color illustrations and code instantly clarify difficult concepts -- Includes several new 'war stories' relating experiences from real-world applications -- Over 100 new problems, including programming-challenge problems from LeetCode and Hackerrank. -- Provides up-to-date links leading to the best implementations available in C, C++, and Java Additional Learning Tools: -- Contains a unique catalog identifying the 75 algorithmic problems that arise most often in practice, leading the reader down the right path to solve them -- Exercises include 'job interview problems' from major software companies -- Highlighted 'take home lessons' emphasize essential concepts -- The 'no theorem-proof' style provides a uniquely accessible and intuitive approach to a challenging subject -- Many algorithms are presented with actual code (written in C) -- Provides comprehensive references to both survey articles and the primary literature Written by a well-known algorithms researcher who received the
Unique, handy reference package with a practical, hands-on appeal to a wide audienceThis classic bestseller has been fully updated, and enhanced with new and expanded material on hashing and randomized algorithms, divide and conquer algorithms, and dealing with hard problems (including quantum algorithms)Contains a highly unique catalog of the 75 most important algorithmic problemsAdditional useful information such as lecture slides and updates available via author's websiteDr. Steven S. Skiena is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at Stony Brook University, with research interests in data science, natural language processing, and algorithms. He was awarded the IEEE Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award “for outstanding contributions to undergraduate education ...and for influential textbooks and software.”StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164500978303054255944719548002_3_En48002Programming TechniquesDesign and Analysis of AlgorithmsTheory of ComputationAlgorithmsDiscrete Mathematics in Computer Science7055,5704,2981,5024,5308/Programming Techniques/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Programming Techniques/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Design and Analysis of Algorithms/Computer Science/Theory of Computation/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Science/Theory of Computation/Mathematics and Computing//Algorithms/Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science/Mathematics of Computing/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//010.1007/978-3-030-54256-6The Algorithm Design Manual
4978-3-030-83273-5HidaryJack D. HidaryJack D. Hidary, Palo Alto, CA, USAQuantum Computing: An Applied ApproachXXIII, 422 p. 66 illus., 46 illus. in color.22021final37.9940.6541.7932.9945.0044.99Hard coverBook0Computer ScienceProfessional book0English422UYAUSpringerSpringer International Publishing1WorldwideAvailable2021-11-032021-09-302021-11-052021-12-0312019,978-3-030-23921-3,978-3-030-23922-0,978-3-030-23923-7-Preface the the Second Edition.- Preface to the First Edition.- Acknowledgements.- Navigating this Book.- I. Foundations.- 1. Superposition, Entanglement and Reversibility.- 2. A Brief History of Quantum Computing.- 3. Qubits, Operators and Measurement.- 4. Complexity Theory.- II. 5. Building a Quantum Computer.- 6. Development Libraries for Quantum Computer Programming.- 7. Teleportation, Superdense Coding and Bell’s Inequality.- 8. The Canon: Code Walkthroughs.- 9. Quantum Computing Methods.- 10. Applications and Quantum Supremacy.- III. Toolkit.- 11. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing I.- 12. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing II.- 13. Mathematical Tools for Quantum Computing III.- 14. Dirac Notation.- 15. Table of Quantum Operators and Core Circuits.- Works Cited.- Index.This book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field; it is the first to bring these elements together in an updated manner. This work is suitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training. The second edition includes extensive updates and revisions, both to textual content and to the code. Sections have been added on quantum machine learning, quantum error correction, Dirac notation and more. This new edition benefits from the input of the many faculty, students, corporate engineering teams, and independent readers who have used the first edition.This volume comprises three books under one cover: Part I outlines the necessary foundations of quantum computing and quantum circuits. Part II walks through the canon of quantum computing algorithms and provides code on a range of quantum computing methods in current use. Part III covers the mathematical toolkit required to master quantum computing. Additional resources include a table of operators and circuit elements and a companion GitHub site providing code and updates.Jack D. Hidary is a research scientist in quantum computing and in AI at Alphabet X, formerly Google X.<div>This book integrates the foundations of quantum computing with a hands-on coding approach to this emerging field; it is the first to bring these elements together in an updated manner. This work is suitable for both academic coursework and corporate technical training.The second edition includes extensive updates and revisions, both to textual content and to the code. Sections have been added on quantum machine learning, quantum error correction, Dirac notation and more. This new edition benefits from the input of the many faculty, students, corporate engineering teams, and independent readers who have used the first edition.This volume comprises three books under one cover: Part I outlines the necessary foundations of quantum computing and quantum circuits. Part II walks through the canon of quantum computing algorithms and provides code on a range of quantum computing methods in current use. Part III covers the mathematical toolkit required to master quantum computing. Additional resources include a table of operators and circuit elements and a companion GitHub site providing code and updates.Jack D. Hidary is a research scientist in quantum computing and in AI at Alphabet X, formerly Google X.</div>Expanded coverage of quantum machine learning and quantum error correctionBest selling book giving hands-on instruction to quantum computingCompanion website with code, problem sets and additional resourcesJack D. Hidary focuses on AI and on quantum computing at Alphabet X, formerly Google X. He and his group develop and research algorithms for NISQ-regime quantum processors as well as create new software libraries for quantum computing. In the AI field, Jack and his group focus on fundamental research such as the generalization of deep networks as well as applied AI technologies.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11645009783030832735456706465464_2_En465464Quantum ComputingProgramming LanguageQuantum Information6367,3376,3878/Quantum Computing/Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Quantum Computing/Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Programming Language/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Quantum Information/Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences////010.1007/978-3-030-83274-2Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach
5978-3-031-28045-0AliSyed Z. Ali; Paul A. VanderLaanSyed Z. Ali, The Johns Hopkins Hospital/The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA; Paul A. VanderLaan, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USAThe Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid CytopathologyDefinitions, Criteria, and Explanatory NotesX, 290 p. 216 illus., 211 illus. in color.32023final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English290MMFMJGSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-06-302023-06-302023-08-192023-08-1912010, 2018,978-3-319-60569-2,978-3-319-60570-8,978-3-319-60571-5Overview of Diagnostic Terminology and Reporting.- Nondiagnostic/Unsatisfactory.- Benign.- Atypia of Undetermined Significance.- Follicular Neoplasm.- Follicular Neoplasm, Hürthle Cell Type.- Suspicious for Malignancy.- Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Variants.- Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma.- Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma.- Undifferentiated (Anaplastic) Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid.- Metastatic Tumors, Lymphomas, and Miscellaneous Lesions.- Clinical Perspectives and Imaging Studies.- Molecular and Other Ancillary Tests.<div> The previous edition of The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology provided important updates and advances in the practice of thyroid cytopathology. It was inspired by new developments in the field of thyroid cytopathology since the publication of the first edition in 2010. These included revised clinical guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules, the introduction of molecular testing as an adjunct to cytopathologic examination, and the reclassification of the non-invasive follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma as non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP).</div>This new third edition provides updates to the current reporting terminology and diagnostic criteria, including new information on ancillary molecular testing, as well as imaging findings and clinical management. This book provides a more unified approach to diagnosing and reporting thyroid FNA interpretations. It simplifies the reporting structure by settling on just one name for each of the six categories and aligning terminology with the most recent classification of thyroid tumors by the World Health Organization.Written by experts in the field, The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, Third Edition aims to inspire advances in thyroid cytopathologic diagnosis and the betterment of patients with thyroid nodular disease. It serves as a reference guide not just for pathologists, but also endocrinologists, surgeons, and radiologists.
The previous edition of The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology provided important updates and advances in the practice of thyroid cytopathology. It was inspired by new developments in the field of thyroid cytopathology since the publication of the first edition in 2010. These included revised clinical guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules, the introduction of molecular testing as an adjunct to cytopathologic examination, and the reclassification of the non-invasive follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma as non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP).

This new third edition provides updates to the current reporting terminology and diagnostic criteria, including new information on ancillary molecular testing, as well as imaging findings and clinical management. This book provides a more unified approach to diagnosing and reporting thyroid FNA interpretations. It simplifies the reporting structure by settling on just one name for each of the six categories and aligning terminology with the most recent classification of thyroid tumors by the World Health Organization.

Written by experts in the field, The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, Third Edition aims to inspire advances in thyroid cytopathologic diagnosis and the betterment of patients with thyroid nodular disease. It serves as a reference guide not just for pathologists, but also endocrinologists, surgeons, and radiologists.

<p>The only globally accepted thyroid cytopathology reporting system</p><p>More than 200 color illustrations based upon Bethesda terminology</p><p>Fully revised and updated new edition</p><div><div><div>Syed Z. Ali, MD, FRCPath, FIAC
Professor of Pathology and Radiology
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD
</div><div>Paul A. VanderLaan MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Department of Pathology
Boston, MA
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783031280450473365159772_3_En159772PathologyInternal MedicineSurgery6673,2992,3070/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Internal Medicine/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-031-28046-7The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology
6978-1-4842-5978-8BartlettJonathan BartlettJonathan Bartlett, Tulsa, OK, USAElectronics for BeginnersA Practical Introduction to Schematics, Circuits, and MicrocontrollersXXIII, 507 p. 176 illus., 49 illus. in color.12020final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English507UKApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2020-09-022020-09-022020-09-022020-09-021Chapter ​1: Introduction.- Chapter 2. Before We Begin.- Part I – Basic Concepts.- Chapter 3. Dealing with Units.- Chapter 4. What is Electricity?.- Chapter 5. Voltage and Resistance.- Chapter 6. Your First Circuit.- Chapter 7. Constructing and Testing Circuits.- Chapter 8. Analyzing Series and Parallel Circuits.- Chapter 9. Diodes and How to Use Them.- Chapter 10. Basic Resistor Circuit Patterns.- Chapter 11. Understanding Power.- Part II – Digital Electronics and Microcontrollers.- Chapter 12. Integrated Circuits and Resistive Sensors.- Chapter 13. Using Logic ICs.- Chapter 14. Introduction to Microcontrollers.- Chapter 15. Building Projects with Arduino.- Chapter 16. Analog Input and Output on an Arduino.- Part III – Capacitors and Inductors.- Chapter 17. Capacitor Introduction.- Chapter 18. Capacitors as Timers.- Chapter 19. Introduction to Oscillating Circuits.- Chapter 20. Producing Sound with Oscillation.- Chapter 21. Inductors.- Chapter 22. Inductors and Capacitors in Circuits.- Chapter 23. Reactance and Impedance.- Part IV – Amplification Circuits.- Chapter 24. DC Motors.- Chapter 25. Amplifying Power with Transistors.- Chapter 26. Transistor Voltage Amplifiers.- Chapter 27. Examining Partial Circuits- Chapter 28. Going Further.- Appendices.- A. Glossary.- B. Electronics Symbols.- C. Integrated Circuit Naming Conventions.- D. Electronics Equations and Where They Come From.- E. Simplified Datasheets for Common Devices.
Jump start your journey with electronics! If you’ve thought about getting into electronics, but don’t know where to start, this book gives you the information you need. Starting with the basics of electricity and circuits, you'll be introduced to digital electronics and microcontrollers, capacitors and inductors, and amplification circuits – all while gaining the basic tools and information you need to start working with low-power electronics.<div>
</div><div>Electronics for Beginners walks the fine line of focusing on projects-based learning, while still keeping electronics front and center. You'll learn the mathematics of circuits in an uncomplicated fashion and see how schematics map on to actual breadboards. Written for the absolute beginner, this book steers clear of being too math heavy, giving readers the key information they need to get started on their electronics journey.</div><div>
</div><div>You will:</div><div>Review the basic “patterns” of resistor usage—pull up, pull down, voltage divider, and current limiterUnderstand the requirements for circuits and how they are put togetherRead and differentiate what various parts of the schematics doDecide what considerations to take when choosing componentsUse all battery-powered circuits, so projects are safe</div>
Jump start your journey with electronics! If you’ve thought about getting into electronics, but don’t know where to start, this book gives you the information you need. Starting with the basics of electricity and circuits, you'll be introduced to digital electronics and microcontrollers, capacitors and inductors, and amplification circuits – all while gaining the basic tools and information you need to start working with low-power electronics.<div>
</div><div>Electronics for Beginners walks the fine line of focusing on projects-based learning, while still keeping electronics front and center. You'll learn the mathematics of circuits in an uncomplicated fashion and see how schematics map on to actual breadboards. Written for the absolute beginner, this book steers clear of being too math heavy, giving readers the key information they need to get started on their electronics journey.</div><div>
</div><div>What You’ll Learn</div><div>Review the basic “patterns” of resistor usage—pull up, pull down, voltage divider, and current limiterUnderstand the requirements for circuits and how they are put togetherRead and differentiate what various parts of the schematics doDecide what considerations to take when choosing componentsUse all battery-powered circuits, so projects are safe</div><div>Who This Book Is For</div><div>
</div><div>Makers, students, and beginners of any age interested in getting started with electronics. </div>
<p>Learn the basics about electronics, breadboarding, microcontrollers, and more</p><p>Understand how schematics map onto actual breadboard circuits</p><p>Challenge yourself with additional practice questions and projects and implement them into your classroom</p>Jonathan Bartlett is a software developer, researcher, and writer. His first book, Programming from the Ground Up, has been required reading in computer science programs from DeVry to Princeton. He has been the sole or lead author for eight books on topics ranging from computer programming to calculus. He is a technical lead for ITX, where his specialty is getting stuck projects unstuck. Jonathan regularly writes for the blog Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484259788438623488495_1_En488495Maker5474/Maker/Computer Hardware/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Maker/Computer Hardware/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//////010.1007/978-1-4842-5979-5Electronics for Beginners
7978-3-031-41025-3AxlerSheldon AxlerSheldon Axler, San Francisco, CA, USALinear Algebra Done RightXVII, 390 p. 33 illus. in color.42024final49.9953.4954.9944.9966.6859.99Hard coverBook0Undergraduate Texts in MathematicsMathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English390PBFSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-11-202023-10-292023-12-022023-12-3011996, 1997,978-3-319-11079-0,978-3-319-11081-3,978-3-319-11080-6,978-3-319-30765-7,978-3-319-93902-5Preface for the Instructor-Preface for the Student-Acknowledgments-1. Vector Spaces.- 2. Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces.- 3. Linear Maps.- 4. Polynomials.- 5. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Invariant Subspaces.- 6. Inner Product Spaces.- 7. Operators on Inner Product Spaces.- 8. Operators on Complex Vector Spaces.- 9. Operators on Real Vector Spaces.- 10. Trace and Determinant-Photo Credits-Symbol Index-Index.Now available in Open Access, this best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergraduate math majors and graduate students. The fourth edition gives an expanded treatment of the singular value decomposition and its consequences. It includes a new chapter on multilinear algebra, treating bilinear forms, quadratic forms, tensor products, and an approach to determinants via alternating multilinear forms. This new edition also increases the use of the minimal polynomial to provide cleaner proofs of multiple results. Also, over 250 new exercises have been added.The novel approach taken here banishes determinants to the end of the book. The text focuses on the central goal of linear algebra: understanding the structure of linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and simplify proofs. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra. Beautiful formatting creates pages with an unusually student-friendly appearance in both print and electronic versions.No prerequisites are assumed other than the usual demand for suitable mathematical maturity. The text starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basis, and dimension. The book then deals with linear maps, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Inner-product spaces are introduced, leading to the finite-dimensional spectral theorem and its consequences. Generalized eigenvectors are then used to provide insight into the structure of a linear operator.From reviews of previous editions:
Altogether, the text is a didactic masterpiece. — zbMATH
The determinant-free proofs are elegant and intuitive. — American Mathematical Monthly
The most original linear algebra book to appear in years, it certainly belongs in every undergraduate library — CHOICE
Now available in Open Access, this best-selling textbook for a second course in linear algebra is aimed at undergraduate math majors and graduate students. The fourth edition gives an expanded treatment of the singular value decomposition and its consequences. It includes a new chapter on multilinear algebra, treating bilinear forms, quadratic forms, tensor products, and an approach to determinants via alternating multilinear forms. This new edition also increases the use of the minimal polynomial to provide cleaner proofs of multiple results. Also, over 250 new exercises have been added.The novel approach taken here banishes determinants to the end of the book. The text focuses on the central goal of linear algebra: understanding the structure of linear operators on finite-dimensional vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and simplify proofs. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra. Beautiful formatting creates pages with an unusually student-friendly appearance in both print and electronic versions. No prerequisites are assumed other than the usual demand for suitable mathematical maturity. The text starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basis, and dimension. The book then deals with linear maps, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Inner-product spaces are introduced, leading to the finite-dimensional spectral theorem and its consequences. Generalized eigenvectors are then used to provide insight into the structure of a linear operator.From the reviews of previous editions:
Altogether, the text is a didactic masterpiece. — zbMATHThe determinant-free proofs are elegant and intuitive. — American Mathematical Monthly
The most original linear algebra book to appear in years, it certainly belongs in every undergraduate library — CHOICE

This book is open access, meaning free unlimited access to the eBookMaintains the classic approach of previous editionsFourth edition gives an expanded treatment of the singular value decomposition and its consequencesIncludes 250 additional exercises and several new topicsSheldon Axler, Professor Emeritus of the Mathematics Department at San Francisco State University, has authored many well-received books including <div><div>Linear Algebra Done Right (in four editions) Measure, Integration & Real Analysis (Open Access) Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, Algebra & Trigonometry (in three editions)College Algebra Harmonic Function Theory (in two editions).</div><div><div>Axler has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Mathematical Intelligencer and Associate Editor of the American Mathematical Monthly. He has been a member of the Council of the American Mathematical Society and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society and has been a recipient of numerous grants from the National Science Foundation.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164901978303141025346988447721_4_En47721Linear Algebra4691/Linear Algebra/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Linear Algebra/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//////010.1007/978-3-031-41026-0Linear Algebra Done Right
8978-1-4842-5027-3TaulliTom TaulliTom Taulli, Monrovia, CA, USAArtificial Intelligence BasicsA Non-Technical IntroductionXII, 187 p. 23 illus.12019final44.9948.1449.4939.9953.5044.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English187UYQKJQApressApress0Available2019-08-022019-08-022019-08-222019-08-221Chapter 1: AI Foundations: History Lessons.- Chapter 2: Data: The Fuel for AI.- Chapter 3: Machine Learning: Mining Insights from Data.- Chapter 4: Deep Learning: The Revolution in AI.- Chapter 5: Robotic Process Automation (RPA): An Easier Path to AI.- Chapter 6: Natural Language Processing (NLP): How Computers Talk.- Chapter 7: Physical Robots: The Ultimate Manifestation of AI.- Chapter 8: Implementation of AI: Moving the Needle for Your Company.- Chapter 9: The Future of AI: The Pros and Cons.- Appendix: AI Resources.- Glossary.Artificial intelligence touches nearly every part of your day. While you may initially assume that technology such as smart speakers and digital assistants are the extent of it, AI has in fact rapidly become a general-purpose technology, reverberating across industries including transportation, healthcare, financial services, and many more. In our modern era, an understanding of AI and its possibilities for your organization is essential for growth and success.Artificial Intelligence Basics has arrived to equip you with a fundamental, timely grasp of AI and its impact. Author Tom Taulli provides an engaging, non-technical introduction to important concepts such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, and more. In addition to guiding you through real-world case studies and practical implementation steps, Taulli uses his expertise to expand on the bigger questions that surround AI. These include societal trends, ethics, and future impact AI will have on world governments, company structures, and daily life.Google, Amazon, Facebook, and similar tech giants are far from the only organizations on which artificial intelligence has had—and will continue to have—an incredibly significant result. AI is the present and the future of your business as well as your home life. Strengthening your prowess on the subject will prove invaluable to your preparation for the future of tech, and Artificial Intelligence Basics is the indispensable guide that you’ve been seeking.Artificial intelligence touches nearly every part of your day. While you may initially assume that technology such as smart speakers and digital assistants are the extent of it, AI has in fact rapidly become a general-purpose technology, reverberating across industries including transportation, healthcare, financial services, and many more. In our modern era, an understanding of AI and its possibilities for your organization is essential for growth and success.Artificial Intelligence Basics has arrived to equip you with a fundamental, timely grasp of AI and its impact. Author Tom Taulli provides an engaging, non-technical introduction to important concepts such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, and more. In addition to guiding you through real-world case studies and practical implementation steps, Taulli uses his expertise to expand on the bigger questions that surround AI. These include societal trends, ethics, and future impact AI will have on world governments, company structures, and daily life. Google, Amazon, Facebook, and similar tech giants are far from the only organizations on which artificial intelligence has had—and will continue to have—an incredibly significant result. AI is the present and the future of your business as well as your home life. Strengthening your prowess on the subject will prove invaluable to your preparation for the future of tech, and Artificial Intelligence Basics is the indispensable guide that you’ve been seeking.

What You Will LearnStudy the core principles for AI approaches such as machine learning, deep learning, and NLP (Natural Language Processing)Discover the best practices to successfully implement AI by examining case studies including Uber, Facebook, Waymo, UiPath, and Stitch FixUnderstand how AI capabilities for robots can improve businessDeploy chatbots and Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) to save costs and improve customer serviceAvoid costly gotchasRecognize ethical concerns and other risk factors of using artificial intelligenceExamine the secular trends and how they may impact your business

Who This Book Is For

Readers without a technical background, such as managers, looking to understand AI to evaluate solutions.
<p>Study how you can implement AI in your organization by putting together a strategy and setting realistic objectives</p><p>Contextualize case studies from companies who are leveraging AI to transform their businesses</p><p>Learn how to deal with some of the inherent risks like bias, data quality and employee resistance</p><p>Review valuable frameworks, tools, and languages such as Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch</p>Tom Taulli has been developing software since the 1980s. In college, he started his first company, which focused on the development of e-learning systems. He created other companies as well, including that was sold to InfoSpace in 1996. Along the way, Tom has written columns for online publications such as,, and He also writes posts on Artificial Intelligence for and is the advisor to various companies in the space. You can reach Tom on Twitter (@ttaulli) or through his website ( where he has an online course on AI.<div>
</div><div> </div>
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484250273430242480660_1_En480660Artificial IntelligenceData Analysis and Big DataData Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryBusiness Strategy and LeadershipBig Data2970,3633,3820,3247,5888/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Data Analysis and Big Data/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery/Database Management System/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Data Analysis and Big Data/Statistics//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Big Data/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/Data Analysis and Big Data/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//010.1007/978-1-4842-5028-0Artificial Intelligence Basics
9978-0-387-40272-7WassermanLarry WassermanLarry Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon University Dept. Statistics, Pittsburgh, PA, USAAll of StatisticsA Concise Course in Statistical InferenceXX, 442 p.12004final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Hard coverBook0Springer Texts in StatisticsMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English442PBKSPBTSpringerSpringer New York0Available2003-12-042004-01-162010-11-022010-11-301Probability.- Random Variables.- Expectation.- Inequalities.- Convergence of Random Variables.- Models, Statistical Inference and Learning.- Estimating the CDF and Statistical Functionals.- The Bootstrap.- Parametric Inference.- Hypothesis Testing and p-values.- Bayesian Inference.- Statistical Decision Theory.- Linear and Logistic Regression.- Multivariate Models.- Inference about Independence.- Causal Inference.- Directed Graphs and Conditional Independence.- Undirected Graphs.- Loglinear Models.- Nonparametric Curve Estimation.- Smoothing Using Orthogonal Functions.- Classification.- Probability Redux: Stochastic Processes.- Simulation Methods.This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It brings together many of the main ideas in modern statistics in one place. The book is suitable for students and researchers in statistics, computer science, data mining and machine learning.

This book covers a much wider range of topics than a typical introductory text on mathematical statistics. It includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is assumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. The text can be used at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level.

Larry Wasserman is Professor of Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also a member of the Center for Automated Learning and Discovery in the School of Computer Science. His research areas include nonparametric inference,asymptotic theory, causality, and applications to astrophysics, bioinformatics, and genetics. He is the 1999 winner of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Presidents' Award and the 2002 winner of the Centre de recherches mathematiques de Montreal–Statistical Society of Canada Prize in Statistics. He is Associate Editor of The Journal of the American Statistical Association and The Annals of Statistics. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Taken literally, the title 'All of Statistics' is an exaggeration. But in spirit, the title is apt, as the book does cover a much broader range of topics than a typical introductory book on mathematical statistics. This book is for people who want to learn probability and statistics quickly. It is suitable for graduate or advanced undergraduate students in computer science, mathematics, statistics, and related disciplines. <div>
</div><div>The book includes modern topics like non-parametric curve estimation, bootstrapping, and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is presumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. Statistics, data mining, and machine learning are all concerned with collecting and analysing data. </div>
Provides a concise introduction to a larger number of topics than are usually included in a graduate-level mathematical statistics classLarry Wasserman is Professor of Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also a member of the Center for Automated Learning and Discovery in the School of Computer Science. His research areas include nonparametric inference, asymptotic theory, causality, and applications to astrophysics, bioinformatics, and genetics. He is the 1999 winner of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Presidents' Award and the 2002 winner of the Centre de recherches mathematiques de Montreal–Statistical Society of Canada Prize in Statistics. He is Associate Editor of The Journal of the American Statistical Association and The Annals of Statistics. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097803874027277639477778_1_En77778Computational Mathematics and Numerical AnalysisProbability TheoryComplex SystemsStatistical Theory and MethodsProbability and Statistics in Computer ScienceStatistics in Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences2973,2923,6216,3921,5673,3789/Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Complex Systems/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Statistical Theory and Methods/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Probability and Statistics in Computer Science/Mathematics of Computing/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Statistics in Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences/Applied Statistics/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing/010.1007/978-0-387-21736-9All of Statistics
10978-3-319-89374-7GarretteBernard Garrette; Corey Phelps; Olivier SibonyBernard Garrette, HEC Paris School of Management, Jouy-en-Josas, France; Corey Phelps, McGill University, Montreal, QC, , Canada; Olivier Sibony, HEC Paris School of Management, Jouy-en-Josas, FranceCracked it!How to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultantsXIX, 284 p. 62 illus.12018final29.9932.0932.9924.9935.5032.99Hard coverBook0Business and ManagementGeneral interest0English284KJCKJMV3Palgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0Available2018-06-192018-06-102018-06-192018-06-1911 The most important skill you never learned.- 2 The five pitfalls of problem solving.- 3 The 4S method.- 4 State the problem: the TOSCA framework.- 5 Structure the problem: pyramids and trees.- 6 Structure the problem: analytical frameworks.- 7 Solve the problem: eight degrees of analysis.- 8 Redefine the problem: the design thinking path.- 9 Structure and solve the problem using design thinking.- 10 Sell the solution: core message and storyline.- 11 Sell the solution: recommendation report and delivery.- 12 The 4S method in action.- 13 Conclusion: Becoming a problem-solving master.<div>Solving complex problems and selling their solutions is critical for personal and organizational success. For most of us, however, it doesn’t come naturally and we haven’t been taught how to do it well. Research shows a host of pitfalls trips us up when we try: We’re quick to believe we understand a situation and jump to a flawed solution. We seek to confirm our hypotheses and ignore conflicting evidence. We view challenges incompletely through the frameworks we know instead of with a fresh pair of eyes. And when we communicate our recommendations, we forget our reasoning isn’t obvious to our audience.</div>
<div>How can we do it better? </div><div>
</div><div>In Cracked It!, seasoned strategy professors and consultants Bernard Garrette, Corey Phelps and Olivier Sibony present a rigorous and practical four-step approach to overcome these pitfalls. Building on tried-and-tested (but rarely revealed) methods of top strategy consultants, research in cognitive psychology, and the latest advances in design thinking, they provide a step-by-step process and toolkit that will help readers tackle any challenging business problem. Using compelling stories and detailed case examples, the authors guide readers through each step in the process: from how to state, structure and then solve problems to how to sell the solutions.</div><div>
</div><div>Written in an engaging style by a trio of experts with decades of experience researching, teaching and consulting on complex business problems, this book will be an indispensable manual for anyone interested in creating value by helping their organizations crack the problems that matter most.</div>
Solving complex problems and selling their solutions is critical for personal and organizational success. For most of us, however, it doesn’t come naturally and we haven’t been taught how to do it well. Research shows a host of pitfalls trips us up when we try: We’re quick to believe we understand a situation and jump to a flawed solution. We seek to confirm our hypotheses and ignore conflicting evidence. We view challenges incompletely through the frameworks we know instead of with a fresh pair of eyes. And when we communicate our recommendations, we forget our reasoning isn’t obvious to our audience.

How can we do it better?

In Cracked It!, seasoned strategy professors and consultants Bernard Garrette, Corey Phelps and Olivier Sibony present a rigorous and practical four-step approach to overcome these pitfalls. Building on tried-and-tested (but rarely revealed) methods of top strategy consultants, research in cognitive psychology, and the latest advances in design thinking, they provide a step-by-step process and toolkit that will help readers tackle any challenging business problem. Using compelling stories and detailed case examples, the authors guide readers through each step in the process: from how to state, structure and then solve problems to how to sell the solutions.

Written in an engaging style by a trio of experts with decades of experience researching, teaching and consulting on complex business problems, this book will be an indispensable manual for anyone interested in creating value by helping their organizations crack the problems that matter most.
<p>Shares the most practical and insightful problem solving tools, which have been developed within highly-regarded strategy consultancies such as McKinsey, BCG and Bain</p><p>Outlines a four-step approach, leading readers from stating problems to selling their solutions</p><p>Combines strategy consulting methodology, cognitive psychology and design thinking</p>Bernard Garrette is Professor of Strategy at HEC Paris. His teaching and research focus on corporate strategy, business simulations and problem solving. He served as MBA Associate Dean at HEC Paris, Corporate Strategy Expert with McKinsey & Company, and consultant or management educator for blue chip companies and start-ups.

Corey Phelps is Associate Professor of Strategy, Marcel Desautels Faculty Fellow and Associate Dean of Executive Education at the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. He is a frequent keynote speaker, corporate trainer and consultant on topics of strategy and innovation.

Olivier Sibony is Affiliate Professor of Strategy at HEC Paris, where he teaches problem solving and strategic decision making. Previously, he was a Senior Partner of McKinsey & Company, where he spent 25 years advising the leaders of global corporations, and held a number of firm leadership roles.
ProfessionalsPalgrave Business US (P2)Palgrave Business ( P2)EBOP41169009783319893747385049438319_1_En438319Business Strategy and LeadershipKnowledge Management3247,3647/Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Knowledge Management/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/////010.1007/978-3-319-89375-4Cracked it!
11978-3-030-39287-1HowellMichael J. HowellMichael J. Howell, CrossBorder Capital Ltd., LondonCapital WarsThe Rise of Global LiquidityXXII, 304 p. 109 illus., 108 illus. in color.12020final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Hard coverBook0Economics and FinanceProfessional book0English304KFFMKCLFPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-03-252020-03-242020-04-112020-04-1111. Introduction: Capital Wars.- 2. Global Money.- 3. Synopsis: A Bigger, More Volatile World.- 4. The Liquidity Model.- 5. Real Exchange Adjustment.- 6. Private Sector (Funding) Liquidity.- 7. The Central Banks: Don't Fight the Fed, Don't Upset the ECB and Don't Mess with the PBoC.- 8. Cross-border Capital Flows.- 9. China and the Emerging Markets.- 10. The Liquidity Transmission Mechanism: Understanding Future Macro-valuation Shifts.- 11. Financial Crises and Safe Assets.- 12. The Financial Silk Road: Globalisation and the Eastwards Shift of Capital.- 13. Measuring Liquidity: The Global Liquidity Indexes.- 14. Conclusion: A High Water Mark?.Economic cycles are driven by financial flows, namely quantities of savings and credits, and not by high street inflation or interest rates. Their sweeping destructive powers are expressed through Global Liquidity, a $130 trillion pool of footloose cash. Global Liquidity describes the gross flows of credit and international capital feeding through the world’s banking systems and wholesale money markets. The huge jump in the volume of international financial markets since the mid-1980s has been boosted by deregulation, innovation and easy money, with financial globalisation now surpassing the peaks of integration reached before the First World War. Global Liquidity drives these markets: it is often determinant, frequently disruptive and always fast-moving. Barely one fifth of Wall Street’s huge gains over recent decades have come from earnings: rising liquidity and investors’ appetite for riskier financial assets have propelled stock prices higher. Similar experiences are shared worldwide and even in emerging markets, such as India, flat earnings have not deterred waves of foreign money and domestic mutual funds from driving-up stock prices. Now with central banks actively pursuing quantitative easing policies, industrial corporations flush with cash and rising wealth levels among emerging market investors, the liquidity theory of investment has never been more important.International spill-overs of these rapacious cross-border flows sets off capital wars and exposes the unattractive face of liquidity called ‘risk.’ As the world grows bigger, it becomes ever more volatile. From the early 1960s onwards, the world economy and its financial markets have suffered from three broad types of shocks – labour costs, oil and commodities, and global liquidity. Financial markets spin on fragile axes and the absence of liquidity often provides a warning of upcoming troubles. Global Liquidity is a much-discussed, but narrowly-researched and vaguely-defined topic. This book deeply explores the subject by clearly defining and measuring liquidity worldwide and by showing its importance for investors. The roles of central banks, shadow banking, the rise of Repo and growth of wholesale money are discussed. Additionally, covering the latest developments in China’s increasingly dominant financial economy, this book will appeal to practitioners, policy-makers, economists and academics, as well as those with a general interest in how financial markets work.Economic cycles are driven by financial flows, namely quantities of savings and credits, and not by high street inflation or interest rates. Their sweeping destructive powers are expressed through Global Liquidity, a $130 trillion pool of footloose cash. Global Liquidity describes the gross flows of credit and international capital feeding through the world’s banking systems and wholesale money markets. The huge jump in the volume of international financial markets since the mid-1980s has been boosted by deregulation, innovation and easy money, with financial globalisation now surpassing the peaks of integration reached before the First World War. Global Liquidity drives these markets: it is often determinant, frequently disruptive and always fast-moving. Barely one fifth of Wall Street’s huge gains over recent decades have come from earnings: rising liquidity and investors’ appetite for riskier financial assets have propelled stock prices higher. Similar experiences are shared worldwide and even in emerging markets, such as India, flat earnings have not deterred waves of foreign money and domestic mutual funds from driving-up stock prices. Now with central banks actively pursuing quantitative easing policies, industrial corporations flush with cash and rising wealth levels among emerging market investors, the liquidity theory of investment has never been more important.International spill-overs of these rapacious cross-border flows sets off capital wars and exposes the unattractive face of liquidity called ‘risk.’ As the world grows bigger, it becomes ever more volatile. From the early 1960s onwards, the world economy and its financial markets have suffered from three broad types of shocks – labour costs, oil and commodities, and global liquidity. Financial markets spin on fragile axes and the absence of liquidity often provides a warning of upcoming troubles. Global Liquidity is a much-discussed, but narrowly-researched and vaguely-defined topic. This book deeply explores the subject by clearly defining and measuring liquidity worldwide and by showing its importance for investors. The roles of central banks, shadow banking, the rise of Repo and growth of wholesale money are discussed. Additionally, covering the latest developments in China’s increasingly dominant financial economy, this book will appeal to practitioners, policy-makers, economists and academics, as well as those with a general interest in how financial markets work.
<p>Explains why liquidity is a key driver of global economies and financial markets and its particular importance in modern debt-based financial systems</p><p>Discusses the roles of Central Banks, shadow banking and the growth of wholesale money on global liquidity</p><p>Looks specifically at the developments in China, which has become a major provider of funds to international markets</p>Michael J. Howell is a Managing Director at CrossBorder Capital Ltd. He founded CrossBorder Capital in 1996. Michael developed the quantitative liquidity research methodology while he was Research Director at Salomon Bros. from 1986. He was subsequently appointed Head of Research at Baring Securities in 1992, and was top-ranked ‘Emerging Market Strategist’ by institutional investors for the three years prior to setting up CrossBorder Capital. Michael has worked in financial markets for more than thirty years and is a regular international conference speaker. He is a qualified US Supervisory Analyst and has a Doctorate in Economics.ProfessionalsPalgrave Business US (P2)Palgrave Business ( P2)EBOP41170009783030392871434176484360_1_En484360Financial ServicesInternational FinanceRisk ManagementCapital Markets3092,3505,13131,4374/Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//International Finance/International Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/International Business/Business and Management//Risk Management/Corporate Finance/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/Capital Markets///010.1007/978-3-030-39288-8Capital Wars
12978-3-030-34371-2SzeliskiRichard SzeliskiRichard Szeliski, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USAComputer VisionAlgorithms and ApplicationsXXII, 925 p. 518 illus., 144 illus. in color.22022final72.9978.1080.2964.9986.5079.99Hard coverBook0Texts in Computer ScienceComputer ScienceUndergraduate textbook0English925UYTUYQVSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2022-01-052022-01-042022-05-232022-05-2312011,978-1-84882-946-6,978-1-84882-934-3,978-1-84882-935-01 Introduction.- 2 Image Formation.- 3 Image Processing.- 4 Model Fitting and Optimization.- 5 Deep Learning.- 6 Recognition.- 7 Feature Detection and Matching.- 8 Image Alignment and Stitching.- 9 Motion Estimation.- 10 Computational Photography.- 11 Structure from Motion and SLAM.- 12 Depth Estimation.- 13 3D Reconstruction.- 14 Image-Based Rendering.- 15 Conclusion.- Appendix A: Linear Algebra and Numerical Techniques.- Appendix B: Bayesian Modeling and Inference.- Appendix C: Supplementary Material.Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications explores the variety of techniques used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both in specialized applications such as image search and autonomous navigation, as well as for fun, consumer-level tasks that students can apply to their own personal photos and videos.More than just a source of “recipes,” this exceptionally authoritative and comprehensive textbook/reference takes a scientific approach to the formulation of computer vision problems. These problems are then analyzed using the latest classical and deep learning models and solved using rigorous engineering principles.Topics and features:Structured to support active curricula and project-oriented courses, with tips in the Introduction for using the book in a variety of customized coursesIncorporates totally new material on deep learning and applications such as mobile computational photography, autonomous navigation, and augmented realityPresents exercises at the end of each chapter with a heavy emphasis on testing algorithms and containing numerous suggestions for small mid-term projects
Includes 1,500 new citations and 200 new figures that cover the tremendous developments from the last decade
Provides additional material and more detailed mathematical topics in the Appendices, which cover linear algebra, numerical techniques, estimation theory, datasets, and software
Suitable for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level course in computer science or engineering, this textbook focuses on basic techniques that work under real-world conditions and encourages students to push their creative boundaries. Its design and exposition also make it eminently suitable as a unique reference to the fundamental techniques and current research literature in computer vision.About the Author ​Dr. Richard Szeliski has more than 40 years’ experience in computer vision research, most recently at Facebook and Microsoft Research, where he led the Computational Photography and Interactive Visual Media groups. He is currently an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington where he co-developed (with Steve Seitz) the widely adopted computer vision curriculum on which this book is based.
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications explores the variety of techniques used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both in specialized applications such as image search and autonomous navigation, as well as for fun, consumer-level tasks that students can apply to their own personal photos and videos.More than just a source of “recipes,” this exceptionally authoritative and comprehensive textbook/reference takes a scientific approach to the formulation of computer vision problems. These problems are then analyzed using the latest classical and deep learning models and solved using rigorous engineering principles.Topics and features:Structured to support active curricula and project-oriented courses, with tips in the Introduction for using the book in a variety of customized coursesIncorporates totally new material on deep learning and applications such as mobile computational photography, autonomous navigation, and augmented realityPresents exercises at the end of each chapter with a heavy emphasis on testing algorithms and containing numerous suggestions for small mid-term projects
Includes 1,500 new citations and 200 new figures that cover the tremendous developments from the last decade
Provides additional material and more detailed mathematical topics in the Appendices, which cover linear algebra, numerical techniques, estimation theory, datasets, and software
Suitable for an upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level course in computer science or engineering, this textbook focuses on basic techniques that work under real-world conditions and encourages students to push their creative boundaries. Its design and exposition also make it eminently suitable as a unique reference to the fundamental techniques and current research literature in computer vision.
Presents state-of-the-art techniques, featuring new material on deep learning and deep neural networksStructured to support active curricula and project-oriented coursesProvides, exercises and additional readings, as well as supplementary materialDr. Richard Szeliski has more than 40 years’ experience in computer vision research, most recently at Facebook and Microsoft Research, where he led the Computational Photography and Interactive Visual Media groups. He is currently an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington where he co-developed (with Steve Seitz) the widely adopted computer vision curriculum on which this book is based. He was awarded the IEEE Computer Society PAMI Distinguished Researcher Award in 2017 and is an IEEE and ACM Fellow.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11645009783030343712437550190326_2_En190326Computer VisionComputer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and GraphicsMachine LearningSignal, Speech and Image ProcessingImaging Techniques4777,4631,3817,2885,5609/Computer Vision/Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Vision/Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Signal, Speech and Image Processing /Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Imaging Techniques/Materials Characterization Technique/Materials Science/Physical Sciences//010.1007/978-3-030-34372-9Computer Vision
13978-0-387-96787-5LangSerge LangSerge Lang, Yale University Dept. Mathematics, New Haven, CT, USABasic Mathematics496 p.11988final49.9953.4954.9944.9959.0054.99Soft coverBook0Mathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English496PBFSpringerSpringer New York0Available1988-07-011988-07-191988-07-0111 Numbers.- 2 Linear Equations.- 3 Real Numbers.- 4 Quadratic Equations Interlude On Logic and Mathematical Expressions.- Interlude On Logic and Mathematical Expressions.- 5 Distance and Angles.- 6 Isometries.- 7 Area and Applications.- 8 Coordinates and Geometry.- 9 Operations on Points.- 10 Segments, Rays, and Lines.- 11 Trigonometry.- 12 Some Analytic Geometry.- 13 Functions.- 14 Mappings.- 15 Complex Numbers.- 16 Induction and Summations.- 17 Determinants.This is a text in basic mathematics with multiple uses for either high school or college level courses. Readers will get a firm foundation in basic principles of mathematics which are necessary to know in order to go ahead in calculus, linear algebra or other topics. The subject matter is clearly covered and the author develops concepts so the reader can see how one subject matter can relate and grow into another.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)1097803879678752596623690_1_En23690Algebra3991/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//010.1007/978-1-4612-1027-6Basic Mathematics
14978-3-319-15523-4StanleyKenneth O. Stanley; Joel LehmanKenneth O. Stanley, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; Joel Lehman, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USAWhy Greatness Cannot Be PlannedThe Myth of the ObjectiveIX, 141 p. 14 illus., 5 illus. in color.12015final29.9932.0932.9924.9935.5032.99Soft coverBook0Computer ScienceGeneral interest0English141UYQSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2015-05-182015-05-052015-05-312015-05-311Questioning Objectives.-Victory for the Aimless.- The Art of Breeding Art.- The False Compass.- The Interesting and the Novel.- Long Live the Treasure Hunter.- Unshackling Education.- Unchaining Innovation.- Farewell to the Mirage.- Case Study 1: Reinterpreting Natural Evolution.- Case Study 2: Objectives and the Quest for AI.'What is your ultimate goal - your true objective - when you pick up a book? The authors of this one believe that there may be no objective at all involved, just a diffuse feeling that a book can change the way you look at the world. They may be right.'
     - Christos Papadimitriou, C. Lester Hogan Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley and Co-author of the New York Times Best Seller “Logicomix” 'One of the original aspirations of Artificial Intelligence researchers was to help all of us, as thinking beings, understand ourselves better. Stanley and Lehman are among the few who have managed to achieve this. In this book they not only shed light on a glaring bias in the way we approach the creation of intelligent machines, but have also identified this bias at work in many aspects of our society. It is not every day that a technical book so clearly reveals something new about how we live our own lives and how we might enrich them. I cherish such a rarity, and I urge others to as well. '
       - Josh Bongard, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Vermont 'The ideas in this book have revolutionized the field of evolving artificial intelligence. They also help explain why biological evolution, science, and human culture are creative, endlessly innovative processes. Stanley and Lehman's theories are helpful for anyone who wants to foster a culture of innovation in their organization and within their own mind.'
       - Jeff Clune, Director of the Evolving AI Lab and Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Wyoming'Objectives in our lives and careers, and the endeavor to achieve them, can sometimes cause stress and feelings of underachievement. But do we always need objectives? This book challenges common beliefs in our culture and society, revealing indisputable evidence that the biggest discoveries in the arts and sciences are not driven by objectives. The reading provides an uplifting new perspective on creativity, innovation, and happiness.'
       - Andrea Soltoggio, Lecturer in Computer Science, Loughborough University, UKAbout the Authors Kenneth O. Stanley and coauthor Joel Lehman are both experienced artificial intelligence researchers whose scientific discoveries led to the insights in “Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned.” Stanley, an associate professor at the University of Central Florida, has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles (10 of which have won best paper awards) and is regularly invited to speak at venues across the world.  Lehman is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. In August 2015 he begins as an assistant professor at the IT University of Copenhagen.
Why does modern life revolve around objectives? From how science is funded, to improving how children are educated -- and nearly everything in-between -- our society has become obsessed with a seductive illusion: that greatness results from doggedly measuring improvement in the relentless pursuit of an ambitious goal. In Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, Stanley and Lehman begin with a surprising scientific discovery in artificial intelligence that leads ultimately to the conclusion that the objective obsession has gone too far. They make the case that great achievement can't be bottled up into mechanical metrics; that innovation is not driven by narrowly focused heroic effort; and that we would be wiser (and the outcomes better) if instead we whole-heartedly embraced serendipitous discovery and playful creativity.Controversial at its heart, yet refreshingly provocative, this book challenges readers to consider life without a destination and discovery without a compass.<p>Liberating message: Not all pursuits require an objective to justify them</p><p>Questioning foundational assumptions: The way we typically think about achievement could be wrong</p><p>Novel scientific argument: Evidence is provided from experiments with computers</p><p>Social benefits: New approaches to perennial problems are suggested</p><p>Accessible style: Written to appeal to novices and experts alike</p>Kenneth O. Stanley and coauthor Joel Lehman are both experienced artificial intelligence researchers whose scientific discoveries led to the insights in 'Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned.' Stanley, an associate professor at the University of Central Florida, has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles (10 of which have won best paper awards) and is regularly invited to speak at venues across the world.  Lehman is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin. In August 2015 he begins as an assistant professor at the IT University of Copenhagen.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11645009783319155234272511328923_1_En328923Artificial Intelligence2970/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//////010.1007/978-3-319-15524-1Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned
15978-1-4842-7865-9PagitsasChrissa PagitsasChrissa Pagitsas, Washington, DC, USAChief Sustainability Officers At WorkHow CSOs Build Successful Sustainability and ESG StrategiesXVIII, 336 p. 1 illus.12022final27.9929.9530.7924.9933.5029.99Soft coverBook0Business and ManagementProfessional book0English336KJKJJApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2022-03-262022-03-292022-03-262022-03-261<div>Part I: Consumer Goods, Entertainment and Gaming.- 1. Beatriz “Bea” Perez, The Coca-Cola Company.- 2. Ezgi Barcenas, Anheuser-Busch InBev.- 3. Pia Heidenmark Cook, IKEA.- 4. Virginie Helias, Procter & Gamble.- 5. Marissa (Pagnani) McGowan, PVH Corp..- 6. Jyoti Chopra, MGM Resorts International.- 7. Emma Stewart, Netflix.- Part II: Technology, Telecommunications, and Professional Services.- 8. Kara Hurst, Amazon.- 9. Steve Varley, EY.- 10. Sophia Mendelsohn, Cognizant.- 11. Brian Tippens, HPE.- 12. James Gowen, Verizon.- 13. Kevin Hagen, Iron Mountain.- Part III: Energy, Building Materials and Equipment Manufacturing.- 14. Katherine Neebe, Duke Energy.- 15. Oliver Blum, Schneider Electric.- 16. Scott Tew, Trane Technologies.- 17. Frank O'Brien-Bernini, Owens Corning.- Part IV: Financial Services and Real Estate.- 18. Elsa Palanza, Barclays.- 19. Yulanda Chung, DBS Bank.- 20. Heidi DuBois, AEA Investors LP.- 21. Marisa Buchanan, JPMorgan Chase & Co..- 22. Cynthia Curtis, Jones Lang LaSalle.- 23. Michelle Edkins & Alexis Rosenblum, BlackRock.- 24. Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors.</div><div>
Read over 20 exclusive, in-depth interviews with chief sustainability officers (CSOs) of Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Procter & Gamble and globally recognized brands such as IKEA and Netflix. These CSOs reveal how they deliver positive environmental and social impact through their companies’ core products and services and generate revenue growth while tackling unique leadership, change management, regulatory and stakeholder challenges.<div>
Sustainability and environmental, social, governance (ESG) strategies are increasingly central to businesses’ growth strategy and risk management. As a result, the CSO has become more important as a driver of both revenue and strategy. Yet, no two CSOs are alike in their backgrounds, titles or even the scope of their roles. From former Peace Corps volunteers to supply chain experts, these C-suite leaders launch ambitious carbon emissions and net-zero goals, develop new products for a circular economy, target increasing the diversity of their company’s staff, align strategic projects to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and standardize reporting for the SEC, investors and more.</div>
Read over 20 exclusive, in-depth interviews with chief sustainability officers (CSOs) of Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Procter & Gamble and globally recognized brands such as IKEA and Netflix. These CSOs reveal how they deliver positive environmental and social impact through their companies’ core products and services and generate revenue growth while tackling unique leadership, change management, regulatory and stakeholder challenges.

Sustainability and environmental, social, governance (ESG) strategies are increasingly central to businesses’ growth strategy and risk management. As a result, the CSO has become more important as a driver of both revenue and strategy. Yet, no two CSOs are alike in their backgrounds, titles or even the scope of their roles. From former Peace Corps volunteers to supply chain experts, these C-suite leaders launch ambitious carbon emissions and net-zero goals, develop new products for a circular economy, target increasing the diversity of their company’s staff, align strategic projects to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and standardize reporting for the SEC, investors and more.

What You Will Learn

How global multibillion dollar businesses in the United States, Europe and Asia structure their sustainability strategyHow top sustainability executives drive both business value and positive environmental and social impact How CSOs landed in their roles without climbing a traditional career ladder

Who This Book Is ForExecutives and board members generally or those establishing a sustainability or ESG strategy; current and aspiring CSOs and ESG leaders; business leaders partnering with sustainability leaders and teams; and students studying the integration of sustainability and business.
Advance praise for Chief Sustainability Officers At Work:'Chief sustainability officers play a critical role in supporting the broader business transition to a more just and sustainable global economy. Through dialogue with influential sustainability professionals, Chrissa brings to life the essential role in bridging gaps and helping to eliminate the divide between 'traditional' business functions, senior leadership, and the sustainability teams to drive transformational change within their firms.' - Mindy Lubber, CEO and President, Ceres 'Chief Sustainability Officers at Work, is a fresh new book by seasoned business leader Chrissa Pagitsas that offers succinct ways anyone can implement and achieve ESG goals – whether they own the company or simply aspire to improve its impact on people and the planet. Chrissa roots this book in her own experience leading change within major companies that not only improved the businesses where she worked but improved the markets within which they needed to thrive. This is a must read for a seasoned ESG practitioner as much as it is for the young professional just getting started. Chrissa knows it is imperative we all just get started doing better and she opens up the otherwise dark box of how-tos for all of us to do our part.' – Dana Bourland, SVP, The JPB Foundation and author of Gray to Green Communities: A Call to Action on the Housing and Climate Crises.
<p>Learn what it takes to run a credible sustainability strategy at a Fortune 500 company</p><p>Break the myth that only niche brands can implement a viable, profit-making sustainability strategy</p><p>Learn how CSOs have adjusted their strategies in response to COVID-19</p>Chrissa Pagitsas is an independent advisor to senior executives on the intersection of environmental, social, governance (ESG) and global business. She is a trusted board member to non-profit and for-profit companies. Ms. Pagitsas is a sought-after public speaker on catalyzing business transformation through ESG, sustainability and green financing.

Ms. Pagitsas is the author of the book “Chief Sustainability Officers at Work” (Apress, 2022) which explores the leadership strategies of Chief Sustainability Officers at Fortune 500 companies including Coca-Cola, Cognizant, DBS, Duke Energy, IKEA, Owens Corning, Procter & Gamble.

Ms. Pagitsas is responsible for market-transforming innovations including the first Green Commercial MBS in the US, a standardized energy audit for the commercial real estate market and the US EPA ENERGY STAR® 1 to 100 Score and Certification for Existing Multifamily.

As the first Vice President of ESG at a major US financial institution, Ms. Pagitsas launched the company’s Enterprise ESG Strategy and set ambitious goals to address environmental and social issues within the housing industry. Ms. Pagitsas also launched the Green Financing Business which issued over $51 billion in Green Bonds and became the largest issuer of Green Bonds globally.

Ms. Pagitsas has developed sustainability strategies for large real estate investors, advised USAID and energy clients on renewable energy solutions and delivered financial management software solutions for utility companies in the U.S. and Europe.

Ms. Pagitsas holds an MBA from the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia and a BA from Johns Hopkins University.
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP41169009781484278659458965507165_1_En507165Innovation and Technology ManagementCorporate Environmental ManagementEntrepreneurshipSustainabilityOperations Management4071,5345,3752,4653,4996/Innovation and Technology Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Innovation and Technology Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Corporate Environmental Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Entrepreneurship/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Sustainability/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Operations Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//010.1007/978-1-4842-7866-6Chief Sustainability Officers At Work
16978-3-030-49355-4Hunt FerrariniTawni Hunt Ferrarini; M. Scott Niederjohn; Mark C. Schug; William C. WoodTawni Hunt Ferrarini, Lindenwood University, St Charles, MO, USA; M. Scott Niederjohn, Lakeland University, Plymouth, WI, USA; Mark C. Schug, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA; William C. Wood, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USATeachers Can Be Financially FitEconomists’ Advice for EducatorsXVII, 177 p. 3 illus., 1 illus. in color.12021final24.9926.7427.4922.9929.5027.99Soft coverBook0Economics and FinanceGeneral interest0English177KNSTKJMSpringerSpringer International Publishing0The AmericasAvailable2020-08-122020-08-122021-10-252021-10-251Chapter 1: Yes, Teachers Can Be Financially Fit.- Chapter 2: Spending and Saving: A Guide for Teachers.- Chapter 3: Earning Extra Income.- Chapter 4: Teachers’ Wheels: Cars and Transportation.- Chapter 5: Walls and a Roof: Housing for Teachers.- Chapter 6: Managing Credit and Debt.- Chapter 7: Investment Basics for Teachers.- Chapter 8: Retirement for Public School Teachers.- Chapter 9: Saving for Retirement: Options for Charter and Private School Teachers.- Chapter 10: The Higher Education Connection.- Chapter 11: Educators and Insurance.- Chapter 12: Unconventional Risk Management.- Chapter 13: Teachers in a Market Economy.- Chapter 14. Don’t Keep It a Secret.This book uses relatable case studies to dispense practical financial advice to educators. Written by an expert team of four award-winning economics educators, the book provides an engaging narrative specifically designed for teachers and their unique financial needs. Educators are attracted to the teaching profession for numerous reasons. Prospective teachers enter the profession believing it offers a certain level of job security and good benefits, usually including a defined-benefit, state-funded pension. But things are changing. Pensions vary widely from state to state and even within school districts. Many private schools do not offer even basic 403(b) saving plans and, when they do, they are often not very generous. Much the same can be said of many charter schools and private colleges and universities. The book consists of fourteen chapters covering a comprehensive group of topics specifically curated for educators teaching at the K-12 and university level, including saving for retirement, managing debt, investment strategies, and real estate. Each chapter begins with a case study of an educator in a specific financial situation, which sets the scene for the introduction and explanation of key concepts. The chapters include a Q&A section to address common questions and conclude with a “Financial 911” focusing on a financial emergency related to the chapter topic.
This book uses relatable case studies to dispense practical financial advice to educators. Written by an expert team of four award-winning economics educators, the book provides an engaging narrative specifically designed for teachers and their unique financial needs.

Educators are attracted to the teaching profession for numerous reasons. Prospective teachers enter the profession believing it offers a certain level of job security and good benefits, usually including a defined-benefit, state-funded pension. But things are changing. Pensions vary widely from state to state and even within school districts. Many private schools do not offer even basic 403(b) saving plans and, when they do, they are often not very generous. Much the same can be said of many charter schools and private colleges and universities.

The book consists of fourteen chapters covering a comprehensive group of topics specifically curated for educators teaching at the K-12 and university level, including saving for retirement, managing debt, investment strategies, and real estate. Each chapter begins with a case study of an educator in a specific financial situation, which sets the scene for the introduction and explanation of key concepts. The chapters include a Q&A section to address common questions and conclude with a “Financial 911” focusing on a financial emergency related to the chapter topic.
Offers common sense advice to educators looking to build good financial habitsShows how educators can take advantage of their profession's distinctive characteristics to succeed financiallyIllustrates how teachers can adapt budgeting, saving, investing and similar techniques to their specific situations in order to live happier and be more financially secureTawni Hunt Ferrarini is the Robert W. Plaster Professor of Economic Education at Lindenwood University in Saint Charles, Missouri (US). She was the 2015 president of the National Association of Economic Educators and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2009 National Association of Economic Educators’ Technology Award.<div> </div><div>M. Scott Niederjohn is Dean of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship and Charlotte and Walter Kohler Charitable Trust Professor of Economics at Lakeland University in Sheboygan, Wisconsin (US). Professor Niederjohn is also the Director of Lakeland’s Center for Economic Education.
</div><div>Mark C. Schug is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (US), where he directed the Center for Economic Education. He has received national awards for leadership and research in economic education from the Council on Economic Education and for service from the Association of Private Enterprise Education.
</div><div>William C. Wood is Head of Department of Economics and Director of the Center for Economic Education at James Madison University (US). Wood was the recipient of multiple teaching awards, including the top research award given by the National Association of Economic Educators, the Henry H. Villard Award.</div>
TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP41170009783030493554444565493916_1_En493916Financial ServicesRisk ManagementFinancial EconomicsEconomicsTeaching and Teacher Education3092,13131,13130,3032,7592/Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Risk Management/Corporate Finance/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Teaching and Teacher Education/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences/Professional and Vocational Education//010.1007/978-3-030-49356-1Teachers Can Be Financially Fit
17978-1-4419-9981-8LeeJohn LeeJohn Lee, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USAIntroduction to Smooth ManifoldsXVI, 708 p.22012final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics218Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English708PBMPSpringerSpringer New York0Available2012-08-262012-08-242012-05-032012-05-0312003,978-0-387-95448-6,978-0-387-95495-0,978-1-4757-5601-2,978-0-387-21752-9Preface.- 1 Smooth Manifolds.- 2 Smooth Maps.- 3 Tangent Vectors.- 4 Submersions, Immersions, and Embeddings.- 5 Submanifolds.- 6 Sard's Theorem.- 7 Lie Groups.- 8 Vector Fields.- 9 Integral Curves and Flows.- 10 Vector Bundles.- 11 The Cotangent Bundle.- 12 Tensors.- 13 Riemannian Metrics.- 14 Differential Forms.- 15 Orientations.- 16 Integration on Manifolds.- 17 De Rham Cohomology.- 18 The de Rham Theorem.- 19 Distributions and Foliations.- 20 The Exponential Map.- 21 Quotient Manifolds.-  22 Symplectic Manifolds.- Appendix A: Review of Topology.- Appendix B: Review of Linear Algebra.- Appendix C: Review of Calculus.- Appendix D: Review of Differential Equations.- References.- Notation Index.- Subject Index.This book is an introductory graduate-level textbook on the theory of smooth manifolds. Its goal is to familiarize students with the tools they will need in order to use manifolds in mathematical or scientific research—smooth structures, tangent vectors and covectors, vector bundles, immersed and embedded submanifolds, tensors, differential forms, de Rham cohomology, vector fields, flows, foliations, Lie derivatives, Lie groups, Lie algebras, and more. The approach is as concrete as possible, with pictures and intuitive discussions of how one should think geometrically about the abstract concepts, while making full use of the powerful tools that modern mathematics has to offer.This second edition has been extensively revised and clarified, and the topics have been substantially rearranged. The book now introduces the two most important analytic tools, the rank theorem and the fundamental theorem on flows, much earlier so that they can be used throughout the book. A few newtopics have been added, notably Sard’s theorem and transversality, a proof that infinitesimal Lie group actions generate global group actions, a more thorough study of first-order partial differential equations, a brief treatment of degree theory for smooth maps between compact manifolds, and an introduction to contact structures.Prerequisites include a solid acquaintance with general topology, the fundamental group, and covering spaces, as well as basic undergraduate linear algebra and real analysis.This book is an introductory graduate-level textbook on the theory of smooth manifolds. Its goal is to familiarize students with the tools they will need in order to use manifolds in mathematical or scientific research--- smooth structures, tangent vectors and covectors, vector bundles, immersed and embedded submanifolds, tensors, differential forms, de Rham cohomology, vector fields, flows, foliations, Lie derivatives, Lie groups, Lie algebras, and more. The approach is as concrete as possible, with pictures and intuitive discussions of how one should think geometrically about the abstract concepts, while making full use of the powerful tools that modern mathematics has to offer.This second edition has been extensively revised and clarified, and the topics have been substantially rearranged. The book now introduces the two most important analytic tools, the rank theorem and the fundamental theorem on flows, much earlier so that they can be used throughout the book. A fewnew topics have been added, notably Sard’s theorem and transversality, a proof that infinitesimal Lie group actions generate global group actions, a more thorough study of first-order partial differential equations, a brief treatment of degree theory for smooth maps between compact manifolds, and an introduction to contact structures.Prerequisites include a solid acquaintance with general topology, the fundamental group, and covering spaces, as well as basic undergraduate linear algebra and real analysis.New edition extensively revised and clarified, and topics have been substantially rearrangedIntroduces the two most important analytic tools, the rank theorem and the fundamental theorem on flows, much earlier in the textAdded topics include Sard’s theorem and transversality, a proof that infinitesimal Lie group actions generate global group actions, a more thorough study of first-order partial differential equations, a brief treatment of degree theory for smooth maps between compact manifolds, and an introduction to contact structuresIncludes supplementary material: supplementary material: M. Lee is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he regularly teaches graduate courses on the topology and geometry of manifolds. He was the recipient of the American Mathematical Society's Centennial Research Fellowship and he is the author of four previous Springer books: the first edition (2003) of Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, the first edition (2000) and second edition (2010) of Introduction to Topological Manifolds, and Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature (1997).StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978144199981816912874163_2_En74163Differential Geometry6757/Differential Geometry/Geometry/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Differential Geometry/Geometry/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//////010.1007/978-1-4419-9982-5Introduction to Smooth Manifolds
18978-0-387-40100-3ShreveSteven ShreveSteven Shreve, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USAStochastic Calculus for Finance IThe Binomial Asset Pricing ModelXV, 187 p.12004final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Hard coverBook0Springer Finance TextbooksMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English187PBWKCBSpringerSpringer New York0Available2004-04-212004-06-032005-07-012005-07-2911 The Binomial No-Arbitrage Pricing Model.- 1.1 One-Period Binomial Model.- 1.2 Multiperiod Binomial Model.- 1.3 Computational Considerations.- 1.4 Summary.- 1.5 Notes.- 1.6 Exercises.- 2 Probability Theory on Coin Toss Space.- 2.1 Finite Probability Spaces.- 2.2 Random Variables, Distributions, and Expectations.- 2.3 Conditional Expectations.- 2.4 Martingales.- 2.5 Markov Processes.- 2.6 Summary.- 2.7 Notes.- 2.8 Exercises.- 3 State Prices.- 3.1 Change of Measure.- 3.2 Radon-Nikodým Derivative Process.- 3.3 Capital Asset Pricing Model.- 3.4 Summary.- 3.5 Notes.- 3.6 Exercises.- 4 American Derivative Securities.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Non-Path-Dependent American Derivatives.- 4.3 Stopping Times.- 4.4 General American Derivatives.- 4.5 American Call Options.- 4.6 Summary.- 4.7 Notes.- 4.8 Exercises.- 5 Random Walk.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 First Passage Times.- 5.3 Reflection Principle.- 5.4 Perpetual American Put: An Example.- 5.5 Summary.- 5.6 Notes.- 5.7 Exercises.- 6 Interest-Rate-Dependent Assets.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 Binomial Model for Interest Rates.- 6.3 Fixed-Income Derivatives.- 6.4 Forward Measures.- 6.5 Futures.- 6.6 Summary.- 6.7 Notes.- 6.8 Exercises.- Proof of Fundamental Properties of Conditional Expectations.- References.Stochastic Calculus for Finance evolved from the first ten years of the Carnegie Mellon Professional Master's program in Computational Finance. The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for stchastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes.
This book is being published in two volumes. The first volume presents the binomial asset-pricing model primarily as a vehicle for introducing in the simple setting the concepts needed for the continuous-time theory in the secondvolume.
Chapter summaries and detailed illustrations are included. Classroom tested exercises conclude every chapter. Some of these extend the theory and others are drawn from practical problems in quantitative finance.
Advanced undergraduates and Masters level students in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful.
Steven E. Shreve is Co-Founder of the Carnegie Mellon MS Program in Computational Finance and winner of the Carnegie Mellon Doherty Prize for sustained contributions to education.
Stochastic Calculus for Finance evolved from the first ten years of the Carnegie Mellon Professional Master's program in Computational Finance. The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for stochastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes.
This book is being published in two volumes. The first volume presents the binomial asset-pricing model primarily as a vehicle for introducing in the simple setting the concepts needed for the continuous-time theory in the second volume.
Chapter summaries and detailed illustrations are included. Classroom tested exercises conclude every chapter. Some of these extend the theory and others are drawn from practical problems in quantitative finance.
Advanced undergraduates and Masters level students in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful.
Steven E. Shreve is Co-Founder of the Carnegie Mellon MS Program in Computational Finance and winner of the Carnegie Mellon Doherty Prize for sustained contributions to education.
Developed for the professional Master's program in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon, the leading financial engineering program in the U.S.Has been tested in the classroom and revised over a period of several yearsIncludes supplementary material: lecturer material: Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097803874010037584377402_1_En77402Mathematics in Business, Economics and FinanceApplications of MathematicsFinancial EconomicsProbability Theory4203,3022,13130,2923/Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics///010.1007/978-0-387-22527-2Stochastic Calculus for Finance I
19978-3-031-16007-3AliberRobert Z. Aliber; Charles P. Kindleberger; Robert N. McCauleyRobert Z. Aliber, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; Charles P. Kindleberger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; Robert N. McCauley, Boston University, Boston, MA, USAManias, Panics, and CrashesA History of Financial CrisesXIX, 425 p. 11 illus., 9 illus. in color.82023final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Soft coverBook0Economics and FinanceGeneral interest0English425KCBKFFPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-03-072023-02-252023-03-042023-03-0412015, 2011, 2005, 2000, 1996, 1989, 1978,978-1-137-52575-8,978-1-349-56576-4,978-1-137-52573-4,978-1-137-52574-1,978-1-349-95951-81: Financial Crises: a Hardy Perennial.- 2: The Anatomy of a Typical Crisis.-3: Speculative Manias.- 4: Fueling the Flames: the Expansion of Credit.- 5: The Critical Stage – When the Bubble Is About To Pop.- 6: Bernie Madoff: Frauds, Swindles, and the Credit Cycle.- 7: Domestic Contagion: Twin Peaks?.- 8: International Contagion 1618–1933.- 9: Bubble Contagion: Mexico City to Tokyo to Bangkok to New York, London, and Reykjavik.- 10: Policy Responses: Benign Neglect, Exhortation, and Bank Holidays.- 11: The Domestic Lender of Last Resort.- 12: The International Lender of Last Resort before 2000.-13: The 21st Century International Lender of Last Resort.- 14: Bitcoin: Worse than a Ponzi.- 15 The Lessons of History.In the Eighth Edition of this classic text on the financial history of bubbles and crashes, Robert McCauley joins with Robert Aliber in building on Charles Kindleberger's renowned work. McCauley draws on his central banking experience to introduce new chapters on cryptocurrency and the United States as the 21st Century global lender of last resort. He also updates the book's coverage of the recent property bubble in China, as well as providing new perspectives on the US housing bubble of 2003-2006, and the Japanese bubble of the late 1980s. And he gives new attention to the social psychology that leads people to take the risk of investing in Ponzi schemes and asset price bubbles. For the first time in this revised and updated edition, figures highlight key points to ensure that today’s generation of finance and economic researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers—as well as investors looking to avoid crashes—have access to this panoramic history of financial crisis.<div>In the Eighth Edition of this classic text on the financial history of bubbles and crashes, Robert McCauley joins with Robert Aliber in building on Charles Kindleberger's renowned work. McCauley draws on his central banking experience to introduce new chapters on cryptocurrency and the United States as the 21st Century global lender of last resort. He also updates the book's coverage of the recent property bubble in China, as well as providing new perspectives on the US housing bubble of 2003-2006, and the Japanese bubble of the late 1980s. And he gives new attention to the social psychology that leads people to take the risk of investing in Ponzi schemes and asset price bubbles. For the first time in this revised and updated edition, figures highlight key points to ensure that today’s generation of finance and economic researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers—as well as investors looking to avoid crashes—have access to this panoramic history of financial crisis.
New financial crises attract new audiences to this classicFive stages typify bubbles from South Sea to cryptoAs international lender of last resort, the United States can limit the damage of financial panic and crash<div>Robert Z. Aliber is Professor Emeritus of International Economics and Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, USA. He was director of the Center for Studies in International Finance; on the research staff for the Committee for Economic Development and Commission on Money and Credit; and senior economic advisor for the Agency for International Development, U.S. Department of State. Aliber has consulted to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and to other U.S. government agencies, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, testified before committees of the Congress, and lectured extensively in the United States and abroad.

The late Charles P. Kindleberger was the Ford Professor of Economics at MIT for 33 years and author of over 30 books. He was best known as a financial historian, whom the Economist referred to as 'the master of the genre' on financial crisis. Headvanced the study of international finance and helped to devise the Marshall Plan, approved by Congress, for Europe's reconstruction after World War II. During his tenure at MIT, Kindleberger was a consultant to the federal government several times, most often for the Treasury and the Federal Reserve. In 1985, he was president of the American Economic Association.

Robert N. McCauley is a wide-ranging economist with particular expertise in international financial markets and the global domain of the dollar. His central banking career spanned 38 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), including three years as head of the BIS Asian Office in Hong Kong SAR. In 1999, he co-authored Dodging Bullets: Changing U.S. Corporate Capital Structures in the 1980s and 1990s, an application of the Minsky-Kindleberger model to the corporate leveraging mania. He is currently nonresident senior fellow at the Global Development Policy Center at Boston University and associate member of the Faculty of History at the University of Oxford.

TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41170009783031160073411176368266_8_En368266Macroeconomics and Monetary EconomicsFinancial HistoryFinancial EconomicsEconomic HistoryFinancial ServicesInternational Relations4662,4292,13130,4293,3092,2881/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics//Economic History/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial History//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics//Economic History/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-031-16008-0Manias, Panics, and Crashes
20978-0-387-40101-0ShreveSteven ShreveSteven Shreve, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USAStochastic Calculus for Finance IIContinuous-Time ModelsXIX, 550 p.12004final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Hard coverBook0Springer Finance TextbooksMathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English550KFPBWSpringerSpringer New York0Available2004-06-032004-07-052004-06-012004-07-0111 General Probability Theory.- 2 Information and Conditioning.- 3 Brownian Motion.- 4 Stochastic Calculus.- 5 Risk-Neutral Pricing.- 6 Connections with Partial Differential Equations.- 7 Exotic Options.- 8 American Derivative Securities.- 9 Change of Numéraire.- 10 Term-Structure Models.- 11 Introduction to Jump Processes.- A Advanced Topics in Probability Theory.- A.1 Countable Additivity.- A.3 Random Variable with Neither Density nor Probability Mass Function.- B Existence of Conditional Expectations.- C Completion of the Proof of the Second Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing.- References.Stochastic Calculus for Finance evolved from the first ten years of the Carnegie Mellon Professional Master's program in Computational Finance. The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for stochastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes. This book is being published in two volumes. This second volume develops stochastic calculus, martingales, risk-neutral pricing, exotic options and term structure models, all in continuous time. Masters level students and researchers in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful. Steven E. Shreve is Co-Founder of the Carnegie Mellon MS Program in Computational Finance and winner of the Carnegie Mellon Doherty Prize for sustained contributions to education.Stochastic Calculus for Finance evolved from the first ten years of the Carnegie Mellon Professional Master's program in Computational Finance. The content of this book has been used successfully with students whose mathematics background consists of calculus and calculus-based probability. The text gives both precise statements of results, plausibility arguments, and even some proofs, but more importantly intuitive explanations developed and refine through classroom experience with this material are provided. The book includes a self-contained treatment of the probability theory needed for stochastic calculus, including Brownian motion and its properties. Advanced topics include foreign exchange models, forward measures, and jump-diffusion processes. This book is being published in two volumes. This second volume develops stochastic calculus, martingales, risk-neutral pricing, exotic options and term structure models, all in continuous time. Master's level students and researchers in mathematical finance and financial engineering will find this book useful.<p>Developed for the professional Master's program in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon, the leading financial engineering program in the U.S.</p><p>Tested in the classroom and revised over a period of several years</p><p>Includes supplementary material:</p>Steven E. Shreve is Co-Founder of the Carnegie Mellon MS Program in Computational Finance and winner of the Carnegie Mellon Doherty Prize for sustained contributions to education.ProfessionalsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)1097803874010107583577403_1_En77403Mathematics in Business, Economics and FinanceApplications of MathematicsProbability TheoryPublic EconomicsFinancial Economics4203,3022,2923,3911,13130/Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Public Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/010.1007/978-1-4757-4296-1Stochastic Calculus for Finance II
21978-3-030-43879-1EricksonRobert W. Erickson; Dragan MaksimovićRobert W. Erickson, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA; Dragan Maksimović, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USAFundamentals of Power ElectronicsXIX, 1084 p. 1037 illus.32020final89.9996.2998.9979.99106.5099.99Hard coverBook0EngineeringGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English1084TJFCTHSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2020-08-162020-07-152020-08-082020-08-081© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 1997; © Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001,978-0-7923-7270-7,978-1-4757-0558-4,978-1-4757-0559-1,978-0-306-48048-5Principles of Steady State Converter Analysis.- Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Modeling, Losses, and Efficiency.- Switch Realization.- The Discontinuous Conduction Mode.- Converter Circuits.- Converter Dynamics and Control.- AC Equivalent Circuit Modeling.- Converter Transfer Functions.- Controller Design.- Input Filter Design. - AC and DC Equivalent Circuit Modeling of the Discontinuous Conduction Mode.- Current Programmed Control.- Magnetics.- Basic Magnetics Theory.- Inductor Design.- Transformer Design.- Modern Rectifiers and Power System Harmonics.- Power and Harmonics in Nonsinusoidal Systems.- Line-Commutated Rectifiers.- Pulse-Width Modulated Rectifiers.- Resonant Converters.- Resonant Conversion.- Soft Switching.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Third Edition, is an up-to-date and authoritative text and reference book on power electronics. This new edition retains the original objective and philosophy of focusing on the fundamental principles, models, and technical requirements needed for designing practical power electronic systems while adding a wealth of new material. Improved features of this new edition include: new material on switching loss mechanisms and their modeling; wide bandgap semiconductor devices; a more rigorous treatment of averaging; explanation of the Nyquist stability criterion; incorporation of the Tan and Middlebrook model for current programmed control; a new chapter on digital control of switching converters; major new chapters on advanced techniques of design-oriented analysis including feedback and extra-element theorems; average current control; new material on input filter design; new treatment of averaged switch modeling, simulation, and indirect power; and sampling effects in DCM, CPM, and digital control.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Third Edition, is intended for use in introductory power electronics courses and related fields for both senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students interested in converter circuits and electronics, control systems, and magnetic and power systems. It will also be an invaluable reference for professionals working in power electronics, power conversion, and analog and digital electronics.Includes an increased number of end of chapter problems;Updated and reorganized, including three completely new chapters;Includes key principles and a rigorous treatment of topics.
Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Third Edition, is an up-to-date and authoritative text and reference book on power electronics. This new edition retains the original objective and philosophy of focusing on the fundamental principles, models, and technical requirements needed for designing practical power electronic systems while adding a wealth of new material. Improved features of this new edition include: new material on switching loss mechanisms and their modeling; wide bandgap semiconductor devices; a more rigorous treatment of averaging; explanation of the Nyquist stability criterion; incorporation of the Tan and Middlebrook model for current programmed control; a new chapter on digital control of switching converters; major new chapters on advanced techniques of design-oriented analysis including feedback and extra-element theorems; average current control; new material on input filter design; new treatment of averaged switch modeling, simulation, and indirect power; and sampling effects in DCM, CPM, and digital control.

Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Third Edition, is intended for use in introductory power electronics courses and related fields for both senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students interested in converter circuits and electronics, control systems, and magnetic and power systems. It will also be an invaluable reference for professionals working in power electronics, power conversion, and analog and digital electronics.
<p>Includes an increased number of end of chapter problems</p><p>Updated and reorganized, including three completely new chapters</p><p>Includes key principles and a rigorous treatment of topics</p>Robert W. Erickson received the B.S. (1978), M.S. (1980), and Ph.D. (1982) degrees in Electrical Engineering, from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Since 1982, he has been a member of the faculty of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where he served as department Chair in 2002-2006, 2014-15, and 2018-2020. He co-directs the Colorado Power Electronics Center. Professor Erickson is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the CU/NREL Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, and holds the endowed Palmer Leadership Chair. He is the author of approximately one hundred journal and conference papers in the area of power electronics. In 1996, he received the IEEE Power Electronics Society Transactions Prize Paper Award, for the paper 'Nonlinear Carrier Control for High-Power-Factor Boost Rectifier.' He received the CU-Boulder Inventor of the Year Award in 2015, and the Holland Teaching Excellence Award in 2010. His current research interests include modeling and control of power conversion systems, modular/multilevel converter systems, and power electronics for electric vehicles and renewable energy sources (wind and solar). Dr. Maksimović is a Charles V. Schelke Endowed Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering. He co-founded the Colorado Power Electronics Center (CoPEC), and has since served as the CoPEC Co-Director. CoPEC research program in smart power electronics and digital control for high-frequency switched-mode power converters has attracted significant support from numerous industrial sponsors and agencies (NSF, DARPA, ARPA-E, DOE, ONR, DOEd). Prof. Maksimovic is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has published over 300 papers in journals and at professional conferences, and holds over 30 US patents. His current research interests include power electronics for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, high frequency power conversion using wide bandgap semiconductors, digital control of switched-mode power converters, as well as analog, digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits for power management applications.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11647009783030438791101075103385_3_En103385Electronic Circuits and SystemsElectrical Power EngineeringMechanical Power EngineeringElectronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation4927,4458,7766,4482/Electronic Circuits and Systems/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Electronic Circuits and Systems/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Electrical Power Engineering/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Mechanical Power Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering///010.1007/978-3-030-43881-4Fundamentals of Power Electronics
22978-3-030-33875-6TuckerColin TuckerColin Tucker, Wickham Market, UKHow to Drive a Nuclear ReactorXVII, 264 p. 131 illus., 122 illus. in color.12019final27.9929.9530.7924.9933.5029.99Soft coverBook0Popular SciencePhysics and AstronomyGeneral interest0English264PHTHKSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-01-262020-01-262020-02-172020-02-171One Man and His Dog.- Physics is Phun.- Being Friendly to Neutrons.- Criticality is Not as Bad as it Sounds.- What Makes Nuclear Special?.- The Thing you put your Reactor in.....- Pull the Rods Out and Stand Back.- Watt Power?.- Your Reactor is Stable (Part One).- You've got to do Something with all that Steam....- The Big Red Button.- Your Reactor is Stable (Part Two).- Putting a Spin on it.- Going Up!.- Power, and How to Change it.- Steady Power with Nothin to do?.- It's All About Safety.- What Can Go Wrong (and what you can do about it...).- Smaller isn't Always Easier.- What Else Can Go Wrong?.- When you run out of Oomph.- Other Reactor Designs are Available.- How to Build your own Reactor.- And there's more....- Conclusion.Have you ever wondered how a nuclear power station works? This book will answer that question. It’ll take you on a journey from the science behind nuclear reactors, through their start-up, operation and shutdown. Along the way it covers a bit of the engineering, reactor history, different kinds of reactors and what can go wrong with them. Much of this is seen from the viewpoint of a trainee operator on a Pressurised Water Reactor - the most common type of nuclear reactor in the world. Colin Tucker has spent the last thirty years keeping reactors safe. Join him on a tour that is the next best thing to driving a nuclear reactor yourself!Have you ever wondered how a nuclear power station works? This lively book will answer that question. It’ll take you on a journey from the science behind nuclear reactors, through their start-up, operation and shutdown. Along the way it covers a bit of the engineering, reactor history, different kinds of reactors and what can go wrong with them. Much of this is seen from the viewpoint of a trainee operator on a Pressurised Water Reactor - the most common type of nuclear reactor in the world. Colin Tucker has spent the last thirty years keeping reactors safe. Join him on a tour that is the next best thing to driving a nuclear reactor yourself!Shows you that Reactor Physics isn’t Rocket ScienceExplains why Reactors are much Safer than you might thinkEnables anyone to understand how a Nuclear Reactor worksThe next best thing to driving one for realColin Tucker has worked in the UK nuclear industry for 30 years, most of that time at Sizewell B power station. He specialises in ‘Nuclear Safety’: the safe running of the reactor, ensuring that the station is always ready to cope with anything that might happen. Over much of his career he has spent time visiting Schools, Clubs and other venues to talk about nuclear power stations – how they work, how they can be kept safe etc. In his spare time he is a bat enthusiast and a guard and signalman on the Ffestiniog Railway.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11651009783030338756434609484765_1_En484765Physics and AstronomyNuclear EnergyNuclear PhysicsElectrical Power EngineeringMechanical Power Engineering2928,7769,4386,4458,7766/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Mechanical Power Engineering/Nuclear Energy/Mechanical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Nuclear Physics/Nuclear and Particle Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Electrical Power Engineering/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Mechanical Power Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//010.1007/978-3-030-33876-3How to Drive a Nuclear Reactor
23978-3-031-38372-4TenglerNancy TenglerNancy Tengler, Scottsdale, AZ, USAThe Women's Guide to Successful InvestingAchieving Financial Security and Realizing Your GoalsXVII, 169 p. 19 illus., 16 illus. in color.22023final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Soft coverBook0Economics and FinanceGeneral interest0English169KNSTKFFMPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-09-092023-08-312023-09-182023-09-181,978-1-137-40334-6,978-1-349-68051-1,978-1-349-68050-4,978-1-137-40335-3,978-1-137-40336-01 Wealth Accumulation Is an Attitude Investing for your future requires a few goals and much less capital than you think.- 2 Saving to Invest is the Best Strategy.- 3 COVID Hit Women’s Finances Much Harder than Men’s Women left the worforce en masse – at what cost?.- 4 It’s True! Women Make Better Investors than Men (sorry guys) Women inherently display the traits required for successful investing.- 5 Developing an Intelligent Investing Strategy All Your Own Like any discipline, sound investing can become muscle memory for the diligent student and practitioner.- 6 Developing an Investment Discipline That Will Achieve our Goals—Continued: The Stock Market is a Tug of War between Fear and Greed; Arm Yourself with the Tools to Succeed.- 7 Construct Your Portfolio Like a Dinner Party Invitation List: Holdings Should Be Balanced and Behave Well If Things Get Out of Hand.- 8 Apple, Inc.—A Case Study in How to Select a Core Holding: A Role Model Investment You Will Want to Emulate.- 9 Mutual Funds Are So 1990, How to use Exchange-Traded Funds To Round Out Your Portfolio Holdings. To Crypto or not to Crypto and what the heck are meme stocks?.- 10 A Case Study of a Fallen Consumer Discretionary, Tech, E-commerce Company: Amazon. And Stocks to Own for a Lifetime.- 11 Five Critical Lessons and Warnings: Don’t Touch a Hot Stove, Don’t Talk to Strangers and Other Lessons for the Ages.- 12 Twelve Intelligent Investing Rules – And One More for Good Measure: Rules for Women to Invest By.
<div>It is no secret that women are increasingly controlling wealth. Estimates suggest that women control more than 50% of all wealth and growing. Importantly, 95% of women will be their family’s primary financial decision maker at some point in their lives. Yet recent studies show that Millennial women are deferring financial and investing decisions at a greater pace than Baby Boomer women. Targeted to all women “with a clear recognition that though the objectives and needs of this vast segment may not necessarily be homogeneous, women share common challenges when it comes to investing, this book provides clear instruction and a series of Intelligent Investing Rules for women to live by, especially in these times with sticky and persistent inflation and rising interest rates.

The Women’s Guide to Successful Investing demonstrates how women can develop the knowledge and skills required to accumulate wealth and build an investment portfolio for the long term. Providing proven wealth accumulation strategies, tailored advice, and a comprehensive market analysis, this second edition is a must-read for female investors who want to master volatile markets with long-term success. Written by a female CEO, CIO, and investment manager whose career has spanned 38 years, the book offers a much-needed blueprint for investments for women.
</div><div>Nancy Tengler’s career as a portfolio manager spans 40 years; she is currently the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Laffer Tengler Investments. Nancy is a passionate advocate for women’s financial literacy and she leads the firm’s Women & Wealth initiative. Nancy is a sought-after TV and print financial commentator on local and national media outlets. She lives in Incline Village, NV with her 2 labs and hikes the Tahoe Trail daily.
It is no secret that women are increasingly controlling wealth. Estimates suggest that women control more than 50% of all wealth and growing. Importantly, 95% of women will be their family’s primary financial decision maker at some point in their lives. Yet recent studies show that Millennial women are deferring financial and investing decisions at a greater pace than Baby Boomer women. Targeted to all women “with a clear recognition that though the objectives and needs of this vast segment may not necessarily be homogeneous, women share common challenges when it comes to investing, this book provides clear instruction and a series of Intelligent Investing Rules for women to live by, especially in these times with sticky and persistent inflation and rising interest rates.

The Women’s Guide to Successful Investing demonstrates how women can develop the knowledge and skills required to accumulate wealth and build an investment portfolio for the long term. Providing proven wealth accumulation strategies, tailored advice, and a comprehensive market analysis, this second edition is a must-read for female investors who want to master volatile markets with long-term success. Written by a female CEO, CIO, and investment manager whose career has spanned 38 years, the book offers a much-needed blueprint for investments for women. <div></div>
<p>Demonstrates how women can develop the knowledge and skills required to accumulate wealth </p><p>Provides a blueprint for how women can build a rational and reasonable investment portfolio for the long term</p><p>Offers an understanding of the stock market from a female investment manager whose career has spanned 38 years</p>Nancy Tengler’s career as a portfolio manager spans 40 years; she is currently the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Laffer Tengler Investments. Nancy is a passionate advocate for women’s financial literacy and she leads the firm’s Women & Wealth initiative. Nancy is a sought-after TV and print financial commentator on local and national media outlets. She lives in Incline Village, NV with her 2 labs and hikes the Tahoe Trail daily.TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41170009783031383724492204377851_2_En377851Financial ServicesInvestment AppraisalRisk ManagementBehavioral Finance3092,6586,13131,5035/Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Investment Appraisal/Corporate Finance/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Risk Management/Corporate Finance/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Behavioral Finance/Behavioral Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/Corporate Finance/Business and Management///010.1007/978-3-031-38373-1The Women's Guide to Successful Investing
24978-1-4842-8846-7RichardCorey RichardCorey Richard, San Francisco, CA, USAUnderstanding SemiconductorsA Technical Guide for Non-Technical PeopleXVI, 301 p. 129 illus., 127 illus. in color.12023final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Soft coverBook0Maker Innovations SeriesProfessional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English301UKApressApress0Available2022-12-302022-12-302023-07-182023-07-181Chapter 1: Semiconductors Basics.- Chapter 2: Circuit Building Blocks.- Chapter 3: Building a System.- Chapter 4: Semiconductor Manufacturing.- Chapter 5: Tying the System Together.- Chapter 6: Common Circuits and System Components.- Chapter 7: RF & Wireless Technologies.- Chapter 8: System Architecture and Integration.- Chapter 9: The Semiconductor Industry – Past, Present, and Future.- Chapter 10: The Future of Semiconductors and Electronic Systems.Gain complete understanding of electronic systems and their constituent parts. From the origins of the semiconductor industry right up until today, this book serves as a technical primer to semiconductor technology. Spanning design and manufacturing to the basic physics of electricity, it provides a comprehensive base of understanding from transistor to iPhone.

Melding an accessible, conversational style with over 100 diagrams and illustrations, Understanding Semiconductors provides clear explanations of technical concepts going deep enough to fully explain key vernacular, mechanisms, and basic processes, without getting lost in the supporting theories or the theories that support the supporting theories. Concepts are tethered to the real world with crisp analysis of industry dynamics and future trends.

As a break from the straight-ahead scientific concepts that keep the world of semiconductors spinning, Understanding Semiconductors is liberally sprinkled with apt analogies that elucidate difficult concepts. For example, when describing the relationship between voltage, current, power, and the flow of electricity through an electronic system, the book draws a parallel to a hot shower and the water utility system. Most of these are paired with clear visuals, giving you the best chance possible to absorb the concept at hand before moving on to the next topic.

Whether you’re narrowly technical or don’t know silicon from silly putty, working directly in hardware technologies and want to know more, or simply a curious person seeking hard information about the technology that powers the modern world, Understanding Semiconductors will be an informative, dependable resource.

What You'll Learn:

Charge, Electricity, and Basic Physics What are Semiconductors The Semiconductor Value Chain and Design Trade-Offs Transistors and Other Common Circuit Building Blocks Semiconductor Design from Concept to Tapeout Wafer Fabrication and Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Integrated Circuit (IC) Packaging and Signal & Power Integrity (SIPI) Common Circuits and System Components RF and Wireless Technologies System Architecture and Integration The Semiconductor Industry - Challenges, History, and Trends The Future of Semiconductors and Electronic Systems

Who This Book Is For:

People working directly in the semiconductor, electronics, and hardware technologies fields or in supporting industries, hobbyists and new electrical engineering enthusiasts with minimal technical experience or pre-existing qualifications, and curious individuals interested in learning more about a fascinating area of technology. Though designed for a non- or semi-technical reader, engineers focused in one particular domain can also use this book to broaden their understanding in areas that aren’t directly related to their core area of expertise.

Gain complete understanding of electronic systems and their constituent parts. From the origins of the semiconductor industry right up until today, this book serves as a technical primer to semiconductor technology. Spanning design and manufacturing to the basic physics of electricity, it provides a comprehensive base of understanding from transistor to iPhone.

Melding an accessible, conversational style with over 100 diagrams and illustrations, Understanding Semiconductors provides clear explanations of technical concepts going deep enough to fully explain key vernacular, mechanisms, and basic processes, without getting lost in the supporting theories or the theories that support the supporting theories. Concepts are tethered to the real world with crisp analysis of industry dynamics and future trends.

As a break from the straight-ahead scientific concepts that keep the world of semiconductors spinning, Understanding Semiconductors is liberally sprinkled with apt analogies that elucidate difficult concepts. For example, when describing the relationship between voltage, current, power, and the flow of electricity through an electronic system, the book draws a parallel to a hot shower and the water utility system. Most of these are paired with clear visuals, giving you the best chance possible to absorb the concept at hand before moving on to the next topic.

Whether you’re narrowly technical or don’t know silicon from silly putty, working directly in hardware technologies and want to know more, or simply a curious person seeking hard information about the technology that powers the modern world, Understanding Semiconductors will be an informative, dependable resource.

What You'll Learn:

Charge, Electricity, and Basic Physics What are Semiconductors The Semiconductor Value Chain and Design Trade-Offs Transistors and Other Common Circuit Building Blocks Semiconductor Design from Concept to Tapeout Wafer Fabrication and Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Integrated Circuit (IC) Packaging and Signal & Power Integrity (SIPI) Common Circuits and System Components RF and Wireless Technologies System Architecture and Integration The Semiconductor Industry - Challenges, History, and Trends The Future of Semiconductors and Electronic Systems

Who This Book Is For:

People working directly in the semiconductor, electronics, and hardware technologies fields or in supporting industries, hobbyists and new electrical engineering enthusiasts with minimal technical experience or pre-existing qualifications, and curious individuals interested in learning more about a fascinating area of technology. Though designed for a non- or semi-technical reader, engineers focused in one particular domain can also use this book to broaden their understanding in areas that aren’t directly related to their core area of expertise.<div><div>
Gain complete understanding of electronic systems and their constituent partsApply electrical knowledge to real-world projects and DIY fixesUnderstand common circuits architectures and frameworks​Corey Richard leads the Executive Search and Developer Recruiting practice at SignalFire, an SF-based $2B Venture Capital Fund with notable investments in Grammarly, Uber, Ro, and Color Genomics. He supports over 150 seed and growth stage startups, helping founders attract and hire key talent across Engineering, Product, and GTM. Before coming to SignalFire, Corey supported Apple’s Silicon Engineering Group for four years, where he built next generation engineering organizations across all facets of silicon design – supporting both the Analog-Mixed-Signal (AMS) Design and IC Packaging Orgs. Prior to Apple, he consulted for a wide array of hardware technology giants including Harman International, Cirrus Logic, and Xilinx FPGA. Corey completed his MBA in Organizational Development & Entrepreneurship at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and was valedictorian of his undergraduate class at SDSU, where he studied Finance, Sustainability, and OrganizationalPsychology.TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484288467490193535013_1_En535013Maker5474/Maker/Computer Hardware/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Maker/Computer Hardware/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//////010.1007/978-1-4842-8847-4Understanding Semiconductors
25978-3-031-28926-2CordeiroJosé Cordeiro; David WoodJosé Cordeiro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Madrid, Spain; David Wood, London Futurists, Surbiton, UKThe Death of DeathThe Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral DefenseXLIV, 233 p. 1 illus.12023final24.9926.7427.4922.9929.5027.99Soft coverBook0Copernicus BooksMedicineGeneral interest0English233MQWJHBDSpringerSpringer Nature Switzerland0WorldwideAvailable2023-06-302023-06-302023-07-172023-07-171Introduction: The greatest and oldest dream of humanity.- Chapter 1: Life appeared to live.- Chapter 2: What is aging?.- Chapter 3: The biggest industry in the world has been born.- Chapter 4: From the linear to the exponential world.- Chapter 5: How much does it cost?.- Chapter 6: The terror of death.- Chapter 7: Paradigms: good, bad and “experts'.- Chapter 8: Plan B: human cryopreservation.- Chapter 9: The future depends upon us.- Conclusion: The moment has come.- Epilogue.- Appendix: Chronology of life on Earth.<div>Is death inevitable? Until now, the history of mankind has been marked by this fatal fact. Religions, borders and progress are born from an ancient fear of death, comfort from this fear man often found only in religious paradigms. But according to José Luis Cordeiro and David Wood, the incontrovertible fact of death is no longer an absolute certainty - science and technology are preparing to tear down the final frontier: that of immortality.</div><div>
</div><div>This accessible book provides insight into recent exponential advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, stem cell treatment, organ printing, cryopreservation, and genetic therapies that, for the first time in human history, offer a realistic chance to solve the problem of the aging of the human body. In this book, Cordeiro and Wood not only present all the major developments, initiatives, and ideas for eternal life, they also show why there are a number of good arguments for seeing death for what it is:the last undefeated disease.</div><div>
</div>Is death inevitable? Until now, the history of mankind has been marked by this fatal fact. Religions, borders and progress are born from an ancient fear of death, comfort from this fear man often found only in religious paradigms. But according to José Luis Cordeiro and David Wood, the incontrovertible fact of death is no longer an absolute certainty - science and technology are preparing to tear down the final frontier: that of immortality.<div>
</div><div>This accessible book provides insight into recent exponential advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, stem cell treatment, organ printing, cryopreservation, and genetic therapies that, for the first time in human history, offer a realistic chance to solve the problem of the aging of the human body. In this book, Cordeiro and Wood not only present all the major developments, initiatives, and ideas for eternal life, they also show why there are a number of good arguments for seeing death for what it is: the last undefeated disease.</div><div>
</div><div>Enter any drugstore or bookstore, and we confronted with a mountain of nonsense concerning the aging process. Society seems obsessed with aging. That is why The Death of Death is such a refreshing delight, able to cut through the hype and reveal a balanced, authoritative, and lucid discussion of this controversial topic. It summarizes the astonishing breakthroughs made recently in revealing how science may one day conquer the aging process.
Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author of The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything</div><div>We are entering a Fantastic Voyage into life extension, crossing different bridges that will take us to indefinite life spans. The Death of Death explains clearly how we might soon reach longevity escape velocity and live long enough to live forever.
Ray Kurzweil,co-author of Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever and co-founder of Singularity UniversityThe Death of Death is a truly revolutionary book. This is a visionary book that confronts us with the terrible reality of aging, and its authors are friends and connoisseurs of the subject. I believe that the authoritative and exhaustive description of this crusade that José and David make in this excellent book will accelerate this process. Forward!
Aubrey de Grey, founder of LEV (Longevity Escape Velocity) Foundation and co-author of Ending Aging</div>
Is death inevitable? Until now, the history of mankind has been marked by this fatal fact. Religions, borders and progress are born from an ancient fear of death, comfort from this fear man often found only in religious paradigms. But according to José Luis Cordeiro and David Wood, the incontrovertible fact of death is no longer an absolute certainty - science and technology are preparing to tear down the final frontier: that of immortality.<div>
</div><div>This accessible book provides insight into recent exponential advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, stem cell treatment, organ printing, cryopreservation, and genetic therapies that, for the first time in human history, offer a realistic chance to solve the problem of the aging of the human body. In this book, Cordeiro and Wood not only present all the major developments, initiatives, and ideas for eternal life, they also show why there are a number of good arguments for seeing death for what it is: the last undefeated disease.</div><div>
</div><div>Enter any drugstore or bookstore, and we confronted with a mountain of nonsense concerning the aging process. Society seems obsessed with aging. That is why The Death of Death is such a refreshing delight, able to cut through the hype and reveal a balanced, authoritative, and lucid discussion of this controversial topic. It summarizes the astonishing breakthroughs made recently in revealing how science may one day conquer the aging process.
Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author of The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything</div><div>
</div><div> We are entering a Fantastic Voyage into life extension, crossing different bridges that will take us to indefinite life spans. The Death of Death explains clearly how we might soon reach longevity escape velocity and live long enough to live forever.
Ray Kurzweil, co-author of Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever and co-founder of Singularity University

The Death of Death is a truly revolutionary book. This is a visionary book that confronts us with the terrible reality of aging, and its authors are friends and connoisseurs of the subject. I believe that the authoritative and exhaustive description of this crusade that José and David make in this excellent book will accelerate this process. Forward!
Aubrey de Grey, founder of LEV (Longevity Escape Velocity) Foundation and co-author of Ending Aging</div>
Provides an overview of the near-term prospects for using technology to eliminate disease and deathPresents a compelling case for truly unprecedented life extensionBrings together research and insights to a future where we live much longer than we think is possible today​José Cordeiro, PhD José is an international fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, vicechair of HumanityPlus, director of The Millennium Project, founding faculty at Singularity University in NASA Research Park, Silicon Valley, and former director of the Club of Rome (Venezuela Chapter), the World Transhumanist Association and the Extropy Institute. He has also been invited faculty at the Institute of Developing Economies IDE – JETRO in Tokyo, Japan, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Russia. José studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA, economics at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, management at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, and science at Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a leading expert on technological change and future trends. He has published more than 10 books in 5 languages and appeared in programs with the BBC, CNN, Discovery Channel and History Channel, among many other international media interviews. He is a member of the Sigma Xi (ΣΞ) and Tau Beta Pi (ТΒΠ) honor societies, and has received several prizes, including the Spanish Health Award by Instituto Europeo for promoting research on longevity and life extension. He has been Spanish candidate to the European Parliament in 2019, when he proposed the creation of the European Anti-Aging Agency. <div>
</div><div>David Wood, ScD David was a pioneer of the smartphone industry, co-founding in 1998 Symbian, the creator of the world’s first successful smartphone operating system. Software written by his teams was included in half a billion smartphones over the following years, from companies such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG, Fujitsu, and Panasonic. David also spent three years as CTO of Accenture Mobility. While at Accenture, he co-led the company’s international Mobility Health business initiative. He is now a full-time futurist speaker, analyst and writer. He is the author or lead editor of ten books, including Anticipating 2025, Smartphones and Beyond, The Abolition of Aging, Sustainable Superabundance, and, most recently, Vital Foresight: The case for active transhumanism. He also heads up London Futurists, a non-profit networking meetup with approaching 10,000 members, and has chaired over 250 public events on technoprogressive and futurist topics. In 2009 he was included in T3's list of '100 most influential people in technology'. He has an MA in Mathematics from Cambridge University and an honorary doctorate in science from the University of Westminster. He is a Fellow of the IEET (Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology), and was formerly Secretary of the international HumanityPlus organization.</div>
TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11650009783031289262497912541828_1_En541828Medical and Health TechnologiesMortality and LongevityPhilosophy of the Social Sciences7034,6288,3929/Medical and Health Technologies/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences/Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering/Biological and Physical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Medical and Health Technologies/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences/Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering/Biological and Physical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Mortality and Longevity/Population and Demography/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society//Philosophy of the Social Sciences/Philosophy/Humanities and Social Sciences////010.1007/978-3-031-28927-9The Death of Death
26978-1-4842-7115-5LoppMichael LoppMichael Lopp, Los Gatos, CA, USAManaging HumansMore Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering ManagerXIII, 364 p. 4 illus.42021final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0032.99Soft coverBook0Business and ManagementProfessional book0English364KJQKJMApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2021-12-122021-12-122023-02-252023-02-251,978-1-4842-2157-0,978-1-4842-2158-7,978-1-4842-2159-4,978-1-4842-5322-9Part I.- 1: Don't Be A Prick.- 2: Managers Are Evil.- 3: Stables and Volatiles.- 4: The Rands Test.- 5: How to Run a Meeting.- 6: The Twinge.- 7: The Update, the Vent, and the Disaster.- 8: Lost in Translation.- 9: Agenda Detection.- 10: Management via Worry and Crisis.- 11: Dissecting the Mandate.- 12: Information Starvation.- 13: Subtlety, Subterfuge, and Silence.- 14: Your Mid-Year Leadership Check-in.- 15: Managementese.- 16: You're Not Listening.- 17: The Hotel Giraffe.- 18: Fred Hates the Off-Site.- 19: A Different Kind of DNA.- 20: An Engineering Mindset.- 21: Tear It Down.- 22: Titles Are Toxic.- 23: Saying No.- Part II.- 24: 1.0.- 25: The Process Myth.- 26: How to Start.- 27: Taking Time to Think.- 28: Meetings are Not For You.- 29: The Value of the Soak.- 30: Capturing Context.- 31: Trickle Theory.- 32: When the Sky Falls.- 33: Hacking is Important.- 34: WFH.- 35: Entropy Crushers.- 36: Your Culture is Rotting.- 37: The Metronome.- Part III.- 38: Bored People Quit.- 39: Bellwethers.- 40: The Ninety-Day Interview.- 41: Managing Nerds.- 42: Incrementalists and Completionists.- 43: NADD.- 44: A Nerd in a Cave.- 45: Meeting Creatures.- 46: Organics and Mechanics.- 47: Inwards, Outwards, and Holistics.- 48: The Wolf.- 49: Free Electrons.- 50: The Old Guard.- 51: Rules for the Reorg.- 52: An Unexpected Connection.- 53: You are Going on a Quest.- 54: A Glimpse and a Hook.- 55: Nailing the Phone Screen.- 56: Your Resignation Checklist.- 57: Shields Down.- 58: Chaotic, Beautiful Snowflakes.- 59: Epilogue: Fear is a Liar.- Glossary.In this fourth edition of the bestselling business book Managing Humans, author Michael Lopp continues to draw leadership advice from some of the most important software companies of our modern age. Educational stories from companies such as Apple, Slack, and Pinterest detail the experiences of bright software engineers in an ever-changing industry.

This revised edition of Managing Humans expands on the previous editions’ explorations of management essentials including handling stress, building diverse teams, running inclusive meetings, and how to lead in times of crisis. The education of a great leader never stops, and Lopp applies crucial insights to help continue your never-ending leadership education. Whether it is approaching a myriad of engineering personalities or handling unexpected conflict, you will come away with the wisdom to handle any team situation.

The engineering culture of a company can determine the difference between a product’s ultimate success or failure. Managing Humans is here to guide managers and aspiring managers into the intimidating world of people and their vastly different personalities. Handle conflict, infuse innovation into your approach, and be the most confident manager you can be after reading this book.

“It is so satisfying to read the work of an author who articulates something we know, but can’t put our finger on, and then answers the excitement of fresh revelation with useful solutions or a frame to think about what we’ve just learned—all done in a breezy, knowing prose, that invites you to constantly write margin notes to capture the new thinking it invites.”

John Dickerson, author, CBS News correspondent
<p>Learn lessons from the author's experience managing humans at top companies in Silicon Valley</p><p>Understand how you should manage software engineers in vital and stressful roles</p><p>Practice how you can learn how to run a meeting efficiently</p>Michael Lopp is a veteran engineering manager who has never managed to escape the Silicon Valley. In over 20 years of software development, Michael has worked at a variety of innovative companies, including Apple, Pinterest, Palantir, Netscape, Symantec, Borland International, Slack, and a startup that slowly faded into nothingness. In addition to his day job, Michael writes a popular technology and management weblog under the nom de plume 'Rands,' where he discusses his management ideas, worries about staying relevant, and wishes he had time to see more of the world. His weblog is Rands in Repose. Michael lives in northern California, never far from the ocean.ProfessionalsAPress Short (19)Standard (0)EBOP41169009781484271155450580301709_4_En301709IT in BusinessManagementInnovation and Technology ManagementEntrepreneurshipHuman Resource Management3205,3248,4071,3752,3723/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Innovation and Technology Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Entrepreneurship/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Human Resource Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//010.1007/978-1-4842-7116-2Managing Humans
27978-3-319-20399-7SimonHermann SimonHermann Simon, Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants, Bonn, GermanyConfessions of the Pricing ManHow Price Affects EverythingXV, 221 p. 43 illus., 17 illus. in color.Originally published in German Language by Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, Germany, 201312015final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Soft coverBook0Business and ManagementGeneral interest0English221KJSKJCCopernicusSpringer International Publishing0Available2015-10-272015-10-212015-11-072015-11-071Preface: Confessions.- Chapter 1 My first painful encounters with prices.- Chapter 2 Everything revolves around price.- Chapter 3 The strange psychology of pricing.- Chapter 4 Price positioning: High or Low.- Chapter 5 Prices and profit.- Chapter 6 Prices and decisions.- Chapter 7 Price differentiation: The high art.- Chapter 8 Innovations in pricing.- Chapter 9 Pricing in crises and price wars.- Chapter 10 What the CEO needs to do.The world’s foremost expert on pricing strategy shows how this mysterious process works and how to maximize value through pricing to company and customer. In this engaging and practical narrative, Hermann Simon leaves nothing out of the pricing cocktail, explaining each ingredient through dozens of stories collected over four decades in the trenches and behind the scenes. A world-renowned speaker on pricing and a trusted advisor to Fortune 500 executives, Simon’s lifelong journey has taken him from rural farmers’ markets, to a distinguished academic career, to a long second career as an entrepreneur and management consultant to companies large and small throughout the world. Along the way, he has learned from Nobel Prize winners and leading management gurus, and helped countless managers and executives use pricing as a way to create new markets, grow their businesses, and gain a sustained competitive advantage. Here, for consumers and business people alike, he reveals the secrets of successful pricing practices, and shares the wisdom and common sense that will forever change the way you thinking about pricing. “This is the best book I know to open your mind to the practical problems in setting your prices.”PHILIP KOTLER, S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. “Hermann Simon is ‘The Pricing Man’ and a giant within our discipline. With more than 40 years of experience in pricing research and practice with companies across the globe and across all major industries, he possesses the know-how to help organizations large, medium-sized, and small to improve their pricing acumen. This book will help you improve your pricing management skills, strategies, and tactics – and it will help your company also.” KEVIN MITCHELL, President, The Professional Pricing Society, Inc. “Hermann Simon is a man who can get upset about being offered a 35 percent discount on a new digital camera. His fascination with ‘willingness to pay’ is infectious. As much as any individual, he is behind the professionalization of pricing in the past couple of decades.”WILLIAM POUNDSTONE, Author, Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value (and How to Take Advantage of It)The world’s foremost expert on pricing strategy shows how this mysterious process works and how to maximize value through pricing to company and customer.In all walks of life, we constantly make decisions about whether something is worth our money or our time, or try to convince others to part with their money or their time. Price is the place where value and money meet. From the global release of the latest electronic gadget to the bewildering gyrations of oil futures to markdowns at the bargain store, price is the most powerful and pervasive economic force in our day-to-day lives and one of the least understood.The recipe for successful pricing often sounds like an exotic cocktail, with equal parts psychology, economics, strategy, tools and incentives stirred up together, usually with just enough math to sour the taste. That leads managers to water down the drink with hunches and rules of thumb, or leave out the parts with which they don’t feel comfortable. While this makes for a sweeter drink, it often lacks the punch to have an impact on the customer or on the business.It doesn’t have to be that way, though, as Hermann Simon illustrates through dozens of stories collected over four decades in the trenches and behind the scenes. A world-renowned speaker on pricing and a trusted advisor to Fortune 500 executives, Simon’s lifelong journey has taken him from rural farmers’ markets, to a distinguished academic career, to a long second career as an entrepreneur and management consultant to companies large and small throughout the world. Along the way, he has learned from Nobel Prize winners and leading management gurus, and helped countless managers and executives use pricing as a way to create new markets, grow their businesses and gain a sustained competitive advantage. He also learned some tough personal lessons about value, how people perceive it, and how people profit from it.In this engaging and practical narrative, Simon leaves nothing out of the pricing cocktail, but still makes it go down smoothly and leaves you wanting to learn more and do more—as a consumer or as a business person. You will never look at pricing the same way again.<p>Wisdom and practical advice on pricing, from the world’s foremost authority on pricing strategy, gained over a 40-year career on the front lines</p><p>Explores the psychology, economics, the art and science of pricing, and how it drives business and culture from producers’ and consumers’ perspectives</p><p>Debunks popular myths and demystifies the practice of pricing for optimal performance</p><p>Features many colorful anecdotes and lessons from companies around the world—from Apple to Honda to Ryanair</p>Hermann Simon is Chairman of Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants, which has 27 offices in 22 countries. He is the world’s leading authority on pricing.Simon was a professor of business administration and marketing at the Universities of Mainz (1989-1995) and Bielefeld (1979-1989). He was also a visiting professor at Harvard Business School, Stanford, London Business School, INSEAD, Keio University in Tokyo and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He studied economics and business administration at the universities of Bonn and Cologne. He received his diploma (1973) and his doctorate (1976) from the University of Bonn. He has received numerous international awards and honorary doctorates and was voted the most influential management thinker in German-speaking countries after the late Peter Drucker.Simon founded Simon-Kucher & Partners in 1985 together with two of his doctoral students. After advising the firm for a decade, Hermann left his academic career in 1995 to assume the full-time role as CEO of Simon-Kucher & Partners, where he led the firm’s international expansion. When he left that role in 2009, Simon-Kucher & Partners had become the world’s largest pricing consulting practice, active in all major industries. The firm has consulted with almost 100 members of the Fortune 500, some in decades-long relationships. Simon has published over 30 books in 26 languages, including the worldwide bestsellers Power Pricing (Free Press, 1997), Manage for Profit, Not for Market Share (Harvard Business School Press, 2006), Hidden Champions (Harvard Business School Press, 1996), and Hidden Champions of the 21st Century (Springer New York, 2009). He has served on the editorial boards of numerous business journals, including the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Management Science, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Décisions Marketing, European Management Journal as well as several German journals. Since 1988 he has been a columnist for the business monthly Manager Magazin. He is also a board member of numerous foundations and corporations.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11643009783319203997281840336421_1_En336421MarketingBusiness Strategy and LeadershipManagementMicroeconomics3339,3247,3248,4026/Marketing/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Marketing/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Microeconomics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences///010.1007/978-3-319-20400-0Confessions of the Pricing Man
28978-3-662-56508-7DumasMarlon Dumas; Marcello La Rosa; Jan Mendling; Hajo A. ReijersMarlon Dumas, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia; Marcello La Rosa, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, , Australia; Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria; Hajo A. Reijers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsFundamentals of Business Process ManagementXXXII, 527 p. 199 illus., 22 illus. in color.Second Edition22018final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Hard coverBook0Computer ScienceGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English527JPPKJQSpringerSpringer Berlin Heidelberg0Available2018-04-092018-03-282018-05-202018-05-2012013,978-3-642-33142-8,978-3-642-33144-2,978-3-642-43473-0,978-3-642-33143-51 Introduction to Business Process Management.- 2 Process Identification.- 3 Essential Process Modeling.- 4 Advanced Process Modeling.- 5 Process Discovery.- 6 Qualitative Process Analysis.- 7 Quantitative Process Analysis.- 8 Process Redesign.- 9 Process-Aware Information Systems.- 10 Process Implementation with Executable Models.- 11 Process Monitoring.- 12 BPM as an Enterprise Capability.<div>This textbook covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by practitioners and vendors worldwide.</div><div>
</div><div>In addition to explaining the relevant conceptual background, the book provides dozens of examples, more than 230 exercises – many with solutions – and numerous suggestions for further reading. This second edition includes extended and completely revised chapters on process identification, process discovery, qualitative process analysis, process redesign, process automation and process monitoring. A new chapter on BPM as an enterprise capability has been added, which expands the scope of the book to encompass topics such as the strategic alignment and governance of BPM initiatives.</div><div>
</div><div>The textbook is the result of many years of combined teaching experience of the authors, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as in the context of professional training. Students and professionals from both business management and computer science will benefit from the step-by-step style of the textbook and its focus on fundamental concepts and proven methods. Lecturers will appreciate the class-tested format and the additional teaching material available on the accompanying website.</div>
<div>This textbook covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by practitioners and vendors worldwide.</div><div>
</div><div>In addition to explaining the relevant conceptual background, the book provides dozens of examples, more than 230 exercises – many with solutions – and numerous suggestions for further reading. This second edition includes extended and completely revised chapters on process identification, process discovery, qualitative process analysis, process redesign, process automation and process monitoring. A new chapter on BPM as an enterprise capability has been added, which expands the scope of the book to encompass topics such as the strategic alignment and governance of BPM initiatives.</div><div>
</div><div>The textbook is the result of many years of combined teaching experience of the authors, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as in the context of professional training. Students and professionals from both business management and computer science will benefit from the step-by-step style of the textbook and its focus on fundamental concepts and proven methods. Lecturers will appreciate the class-tested format and the additional teaching material available on the accompanying website.</div>
<p>Covers the whole BPM lifecycle, including process identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, automation and monitoring</p><p>Class-tested textbook complemented with additional teaching material on the accompanying website</p><p>Covers both relevant conceptual background, industrial standards and actionable skills</p><div>Marlon Dumas is a professor of Information Systems at University of Tartu, Estonia and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. He is co-editor of a textbook on Process-Aware Information Systems (Wiley, 2005) and has taught BPM both in academia and as a professional trainer for over a decade in a dozen countries. He is also an active BPM researcher with a focus on process modeling, analysis and monitoring. He is one of the main architects of two open-source BPM projects – Apromore and Nirdizati.</div><div>
</div><div>Marcello La Rosa is a professor of Information Systems at The University of Melbourne, Australia. Prior to that, he held an appointment at QUT, Australia. Marcello leads the Apromore open-source project, for the development of an advanced process analytics platform, and contributes to the predictive process monitoring platform Nirdizati. His research interests focus on process mining, analysis and consolidation. Marcello has taught BPM to students and practitioners in Australia and overseas for over ten years. His MOOCs, co-developed with the other authors of this book, have been attended by over 25,000 students worldwide.</div><div>
</div><div>Jan Mendling is a full professor with the Institute for Information Business at the WU Vienna, Austria. Prior to that, he held appointments at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, and at QUT, Australia. Currently, he is also a visiting professor at the University of Ljubljana and the University of Liechtenstein. His main research interests are in business process management and process mining. Jan has taught BPM to students and practitioners at different institutions in Europe and Australia. He is co-founder of the Berliner BPM-Offensive, a practitioners’ forum for BPM, and a board member of the Austrian Process Management Society (Gesellschaft für Prozessmanagement).</div><div>
</div><div>Hajo A. Reijers is a full professor of Business Informatics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He also holds a position as part-time, full professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. Previously, he worked as a management consultant in the BPM field. Hajo has taught BPM to students at all academic levels and provides training to practitioners at the TIAS Business School. He is one of the founders of the Business Process Management Forum, a Dutch platform for the exchange of knowledge between industry and academia.</div>
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11645009783662565087410038308018_2_En308018Computer Application in Administrative Data ProcessingBusiness Process ManagementComputer and Information Systems ApplicationsSoftware Engineering3204,6691,3121,5482/Computer Application in Administrative Data Processing/Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Application in Administrative Data Processing/Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Business Process Management/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Business Informatics//Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing///010.1007/978-3-662-56509-4Fundamentals of Business Process Management
29978-3-030-88345-4De WeckOlivier L. De WeckOlivier L. De Weck, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USATechnology Roadmapping and DevelopmentA Quantitative Approach to the Management of TechnologyXXVIII, 642 p. 1 illus.12022final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Hard coverBook0EngineeringGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English642TBCKJMVSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2022-06-222022-06-212023-09-112023-09-111Chapter 1. What is Technology?.- Chapter 2. Technological Milestones of Humanity.- Chapter 3. Technology and Nature.- Chapter 4. Quantifying Technological Progress.- Chapter 5. Patents and Intellectual Property.- Chapter 6. Case 1: The Automobile.- Chapter 7. Diffusion and Disruption of Technology.- Chapter 8. Technology Roadmaps.- Chapter 9. Case 2: The Aircraft.- Chapter 10. Technology Strategy and Competition.- Chapter 11. Systems Modeling and Technology Sensitivity.- Chapter 12. Technology Infusion Analysis.- Chapter 13. Case 3: The Deep Space Network.- Chapter 14. Technology Scouting.- Chapter 15. Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer.- Chapter 16. R&D Portfolio Management.- Chapter 17. Technology Valuation and Finance.- Chapter 18. Case 4: DNA Sequencing.- Chapter 19. Impact of Technology on Industrial Ecosystems.- Chapter 20. Military and Intelligence Technologies.- Chapter 21. Aging and Technology.- Chapter 22. The Singularity: Fiction or Reality?This textbook explains Technology Roadmapping, in both its development and practice, and illustrates the underlying theory of, and empirical evidence for, technologic evolution over time afforded by this strategy. The book contains a rich set of examples and practical exercises from a wide array of domains in applied science and engineering such as transportation, energy, communications, and medicine. Professor de Weck gives a complete review of the principles, methods, and tools of technology management for organizations and technologically-enabled systems, including technology scouting, roadmapping, strategic planning, R&D project execution, intellectual property management, knowledge management, partnering and acquisition, technology transfer, innovation management, and financial technology valuation. Special topics also covered include Moore’s law, S-curves, the singularity and fundamental limits to technology. Ideal for university courses in engineering, management, and business programs, as well as self-study or online learning for professionals in a range of industries, readers of this book will learn how to develop and deploy comprehensive technology roadmaps and R&D portfolios on diverse topics of their choice.<div>Introduces a unique framework, Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA), for developing quantitative technology roadmaps and competitive R&D portfolios through a lucid and rigorous step-by-step approach;Elucidates the ATRA framework through analysis which was validated on an actual $1 billion R&D portfolio at Airbus, leveraging a pedagogy significantly beyond typical university textbooks and problem sets;Reinforces concepts with in-depth case studies, practical exercises, examples, and thought experiments interwoven throughout the text;Maximizes reader competence on how to explicitly link strategy, finance, and technology.<div>
</div><div>The book follows and supports the MIT Professional Education Courses “Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development,” and “Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis”</div></div><div><div></div>

This textbook explains Technology Roadmapping, in both its development and practice, and illustrates the underlying theory of, and empirical evidence for, technologic evolution over time afforded by this strategy. The book contains a rich set of examples and practical exercises from a wide array of domains in applied science and engineering such as transportation, energy, communications, and medicine. Professor de Weck gives a complete review of the principles, methods, and tools of technology management for organizations and technologically-enabled systems, including technology scouting, roadmapping, strategic planning, R&D project execution, intellectual property management, knowledge management, partnering and acquisition, technology transfer, innovation management, and financial technology valuation. Special topics also covered include Moore’s law, S-curves, the singularity and fundamental limits to technology. Ideal for university courses in engineering, management, and business programs, as well as self-study or online learning for professionals in a range of industries, readers of this book will learn how to develop and deploy comprehensive technology roadmaps and R&D portfolios on diverse topics of their choice.<div>Introduces a unique framework, Advanced Technology Roadmap Architecture (ATRA), for developing quantitative technology roadmaps and competitive R&D portfolios through a lucid and rigorous step-by-step approach;Elucidates the ATRA framework through analysis which was validated on an actual $1 billion R&D portfolio at Airbus, leveraging a pedagogy significantly beyond typical university textbooks and problem sets;Reinforces concepts with in-depth case studies, practical exercises, examples, and thought experiments interwoven throughout the text;Maximizes reader competence on how to explicitly link strategy, finance, and technology.<div>
</div><div>The book follows and supports the MIT Professional Education Courses “Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development,” and “Management of Technology: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis”</div></div>
Introduces a framework, ATRA, for quantitative technology roadmaps and R&D portfolios with a lucid step-by-step approachElucidates the ATRA framework through analysis which was validated on an actual $1 billion R&D portfolio at AirbusReinforces concepts with in-depth case studies, practical exercises, examples, and thought experimentsDr. Olivier L. de Weck is the Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA.

StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11647009783030883454446274495472_1_En495472Industrial ManagementOperations ManagementIndustrial and Production EngineeringControl and Systems TheoryEconomicsApplied Dynamical Systems3040,4996,3041,3461,3032,5373/Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Management/Industrial and Production Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Management/Industrial and Production Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Operations Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Mechanical Engineering/Industrial and Production Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Control and Systems Theory/Control, Robotics, Automation/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Applied Dynamical Systems/Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications/Technology and Engineering/010.1007/978-3-030-88346-1Technology Roadmapping and Development
30978-1-137-57164-9ChancellorEdward ChancellorEdward Chancellor, Marathon Asset Management Ltd, London, UKCapital ReturnsInvesting Through the Capital Cycle: A Money Manager’s Reports 2002-15XIV, 211 p.12016final64.9969.5471.4954.9977.0069.99Hard coverBook0Economics and FinanceProfessional book0English211KFFMKJUPalgrave MacmillanPalgrave Macmillan UK0Available2015-11-252015-11-252015-11-242015-12-221Contents
List Of Charts And Tables
Editor '' ''s Note
1. Capital Cycle Revolution
1.1 Evolution Of Cooperation (February 2004)
1.2 Cod Philosophy (August 2004)
1.3 This Time '' ''s No Different (May 2006)
1.4 Supercycle Woes (May 2011)
1.5 No Small Beer (February 2010)
1.6 Oil Peak (February 2012)
1.7 Major Concerns (March 2014)
1.8 A Capital Cycle Revolution (March 2014)
1.9 Growth Paradox (September 2014)
2. Value In Growth
2.1 Warning Labels (September 2002)
2.2 Long Game (March 2003)
2.3 Double Agents (June 2004)
2.4 Digital Moats (August 2007)
2.5 Quality Time (August 2011)
2.6 Escaping The Semis '' '' Cycle (February 2013)
2.7 Research Enabler (March 2013)
2.8 Value In Growth (August 2013)
2.9 Quality Control (May 2014)
2.10 Under The Radar (February 2015)
3. Management Matters
3.1 Food For Thought (September 2003)
3.2 Meet The Management (March 2007)
3.3 Cyclical Misteps (August 2010)
3.4 A Capital Allocator (September 2010)
3.5 Northern Stars (March 2011)
3.6 Say On Pay (February 2012)
3.7 Happy Families (March 2012)
3.8 The Wit And Wisdom Of Johann Rupert (June 2013)
3.9a Meeting Of Minds (June 2014)
3.10 Culture Vulture (February 2015)
4. Accidents-In-Waiting
4.1 Accidents-In-Waiting (2002-08)
4.2 The Builders '' '' Bank (May 2004)
4.3 Insecuritization (November 2002)
4.4 Carry On Private Equity (December 2004)
4.5 Blowing Bubbles (May 2006)
4.6 Pass The Parcel (February 2007)
4.7 Property Fiesta (February 2007)
4.8 Conduit Street (August 2007)
4.9 On The Rocks (September 2007)
4.10 Seven Deadly Sins (November 2009)
5. The Living Dead
5.1 Right To Buy (November 2008)
5.2 Spanish Deconstruction (November 2010)
5.3 Piigs Can Fly (November 2011)
5.4 Broken Banks (September 2012)
5.5 Twilight Zone (November 2012)
5.6 Capital Punishment (March 2013)
5.7 Living Dead (November 2013)
5.8 Relax, Mr Piketty (August 2014)
6. China Syndrome
6.1 Oriental Tricks (February 2003)
6.2 Dressed To Impress (November 2003)
6.3 Game Of Loans (March 2005)
6.4 What Lies Beneath (February 2014)
6.5 Value Traps (September 2014)
7. Inside The Mind Of Wall Street
7.1 A Complaint (December 2003)
7.2 Private Party (December 2005)
7.3 Christmas Cheer (December 2008)
7.4 Former Greedspin Boss Flees China (December 2010)
7.5 Occupy Bundestag (December 2011)
7.6 Season '' ''s Greetings (December 2012)
7.7 Lunch With The Gir (December 2013)
7.8 All Change (December 2014)
We live in an age of serial asset bubbles and spectacular busts. Economists, policymakers, central bankers and most people in the financial world have been blindsided by these busts, while investors have lost trillions. Economists argue that bubbles can only be spotted after they burst and that market moves are unpredictable. Yet Marathon Asset Management, a London-based investment firm managing over $50 billion of assets has developed a relatively simple method for identifying and potentially avoiding them: follow the money, or rather the trail of investment. Bubbles whether they affect a whole economy or merely a single industry, tend to attract a splurge of capital spending. Excessive investment drives down returns and leads inexorably to a bust. This was the case with both the technology bubble at the turn of the century and the US housing bubble which followed shortly after. More recently, vast sums have been invested in mining and energy. From an investor's perspective, the trick is to avoid investing in sectors, or markets, where investment spending is unduly elevated and competition is fierce, and to put one's money to work where capital expenditure is depressed, competitive conditions are more favourable and, as a result, prospective investment returns are higher. This capital cycle strategy encourages investors to eschew the simple 'growth' and 'value' dichotomy and identify firms that can deliver superior returns either because capital has been taken out of an industry, or because the business has strong barriers to entry (what Warren Buffett refers to as a 'moat'). Some of Marathon's most successful investments have come from obscure, sometimes niche operations whose businesses are protected from the destructive forces of the capital cycle. Capital Returns is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practical implementation of the capital cycle approach to investment. Edited and with an introduction by Edward Chancellor, the book brings together 60 of the most insightful reports written between 2002 and 2014 by Marathon portfolio managers. Capital Returns provides key insights into the capital cycle strategy, all supported with real life examples from global brewers to the semiconductor industry - showing how this approach can be usefully applied to different industry conditions and how, prior to 2008, it helped protect assets from financial catastrophe. This book will be a welcome reference for serious investors who looking to maximise portfolio returns over the long run.Edward Chancellor (editor and introduction) is the author of Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation (FSG, 1999), a New York Times 'Notable Book of the Year' and editor of Marathon's previous book, Capital Account: A Money Manager's Reports on a Turbulent Decade (Thomson Texere, 2004). Mr. Chancellor is an award-winning financial journalist, who has written for the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters and many other publications. He is a former member of the asset allocation team at GMO, a Boston-based investment firm.

Marathon Asset Management (trading in the United States as Marathon-London) is an independent owner managed investment firm based in London. Founded in 1986, Marathon has successfully applied longer-term and often contrarian investment strategies around the globe.
ProfessionalsPalgrave Business US (P2)Palgrave Business ( P2)EBOP41170009781137571649314052368125_1_En368125Financial ServicesOrganizationBusiness Strategy and Leadership3092,5660,3247/Industries/Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/Economics//Industries/Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/Economics//Organization/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences////010.1007/978-1-137-57165-6Capital Returns
31978-0-387-95385-4LangSerge LangSerge Lang, Yale University Dept. Mathematics, New Haven, CT, USAAlgebraXV, 918 p.Originally published by Addison-Wesley, 199332002final59.9564.1565.9553.9992.1879.95Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics211Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English914PBFPBFSpringerSpringer New York0Available2002-01-082001-05-232013-12-312014-01-281One The Basic Objects of Algebra.- I Groups.- II Rings.- III Modules.- IV Polynomials.- Two Algebraic Equations.- V Algebraic Extensions.- VI Galois Theory.- VII Extensions of Rings.- VIII Transcendental Extensions.- IX Algebraic Spaces.- X Noetherian Rings and Modules.- XI Real Fields.- XII Absolute Values.- Three Linear Algebra and Representations.- XIII Matrices and Linear Maps.- XIV Representation of One Endomorphism.- XV Structure of Bilinear Forms.- XVI The Tensor Product.- XVII Semisimplicity.- XVIII Representations of Finite Groups.- XIX The Alternating Product.- Four Homological Algebra.- XX General Homology Theory.- XXI Finite Free Resolutions.- Appendix 2 Some Set Theory.This book is intended as a basic text for a one-year course in Algebra at the graduate level, or as a useful reference for mathematicians and professionals who use higher-level algebra. It successfully addresses the basic concepts of algebra. For the revised third edition, the author has added exercises and made numerous corrections to the text.

Comments on Serge Lang's Algebra:
Lang's Algebra changed the way graduate algebra is taught, retaining classical topics but introducing language and ways of thinking from category theory and homological algebra. It has affected all subsequent graduate-level algebra books.
April 1999 Notices of the AMS, announcing that the author was awarded the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition for his many mathematics books.

The author has an impressive knack for presenting the important and interesting ideas of algebra in just the 'right' way, and he never gets bogged down in the dry formalism which pervades some parts of algebra.
MathSciNet's review of the first edition
From April 1999 Notices of the AMS, announcing that the author was awarded the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition for his many mathematics books: 'Lang's Algebra changed the way graduate algebra is taught, retaining classical topics but introducing language and ways of thinking from category theory and homological algebra. It has affected all subsequent graduate-level algebra books.'
From MathSciNet's review of the first edition:
'The author has an impressive knack for presenting the important and interesting ideas of algebra in just the 'right' way, and he never gets bogged down in the dry formalism which pervades some parts of algebra.'
This book is intended as a basic text for a one-year course in Algebra at the graduate level, or as a useful reference for mathematicians and professionals who use higher-level algebra. This book successfully addresses all of the basic concepts of algebra. For the new edition, the author has added exercises and made numerous corrections to the text.
This book is considered a classic, which "changed the way algebra was taught" (Notices of the AMS)StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097803879538547288673851_3_En73851AlgebraCommutative Rings and AlgebrasLinear AlgebraAssociative Rings and AlgebrasGroup Theory and Generalizations3991,4647,4691,5744,6213/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Commutative Rings and Algebras/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Linear Algebra/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Associative Rings and Algebras/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Group Theory and Generalizations/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//010.1007/978-1-4613-0041-0Algebra
32978-3-030-85483-6GeraghtyPatricia GeraghtyPatricia Geraghty, Patricia Geraghty FNP WHNP A Nurs Corp, Walnut Creek, CA, USAEach Woman’s Menopause: An Evidence Based ResourceFor Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurses and Allied Health ProfessionalsX, 413 p. 27 illus., 20 illus. in color.12022final84.9990.9493.4974.99100.5099.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English413MQCMJTSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2021-12-032021-12-032021-12-202021-12-201<div>Chapter 1. History and Overview of the Menopause Experience.- Part I. Women’s Perspective and Physiology of the Menopause Transition .- Chapter 2. Women’s Voices: The Lived Experience of the Path to Menopause.- Chapter 3. Communication with Women in the Menopause Transition.- Chapter 4. Physiology of Menopause.- Chapter 5. Menopause and Chronic Disease.- Chapter 6. Menopause Hormone Therapy.- Part II. Menopause Symptom Management.- Chapter 7. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding.- Chapter 8. Vasomotor Symptoms.- Chapter 9. Sleep Disruption.- Chapter 10. Mood and Cognition .- Chapter 11. Genitourinary and Sexual Health.- Chapter 12. Nutrition and Weight Management in Midlife.- Chapter 13. Musculoskeletal Health in Menopause.- Chapter 14. Breast Health.</div>This book is designed to meet the needs of nurse practitioners, other advanced practice nurses, and allied health professionals working in women’s health, primary care, and other specialties. The multiple roles the clinician embraces in menopause management include that of direct caregiver, manager of therapeutics, educator, and interdisciplinary team member or leader. This book provides updated, evidence based information on the menopause transition from the late reproductive stage to post-menopause to optimize the interaction of the clinician and the individual woman in each of those roles. Women’s lived experiences of menopause and women’s concerns regarding both the menopause transition and the choice of care options are included as critical components of shared therapy decisions. The review of natural menopause physiology and the variability of menopause symptoms are inclusive of diverse women and diverse trajectories. The impact of menopause on chronic disease, sleep, weight and nutrition, mood and cognition, urogenital health and sexuality, as well as vasomotor symptoms are each developed as individual topics by experts in those fields. Evidence based management using hormonal and non-hormonal options, and life-style and other complementary interventions are discussed with the most updated advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option. Consistent with advanced practice nursing theory, the approach is whole patient focused.This book is designed to meet the needs of nurse practitioners, other advanced practice nurses, and allied health professionals working in women’s health, primary care, and other specialties. The multiple roles the clinician embraces in menopause management include that of direct caregiver, manager of therapeutics, educator, and interdisciplinary team member or leader. This book provides updated, evidence based information on the menopause transition from the late reproductive stage to post-menopause to optimize the interaction of the clinician and the individual woman in each of those roles.

Women’s lived experiences of menopause and women’s concerns regarding both the menopause transition and the choice of care options are included as critical components of shared therapy decisions. The review of natural menopause physiology and the variability of menopause symptoms are inclusive of diverse women and diverse trajectories. The impact of menopause on chronic disease, sleep, weight and nutrition, mood and cognition, urogenital health and sexuality, as well as vasomotor symptoms are each developed as individual topics by experts in those fields. Evidence based management using hormonal and non-hormonal options, and life-style and other complementary interventions are discussed with the most updated advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option. Consistent with advanced practice nursing theory, the approach is whole patient focused.

<div> </div>

<p>Focuses on evidence based menopause stages, symptoms, and consequences to diagnose, manage, and educate patients</p><p>Includes data from diverse populations, cultural variations, and variable access to care</p><p>Describes the spectrum of menopause symptoms from the most researched, vasomotor and sleep disruption symptoms</p><div>Patricia Geraghty, MSN, FNP-BC, WHNP is the Director of Women’s Health and Coordinator of the comprehensive Pelvic Pain Program in a multi-disciplinary practice, CARE Walnut Creek, in Walnut Creek, CA. She is a nurse practitioner with over 20 years of experience in women’s health. She translates complex health information into practical and achievable plans that make women’s lives better.

Ms. Geraghty attended the University of California, Davis for undergraduate studies in biological and behavioral development, and started her career as part of a neuropsychology research team at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda Maryland. She then did a MSN in Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner followed by a post-masters Family Nurse Practitioner credential at the University of California, San Francisco.

Ms. Geraghty was the founding coordinator of the Family Nurse Practitioner program at Holy Names University in Oakland, California, where she continues as clinical faculty. She speaks and publishes nationally on topics pertinent to women’s health across the lifespan. She is a member of the Medical Advisory Board for Sharecare, Inc., the North American Menopause Society, Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.</div>
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030854836451876500589_1_En500589NursingGynecologyReproductive MedicineNutrition3774,4198,7574,3524/Nursing/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Nursing/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Gynecology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Reproductive Medicine/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Nutrition/Health Care/Life Sciences/Health Sciences///010.1007/978-3-030-85484-3Each Woman’s Menopause: An Evidence Based Resource
33978-1-4842-4323-7TrivediVinay TrivediVinay Trivedi, Newtown, PA, USAHow to Speak TechThe Non-Techie’s Guide to Key Technology ConceptsXV, 179 p. 5 illus.22019final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0032.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English179UMKJApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2019-03-272019-03-272019-04-272019-04-2712014,978-1-4302-6610-5,978-1-4302-6612-9,978-1-4302-6611-2,978-1-4842-5320-5Chapter 1: The Internet.- Chapter 2: Hosting and the Cloud.- Chapter 3: The Back End: Programming Languages.- Chapter 4: The Front End: Presentation.- Chapter 5: Databases: The Model.- Chapter 6: Leveraging Existing Code: APIs, Libraries, Web Services, and Open-Source Projects.- Chapter 7: Software Development: Working in Teams.- Chapter 8: Software Development: The Process.- Chapter 9: Software Development: Debugging and Testing.- Chapter 10: Attracting and Understanding Your Users.- Chapter 11: Performance and Scalability.- Chapter 12: Security.- Chapter 13: Mobile Basics.- Chapter 14: The Internet of Things.- Chapter 15: Artificial Intelligence.- Chapter 16: The Blockchain.- Chapter 17: Virtual and Augmented Reality.“Finally, a book non-techies can use to understand the technologies that are changing our lives.” Paul Bottino, Executive Director, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, Harvard University

“A great book everyone can use to understand how tech startups work.” Rene Reinsberg, Founder at Celo; Former VP of Emerging Products, GoDaddy

“Through the simplicity of his presentation, Vinay shows that the basics of technology can be straightforwardly understood by anyone who puts in the time and effort to learn.” Joseph Lassiter, Professor of Management Science, Harvard Business School and Harvard Innovation Lab
Things you’ve done online: ordered a pizza, checked the weather, booked a hotel, and reconnected with long-lost friends. Now it’s time to find out how these things work. Vinay Trivedi peels back the mystery of the Internet, explains it all in the simplest terms, and gives you the knowledge you need to speak confidently when the subject turns to technology.
This revised second edition of How to Speak Tech employs the strategy of the popular first edition: through the narrative of setting up a fictitious startup, it introduces you to essential tech concepts. New tech topics that were added in this edition include the blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.
The author’s key message is: technology isn’t beyond the understanding of anyone! By breaking down major tech concepts involved with a modern startup into bite-sized chapters, the author’s approach helps you understand topics that aren’t always explained clearly and shows you that they aren’t rocket science.
So go ahead, grab this book, start to “speak tech,” and hold your own in any tech-related conversation!
<div>Things you’ve done online: ordered a pizza, checked the weather, booked a hotel, and reconnected with long-lost friends. Now it’s time to find out how these things work. Vinay Trivedi peels back the mystery of the Internet, explains it all in the simplest terms, and gives you the knowledge you need to speak confidently when the subject turns to technology. This revised second edition of How to Speak Tech employs the strategy of the popular first edition: through the narrative of setting up a fictitious startup, it introduces you to essential tech concepts. New tech topics that were added in this edition include the blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.The author’s key message is: technology isn’t beyond the understanding of anyone! By breaking down major tech concepts involved with a modern startup into bite-sized chapters, the author’s approach helps you understand topics that aren’t always explained clearly and shows you that they aren’t rocket science. So go ahead, grab this book, start to “speak tech,” and hold your own in any tech-related conversation!
</div>What You'll LearnUnderstand the basics of new and established technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR), Internet of Things (IoT), software development, programming languages, databases, and moreListen intelligently and speak confidently when technologies are brought up in your businessBe confident in your grasp of terms and technologies when setting up your own organization's application
Who This Book Is ForStudents who want to understand different technologies relevant to their future careers at startups and established organizations, as well as business and other non-technical professionals who encounter and require an understanding of key technical terms and trends to succeed in their roles
Reviews“Finally, a book non-techies can use to understand the technologies that are changing our lives.” Paul Bottino, Executive Director, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, Harvard University“A great book everyone can use to understand how tech startups work.” Rene Reinsberg, Founder at Celo; Former VP of Emerging Products, GoDaddy
“Through the simplicity of his presentation, Vinay shows that the basics of technology can be straightforwardly understood by anyone who puts in the time and effort to learn.” Joseph Lassiter, Professor of Management Science, Harvard Business School and Harvard Innovation Lab
<p>Demystifies tech and business buzzwords to allow you to speak confidently about different technologies</p><p>Spells out the essential technical terms and technologies involved in setting up your web or mobile application</p><p>Covers technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, AR and VR, IoT, and more, for the basic understanding of a non-technical reader</p><div>Vinay Trivedi works in technology investing with experience from Blackstone Private Equity, SoftBank Vision Fund, and Romulus Capital. He angel invests out of an ESG-oriented pre-seed fund that he co-founded called Freeland Group. His experience also includes product management at Citymapper and Locu, two venture-backed startups in London and Boston, respectively.</div><div>
</div><div>Vinay serves on the Steering Committee of Startup in Residence (STiR), a program spun out of the San Francisco Mayor's Office of Civic Innovation that connects startups with government agencies to develop technology products that address civic challenges. He has also worked with the New York City Mayor's Office of the CTO on its NYCx Moonshot Challenge Initiative.</div><div>
</div><div>Vinay studied at Stanford Graduate School of Business (MBA) and Harvard University (AB Honors in Computer Science), where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa and as a John Harvard Scholar, Weissman Scholar, and Detur Book Prize Winner.</div><div>
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484243237418902321739_2_En321739Programming TechniquesBusiness and ManagementTechnology and EngineeringCompilers and InterpretersData and Information Security7055,3120,2887,22727,4516/Programming Techniques/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Programming Techniques/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Technology and Engineering//Compilers and Interpreters/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Data and Information Security/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//010.1007/978-1-4842-4324-4How to Speak Tech
34978-3-662-57264-1AignerMartin Aigner; Günter M. ZieglerMartin Aigner, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Günter M. Ziegler, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, GermanyProofs from THE BOOKVIII, 326 p.62018final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0059.99Hard coverBook0Mathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English326PBHPBMSpringerSpringer Berlin Heidelberg0WorldwideAvailable2018-07-062018-06-142018-07-252018-08-221,978-3-662-44204-3,978-3-662-44206-7,978-3-662-44205-0,978-3-662-49592-6Number Theory: 1. Six proofs of the infinity of primes.- 2. Bertrand’s postulate.- 3. Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers.- 4. Representing numbers as sums of two squares.- 5. The law of quadratic reciprocity.- 6. Every finite division ring is a field.- 7. The spectral theorem and Hadamard’s determinant problem.- 8. Some irrational numbers.- 9. Three times π2/6.- Geometry: 10. Hilbert’s third problem: decomposing polyhedral.- 11. Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs.- 12. The slope problem.- 13. Three applications of Euler’s formula.- 14. Cauchy’s rigidity theorem.- 15. The Borromean rings don’t exist.- 16. Touching simplices.- 17. Every large point set has an obtuse angle.- 18. Borsuk’s conjecture.- Analysis: 19. Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis.- 20. In praise of inequalities.- 21. The fundamental theorem of algebra.- 22. One square and an odd number of triangles.- 23. A theorem of Pólya on polynomials.- 24. Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture.- 25. On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord.- 26. Cotangent and the Herglotz trick.- 27. Buffon’s needle problem.- Combinatorics: 28. Pigeon-hole and double counting.- 29. Tiling rectangles.- 30. Three famous theorems on finite sets.- 31. Shuffling cards.- 32. Lattice paths and determinants.- 33. Cayley’s formula for the number of trees.- 34. Identities versus bijections.- 35. The finite Kakeya problem.- 36. Completing Latin squares.- Graph Theory: 37. Permanents and the power of entropy.- 38. The Dinitz problem.- 39. Five-coloring plane graphs.- 40. How to guard a museum.- 41. Turán’s graph theorem.- 42. Communicating without errors.- 43. The chromatic number of Kneser graphs.- 44. Of friends and politicians.- 45. Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy.- About the Illustrations.- Index.This revised and enlarged sixth edition of Proofs from THE BOOK features an entirely new chapter on Van der Waerden’s permanent conjecture, as well as additional, highly original and delightful proofs in other chapters.

From the citation on the occasion of the 2018 'Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition'

“… It is almost impossible to write a mathematics book that can be read and enjoyed by people of all levels and backgrounds, yet Aigner and Ziegler accomplish this feat of exposition with virtuoso style. […] This book does an invaluable service to mathematics, by illustrating for non-mathematicians what it is that mathematicians mean when they speak about beauty.”

From the Reviews

'... Inside PFTB (Proofs from The Book) is indeed a glimpse of mathematical heaven, where clever insights and beautiful ideas combine in astonishing and glorious ways. There is vast wealth within its pages, one gem after another. ... Aigner and Ziegler... write: '... all we offer is the examples that we have selected, hoping that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights and wonderful observations.' I do. ... '

Notices of the AMS, August 1999

'... This book is a pleasure to hold and to look at: ample margins, nice photos, instructive pictures and beautiful drawings ... It is a pleasure to read as well: the style is clear and entertaining, the level is close to elementary, the necessary background is given separately and the proofs are brilliant. ...'

LMS Newsletter, January 1999

'Martin Aigner and Günter Ziegler succeeded admirably in putting together a broad collection of theorems and their proofs that would undoubtedly be in the Book of Erdös. The theorems are so fundamental, their proofs so elegant and the remaining open questions so intriguing that every mathematician, regardless of speciality, can benefit from reading this book. ... '

SIGACT News, December 2011
This revised and enlarged sixth edition of Proofs from THE BOOK features an entirely new chapter on Van der Waerden’s permanent conjecture, as well as additional, highly original and delightful proofs in other chapters.From the citation on the occasion of the 2018 'Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition' “… It is almost impossible to write a mathematics book that can be read and enjoyed by people of all levels and backgrounds, yet Aigner and Ziegler accomplish this feat of exposition with virtuoso style. […] This book does an invaluable service to mathematics, by illustrating for non-mathematicians what it is that mathematicians mean when they speak about beauty.”From the Reviews'... Inside PFTB (Proofs from The Book) is indeed a glimpse of mathematical heaven, where clever insights and beautiful ideas combine in astonishing and glorious ways. There is vast wealth within its pages, one gem after another. ... Aigner and Ziegler... write: '... all we offer is the examples that we have selected, hoping that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights and wonderful observations.' I do. ... 'Notices of the AMS, August 1999'... This book is a pleasure to hold and to look at: ample margins, nice photos, instructive pictures and beautiful drawings ... It is a pleasure to read as well: the style is clear and entertaining, the level is close to elementary, the necessary background is given separately and the proofs are brilliant. ...'LMS Newsletter, January 1999'Martin Aigner and Günter Ziegler succeeded admirably in putting together a broad collection of theorems and their proofs that would undoubtedly be in the Book of Erdös. The theorems are so fundamental, their proofs so elegant and the remaining open questions so intriguing that every mathematician, regardless of speciality, can benefit from reading this book. ... ' SIGACT News, December 2011
<p>Revised and enlarged sixth edition</p><p>New chapter on Van der Waerden’s permanent conjecture</p><p>New sections on the asymptotics for the number of Latin squares</p><p>New proof for the Basel problem</p><p>Geometric explanation for the involution proof for Fermat's two squares theorem</p><p>Presents some recent jewels and surprises</p>Martin Aigner received his Ph.D. from the University of Vienna and has been professor of mathematics at the Freie Universität Berlin since 1974. He has published in various fields of combinatorics and graph theory and is the author of several monographs on discrete mathematics, among them the Springer books Combinatorial Theory and A Course on Enumeration. Martin Aigner is a recipient of the 1996 Lester R. Ford Award for mathematical exposition of the Mathematical Association of America MAA.Günter M. Ziegler received his Ph.D. from M.I.T. and has been professor of mathematics in Berlin – first at TU Berlin, now at Freie Universität – since 1995. He has published in discrete mathematics, geometry, topology, and optimization, including the Lectures on Polytopes with Springer, as well as „Do I Count? Stories from Mathematics“. Günter M. Ziegler is a recipient of the 2006 Chauvenet Prize of the MAA for his expository writing and the 2008 Communicator award of the German Science Foundation.Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler have started their work on Proofs from THE BOOK in 1995 together with Paul Erdös. The first edition of this book appeared in 1998 – it has since been translated into 13 languages: Brazilian, Chinese, German, Farsi, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978366257264140971256181_6_En56181Number TheoryGeometryAnalysisDiscrete MathematicsGraph TheoryMathematics of Computing4799,3472,3076,4498,5307,3080/Number Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Number Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Geometry/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Discrete Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Graph Theory/Discrete Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics of Computing/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/010.1007/978-3-662-57265-8Proofs from THE BOOK
35978-0-387-84924-9GoodsellDavid S. GoodsellDavid S. Goodsell, Scripps Research Institute Dept. Molecular Biology, La Jolla, CA, USAThe Machinery of LifeXII, 167 p.22009final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Hard coverBook0Biomedical and Life SciencesGeneral interest0English167PSBPSFCopernicusSpringer New York0Available2009-04-282009-05-262009-05-212009-06-011,978-1-4757-2268-0,978-0-387-98273-1,978-0-387-97846-8,978-1-4757-2267-3Molecular Machines.- The Processes of Living.- Molecules in Cells: Escherichia coli.- A Human Cell: The Advantages of Compartments.- The Human Body: The Advantages of Specialization.- Life and Death.- Viruses.- You and Your Molecules.Imagine that we had some way to look directly at the molecules in a living organism. An x-ray microscope would do the trick, or since we’re dreaming, perhaps an Asimov-style nanosubmarine (unfortunately, neither is currently feasible). Think of the wonders we could witness firsthand: antibodies atta- ing a virus, electrical signals racing down nerve fibers, proteins building new strands of DNA. Many of the questions puzzling the current cadre of sci- tists would be answered at a glance. But the nanoscale world of molecules is separated from our everyday world of experience by a daunting million-fold difference in size, so the world of molecules is completely invisible. I created the illustrations in this book to help bridge this gulf and allow us to see the molecular structure of cells, if not directly, then in an artistic rendition. I have included two types of illustrations with this goal in mind: watercolor paintings which magnify a small portion of a living cell by one million times, showing the arrangement of molecules inside, and comput- generated pictures, which show the atomic details of individual molecules. In this second edition of The Machinery of Life, these illustrations are presented in full color, and they incorporate many of the exciting scientific advances of the 15 years since the first edition.<p>Explores molecular machinery and the complexity and interconnected nature of living things through three levels: the machines, the molecular world, and the cell</p><p>Contains 50+ vibrant, full color illustrations of molecules and molecular processes at the atomic and cellular level</p><p>Incorporates 15 years of updates and advances in research and technology since the first edition, including never before seen illustrations</p><p>Includes a clear, jargon-free text accessible to the lay reader</p><p>Includes supplementary material:</p>Dr. David S. Goodsell is Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA. His illustrations have become well known and now appear in many publications as the primary demonstration of the crowded nature of cells. He has also provided expertise and illustrations to many science museums, most recently acting as a 'thinking partner” for a new multi-site nanotechnology initiative headed in part by the Exploratorium in San Francisco.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP116420097803878492493666534749_2_En34749BiochemistryCell BiologyHealth SciencesMicrobiology37114,3018,2879,2922/Biochemistry/Chemical Biology/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Biological Chemistry/Physical Sciences/Chemistry//Biochemistry/Chemical Biology/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Biological Chemistry/Physical Sciences/Chemistry//Cell Biology/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences//Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Microbiology///010.1007/978-0-387-84925-6The Machinery of Life
36978-3-030-79681-5MyersScott MyersScott Myers, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, USAThe Protagonist's JourneyAn Introduction to Character-Driven Screenwriting and StorytellingXXXVI, 339 p. 198 illus., 81 illus. in color.12022final21.9923.5324.1919.9926.0024.99Soft coverBook0Literature, Cultural and Media StudiesGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English339APFDAPPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2022-03-292022-03-272022-04-132022-04-131<div>Part I: The Protagonist’s Journey as Narrative Imperative.- Chapter One: The Protagonist’s Journey – Due to their central role, engaging the Protagonist is the most important aspect of the story-crafting process.- Chapter Two: Character Arc – In movies, there exists a recurring variety of character arcs including the most popular: positive transformation.- Chapter Three: Disunity – The Protagonist needs to change as reflected in their initial state of disunity.- Chapter Four: Deconstruction – Entering the New World, a series of challenges and trials deconstructs the Protagonist’s old ways of being.- Chapter Five: Reconstruction – Freed from their old ways of being, the Protagonist is reconstructed by embracing heretofore untapped inner potential.-Chapter Six: Unity – The Protagonist brings together all they have learned in the story’s final struggle and in doing so achieves unity.- Chapter Seven: The Protagonist’s Place Within the Screenplay Universe – The Protagonist’s journey interweaves between the External World and the Internal World.- Part II: The Protagonist’s Journey as Family of Characters.- Chapter Eight: Primary Character Archetypes – Five narrative dynamics common to movies represented by these archetypes: Protagonist, Nemesis, Attractor, Mentor, Trickster.- Chapter Nine: Nemesis – By providing opposition to the Protagonist, the Nemesis generates sustained conflict which creates the central drama of the story.- Chapter Ten: Attractor – During their journey, the Protagonist intersects with Attractor characters who connect with the Protagonist’s emotional development.- Chapter Eleven: Mentor – The Protagonist meets another type of ally, the Mentor who provides wisdom and contributes to the Protagonist’s intellectual growth.- Chapter Twelve: Trickster – A shapeshifter tests the will of the Protagonist by switching from ally to enemy, enemy to ally, and generating complications.- Chapter Thirteen: Subplots – Each Protagonist relationship with key characters is a mini-story with its own arc, theme, and contribution to the overall narrative.- Chapter Fourteen: Character Map – There is a structure to the Protagonist’s relationships with the story’s major characters.- Part III: The Protagonist’s Journey as Screenplay.- Chapter Fifteen: Breaking the Story I – Begin the story-crafting process by engaging the story’s central character with a Protagonist Character Treatment.- Chapter Sixteen: Breaking the Story II – Use a series of brainstorming exercises to explore the story universe and develop its characters.- Chapter Seventeen: Breaking the Story III – A first pass at wrangling the plot by working with Four Primary Plotline Points.- Chapter Eighteen: Breaking the Story IV – Track the Protagonist’s transformation arc through Four Themeline Movements.- Chapter Nineteen: Breaking the Story V – Expand the framework of the plot by identifying Ten Major Plotline Points.- Chapter Twenty: Breaking the Story VI – Construct the final story structure, both Plotline and Themeline into a Narrative Throughline.- Chapter Twenty-One: Writing the First Draft – Break down the writing process into sets of scenes from one Plotline Point to another all the way through the Denouement. </div>Character drives plot. Based on this principle, this book walks aspiring writers through the fascinating world of character-driven screenwriting. When a writer engages their characters, they start a process which naturally leads to the story’s structure and everything else that makes for a well-written narrative. Exploring the protagonist’s journey and their “unity arc,” Myers explains how a family of characters surrounds the protagonist and influences their transformation process. This easy-to-follow guide features activities that will help writers of any level develop their stories from concept to scene-by-scene outline. Based upon a popular workshop Myers has led with over a thousand writers at all levels of experience, this book is a must-have for screenwriting students, both undergraduate and graduate, and those looking at advanced story development.<div>Character drives plot. Based on this principle, this book walks aspiring writers through the fascinating world of character-driven screenwriting. When a writer engages their characters, they start a process which naturally leads to the story’s structure and everything else that makes for a well-written narrative. Exploring the protagonist’s journey and their “unity arc,” Myers explains how a family of characters surrounds the protagonist and influences their transformation process. This easy-to-follow guide features activities that will help writers of any level develop their stories from concept to scene-by-scene outline. Based upon a popular workshop Myers has led with over a thousand writers at all levels of experience, this book is a must-have for screenwriting students, both undergraduate and graduate, and those looking at advanced story development.
<p>Provides a new set of terminology to help students construct the interior and exterior arcs of character</p><p>Includes a diverse range of case studies, from Hollywood classics to contemporary feature films and television</p><p>Marks the first book-length study to take a Jungian approach to screenwriting</p><div>Scott Myers has written thirty projects for nearly every major Hollywood studio and broadcast network. He hosts, which Writers’ Digest named “Best of the Best Scriptwriting Website.” An assistant professor at DePaul University, USA, Scott is a graduate of the University of Virginia and Yale University Divinity School, USA.
StudentsPalgrave Standard US (P5)Palgrave Standard (P5)EBOP41173009783030796815427664478294_1_En478294ScreenwritingFilm and Television Production5867,5927/Film and Television Studies/Media and Communication/Humanities and Social Sciences/Screenwriting//Film and Television Studies/Media and Communication/Humanities and Social Sciences/Screenwriting//Film and Television Production/Film and Television Studies/Media and Communication/Humanities and Social Sciences/////010.1007/978-3-030-79682-2The Protagonist's Journey
37978-3-030-42656-9GoodhartCharles Goodhart; Manoj PradhanCharles Goodhart, London School of Economics, London, UK; Manoj Pradhan, Talking Heads Macro, London, UKThe Great Demographic ReversalAgeing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation RevivalXX, 260 p. 84 illus., 80 illus. in color.12020final29.9932.0932.9924.9935.5032.99Hard coverBook0Economics and FinanceGeneral interest0English260KCYKCBPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-08-092020-08-082020-08-262020-09-2311. Introduction.- 2. China: A Historic Mobilization Ends.- 3. The Great Demographic Reversal and its Effect on Future Growth.- 4. Dependency, Dementia and the Coming Crisis of Caring.- 5. The Likely Resurgence of Inflation.- 6. The Determination of (Real) Interest Rates during the Great Reversal.- 7. Inequality and the Rise of Populism.- 8. The Phillips Curve.- 9. “Why Didn’t It Happen in Japan?”: A Revisionist History of Japan’s Evolution.- 10. What Could Offset Global Ageing? India/Africa, Participation and Automation.- 11. The Debt Trap: Can We Avoid It?.- 12. A Switch from Debt to Equity Finance?.- 13. Future Policy Problems: Old Age and Taxes, and the Monetary-Fiscal Clash.- 14. Swimming Against the (Main)Stream.This original and panoramic book proposes that the underlying forces of demography and globalisation will shortly reverse three multi-decade global trends – it will raise inflation and interest rates, but lead to a pullback in inequality. “Whatever the future holds”, the authors argue, “it will be nothing like the past”. Deflationary headwinds over the last three decades have been primarily due to an enormous surge in the world’s available labour supply, owing to very favourable demographic trends and the entry of China and Eastern Europe into the world’s trading system. This book demonstrates how these demographic trends are on the point of reversing sharply, coinciding with a retreat from globalisation. The result? Ageing can be expected to raise inflation and interest rates, bringing a slew of problems for an over-indebted world economy, but is also anticipated to increase the share of labour, so that inequality falls. Covering many social and political factors, as well as those that are more purely macroeconomic, the authors address topics including ageing, dementia, inequality, populism, retirement and debt finance, among others. This book will be of interest and understandable to anyone with an interest on where the world’s economy is going.<div>This original and panoramic book proposes that the underlying forces of demography and globalisation will shortly reverse three multi-decade global trends – it will raise inflation and interest rates, but lead to a pullback in inequality. “Whatever the future holds”, the authors argue, “it will be nothing like the past”. Deflationary headwinds over the last three decades have been primarily due to an enormous surge in the world’s available labour supply, owing to very favourable demographic trends and the entry of China and Eastern Europe into the world’s trading system. This book demonstrates how these demographic trends are on the point of reversing sharply, coinciding with a retreat from globalisation. The result? Ageing can be expected to raise inflation and interest rates, bringing a slew of problems for an over-indebted world economy, but is also anticipated to increase the share of labour, so that inequality falls. Covering many social and political factors, as well as those that are more purely macroeconomic, the authors address topics including ageing, dementia, inequality, populism, retirement and debt finance, among others. This book will be of interest and understandable to anyone with an interest on where the world’s economy may be going.
<p>Shows how, and why, such factors and the retreat from globalisation will reverse recent trends, leading to higher inflation but less inequality</p><p>Presents a sharply different viewpoint from most current analyses, including secular stagnation</p><p>Examines the manifold problems caused by the ageing of our economies, ranging from macroeconomics through fiscal policy to dementia</p><p>Reaches different conclusions from others by focusing on the economy of the whole world, rather than on individual countries or regions</p><p>The first in its genre to take Asia seriously, viewing the role of China, in particular, as the most important development of the last, and next, 30 years</p>Charles Goodhart was appointed to the newly established Norman Sosnow Chair of Banking and Finance at the London School of Economics (LSE) in September 1985, which he held until his retirement in 2002 when he became Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance. He has remained at LSE at the Financial Markets Group, initially as Deputy Director, 1987-2005, and now a member in charge of the research program in financial regulation, 2005-present. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1990, and awarded the CBE in the New Years Honours List for 1997, for services to monetary economics. During 1986, he helped to found, with Professor Mervyn King, the Financial Markets Group at LSE, which began operation at the start of 1987. For the previous 17 years he served as a monetary economist at the Bank of England, becoming a Chief Adviser in 1980. Following his advice on overcoming the financial crisis in Hong Kong in 1983, and the establishment of the link between the HK and the US $, he subsequently served on the HK Exchange Fund Advisory Committee for several years until 1997. Later in 1997 he was appointed for three years, until May 2000, one of the four independent outside members of the newly-formed Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee. Between 2002 and 2004 he returned to the Bank of England as a (part-time) adviser to the Governor on Financial Stability. He became an economic consultant to Morgan Stanley at the end of 2009, where he remained until he resigned, at the age of 80, in 2016. It was during this period that he began work on the subject matter of this book with his colleague there, Manoj Pradhan.Charles is the author of Goodhart's Law 'that any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes'.Manoj Pradhan is the founder of Talking Heads Macro, an independent macroeconomic research firm. Manoj was previously Managing Director at Morgan Stanley and led the Global Economics team there. He joined Morgan Stanley in 2005 after serving on the faculty of the George Washington University and the State University of New York. Manoj specializes in quantitative macroeconomics, emerging markets and global economics. He has a PhD in economics from the George Washington University and a Masters in Finance from the London Business School.TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41170009783030426569443846493244_1_En493244EconomicsMacroeconomics and Monetary EconomicsLabor EconomicsInternational FinanceEconomic PolicySocial Policy3032,4662,41924,3505,7020,7998/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Labor Economics/Labor and Population Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//International Finance/International Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/International Business/Business and Management//Economic Policy/Public Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Social Policy/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/010.1007/978-3-030-42657-6The Great Demographic Reversal
38978-3-030-40343-0AggarwalCharu C. AggarwalCharu C. Aggarwal, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USALinear Algebra and Optimization for Machine LearningA TextbookXXI, 495 p. 93 illus., 26 illus. in color.12020final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Hard coverBook0Computer ScienceUndergraduate textbook0English495UYQMPBFSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-05-132020-05-132020-06-192020-06-191Preface.- 1 Linear Algebra and Optimization: An Introduction.- 2 Linear Transformations and Linear Systems.- 3 Eigenvectors and Diagonalizable Matrices.- 4 Optimization Basics: A Machine Learning View.- 5 Advanced Optimization Solutions.- 6 Constrained Optimization and Duality.- 7 Singular Value Decomposition.- 8 Matrix Factorization.- 9 The Linear Algebra of Similarity.- 10 The Linear Algebra of Graphs.- 11 Optimization in Computational Graphs.- Index.This textbook introduces linear algebra and optimization in the context of machine learning. Examples and exercises are provided throughout the book. A solution manual for the exercises at the end of each chapter is available to teaching instructors. This textbook targets graduate level students and professors in computer science, mathematics and data science. Advanced undergraduate students can also use this textbook. The chapters for this textbook are organized as follows: 1. Linear algebra and its applications: The chapters focus on the basics of linear algebra together with their common applications to singular value decomposition, matrix factorization, similarity matrices (kernel methods), and graph analysis. Numerous machine learning applications have been used as examples, such as spectral clustering, kernel-based classification, and outlier detection. The tight integration of linear algebra methods with examples from machine learning differentiates this book from generic volumes on linear algebra. The focus is clearly on the most relevant aspects of linear algebra for machine learning and to teach readers how to apply these concepts.
2. Optimization and its applications: Much of machine learning is posed as an optimization problem in which we try to maximize the accuracy of regression and classification models. The “parent problem” of optimization-centric machine learning is least-squares regression. Interestingly, this problem arises in both linear algebra and optimization, and is one of the key connecting problems of the two fields. Least-squares regression is also the starting point for support vector machines, logistic regression, and recommender systems. Furthermore, the methods for dimensionality reduction and matrix factorization also require the development of optimization methods. A general view of optimization in computational graphs is discussed together with its applications to back propagation in neural networks.
A frequent challenge faced by beginners in machine learning is the extensive background required in linear algebra and optimization. One problem is that the existing linear algebra and optimization courses are not specific to machine learning; therefore, one would typically have to complete more course material than is necessary to pick up machine learning. Furthermore, certain types of ideas and tricks from optimization and linear algebra recur more frequently in machine learning than other application-centric settings. Therefore, there is significant value in developing a view of linear algebra and optimization that is better suited to the specific perspective of machine learning.
This textbook introduces linear algebra and optimization in the context of machine learning. Examples and exercises are provided throughout the book. A solution manual for the exercises at the end of each chapter is available to teaching instructors. This textbook targets graduate level students and professors in computer science, mathematics and data science. Advanced undergraduate students can also use this textbook. The chapters for this textbook are organized as follows:1. Linear algebra and its applications: The chapters focus on the basics of linear algebra together with their common applications to singular value decomposition, matrix factorization, similarity matrices (kernel methods), and graph analysis. Numerous machine learning applications have been used as examples, such as spectral clustering, kernel-based classification, and outlier detection. The tight integration of linear algebra methods with examples from machine learning differentiates this book from generic volumes on linear algebra. The focus is clearly on the most relevant aspects of linear algebra for machine learning and to teach readers how to apply these concepts.
2. Optimization and its applications: Much of machine learning is posed as an optimization problem in which we try to maximize the accuracy of regression and classification models. The “parent problem” of optimization-centric machine learning is least-squares regression. Interestingly, this problem arises in both linear algebra and optimization, and is one of the key connecting problems of the two fields. Least-squares regression is also the starting point for support vector machines, logistic regression, and recommender systems. Furthermore, the methods for dimensionality reduction and matrix factorization also require the development of optimization methods. A general view of optimization in computational graphs is discussed together with its applications to back propagation in neural networks.
A frequent challenge faced by beginners in machine learning is the extensive background required in linear algebra and optimization. One problem is that the existing linear algebra and optimization courses are not specific to machine learning; therefore, one would typically have to complete more course material than is necessary to pick up machine learning. Furthermore, certain types of ideas and tricks from optimization and linear algebra recur more frequently in machine learning than other application-centric settings. Therefore, there is significant value in developing a view of linear algebra and optimization that is better suited to the specific perspective of machine learning.

<p>First textbook to provide an integrated treatment of linear algebra and optimization with a special focus on machine learning issues</p><p>Includes many examples to simplify exposition and facilitate in learning semantically</p><p>Complemented by examples and exercises throughout the book. A solution manual for the exercises at the end of each chapter is available to teaching instructors</p><p>Includes supplementary material:</p> Charu C. Aggarwal is a Distinguished Research Staff Member (DRSM) at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. He completed his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur in 1993 and his Ph.D. in Operations Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1996. He has published more than 400 papers in refereed conferences and journals and has applied for or been granted more than 80 patents. He is author or editor of 19 books, including textbooks on data mining, neural networks, machine learning (for text), recommender systems, and outlier analysis. Because of the commercial value of his patents, he has thrice been designated a Master Inventor at IBM. He has received several internal and external awards, including the EDBT Test-of-Time Award (2014), the IEEE ICDM Research Contributions Award (2015), and the ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award (2019). He has served as editor-in-chief of the ACM SIGKDD Explorations, and is currently serving as an editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. He is a fellow of the SIAM, ACM, and the IEEE, for “contributions to knowledge discovery and data mining algorithms.”
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11645009783030403430425957476746_1_En476746Machine LearningLinear AlgebraComputer Communication Networks3817,4691,7256/Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Linear Algebra/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Computer Communication Networks/Computer Engineering and Networks/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing////010.1007/978-3-030-40344-7Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning
39978-0-306-44790-7ShankarR. ShankarR. ShankarPrinciples of Quantum MechanicsXVIII, 676 p. 116 illus.21994final84.9990.9493.4974.99100.5099.99Hard coverBook0Physics and AstronomyGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English676PHQPHUSpringerSpringer US0Available1994-08-311994-08-311994-08-312007-03-0111. Mathematical Introduction.- 1.1. Linear Vector Spaces: Basics.- 1.2. Inner Product Spaces.- 1.3. Dual Spaces and the Dirac Notation.- 1.4. Subspaces.- 1.5. Linear Operators.- 1.6. Matrix Elements of Linear Operators.- 1.7. Active and Passive Transformations.- 1.8. The Eigenvalue Problem.- 1.9. Functions of Operators and Related Concepts.- 1.10. Generalization to Infinite Dimensions.- 2. Review of Classical Mechanics.- 2.1. The Principle of Least Action and Lagrangian Mechanics.- 2.2. The Electromagnetic Lagrangian.- 2.3. The Two-Body Problem.- 2.4. How Smart Is a Particle?.- 2.5. The Hamiltonian Formalism.- 2.6. The Electromagnetic Force in the Hamiltonian Scheme.- 2.7. Cyclic Coordinates, Poisson Brackets, and Canonical Transformations.- 2.8. Symmetries and Their Consequences.- 3. All Is Not Well with Classical Mechanics.- 3.1. Particles and Waves in Classical Physics.- 3.2. An Experiment with Waves and Particles (Classical).- 3.3. The Double-Slit Experiment with Light.- 3.4. Matter Waves (de Broglie Waves).- 3.5. Conclusions.- 4. The Postulates—a General Discussion.- 4.1. The Postulates.- 4.2. Discussion of Postulates I -III.- 4.3. The Schrödinger Equation (Dotting Your i’s and Crossing your ?’s).- 5. Simple Problems in One Dimension.- 5.1. The Free Particle.- 5.2. The Particle in a Box.- 5.3. The Continuity Equation for Probability.- 5.4. The Single-Step Potential: a Problem in Scattering.- 5.5. The Double-Slit Experiment.- 5.6. Some Theorems.- 6. The Classical Limit.- 7. The Harmonic Oscillator.- 7.1. Why Study the Harmonic Oscillator?.- 7.2. Review of the Classical Oscillator.- 7.3. Quantization of the Oscillator (Coordinate Basis).- 7.4. The Oscillator in the Energy Basis.- 7.5. Passage from the Energy Basis to the X Basis.- 8. The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Theory.- 8.1. The Path Integral Recipe.- 8.2. Analysis of the Recipe.- 8.3. An Approximation to U(t) for the Free Particle.- 8.4. Path Integral Evaluation of the Free-Particle Propagator.- 8.5. Equivalence to the Schrödinger Equation.- 8.6. Potentials of the Form V=a + bx + cx2 + d? + ex?.- 9. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations.- 9.1. Introduction.- 9.2. Derivation of the Uncertainty Relations.- 9.3. The Minimum Uncertainty Packet.- 9.4. Applications of the Uncertainty Principle.- 9.5. The Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation.- 10. Systems with N Degrees of Freedom.- 10.1. N Particles in One Dimension.- 10.2. More Particles in More Dimensions.- 10.3. Identical Particles.- 11. Symmetries and Their Consequences.- 11.1. Overview.- 11.2. Translational Invariance in Quantum Theory.- 11.3. Time Translational Invariance.- 11.4. Parity Invariance.- 11.5. Time-Reversal Symmetry.- 12. Rotational Invariance and Angular Momentum.- 12.1. Translations in Two Dimensions.- 12.2. Rotations in Two Dimensions.- 12.3. The Eigenvalue Problem of Lz.- 12.4. Angular Momentum in Three Dimensions.- 12.5. The Eigenvalue Problem of L2 and Lz.- 12.6. Solution of Rotationally Invariant Problems.- 13. The Hydrogen Atom.- 13.1. The Eigenvalue Problem.- 13.2. The Degeneracy of the Hydrogen Spectrum.- 13.3. Numerical Estimates and Comparison with Experiment.- 13.4. Multielectron Atoms and the Periodic Table.- 14. Spin.- 14.1. Introduction.- 14.2. What is the Nature of Spin?.- 14.3. Kinematics of Spin.- 14.4. Spin Dynamics.- 14.5. Return of Orbital Degrees of Freedom.- 15. Addition of Angular Momenta.- 15.1. A Simple Example.- 15.2. The General Problem.- 15.3. Irreducible Tensor Operators.- 15.4. Explanation of Some “Accidental” Degeneracies.- 16. Variational and WKB Methods.- 16.1. The Variational Method.- 16.2. The Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Method.- 17. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory.- 17.1. The Formalism.- 17.2. Some Examples.- 17.3. Degenerate Perturbation Theory.- 18. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory.- 18.1. The Problem.- 18.2. First-Order Perturbation Theory.- 18.3. Higher OrderReviews from the First Edition:

'An excellent text … The postulates of quantum mechanics and the mathematical underpinnings are discussed in a clear, succinct manner.' (American Scientist)

'No matter how gently one introduces students to the concept of Dirac’s bras and kets, many are turned off. Shankar attacks the problem head-on in the first chapter, and in a very informal style suggests that there is nothing to be frightened of.' (Physics Bulletin)

Reviews of the Second Edition:

'This massive text of 700 and odd pages has indeed an excellent get-up, is very verbal and expressive, and has extensively worked out calculational details---all just right for a first course. The style is conversational, more like a corridor talk or lecture notes, though arranged as a text. … It would be particularly useful to beginning students and those in allied areas like quantum chemistry.' (Mathematical Reviews)

<R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include:

- Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics
- A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics
- Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates
- Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics

The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book’s self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.
R. Shankar has introduced major additions and updated key presentations in this second edition of Principles of Quantum Mechanics. New features of this innovative text include an entirely rewritten mathematical introduction, a discussion of Time-reversal invariance, and extensive coverage of a variety of path integrals and their applications. Additional highlights include:

- Clear, accessible treatment of underlying mathematics
- A review of Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian mechanics
- Student understanding of quantum theory is enhanced by separate treatment of mathematical theorems and physical postulates
- Unsurpassed coverage of path integrals and their relevance in contemporary physics

The requisite text for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Second Edition is fully referenced and is supported by many exercises and solutions. The book’s self-contained chapters also make it suitable for independent study as well as for courses in applied disciplines.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1165100978030644790798071100398_2_En100398Quantum PhysicsMathematical Methods in PhysicsTheoretical, Mathematical and Computational PhysicsClassical MechanicsElementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory3309,5270,2998,6781,3850/Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Mathematical Methods in Physics/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Classical Mechanics/Classical and Continuum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Elementary Particles, Quantum Field Theory/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//010.1007/978-1-4757-0576-8Principles of Quantum Mechanics
40978-1-4842-9267-9Chris Chapman; Kerry RoddenChris Chapman, Seattle, WA, USA; Kerry Rodden, San Francisco, CA, USAQuantitative User Experience Research Informing Product Decisions by Understanding Users at ScaleXXI, 374 p. 42 illus., 37 illus. in color.12023final64.9969.5471.4954.9977.0069.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English374UMBUYQApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2023-06-012023-06-012023-06-012023-06-011Part I. User Experience (UX) and Quant UX.- 1.Getting Started.- 2.User Experience (UX) and UX Research.- 3. Quantative UX Research: Overview.-.-Part II. Core Skills.- 4. UX Research.- 5. Statistics.- 6. Programming.- Part III. Tools and Techniques.- 7. Metrics of User Experience.- 8. Customer Satisfaction Surveys.- 9. Log Sequence Visualization.-10. MaxDiff: Prioritizing Features and User Needs.- Part IV. Organizations and Careers.- 11. UX Organizations.- 12. Interviews and Job Postings.- 13. Research Processes, Reporting, and Stakeholders-. 14. Career Development for Quant UX Researchers.- 15. Future Directions for Quant UX.- Appendix A: Example Quant UX Job Description.- Appendix B. Example Quant UX Hiring Rubrics.- Appendix C: References.<div>This book is your definitive guide to the rapidly growing role of Quantitative User Experience (Quant UX) Research in product development. The book provides an overview of the skills you need on the job, presents hands-on projects with reusable code, and shares advice on starting and developing a career. The book goes beyond basic skills to focus on what is unique to Quant UX. The authors are two of the most widely recognized practitioners in Quant UX research, and this book shares insights from their combined decades of experience.
Organizations today have more data about user needs and behaviors than ever before. With this large-scale data, Quant UX researchers work to understand usage patterns, measure the impact of design changes, and inform strategic decisions. In the Quant UX role, interdisciplinary researchers apply analytical skills to uncover user needs, inform engineering and design, answer strategic business questions, and optimize software and hardware products for human interaction. This book provides guidance around customer satisfaction surveys, understanding user behavior from log analysis, and the statistical methods that are commonly used to assess user outcomes.</div><div><div><div>
</div><div>What You Will Learn
</div><div>Discover the role of Quantitative User Experience (Quant UX) researchUnderstand how Quant UX research differs from other disciplines such as data sciencePlan common research projects and know how to achieve successPosition Quant UX activities in product development, engineering, and UX organizationsApply the HEART framework to measure user experience outcomesEvaluate your skills and potential to be hired as a Quant UX researcherKnow what to expect during job interviewsFind examples of common Quant UX projects with shared R code and data sets</div><div>
<div>This book is your definitive guide to the rapidly growing role of Quantitative User Experience (Quant UX) Research in product development. The book provides an overview of the skills you need on the job, presents hands-on projects with reusable code, and shares advice on starting and developing a career. The book goes beyond basic skills to focus on what is unique to Quant UX. The authors are two of the most widely recognized practitioners in Quant UX research, and this book shares insights from their combined decades of experience.

Organizations today have more data about user needs and behaviors than ever before. With this large-scale data, Quant UX researchers work to understand usage patterns, measure the impact of design changes, and inform strategic decisions. In the Quant UX role, interdisciplinary researchers apply analytical skills to uncover user needs, inform engineering and design, answer strategic business questions, and optimize software and hardware products for human interaction. This book provides guidance around customer satisfaction surveys, understanding user behavior from log analysis, and the statistical methods that are commonly used to assess user outcomes.

</div><div><div><div>What You Will Learn</div><div>Discover the role of Quantitative User Experience (Quant UX) researchUnderstand how Quant UX research differs from other disciplines such as data sciencePlan common research projects and know how to achieve successPosition Quant UX activities in product development, engineering, and UX organizationsApply the HEART framework to measure user experience outcomesEvaluate your skills and potential to be hired as a Quant UX researcherKnow what to expect during job interviewsFind examples of common Quant UX projects with shared R code and data sets</div><div><div>
</div><div>Who This Book Is For</div><div>
</div><div>Practitioners and managers who seek a comprehensive guide to the new field of Quantitative User Experience Research. Readers will understand the Quant UX role, build research skills, find examples of hands-on code and analyses, learn about UX organizations and stakeholders, and receive advice on job interviews and career paths. Data scientists, social scientists, and other researchers will learn how their skills transfer to Quant UX, where they can help teams build better, more successful products.
<p>The definitive guide to Quant UX research practice and careers</p><p>Presents projects, code, and advice for successful research</p><p>Covers the HEART Framework that is widely used in the field</p>Chris Chapman, PhD, is a Principal UX Researcher at Amazon Lab126, the Founder and Co-chair of the Quant UX Conference, and President of the Quantitative User Experience Association. Chris is the co-author of two popular Springer books on programming and analytics: R for Marketing Research and Analytics and Python for Marketing Research and Analytics. As a psychologist, Chris emphasizes the human focus of research and the need for integrated quantitative and qualitative understanding of users.<div>
<div>Kerry Rodden, PhD, is a Senior Principal Researcher at Code for America. Kerry founded the Quantitative UX Research role at Google in 2007 and managed the industry's first Quant UX research team. Kerry has originated popular tools and techniques, including the HEART metrics framework for user experience, and the sequences sunburst visualization of user behavior. Kerry’s background is in computer science and human-computer interaction, with a focus on the analysis and visualization of large-scale usage data, including A/B testing.</div><div>
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484292679487079532404_1_En532404Data ScienceData Analysis and Big Data2967,3633/Data Science/Computer Science/Data Structures and Information Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Artificial Intelligence//Data Science/Computer Science/Data Structures and Information Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Artificial Intelligence//Data Analysis and Big Data/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing/////010.1007/978-1-4842-9268-6Quantitative User Experience Research
41978-3-031-26661-4FaquinWilliam C. Faquin; Esther Diana Rossi; Zubair Baloch; Güliz A. Barkan; Maria Pia Foschini; Daniel F.I. Kurtycz; Marc P. Pusztaszeri; Philippe VielhWilliam C. Faquin, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; Esther Diana Rossi, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; Zubair Baloch, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvan, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Güliz A. Barkan, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA; Maria Pia Foschini, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy; Daniel F.I. Kurtycz, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA; Marc P. Pusztaszeri, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; Philippe Vielh, Medipath and American Hospital of Paris, Paris, FranceThe Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland CytopathologyXVIII, 240 p.22023final85.9992.0194.5974.99101.5099.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English240MMFMJPSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-06-272023-06-262023-07-142023-07-141,978-3-319-71284-0,978-3-319-71285-7,978-3-319-71286-4The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology.- Non-Diagnostic.- Non-Neoplastic.- Atypia of Undetermined Significance (AUS).- Neoplasm.- Suspicious for Malignancy.- Malignant.- Ancillary Studies for Salivary Gland Cytology.- Imaging of the Salivary Glands.- Clinical Management.- Histologic Considerations and Salivary Gland Tumor Classification in Surgical Pathology.The Second Edition of The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology, like the First Edition, represents a collaborative effort by a multidisciplinary group of cytopathologists, surgical pathologists, molecular pathologists, radiologists, and head and neck surgeons. This international group shares the goal of creating a practical and uniform reporting system for salivary gland fine needle aspiration (FNA). This book is organized into six general diagnostic categories: “Non-Diagnostic,” “Non-Neoplastic,” “Atypia of Undetermined Significance (AUS),” “Neoplasm: Benign,” “Neoplasm: Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP),” “Suspicious for Malignancy,” and “Malignant.” It includes definitions, morphologic criteria, and explanations for each of the diagnostic categories. Specific chapters are dedicated to the application of the latest available ancillary studies, radiologic features of salivary gland lesions, clinical management, and histological considerations including updates from the most recent 5th Edition WHO blue book.

The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology 2nd Edition represents an essential step towards increasing the overall effectiveness of salivary gland FNA and fostering better communication between clinicians and between institutions to improve overall patient care.
The Second Edition of The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology, like the First Edition, represents a collaborative effort by a multidisciplinary group of cytopathologists, surgical pathologists, molecular pathologists, radiologists, and head and neck surgeons. This international group shares the goal of creating a practical and uniform reporting system for salivary gland fine needle aspiration (FNA). This book is organized into six general diagnostic categories: “Non-Diagnostic,” “Non-Neoplastic,” “Atypia of Undetermined Significance (AUS),” “Neoplasm: Benign,” “Neoplasm: Salivary Gland Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (SUMP),” “Suspicious for Malignancy,” and “Malignant.” It includes definitions, morphologic criteria, and explanations for each of the diagnostic categories. Specific chapters are dedicated to the application of the latest available ancillary studies, radiologic features of salivary gland lesions, clinical management, and histological considerations including updates from the most recent 5th Edition WHO blue book. The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology 2nd Edition represents an essential step towards increasing the overall effectiveness of salivary gland FNA and fostering better communication between clinicians and between institutions to improve overall patient care.<div>
<p>Designed as a practical book with easy readability</p><p>Contains high-quality images, definitions, morphologic criteria, and explanations for diagnostic categories</p><p>Designed and endorsed by a panel of experts in the field</p><div><div>Dr. William C. Faquin is the Chief of Otolaryngologic Pathology at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear and a subspecialist in Head and Neck Pathology & Cytopathology at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is a Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, and is recognized for his contributions to the study of thyroid, salivary gland, and HPV-related cancers of the head and neck. He has authored over 350 peer-reviewed publications, and has co-authored several books on head and neck cytohistology, salivary gland cytopathology, and thyroid cytopathology. Dr. Faquin is the Editor-in-Chief for Cancer Cytopathology which is one of the 3 journals of the American Cancer Society, he is an author of the upcoming ARP Fascicle for Upper Aerodigestive Tract Tumors, co-author of the Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, co-chair of the College of American Pathologists Evidence-Based Guidelines Committee for the testing of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas for high-risk HPV, and co-editor of the Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology sponsored by the ASC and IAC. </div><div>
</div><div>Dr. Esther Diana Rossi received an MD followed by a residency in Anatomic Pathology and a PhD from the Catholic University in Rome, Italy. She was an international observer in surgical pathology and cytopathology at the University of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University (both in Philadelphia), Gustave Roussy (Paris), and the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP). Dr. Rossi is currently the Director of Cytopathology and Endocrine Pathology at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS and an Associate Professor of Pathology at Catholic University, also with the title of Full Professor. She has published more than 200 original articles, reviews, and book chapters on endocrine pathology, cytology, and head and neck pathology. Dr. Rossi has co-authored 6 books and served as co-editor of the Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology, as well as for the upcoming second edition. She also served as one of the three lead authors for the revisions to the Bethesda Thyroid FNA Classification System second edition and is the lead author for the chapter on undifferentiated carcinoma for the upcoming third edition. Dr. Rossi contributed chapters to the WHO Classifications of Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumors, Head and Neck Tumors, Pediatric Tumors, and Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. She has delivered numerous lectures, workshops, and short courses at national and international meetings including USCAP, ASC, ASCP, CAP, ECC, ICC, ESP, IAP, and SIAPEC. Dr. Rossi is Associate Editor of Cancer Cytopathology and a member of the editorial boards of Diagnostic Cytopathology, Cytojournal, Acta Cytologica, PLOS One, Endocrine Pathology, and the Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology. She serves on the executive board of the Papanicolaou Society, the Scientific Committee of the EFCS and the abstract review board for the USCAP. Dr. Rossi has received awards from the Italian Society of Pathology, the American Society of Cytopathology, and the Italian Cancer Program-AIRC.
</div><div>Dr. Zubair Baloch received his medical degree from Liaquat Medical University in Hyderabad, Sind, Pakistan. After receiving his PhD in 1991 he joined the pathology residency at Hahnemann University Hospital. This was followed by fellowships in surgical pathology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York and cytopathology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia under the mentorship of Dr. Prabodh K. Gupta (past president ASC). Dr. Baloch began his career as an assi
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783031266614469066385656_2_En385656PathologyOtorhinolaryngologyInternal Medicine6673,3277,2992/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Otorhinolaryngology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Internal Medicine/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-031-26662-1The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology
42978-3-031-22569-7CreneyScott Creney; Brigette Adair HerronScott Creney, Huntington, NY, USA; Brigette Adair Herron, Huntington, NY, USAThe Story of the B-52sNeon Side of TownXII, 256 p. 25 illus., 3 illus. in color.12023final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0024.99Soft coverBook0Literature, Cultural and Media StudiesGeneral interest0English256AVAPFNPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0Available2023-05-062023-05-052023-05-232023-05-2311. Neon.- 2. Athens: Pre-52s.- 3. Deadbeats.- 4. NYC.- 5. The B-52s.- 6. Wild Planet.- 7. Mesopotamia.- 8. Whammy.- 9. Satellites.- 10. Cosmic Thing.- 11. Good Stuff.- 12 Aftershocks.The Story of the B-52s: Neon Side of Town is the first critical biography of one of the most unique popular bands in American music. The B-52s were far more than just a “tacky dance band.” Their aesthetic was shaped by the radical social and political conditions in Athens, Georgia, and their arrival in New York City profoundly influenced the next several years of music and art to come out of that city. The Story of the B-52s provides a deep critical analysis of the band’s music and original insights into the extraordinary people who made it. Their story, told here in full for the first time, contains all the elements of a great novel—success and failure, tragedy and triumph, life and death. Yet, at the heart of the B-52s music is a love for being alive that verges on the radical.
The Story of the B-52s: Neon Side of Town is the first critical history of one of the most legendary and influential bands in American popular music. Locating The B-52s in the intellectual climate of their hometown of Athens, GA and following the band from New York’s downtown scene in the early 1980s to their upcoming farewell tour, the book argues that The B-52s are much more significant political and musical influences on American society than their reputation as a silly party band suggests, and that their ongoing commitment to values including cooperation, mutual support, and using disruptive fun as a form of social change are an antidote to the neoliberalization sweeping both Athens and the rest of the Western world. For example, the book shows how the band synthesized influences from the modern artists displayed at the University of Georgia art museum, early queer activism on campus in the 1970s, and their experiences as queer people living through the AIDS crisis to create music that continues to be artistically and politically influential today. The authors are active members of the Athens, GA music scene, and the book includes original interviews with a range of number close to the band.<p>Argues that the B-52s are far more than a “tacky dance band,” but rather transgressive artists</p><p>Highlights the band's actual music, not just their style</p><p>Focuses on collaboration, fluidity, sex, gender, and the intersections of art and commerce</p>Scott Creney is author of the work of creative nonfiction Dear Al-Qaeda: Letters to the World’s Most Notorious Terror Organization (Black Ocean). They have written about music, books, and film for Clash Music, The Fanzine, Collapse Board, and Ablaze!, among others, and contributed six entries to 101 Albums You Should Die Before You Hear. Scott was also the bass player for the Athens band Tunabunny.<div>
</div><div>Brigette Adair Herron holds a Ph.D. in Adult Education from the University of Georgia and is author/co-author of numerous peer reviewed academic articles and a scholarly monograph. Her writing on music has been featured in the book 101 Albums You Should Die Before You Hear, and on the web publications Collapse Board, Vice, and Eldredge Atlanta. She is a multi-instrumentalist with a long history in the Athens music scene.</div>
TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41173009783031225697491984536513_1_En536513Popular MusicPop and RockQueer StudiesPopular CultureRegional Cultural Studies8216,8215,7342,3193,8171/Popular Music/Music/Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences//Popular Music/Music/Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences//Pop and Rock/Music/Arts/Humanities and Social Sciences//Queer Studies/Gender Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society//Popular Culture/Cultural Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//Regional Cultural Studies/Cultural Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-031-22570-3The Story of the B-52s
43978-3-319-97507-8Rekhtman, MD, PhDNatasha Rekhtman, MD, PhD; Marina K Baine, MD, PhD; Justin A. Bishop, MDNatasha Rekhtman, MD, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; Marina K Baine, MD, PhD, Yale New Haven Hospital, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA; Justin A. Bishop, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USAQuick Reference Handbook for Surgical PathologistsXXIII, 211 p. 187 illus., 165 illus. in color.22019final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English211MMFMNSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-08-242019-05-082019-05-212019-05-211,978-3-642-20085-4,978-3-642-20087-8,978-3-642-20086-1Immunostains: Introduction.- Immunostains: Solid Tumors.- Immunostains: Hematopoietic System.- Predictive Markers.- Immunostains: Antibody Index/Solid Tumors.- Immunostains: Antibody Index/Hematopoietuc System.- Special Stains.- Grading (and Classification) Quick Reference: Solid Tumors.- Grading (and Classification) Quick Reference: Hematopoietic System.- Tumor Genetics and Cytogenetics: Solid Tumors.- Tumor Genetics and Cytogenetics: Hematopoietic System.- Tumor Syndromes.- Quick Clinical References for Pathologists.- Potpourri of Quick Morphologic References.- Quick Size References.- It looks like WHAT? An Illustrated Glossary of Histopathologic Descriptors.This book contains a compilation of high-yield, at-a-glance summaries in quick reference format for various topics that are frequently encountered by pathologists in the daily practice or on the boards. The focus is not organ-based histologic criteria, but rather everything else that goes into pathologic diagnoses but is difficult to keep committed to memory. The emphasis is on immunohistochemistry, special stains, grading systems, molecular markers, tumor syndromes, and helpful clinical references. Also included are morphologic summaries that encompass high-yield material cutting across all organ systems, such as an illustrated guide for microorganisms, tumor differentials, and an illustrated glossary of pathologic descriptors.The book has a unique format in that the information is presented primarily in tables and diagrams accompanied by brief and to-the-point explanatory text. The guiding principle was to boil the information down to the essentials but with just enough commentary to be accessible to a newcomer to pathology and to serve as a quick reference to a practicing pathologist. In the 7 years since its initial publication, there have been considerable advances in surgical pathology, particularly immunohistochemical stains, molecular diagnostics, and histologic grading schemes. In the second edition, the content has been thoroughly updated to incorporate these developments, while retaining the overall scope and concise format of the first edition. In addition, the reader will find summaries for many new topics as well as multiple new cartoon illustrations and diagrams.This book contains a compilation of high-yield, at-a-glance summaries in quick reference format for various topics that are frequently encountered by pathologists in the daily practice or on the boards. The focus is not organ-based histologic criteria, but rather everything else that goes into pathologic diagnoses but is difficult to keep committed to memory. The emphasis is on immunohistochemistry, special stains, grading systems, molecular markers, tumor syndromes, and helpful clinical references. Also included are morphologic summaries that encompass high-yield material cutting across all organ systems, such as an illustrated guide for microorganisms, tumor differentials, and an illustrated glossary of pathologic descriptors.The book has a unique format in that the information is presented primarily in tables and diagrams accompanied by brief and to-the-point explanatory text. The guiding principle was to boil the information down to the essentials but with just enough commentary to be accessible to a newcomer to pathology and to serve as a quick reference to a practicing pathologist. In the 7 years since its initial publication, there have been considerable advances in surgical pathology, particularly immunohistochemical stains, molecular diagnostics, and histologic grading schemes. In the second edition, the content has been thoroughly updated to incorporate these developments, while retaining the overall scope and concise format of the first edition. In addition, the reader will find summaries for many new topics as well as multiple new cartoon illustrations and diagrams.<p>Presented in a unique format</p><p>Completely revised and updated new edition</p><p>Richly illustrated in color</p>Natasha Rekhtman, MD, PhDMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterDepartment of PathologyNew York, New YorkUSA
Marina K. Baine, MD, PhDYale New Haven Hospital/Yale University School of MedicineDepartment of PathologyNew Haven, ConnecticutUSA
Justin A. Bishop, MDUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDepartment of PathologyDallas, TexasUSA<div>
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783319975078395558152029_2_En152029PathologySurgery6673,3070/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences/////010.1007/978-3-319-97508-5Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists
44978-0-387-44897-8CareyFrancis A. Carey; Richard J. SundbergFrancis A. Carey, University of Virginia Dept. Chemistry, Charlottesville, VI, USA; Richard J. Sundberg, University of Virginia Dept. Chemistry, Charlottesville, VI, USAAdvanced Organic ChemistryPart A: Structure and MechanismsXXI, 1199 p.52007final129.99139.09142.99109.99153.50139.99Hard coverBook0Part A: Structure and MechanismsChemistry and Materials ScienceGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English1199PNNPNRSpringerSpringer US0Available2007-06-132007-07-062007-06-132007-07-011,978-0-306-46243-6,978-1-4899-4420-7,978-0-306-46242-9,978-0-306-46856-81: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure.- 2: Stereochemistry, Conformation, and Stereoselectivity.- 3: Structural Effects on Stability and Reactivity.- 4: Nucleophilic Substitution.- 5: Polar Addition and Elimination Reactions.- 6: Carbanions and Other Carbon Nucleophiles.- 7: Addition, Condensation and Substitution Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds.- 8: Aromaticity.- Aromatic Substitution.- 9: Concerted Pericyclic Reactions.- 10: Free Radical Reactions.- 11: Photochemistry.Since its original appearance in 1977, Advanced Organic Chemistry has maintained its place as the premier textbook in the field, offering broad coverage of the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds. As in the earlier editions, the text contains extensive references to both the primary and review literature and provides examples of data and reactions that illustrate and document the generalizations. While the text assumes completion of an introductory course in organic chemistry, it reviews the fundamental concepts for each topic that is discussed. The two-part fifth edition has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. Part A begins with the fundamental concepts of structure and stereochemistry, and the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of reactivity. Major reaction types covered include nucleophilic substitution, addition reactions, carbanion and carbonyl chemistry, aromatic substitution, pericyclic reactions, radical reactions, and photochemistry. Among the changes: Coverage of the importance of computational chemistry in modern organic chemistry, including applications to many specific reactions. Expanded coverage of stereoselectivity and enantioselectivity, including discussion of several examples of enantioselective reagents and catalysts Chapter 10, Concerted Pericyclic Reactions, has been reorganized and now begins with cycloaddition reactions. The treatment of photochemical reactions has been extensively updated to reflect both experimental and computational studies of the transient intermediates involved in photochemical reactions. A companion Web site provides digital models for study of structure, reaction and selectivity. Here students can view and manipulate computational models of reaction paths. These sites also provide exercises based on detailed study of the computational models. Several chapters in Part A conclude with Topics – short excursions into specific topics such as more detailed analysis of polar substituent effects, efforts to formulate substituent effects in terms of density functional theory, or the role of carbocations in petroleum refining Solutions to the chapter problems are provided to instructors online Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A provides a close look at the structural concepts and mechanistic patterns that are fundamental to organic chemistry. It relates those mechanistic patterns, including relative reactivity and stereochemistry, to underlying structural factors. Understanding these concepts and relationships will allow students to recognize the cohesive patterns of reactivity in organic chemistry. Part A: Structure and Mechanism and Part B: Reaction and Synthesis - taken together - are intended to provide the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student in chemistry with a foundation to comprehend and use the research literature in organic chemistrySince its original appearance in 1977, Advanced Organic Chemistry has maintained its place as the premier textbook in the field, offering broad coverage of the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds. As in the earlier editions, the text contains extensive references to both the primary and review literature and provides examples of data and reactions that illustrate and document the generalizations. While the text assumes completion of an introductory course in organic chemistry, it reviews the fundamental concepts for each topic that is discussed. The two-part fifth edition has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. Among the changes: Updated material reflecting advances in the field since 2001’s Fourth Edition, especially in computational chemistry; A companion Web site provides digital models for study of structure, reaction and selectivity; Solutions to the exercises provided to instructors online. The material in Part A is organized on the basis of fundamental structural topics such as structure, stereochemistry, conformation and aromaticity and basic mechanistic types, including nucleophilic substitution, addition reactions, carbonyl chemistry, aromatic substitution and free radical reactions. Together with Part B: Reaction and Synthesis, the two volumes are intended to provide the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student in chemistry with a sufficient foundation to comprehend and use the research literature in organic chemistry.<p>Parts A and B may stand alone; together, they provide a comprehensive foundation for study in organic chemistry</p><p>Updated material reflecting scientific advances since 2001’s Fourth Edition, especially in computational chemistry</p><p>Companion Websites provide digital models for students and exercise solutions for instructors</p><p>Includes supplementary material:</p><p>Request lecturer material:</p>Francis A. Carey is a native of Pennsylvania, educated in the public schools of Philadelphia, at Drexel University (B.S. in chemistry, 1959), and at Penn State (Ph.D. 1963). Following postdoctoral work at Harvard and military service, he was appointed to the chemistry faculty of the University of Virginia in 1966. Prior to retiring in 2000, he regularly taught the two-semester lecture courses in general chemistry and organic chemistry. With his students, Professor Carey has published over forty research papers in synthetic and mechanistic organic chemistry.  Professor Sundberg is primarily engaged in teaching and chemical education. Along with Francis A. Carey he is the author of “Advanced Organic Chemistry. Professor Sundberg is also interested in synthetic methodology in heterocyclic chemistry and is the author of “Indoles” in the Best Synthetic Methods Series (Academic Press, 1996).StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11644009780387448978110933117814_5_En117814Organic ChemistryPhysical ChemistryMedicinal Chemistry2897,2894,3551/Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Organic Chemistry//Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Organic Chemistry//Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Physical Chemistry//Medicinal Chemistry/Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Organic Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry/Biological Chemistry////010.1007/978-0-387-44899-2Advanced Organic Chemistry
45978-1-4842-7216-9BhattiJared Bhatti; Sarah Corleissen; Jen Lambourne; David Nunez; Heidi WaterhouseJared Bhatti, Berkeley, CA, USA; Sarah Corleissen, Victoria, BC, Canada; Jen Lambourne, Cornwall, UK; David Nunez, San Francisco, CA, USA; Heidi Waterhouse, Mounds View, MN, USADocs for DevelopersAn Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical WritingXXV, 225 p. 31 illus.12021final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0054.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English225UMWUMApressApress0Available2021-10-012021-10-012023-06-242023-06-2411. Getting Started.- 2. Researching Documentation.- 3. Designing Documentation.- 4. Drafting Documentation.- 5. Structuring Sets of Documentation.- 6. Integrating Code Samples and Visual Content.- 7. Measuring Documentation Success.- 8. Working With Contributors.- 9. Maintaining Documentation.- 10. Wrapping Up.

Learn to integrate programming with good documentation. This book teaches you the craft of documentation for each step in the software development lifecycle, from understanding your users’ needs to publishing, measuring, and maintaining useful developer documentation.Well-documented projects save time for both developers on the project and users of the software. Projects without adequate documentation suffer from poor developer productivity, project scalability, user adoption, and accessibility. In short: bad documentation kills projects.
Docs for Developers demystifies the process of creating great developer documentation, following a team of software developers as they work to launch a new product. At each step along the way, you learn through examples, templates, and principles how to create, measure, and maintain documentation—tools you can adapt to the needs of your own organization.
You will:
Create friction logs and perform user research to understand your users’ frustrationsResearch, draft, and write different kinds of documentation, including READMEs, API documentation, tutorials, conceptual content, and release notesPublish and maintain documentation alongside regular code releasesMeasure the success of the content you create through analytics and user feedbackOrganize larger sets of documentation to help users find the right information at the right time
Learn to integrate programming with good documentation. This book teaches you the craft of documentation for each step in the software development lifecycle, from understanding your users’ needs to publishing, measuring, and maintaining useful developer documentation.Well-documented projects save time for both developers on the project and users of the software. Projects without adequate documentation suffer from poor developer productivity, project scalability, user adoption, and accessibility. In short: bad documentation kills projects.
Docs for Developers demystifies the process of creating great developer documentation, following a team of software developers as they work to launch a new product. At each step along the way, you learn through examples, templates, and principles how to create, measure, and maintain documentation—tools you can adapt to the needs of your own organization.

What You'll Learn
Create friction logs and perform user research to understand your users’ frustrationsResearch, draft, and write different kinds of documentation, including READMEs, API documentation, tutorials, conceptual content, and release notesPublish and maintain documentation alongside regular code releasesMeasure the success of the content you create through analytics and user feedbackOrganize larger sets of documentation to help users find the right information at the right time Who This Book Is For

Ideal for software developers who need to create documentation alongside code, or for technical writers, developer advocates, product managers, and other technical roles that create and contribute to documentation for their products and services.

<p>Aligns the craft of writing with the craft of programming</p><p>Contains easy-to-follow processes, templates, and best practices for creating, organizing, and maintaining documentation</p><p>Written by experienced writers and developers from Google, The Linux Foundation, Stripe, LaunchDarkly, and Monzo,</p>Jared Bhatti
</div><div>Jared is a Staff Technical Writer at Alphabet, and the co-founder of Google’s Cloud documentation team. He’s worked for the past 14 years documenting an array of projects at Alphabet, including Kubernetes, App Engine, Adsense, Google’s data centers, and Google’s environmental sustainability efforts. He currently leads technical documentation at Waymo and mentors several junior writers in the industry.

</div><div><div>Sarah Corleissen</div><div>
</div>Sarah (she/her, they/them) began this book as the Lead Technical Writer for the Linux Foundation and ended it as Stripe’s first Staff Technical Writer. Sarah served as co-chair for Kubernetes documentation from 2017 until 2021, and has worked on developer docs previously at GitHub, Rackspace, and several startups. They enjoy speaking at conferences and love to mentor writers and speakers of all abilities and backgrounds.</div>
<div>Heidi Waterhouse

</div>Heidi spent a couple decades at Microsoft, Dell Software, and many, many startups learning to communicate with and for developers. She currently works as a principal developer advocate at LaunchDarkly, but was reassured to find that technical communication is universal across all roles.

David Nunez

<div>David heads up the technical writing organization at Stripe, where he founded the internal documentation team and wrote for Increment magazine. Before Stripe, he founded and led the technical writing organization at Uber and held a documentation leadership role at Salesforce. Having led teams that have written about cloud, homegrown infrastructure, self-driving trucks, and economic infrastructure, he’s studied the many ways that technical documentation can shape the user experience. David also acts as an advisor for several startups in the knowledge platform space.

</div><div>Jen Lambourne

</div>Jen leads the technical writing and knowledge management discipline at Monzo Bank. Before her foray into fintech, she led a community of documentarians across the UK government as Head of Technical Writing at the Government Digital Service (GDS). Having moved from government to finance, she recognizes she’s drawn to creating inclusive and user-centred content in traditionally unfriendly industries. She likes using developer tools to manage docs, demystifying the writing process for engineers, mentoring junior writers, and presenting her adventures in documentation at conferences.<div>
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484272169456967505277_1_En505277Web DevelopmentOpen Source4085,6568/Software Engineering/Web Development/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Software Engineering/Web Development/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Open Source/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/////010.1007/978-1-4842-7217-6Docs for Developers
46978-3-319-57251-2HageJaap Hage; Antonia Waltermann; Bram AkkermansJaap Hage, Maastricht University Faculty of Law, Maastricht, The Netherlands; Antonia Waltermann, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; Bram Akkermans, Maastricht University Faculty of Law, Maastricht, The NetherlandsIntroduction to LawIX, 397 p. 13 illus.22017final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Hard coverBook0Law and CriminologyUndergraduate textbook0English397LALABSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2017-08-092017-08-222017-08-2212014,978-3-319-06911-1,978-3-319-06909-8,978-3-319-06910-4,978-3-319-36073-71 Sources of Law by Jaap Hage.- 2 Legal Reasoning by Jaap Hage.- 3 Basic Concepts of Law by Jaap Hage.- 4 The Law of Contract by Jan Smits.- 5 Property Law by Bram Akkermans.- 6 Tort Law by Jaap Hage.- 7 Criminal Law by Johannes Keiler, Michele Panzavolta, and David Roef.- 8 Constitutional Law by Aalt Willem Heringa.- 9 Administrative Law by Chris Backes and Mariolina Eliantonio.- 10 The Law of Europe by Jaap Hage.- 11 Tax Law by Marcel Schaper.- 12 International Law by Menno T. Kamminga.- 13 Human Rights by Gustavo Arosemena.- 14 Elements of Procedural Law by Fokke Fernhout and Remco van Rhee.- 15 Philosophy of Law by Jaap Hage.This book is exceptional in the sense that it provides an introduction to law in general rather than the law of one specific jurisdiction, and it presents a unique way of looking at legal education. It is crucial for lawyers to be aware of the different ways in which societal problems can be solved and to be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different legal solutions. In this respect, being a lawyer involves being able to reason like a lawyer, even more than having detailed knowledge of particular sets of rules. Introduction to Law reflects this view by focusing on the functions of rules and on ways of arguing the relative qualities of alternative legal solutions. Where ‘positive’ law is discussed, the emphasis is on the legal questions that must be addressed by a field of law, and on the different solutions which have been adopted by, for instance, the common law and civil law tradition. The law of specific jurisdictions is discussed to illustrate possible answers to questions such as when the existence of a valid contract is assumed.This book is exceptional in the sense that it provides an introduction to law in general rather than the law of one specific jurisdiction, and it presents a unique way of looking at legal education. It is crucial for lawyers to be aware of the different ways in which societal problems can be solved and to be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different legal solutions. In this respect, being a lawyer involves being able to reason like a lawyer, even more than having detailed knowledge of particular sets of rules. Introduction to Law reflects this view by focusing on the functions of rules and on ways of arguing the relative qualities of alternative legal solutions. Where ‘positive’ law is discussed, the emphasis is on the legal questions that must be addressed by a field of law and on the different solutions which have been adopted by, for instance, the common law and civil law tradition. The law of specific jurisdictions is discussed to illustrate possible answers to questions such as when the existence of a valid contract is assumed.<p>Includes a new chapter on Tax Law</p><p>Introduces to law in general, rather than to law of a particular jurisdiction</p><p>Focuses on problems which law must solve, rather than on particular solutions (functional approach to law)</p><p>Comparative introduction to law</p>Jaap Hage is Professor of Jurisprudence at Maastricht University and Fellow of the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (M-EPLI), Maastricht University.Antonia Waltermann is Assistant Professor at the Department of Foundations and methods of Law, Faculty of Law, Maastricht University.Bram Akkermans is Assistant Professor European Private Law and Associate-Director of the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (M-EPLI), Maastricht University.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP41177009783319572512395531325356_2_En325356Fundamentals of LawPhilosophy of Law4048,6628/Fundamentals of Law/Law/Humanities and Social Sciences//Fundamentals of Law/Law/Humanities and Social Sciences//Philosophy of Law/Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History/Law/Humanities and Social Sciences/Political Philosophy/Philosophy/////010.1007/978-3-319-57252-9Introduction to Law
47978-1-4842-2603-2DrescherDaniel DrescherDaniel Drescher, Frankfurt am Main, GermanyBlockchain BasicsA Non-Technical Introduction in 25 StepsXV, 255 p. 57 illus.12017final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0032.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English255UNGPJApressApress0Available2017-03-162021-09-032021-09-031Stage 1: Terminology and Technical Foundations.- Step 1: Thinking in Layers and Aspects.- Step 2: Seeing the Big Picture.- Step 3: Recognizing the Potential.- Stage 2: Why the Blockchain Is Needed.- Step 4: Discovering the Core Problem.- Step 5: Disambiguating the Term.- Step 6: Understanding the Nature of Ownership.- Step 7: Spending Money Twice.- Stage 3: How the Blockchain Works.- Step 8: Planning the Blockchain.- Step 9: Documenting Ownership.- Step 10: Hashing Data.- Step 11: Hashing in the Real World.- Step 12: Identifying and Protecting User Accounts.- Step 13: Authorizing Transactions.- Step 14: Storing Transaction Data.- Step 15: Using the Data Store.- Step 16: Protecting the Data Store.- Step 17: Distributing the Data Store Among Peers.- Step 18: Verifying and Adding Transactions.- Step 19: Choosing a Transaction History.- Step 20: Paying for Integrity.- Step 21: Bringing the Pieces Together.- Stage 4: Limitations and Their Solutions.- Step 22: Seeing the Limitations.- Step 23: Reinventing the Blockchain.- Stage 5: Using the Blockchain, Summary, and Outlook.- Step 24: Using the Blockchain.- Step 25: Summarizing and Going Further.- Bibliography.-In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used.No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors..This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications.What You Will Learn:
What the blockchain is
Why it is needed and what problem it solves
Why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential
Major components and their purpose
How components work and interact
Limitations, why they exist, and what has been done to overcome them
Major application scenarios
In 25 concise steps, you will learn the basics of blockchain technology. No mathematical formulas, program code, or computer science jargon are used. No previous knowledge in computer science, mathematics, programming, or cryptography is required. Terminology is explained through pictures, analogies, and metaphors.This book bridges the gap that exists between purely technical books about the blockchain and purely business-focused books. It does so by explaining both the technical concepts that make up the blockchain and their role in business-relevant applications.What You'll LearnWhat the blockchain is
Why it is needed and what problem it solves
Why there is so much excitement about the blockchain and its potential
Major components and their purpose
How various components of the blockchain work and interact
Limitations, why they exist, and what has been done to overcome them
Major application scenariosWho This Book Is For Everyone who wants to get a general idea of what blockchain technology is, how it works, and how it will potentially change the financial system as we know it
<p>Teaches core concepts and uses of blockchain technology, without relying on mathematical formulas or computer science jargon</p><p>Shows how financial and commercial applications of the blockchain work in practice</p><p>Teaches the essential blockchain format underlying all the technology’s specific applications</p>Daniel Drescher is an experienced banking professional who has held positions in electronic security trading in a range of banks. His recent activities have focused on automation, machine learning and big data in the context of security trading. Amongst others, Daniel holds a Doctorate in Econometrics from the Technical University of Berlin and an MSc in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford.TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484226032383347436689_1_En436689Database ManagementCryptologySpecial Purpose and Application-Based SystemsData Storage RepresentationFinancial ServicesCapital Markets7402,4515,5740,5387,3092,4374/Database Management/Database Management System/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Database Management/Database Management System/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Data and Information Security/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Cryptology//Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems/Computer Engineering and Networks/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Data Storage Representation/Computer Science/Data Structures and Information Theory/Mathematics and Computing//Business and Management/Financial Services/Humanities and Social Sciences/Industries/Economics/Financial Economics//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/Capital Markets/010.1007/978-1-4842-2604-9Blockchain Basics
48978-0-387-96890-2V.I. Arnol'dV.I. Arnol'dMathematical Methods of Classical MechanicsXVI, 520 p.Originally published by Nauka, Moscow, 197421989final55.9559.8761.5550.9988.1774.95Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics60Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English520PBKPHUSpringerSpringer New York0Available1989-05-161989-06-011989-05-161,978-1-4757-1695-5,978-1-4757-1694-8,978-0-387-90314-9,978-1-4757-1693-1I Newtonian Mechanics.- 1 Experimental facts.- 2 Investigation of the equations of motion.- II Lagrangian Mechanics.- 3 Variational principles.- 4 Lagrangian mechanics on manifolds.- 5 Oscillations.- 6 Rigid bodies.- III Hamiltonian Mechanics.- 7 Differential forms.- 8 Symplectic manifolds.- 9 Canonical formalism.- 10 Introduction to perturbation theory.- Appendix 1 Riemannian curvature.- Appendix 2 Geodesics of left-invariant metrics on Lie groups and the hydrodynamics of ideal fluids.- Appendix 3 Symplectic structures on algebraic manifolds.- Appendix 4 Contact structures.- Appendix 5 Dynamical systems with symmetries.- Appendix 6 Normal forms of quadratic hamiltonians.- Appendix 7 Normal forms of hamiltonian systems near stationary points and closed trajectories.- Appendix 8 Theory of perturbations of conditionally periodic motion, and Kolmogorov’s theorem.- Appendix 9 Poincaré’s geometric theorem, its generalizations and applications.- Appendix 10 Multiplicities of characteristic frequencies, and ellipsoids depending on parameters.- Appendix 11 Short wave asymptotics.- Appendix 12 Lagrangian singularities.- Appendix 13 The Korteweg-de Vries equation.- Appendix 14 Poisson structures.- Appendix 15 On elliptic coordinates.- Appendix 16 Singularities of ray systems.In this text, the author constructs the mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics from the beginning, examining all the basic problems in dynamics, including the theory of oscillations, the theory of rigid body motion, and the Hamiltonian formalism. This modern approch, based on the theory of the geometry of manifolds, distinguishes iteself from the traditional approach of standard textbooks. Geometrical considerations are emphasized throughout and include phase spaces and flows, vector fields, and Lie groups. The work includes a detailed discussion of qualitative methods of the theory of dynamical systems and of asymptotic methods like perturbation techniques, averaging, and adiabatic invariance.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978038796890234644735_2_En4735AnalysisTheoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics3076,2998/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/////010.1007/978-1-4757-2063-1Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
49978-0-387-98403-2Mac LaneSaunders Mac LaneSaunders Mac LaneCategories for the Working MathematicianXII, 318 p.21978final55.9559.8761.5550.9991.6874.95Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics5Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English318PBPDSpringerSpringer New York0Available1998-09-251998-10-011998-09-251,978-0-387-90036-0,978-0-387-90035-3,978-1-4612-9840-3,978-1-4612-9839-7I. Categories, Functors, and Natural Transformations.- II. Constructions on Categories.- III. Universals and Limits.- IV. Adjoints.- V Limits.- VI. Monads and Algebras.- VII. Monoids.- VIII. Abelian Categories.- IX. Special Limits.- X. Kan Extensions.- XI. Symmetry and Braiding in Monoidal Categories.- XII. Structures in Categories.- Appendix. Foundations.- Table of Standard Categories: Objects and Arrows.- Table of Terminology.Categories for the Working Mathematician provides an array of general ideas useful in a wide variety of fields. Starting from the foundations, this book illuminates the concepts of category, functor, natural transformation, and duality. The book then turns to adjoint functors, which provide a description of universal constructions, an analysis of the representations of functors by sets of morphisms, and a means of manipulating direct and inverse limits. These categorical concepts are extensively illustrated in the remaining chapters, which include many applications of the basic existence theorem for adjoint functors. The categories of algebraic systems are constructed from certain adjoint-like data and characterized by Beck's theorem. After considering a variety of applications, the book continues with the construction and exploitation of Kan extensions. This second edition includes a number of revisions and additions, including two new chapters on topics of active interest. One is on symmetric monoidal categories and braided monoidal categories and the coherence theorems for them. The second describes 2-categories and the higher dimensional categories which have recently come into prominence. The bibliography has also been expanded to cover some of the many other recent advances concerning categories.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097803879840321952317729_2_En17729K-Theory7575/K-Theory/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//K-Theory/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics/////010.1007/978-1-4757-4721-8Categories for the Working Mathematician
50978-3-319-11073-8NayarRitu Nayar; David C. WilburRitu Nayar, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, USA; David C. Wilbur, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USAThe Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical CytologyDefinitions, Criteria, and Explanatory NotesXXIV, 321 p. 308 illus. in color.32015final37.9940.6541.7932.9945.0044.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English321MMFPSFSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2015-04-282015-05-312015-06-281,978-0-387-40358-8,978-1-4612-2043-5,978-1-4612-2042-8Specimen Adequacy.- Non-Neoplastic Findings.- Endometrial Cells: The How and When of Reporting.- Atypical Squamous.- Epithelial Abnormalities: Squamous.- Epithelial Abnormalities: Glandular.- Other Malignant.- Anal-Rectal Cytology.- Ancillary Testing.- Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Cervical Cytology.- Educational Notes and Suggestions Appended to Cytology Reports.This book offers clear, up-to-date guidance on how to report cytologic findings in cervical, vaginal and anal samples in accordance with the 2014 Bethesda System Update. The new edition has been expanded and revised to take into account the advances and experience of the past decade. A new chapter has been added, the terminology and text have been updated, and various terminological and morphologic questions have been clarified. In addition, new images are included that reflect the experience gained with liquid-based cytology since the publication of the last edition in 2004. Among more than 300 images, some represent classic examples of an entity while others illustrate interpretative dilemmas, borderline cytomorphologic features or mimics of epithelial abnormalities. The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology, with its user-friendly format, is a “must have” for pathologists, cytopathologists, pathology residents, cytotechnologists, and clinicians.This book offers clear, up-to-date guidance on how to report cytologic findings in cervical, vaginal and anal samples in accordance with the 2014 Bethesda System Update. The new edition has been expanded and revised to take into account the advances and experience of the past decade. A new chapter has been added, the terminology and text have been updated, and various terminological and morphologic questions have been clarified. In addition, new images are included that reflect the experience gained with liquid-based cytology since the publication of the last edition in 2004. Among more than 300 images, some represent classic examples of an entity while others illustrate interpretative dilemmas, borderline cytomorphologic features or mimics of epithelial abnormalities. The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology, with its user-friendly format, is a “must have” for pathologists, cytopathologists, pathology residents, cytotechnologists, and clinicians.Offers excellent guidance on reporting of cytologic findings in cervical cytology preparations in accordance with the Bethesda SystemCovers both classic appearances and interpretative dilemmasReflects recent advances through the inclusion of updated 2014 Bethesda System terminology, explanatory notes and references; a new chapter and additional imagesProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP1165000978331911073825595734936_3_En34936PathologyCell BiologyGynecology6673,3018,4198/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Cell Biology/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences//Gynecology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences///010.1007/978-3-319-11074-5The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology
51978-3-030-36170-9GalunicCharles GalunicCharles Galunic, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, FranceBackstage LeadershipThe Invisible Work of Highly Effective LeadersIX, 274 p. 10 illus., 9 illus. in color.12020final37.9940.6541.7932.9945.0044.99Hard coverBook0Business and ManagementGeneral interest0English274KJKJCPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-06-112020-04-102020-06-102020-06-1011. Introduction: The Silent Work of Effective Leadership.- 2. Tracking Storms: The Sense-making Work of Leadership.- 3. Building Commitment to Strategy: The Political Work of Leadership.- 4. Balancing Autonomy and Integration: The Structural Work of Leadership.- 5. Building Community: The Cultural Work of Leadership.- 6. Developing Talent and Capabilities: The Coaching Work of Leadership.- 7. Back to the Front: The Direct Work of Leadership.- 8. The Leaders New Work.<div>
Most of us would recognize a star leader by their charisma, emotional intelligence and public communication prowess. What is truly impressive but often overlooked is the silent work of leadership that garners real results. Exercising influence in a complex and global organization – whilst also shaping and executing strategies across borders in a disruptive age – is the true mark of success as a leader. Backstage Leadership takes a comprehensive look at the background processes that leaders must master in order to shape the culture, direction and capability of a successful company. With an emphasis on strategy, the author provides an integrated toolkit for developing your knowledge and skills as a ‘backstage leader.’ You will learn how to: Mobilize people towards new strategic directions Scan your business environment for threats and disruptive forces Diagnose and help to shape the culture of your organization Develop talent and capabilities towards a specific goal. Focusing on the key and consistent underlying processes of leadership, this book is essential reading for managers who wish to bring focus and coherence to their leadership role and integrate themselves within the engine of the organization.Most of us would recognize a star leader by their charisma, emotional intelligence and public communication prowess. What is truly impressive but often overlooked is the silent work of leadership that garners real results. Exercising influence in a complex and global organization – whilst also shaping and executing strategies across borders in a disruptive age – is the true mark of success as a leader. Backstage Leadership takes a comprehensive look at the background processes that leaders must master in order to shape the culture, direction and capability of a successful company. With an emphasis on strategy, the author provides an integrated toolkit for developing your knowledge and skills as a 'backstage leader.' You will learn how to:

Mobilize people towards new strategic directions Scan your business environment for threats and disruptive forces Diagnose and help to shape the culture of your organization Develop talent and capabilities towards a specific goal. Focusing on the key and consistent underlying processes of leadership, this book is essential reading for managers who wish to bring focus and coherence to their leadership role and integrate themselves within the engine of the organization.<div></div>
<p>Offers ‘six silent processes’ for success along with an outline of the processes and practical ways of managing them</p><p>Coverage is comprehensive and foundational, covering the core concepts and aspects of backstage leadership work</p><p>Content is practical but grounded on research and case studies</p><p>Set against the backdrop of digitization and the challenges that organizations face</p>Charles Galunic is a Professor of Organisational Behaviour and the Aviva Chaired Professor of Leadership and Responsibility at INSEAD. He directs one of INSEAD’s flagship Executive Education programs, The Transition to General Management Programme (TGM) and has been a pioneer of several courses including the core EMBA course on Leading People and Organisations. He also teaches in a variety of INSEAD Executive Education programmes, both in Fontainebleau and in Asia, and has been recognized often for his teaching excellence. He has published in various academic and practitioner-oriented journals, including the Journal of Managerial and Decision Economics, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organisation Science, Strategic Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, and Research in Organisational Behaviour. He has also worked with numerous companies and executives, across various industries and continents, in order to help them develop their senior leadership skills and solve pressing cultural challenges in practical ways.

TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41169009783030361709413822465645_1_En465645Business and ManagementBusiness Strategy and Leadership3120,3247/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/////010.1007/978-3-030-36171-6Backstage Leadership
52978-3-030-88685-1WojcikEva M. Wojcik; Daniel F.I. Kurtycz; Dorothy L. RosenthalEva M. Wojcik, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA; Daniel F.I. Kurtycz, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, Madison, WI, USA; Dorothy L. Rosenthal, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USAThe Paris System for Reporting Urinary CytologyXXI, 329 p. 217 illus., 200 illus. in color.22022final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English329MMFMJSSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2022-02-042022-02-042022-05-302022-05-301,978-3-319-22863-1,978-3-319-22865-5,978-3-319-22864-8Pathogenesis of Urothelial Carcinoma.- Adequacy of Urine Specimens (Adequacy).- Negative for High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma (Negative).- Atypical Urothelial Cells (AUC).- Suspicious for High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma (Suspicious).- High-Grade Urothelial Carcinoma (HGUC).- Low-Grade Urothelial Neoplasia (LGUN).- Cytology of the Upper Urinary Tract.- Other Malignancies Primary and Metastatic and Miscellaneous Lesions.- Ancillary Studies in Urinary Cytology.- Cytopreparatory Techniques.- Risk of Malignancy (ROM) and Clinical Management.The first edition of The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology introduced a completely new paradigm for detecting bladder cancer by urine cytology. This system concentrated on defining morphological characteristics of the most clinically significant form of bladder cancer, High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma. This new approach has been widely accepted throughout the world, and has become part of the daily practice of cytology. Considering that the first edition of The Paris System (TPS) introduced a new model of urinary cytodiagnosis, verification and expansion of initial material and data were anticipated. Based on evolving knowledge and readership requests, the group of highly experienced authors have created a new edition of TPS. This second edition includes areas and issues not originally covered. A new chapter on urine cytology of the upper tract, a rarely addressed topic, has been introduced. Furthermore, the issue of cellular degeneration is discussed in the criteria of all diagnostic categories. Examples of standardized reports are included in each chapter. Most importantly, a separate chapter presents data defining the risk of malignancy (ROM) for each diagnostic category to inform clinical management. New high quality images augment those of the first edition to better illustrate diagnostic clues and potential pitfalls. In addition to chapters on diagnostic criteria, current concepts of pathogenesis of bladder cancer, specimen adequacy and preparation, and ancillary tests are covered in separate chapters. A bonus to the volume is a comprehensive history of urine as the earliest diagnostic sample of human disease, richly illustrated with artworks from major museums.

Written by internationally recognized authorities, this comprehensive and evidence-based guide to urine cytology is supported by the newest data confirming the original concept and significance of diagnostic criteria defining High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma.TPS is an essential tool for anyone who is practicing urinary cytology, including cytotechnologists, pathologists-in-training and practicing pathologists. This book should find a place in every cytology laboratory throughout the world.

The Concept has been endorsed by the American Society of Cytopathology, and the International Academy of Cytology.
The first edition of The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology introduced a completely new paradigm for detecting bladder cancer by urine cytology. This system concentrated on defining morphological characteristics of the most clinically significant form of bladder cancer, High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma. This new approach has been widely accepted throughout the world, and has become part of the daily practice of cytology. Considering that the first edition of The Paris System (TPS) introduced a new model of urinary cytodiagnosis, verification and expansion of initial material and data were anticipated. Based on evolving knowledge and readership requests, the group of highly experienced authors have created a new edition of TPS. This second edition includes areas and issues not originally covered. A new chapter on urine cytology of the upper tract, a rarely addressed topic, has been introduced. Furthermore, the issue of cellular degeneration is discussed in the criteria of all diagnostic categories. Examples of standardized reports are included in each chapter. Most importantly, a separate chapter presents data defining the risk of malignancy (ROM) for each diagnostic category to inform clinical management. New high quality images augment those of the first edition to better illustrate diagnostic clues and potential pitfalls. In addition to chapters on diagnostic criteria, current concepts of pathogenesis of bladder cancer, specimen adequacy and preparation, and ancillary tests are covered in separate chapters. A bonus to the volume is a comprehensive history of urine as the earliest diagnostic sample of human disease, richly illustrated with artworks from major museums. Written by internationally recognized authorities, this comprehensive and evidence-based guide to urine cytology is supported by the newest data confirming the original concept and significance of diagnostic criteria defining High Grade UrothelialCarcinoma. TPS is an essential tool for anyone who is practicing urinary cytology, including cytotechnologists, pathologists-in-training and practicing pathologists. This book should find a place in every cytology laboratory throughout the world. The Concept has been endorsed by the American Society of Cytopathology, and the International Academy of Cytology.Richly illustrated with meticulously photographed figures with cogently annotated descriptionsFully updated and revised new editionWritten by internationally recognized authoritiesEva M. Wojcik, M.D.Chair of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineHelen M. and Raymond M. Galvin Professor of Pathology & UrologyRegional Laboratory Medical Director, Loyola MedicineLoyola University Medical Center Department of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineMaywood IL, USA
Daniel F. I. Kurtycz MDEmeritus Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory MedicineUniversity of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public HealthEmeritus Medical Director,Wisconsin State Laboratory of HygieneMadison, Wisconsin, USA,
Dorothy L. Rosenthal, MDProfessor Emerita of Pathology/CytopathologyThe Johns Hopkins School of MedicineBaltimore MD, USA<div>
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030886851441835322827_2_En322827PathologyUrology6673,4331/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences/Urology////010.1007/978-3-030-88686-8The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology
53978-1-137-44423-3JonesJan JonesJan JonesThe CEO’s Secret WeaponHow Great Leaders and Their Assistants Maximize Productivity and EffectivenessXV, 219 p.12015final37.9940.6541.7932.9945.0044.99Hard coverBook0Palgrave Business & Management CollectionGeneral interest0English219KJCKJMPalgrave MacmillanPalgrave Macmillan US0Available2015-10-132016-02-222016-03-211Many executives don't take full advantage of the assistant who sits right outside their door. This book educates executives about all the ways in which they can streamline and improve the way they work with the help of a great assistant, while teaching them to identify great candidates and maximize the benefits of this special relationship.Jan Jones is founder and president of Jan Jones Worldwide, a bespoke speakers bureau which evolved from her industry experience as executive assistant to personal development icon, Anthony Robbins, and ten years as exclusive representative for small business guru and entrepreneurial visionary, Michael Gerber. Prior to starting her business, Jan spent almost twenty years as executive assistant to successful businesspeople around the world, including Australian computer industry pioneer, Lionel Singer. Jan remains a passionate advocate for the executive assistant profession. She enjoys mentoring assistants and guiding executives on how to get the most out of the relationship with their assistant. www.janjonesworldwide.comTradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41135009781137444233314796368869_1_En368869Business Strategy and LeadershipManagementHuman Resource Management3247,3248,3723/Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Human Resource Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences///010.1007/978-1-137-44424-0The CEO’s Secret Weapon
54978-3-319-40617-6AminMahul B. Amin; Stephen B. Edge; Frederick L. Greene; David R. Byrd; Robert K. Brookland; Mary Kay Washington; Jeffrey E. Gershenwald; Carolyn C. Compton; Kenneth R. Hess; Daniel C. Sullivan; J. Milburn Jessup; James D. Brierley; Lauri E. Gaspar; Richard L. Schilsky; Charles M. Balch; David P. Winchester; Elliot A. Asare; Martin Madera; Donna M. Gress; Laura R. MeyerMahul B. Amin, Los Angeles, CA, USA; Stephen B. Edge, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA; Frederick L. Greene, Charlotte, NC, USA; David R. Byrd, Seattle, WA, USA; Robert K. Brookland, Towson, MD, USA; Mary Kay Washington, Nashville, TN, USA; Jeffrey E. Gershenwald, Houston, TX, USA; Carolyn C. Compton, Scottsdale, AZ, USA; Kenneth R. Hess, Houston, TX, USA; Daniel C. Sullivan, Durham, NC, USA; J. Milburn Jessup, Falls Church, VA, USA; James D. Brierley, Toronto, ON, Canada; Lauri E. Gaspar, Aurora, CO, USA; Richard L. Schilsky, Alexandria, VA, USA; Charles M. Balch, Dallas, TX, USA; David P. Winchester, Evanston, IL, USA; Elliot A. Asare, Chicago, IL, USA; Martin Madera, Chicago, IL, USA; Donna M. Gress, Chicago, IL, USA; Laura R. Meyer, Chicago, IL, USAAJCC Cancer Staging ManualXVII, 1032 p. 990 illus., 979 illus. in color.82017final99.99106.99109.9989.99118.00109.99Hard coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English1032MJCLMNSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2016-11-082016-10-062023-12-302024-01-271,978-0-387-88502-5,978-0-387-88440-0,978-0-387-88441-7<div>Part I General Information on Cancer Staging and End-Results Reporting.- 1. Principles of Cancer Staging.- . Organization of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual.- 3. Cancer Survival Analysis.- 4. Risk Models for Individualized Prognosis in the Practice of Precision Oncology.- Part II Head and Neck.- 5. Staging Head and Neck Cancers.- 6. Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck.- 7. Lip and Oral Cavity.- 8. Major Salivary Glands.- 9. Nasopharynx.- 10. HPV-Mediated (p16+) Oropharyngeal Cancer.- 11. Oropharynx (p16−) and Hypopharynx.- 12. Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses.- 13. Larynx.- 14. Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck.- 15. Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck.- Part III Upper Gastrointestinal Tract.- 16. Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction.- 17. Stomach.- 18. Small Intestine.- Part IV Lower Gastrointestinal Tract.- 19. Appendix – Carcinoma.- 20. Colon and Rectum.- 21. Anus.- Part V Hepatobiliary System.- 22. Liver.- 23. Intrahepatic Bile Ducts.- 24. Gallbladder.- 25. Perihilar Bile Ducts.- 26. Distal Bile Duct.- 27. Ampulla of Vater.- 28. Pancreas – Exocrine.- Part VI Neuroendocrine Tumors.- 29. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Stomach.- 30. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Duodenum and Ampulla of Vater.- 31. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Jejunum and Ileum.- 32. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Appendix.- 33. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Colon and Rectum.- 34. Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas.- Part VII Thorax.- 35. Thymus.- 36. Lung.- 37. Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.- Part VIII.- Bone.- 38. Bone (appendicular skeleton, spine, and pelvis).- Part IX Soft Tissue Sarcoma.- 39. Introduction.- 40. Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Head and Neck.- 41. Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Trunk and Extremities.- 42. Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Abdomen and Thoracic Visceral Organs.- 43. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor.- 44. Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Retroperitoneum.- 45. Soft Tissue Sarcoma – Unusual Histologies and Sites.- Part X Skin.- 46. Merkel Cell Carcinoma.- 47. Melanoma of the Skin.- Part XI Breast.- 48. Breast.- Part XII Female Reproductive Organs.- 49. Introduction.- 50. Vulva.- 51. Vagina.- 52. Cervix Uteri.- 53. Corpus Uteri – Carcinoma and Carcinosarcoma.- 54. Corpus Uteri – Sarcoma.- 55. Ovary, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma.- 56. Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasms.- Part XIII Male Genital Organs.- 57. Penis.- 58. Prostate.- 59. Testis.- Part XIV Urinary Tract.- 60. Kidney.- 61. Renal Pelvis and Ureter.- 62. Urinary Bladder.- 63. Urethra.- Part XV Ophthalmic Sites.- 64. Eyelid Carcinoma.- 65. Conjunctival Carcinoma.- 66. Conjunctival Melanoma.- 67. Uveal Melanoma.- 68. Retinoblastoma.- 69. Lacrimal Gland Carcinoma.- 70. Orbital Sarcoma.- 71. Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma.- Part XVI Central Nervous System.- 72. Brain and Spinal Cord.- Part XVII Endocrine System.- 73. Thyroid – Differentiated and Anaplastic Carcinoma.- 74. Thyroid – Medullary Carcinoma.- 75. Parathyroid.- 76.Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma.- 77. Adrenal – Neuroendocrine Tumors.- Part XVIII Hematologic Malignancies.- 78. Introduction.- 79. Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas.- 80. Pediatric Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas.- 81. Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas.- 82. Multiple Myeloma and Plasma Cell Disorders.- 83. Leukemia.- Part XIX Additional Contributors.- Index.</div><div>
<div>The AJCC Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians and health care professionals throughout the world to facilitate the uniform description and reporting of neoplastic diseases. Proper classification and staging of cancer is essential for the physician to assign proper treatment, evaluate results of management and clinical trials, and to serve as the standard for local, regional and international reporting on cancer incidence and outcome.</div><div>
</div><div>Significantly expanded and developed by international disease site expert panels, the Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual brings together all the currently available knowledge on staging of cancer at various anatomic sites. In this edition, evidence-based TNM staging is supplemented, as appropriate, by selected molecular markers and newly acquired insights into the molecular underpinnings of cancer. This edition features 12 entirely new staging systems, a wide range of changed or new staging definitions, and a refined emphasis on a personalized-medicine approach.</div><div>
</div><div>The Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual remains the gold standard reference for oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, cancer registrars and medical professionals world-wide to ensure that all those caring for cancer patients are fully versed in the language of cancer staging.</div>
<div>Please visit for information about content updates and staging forms.</div><div>
</div><div>The AJCC Cancer Staging Manual is used by physicians and health care professionals throughout the world to facilitate the uniform description and reporting of neoplastic diseases. Proper classification and staging of cancer is essential for the physician to assign proper treatment, evaluate results of management and clinical trials, and to serve as the standard for local, regional and international reporting on cancer incidence and outcome.</div><div>
</div><div>Significantly expanded and developed by international disease site expert panels, the Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual brings together all the currently available knowledge on staging of cancer at various anatomic sites. In this edition, evidence-based TNM staging is supplemented, as appropriate, by selected molecular markers and newly acquired insights into the molecular underpinnings of cancer. This edition features 12 entirely new staging systems, a wide range of changed or new staging definitions, and a refined emphasis on a personalized-medicine approach. To enhance the print and electronic usability of the cancer staging forms, they are now available exclusively for access and downloading at</div><div>
</div><div>The Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual remains the gold standard reference for oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, cancer registrars and medical professionals world-wide to ensure that all those caring for cancer patients are fully versed in the language of cancer staging.</div>
Gold standard reference in cancer staging, now in its 8th EditionSignificantly expanded and developed by international expert panelsFeatures 12 entirely new staging systems and a wide range of changed or updated staging definitionsBrings together evidence-based TNM cancer staging with selected molecular markers and insights into the molecular underpinnings of cancerThe American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) was established in 1959 to formulate and publish systems of classification of cancer, including staging and end-results reporting, that will be acceptable to and used by the medical profession for selecting the most effective treatment, determining prognosis, and continuing evaluation of cancer control measures. The AJCC is composed of 18 member organizations, and its activities are administered by the Chicago-based American College of Surgeons.<div> </div><div>
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)10978331940617636735970023_8_En70023OncologySurgeryPathology4047,3070,6673/Oncology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Oncology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-319-40618-3AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
55978-3-030-30729-5NolandDiana Noland; Jeanne A. Drisko; Leigh WagnerDiana Noland, Noland Nutrition, Burbank, CA, USA; Jeanne A. Drisko, University of Kansas Health System, Kansas City, KS, USA; Leigh Wagner, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USAIntegrative and Functional Medical Nutrition TherapyPrinciples and PracticesXX, 1101 p. 230 illus., 200 illus. in color.12020final139.99149.79153.99119.99165.50159.99Hard coverBook0MedicineGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English1101MBNH3PSBHumanaSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2020-04-032020-03-282020-05-062020-05-061Part I: Principles.- Section 1: Global Healthcare Challenge of the 21st Century and the Future of Chronic Disease.- The History and Evolution of Medicine.- Influences of the Nutrition Transition on chronic Disease.- Nutritional and Metabolic Wellness.- Nutritional Ecology and Human Health.- The Radial: Integrative and Functional MNT.- The Power of Listening and the Patient's Voice: 'Please Hear Me'. Section 2: Metabolic Characteristics and Mechanism of Chronic Disease.- Metabolic Correction Therapy: A Biochemical-Physiological Mechanisitc Explanation of Functional Medicine.- The Nutrition Assessment of Metabolic and Nutritional Balance.- IFMNT NIBLETS Nutrition Assessment Differential.- Nutritional Role of Fatty Acids.- Lipidomics: Clinical Application.- Structure: From Organelle and Cell Membrane to Tissue.- Protective Mechanisms and Susceptibility to Xenobiotic and Load.- Detoxification and Biotransformation.- Drug-Nutrient Interactions.- The Enterohepatic Circulation.- A Nutritional Genomics Approach to Epigenetic Influences on Chronic Disease.- Nutritional Influences on Methylation.- The Immune System: Our Body's Homeland Security Against Disease.- Allergy, Intolerance, and Sensitivity.- Infection: A Stealth Underlying Pathology of Chronic Disease.- Body Composition.- The Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet: Harnessing Glucose, Insulin, and Ketone Metabolism.- The GUT Immune System.- Centrality of the GI Tract to Overall Health and Functional Medicine Strategies for GERD, IBS, IBD.- The Microbiome and Brain Health.- The Role of Nutrition in Integrative Oncology.- The Microenvironment of Chronic Disease.- Chronic Pain.- Nutrition and Behavorial Health/Mental Health/Neurological Health.- Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children.- Nutritional Influences on Hormonal Health.- Nutritional Influences on Reproduction: A Functional Approach.- Lifestyle Patterns of Chronic Disease.- Circadian Rhythm: Light-Dark Cycles.- Nutrition with Movement for Better Energy and Health. Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Imbalances.- Part II: Practice.- The IFMNT Practitioner.- The Patient Story and Relationship-Centered Care.- The Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam.- Modifiable Lifestyle Factors: Exercise, Sleep, Stress, Relationships.- Developing Interventions to Address Priorities: Food, Dietary Supplements, Lifestyle, and Referrals.- Therapeutic Diets.- Dietary Supplements: Understanding the Complexity of Use and Applications to Health.- Clinical Approaches to Monitoring and Evaluations of the Chronic Disease Client.- Ayurvedic Approach in Chronic Disease Management.- Section 2: Cases & Grand Rounds.- Cardiometabolic Syndrome.- Revolutionary New Concepts in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease.- Immune System Under Fire: The Rise of Food Immune Reaction and Autoimmunity.- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): The Application of Integrative & Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT).- Gastroenterology.- Respiratory.- The Skin, Selected Dermatologic Conditions and Medical Nutrition Therapy.- Movement Issues with Chronic Ill or Chronic Pain Patients.- Section 3: Practitioner Practice Resources.- Systems Biology Resources.- Initial Nutrition Assessment Checklist.- Nutritional Diagnosis Resources.- Specialized Diets.- Motivational Interviewing.- Authorization for the Release of Information.- Patient Handouts.This textbook is a practical guide to the application of the philosophy and principles of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in the practice of medicine, and the key role nutrition plays in restoring and maintaining wellness. The textbook provides an overview of recent reviews and studies of physiological and biochemical contributions to IFMNT and address nutritional influences in human heath overall, including poor nutrition, genomics, environmental toxicant exposures, fractured human interactions, limited physical movement, stress, sleep deprivation, and other lifestyle factors. Ultimately, this textbook serves to help practitioners, healthcare systems, and policy makers better understand this different and novel approach to complex chronic disorders. It provides the reader with real world examples of applications of the underlying principles and practices of integrative/functional nutrition therapies and presents the most up-to-date intervention strategies and clinical tools to help the reader keep abreast of developments in this emerging specialty field. Many chapters include comprehensive coverage of the topic and clinical applications with supplementary learning features such as case studies, take-home messages, patient and practitioner handouts, algorithms, and suggested readings.Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices will serve as an invaluable guide for healthcare professionals in their clinical application of nutrition, lifestyle assessment, and intervention for each unique, individual patient.

This textbook is a practical guide to the application of the philosophy and principles of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in the practice of medicine, and the key role nutrition plays in restoring and maintaining wellness. The textbook provides an overview of recent reviews and studies of physiological and biochemical contributions to IFMNT and address nutritional influences in human heath overall, including poor nutrition, genomics, environmental toxicant exposures, fractured human interactions, limited physical movement, stress, sleep deprivation, and other lifestyle factors. Ultimately, this textbook serves to help practitioners, healthcare systems, and policy makers better understand this different and novel approach to complex chronic disorders. It provides the reader with real world examples of applications of the underlying principles and practices of integrative/functional nutrition therapies and presents the most up-to-date intervention strategies and clinical tools to help the reader keep abreast of developments in this emerging specialty field. Many chapters include comprehensive coverage of the topic and clinical applications with supplementary learning features such as case studies, take-home messages, patient and practitioner handouts, algorithms, and suggested readings.Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices will serve as an invaluable guide for healthcare professionals in their clinical application of nutrition, lifestyle assessment, and intervention for each unique, individual patient.<p>Includes assessment and intervention algorithms for IFMNT</p><p>Contains up-to-date information and strategies for medical and health professionals</p><p>Includes a systems biology approach that considers physiological and biochemical mechanisms and their nutritional and lifestyle influences</p><p>Presents current and future trends in this emerging field</p><p>Includes clear learning objectives, key points, and section summaries geared toward courses in medical, nursing, nutrition and allied health education</p><p>Provides case studies, checklists, patient and practitioner handouts, suggested readings, figures, illustrations, and video links</p>Diana Noland, MPH, RDN, CCN

Sequoia Family Medicine

Burbank, CA USA

Jeanne A. Drisko, MD, CNS, FACNProfessor Emeritus

Department of Internal Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center

Kansas City, KSUSA

Leigh Wagner, PhD, MS, RDN, LD

Department of Dietetics & Nutrition

University of Kansas Medical Center

Kansas City, KS

StudentsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030307295338687393615_1_En393615Nutrition3524/Nutrition/Health Care/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Nutrition/Health Care/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//////010.1007/978-3-030-30730-1Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy
56978-1-4842-9710-0MendesFelipe Cardeneti Mendes; Piotr Sarna; Pavel Emelyanov; Cynthia DunlopFelipe Cardeneti Mendes, São Paulo, Brazil; Piotr Sarna, Pruszków, Poland; Pavel Emelyanov, Moscow, Russia; Cynthia Dunlop, Carpinteria, CA, USADatabase Performance at ScaleA Practical GuideXXIV, 254 p. 92 illus., 88 illus. in color.12023final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0054.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English254UNUMApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2023-09-082023-09-082023-09-082023-09-0811: A Taste of What You’re Up Against: Two Tales.- 2: Your Project, Through the Lens of Database Performance .- 3: Database Internals: Hardware and Operating System Interactions.- 4: Database Internals: Algorithmic Optimizations.- 5: Database Drivers.- 6: Getting Data Closer.- 7: Infrastructure and Deployment Model.- 8: Topology Considerations.- 9: Benchmarking.- 10: Monitoring.- 11: Administration.- Appendix: A Brief Look at Fundamental Database Design Decisions.<div>
Discover critical considerations and best practices for improving database performance based on what has worked, and failed, across thousands of teams and use cases in the field. This open access book provides practical guidance for understanding the database-related opportunities, trade-offs, and traps you might encounter while trying to optimize data-intensive applications for high throughput and low latency. Whether you are building a new system from the ground up or trying to optimize an existing use case for increased demand, this book covers the essentials.The book begins with a look at the many factors impacting database performance at the extreme scale that today’s game changing applications face—or at least hope to achieve. You’ll gain insight into the performance impact of both technical and business requirements, and how those should influence your decisions around database infrastructure and topology. The authors share an inside perspective on often-overlooked engineering details that could be constraining—or helping—your team’s database performance. The book also covers benchmarking and monitoring practices by which to measure and validate the outcomes from the decisions that you make.
The ultimate goal of the book is to help you discover new ways to optimize database performance for your team’s specific use cases, requirements, and expectations.
What You Will Learn
Understand often overlooked factors that impact database performance at scaleRecognize data-related performance and scalability challenges associated with your projectSelect a database architecture that’s suited to your workloads, use cases, and requirementsAvoid common mistakes that could impede your long-term agility and growthJumpstart teamwide adoption of best practices for optimizing database performance at scale
Discover critical considerations and best practices for improving database performance based on what has worked, and failed, across thousands of teams and use cases in the field. This open access book provides practical guidance for understanding the database-related opportunities, trade-offs, and traps you might encounter while trying to optimize data-intensive applications for high throughput and low latency. Whether you are building a new system from the ground up or trying to optimize an existing use case for increased demand, this book covers the essentials.The book begins with a look at the many factors impacting database performance at the extreme scale that today’s game changing applications face—or at least hope to achieve. You’ll gain insight into the performance impact of both technical and business requirements, and how those should influence your decisions around database infrastructure and topology. The authors share an inside perspective on often-overlooked engineering details that could be constraining—or helping—your team’s database performance. The book also covers benchmarking and monitoring practices by which to measure and validate the outcomes from the decisions that you make.The ultimate goal of the book is to help you discover new ways to optimize database performance for your team’s specific use cases, requirements, and expectations.What You Will Learn
Understand often overlooked factors that impact database performance at scaleRecognize data-related performance and scalability challenges associated with your project Select a database architecture that’s suited to your workloads, use cases, and requirementsAvoid common mistakes that could impede your long-term agility and growthJumpstart teamwide adoption of best practices for optimizing database performance at scaleWho This Book Is ForIndividuals and teams looking to optimize distributed database performance for an existing project or to begin a new performance-sensitive project with a solid and scalable foundation. This will likely include software architects, database architects, and senior software engineers who are either experiencing or anticipating pain related to database latency and/or throughput.
<p>This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access</p><p>Discover new ways to optimize database performance</p><p>Avoid common mistakes that impact latency and throughput</p><p>Get practical advice for navigating tradeoffs</p>Felipe Cardeneti Mendes is an IT specialist with years of experience on distributed systems and open source technologies. He has co-authored three Linux books and is a frequent speaker at public events and conferences to promote open source technologies. At ScyllaDB, he works as a Solution Architect.Piotr Sarna is a software engineer who is keen on open-source projects and the Rust and C++ languages. He previously developed an open-source distributed file system and had a brief adventure with the Linux kernel during an apprenticeship at Samsung Electronics. He's also a long-time contributor and maintainer of ScyllaDB, as well as libSQL. Piotr graduated from University of Warsaw with an MSc in Computer Science.
<div><div><div> </div> </div> </div>Pavel 'Xemul' Emelyanov is an ex-Linux kernel hacker now speeding up row cache, tweaking the IO scheduler, and helping to pay back technical debt for component interdependencies. He is a Principal Engineer at ScyllaDB.
<div>Cynthia Dunlop is a technology writer who specializes in application development. She has co-authored four books and hundreds of articles on everything from C/C++ memory error detection to continuous testing and DevOps. Cynthia holds a bachelor’s degree from UCLA and a master’s degree from Washington State University.
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059019781484297100497866541783_1_En541783Database ManagementOpen Source7402,6568/Database Management/Database Management System/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Database Management/Database Management System/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Open Source/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/////010.1007/978-1-4842-9711-7Database Performance at Scale
57978-1-4419-0876-6O'BrienFrank O'BrienFrank O'Brien, West Windsor, NJ, USAThe Apollo Guidance ComputerArchitecture and OperationXVIII, 440 p. 30 illus.Jointly published with Praxis Publishing, UK12010final49.9953.4954.9944.9959.0054.99Soft coverBook0Space ExplorationEarth and Environmental ScienceGeneral interest0English440TRPPraxisPraxis0Available2010-07-122010-07-112010-10-012010-10-291History, evolution and packaging.- Machine organization.- Interpretive instructions.- The executive program.- Important background routines.- Display and keyboard (DSKY).- I/O devices and interfaces.- Application programs.- Erasable memory programs.- Interaction with the ground.- Selected case studies.- Epilogue.By today's standards, the on-board computer used by the Apollo astronaut's was a primitive affair, but in an age when most computers filled an entire room, this was small, required little power, and incorporated several technologies that were revolutionary for its time.

This is the first book to fully describe the Apollo guidance computer's architecture, Executive software, and the programs used by astronauts. It describes the full range of technologies required in order to fly the Apollo lunar missions, and whicn enabled the astronauts to fly to the Moon - and back!
The technological marvel that facilitated the Apollo missions to the Moon was the on-board computer. In the 1960s most computers filled an entire room, but the spacecraft’s computer was required to be compact and low power. Although people today find it difficult to accept that it was possible to control a spacecraft using such a ‘primitive’ computer, it nevertheless had capabilities that are advanced even by today’s standards.
This is the first book to fully describe the Apollo guidance computer’s architecture, instruction format and programs used by the astronauts. As a comprehensive account, it will span the disciplines of computer science, electrical and aerospace engineering. However, it will also be accessible to the ‘space enthusiast’. In short, the intention is for this to be the definitive account of the Apollo guidance computer.
Frank O’Brien’s interest in the Apollo program began as a serious amateur historian. About 12 years ago, he began performing research and writing essays for the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, and the Apollo Flight Journal. Much of this work centered on his primary interests, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and the Lunar Module. These Journals are generally considered the canonical online reference on the flights to the Moon. He was then asked to assist the curatorial staff in the creation of the Cradle of Aviation Museum, on Long Island, New York, where he helped prepare the Lunar Module simulator, a LM procedure trainer and an Apollo space suit for display. He regularly lectures on the Apollo computer and related topics to diverse groups, from NASA's computer engineering conferences, the IEEE/ACM, computer festivals and university student groups.
The first comprehensive description of the Apollo guidance computer, ranging from its internal organisation to its user interface and flight softwareDescribes the technologies required in order to fly the Apollo lunar missionsIt is primarily space history, but crosses into computer science and electrical and aerospace engineering sufficiently to appeal to these professional interestsIncludes supplementary material: O’Brien’s interest in the Apollo program began as a serious amateur historian. About 12 years ago, he began performing research and writing essays for the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, and the Apollo Flight Journal. Much of this work centered on his primary interests, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and the Lunar Module. These Journals are generally considered the canonical online reference on the flights to the Moon. He was then asked to assist the curatorial staff in the creation of the Cradle of Aviation Museum, on Long Island, New York, where he helped prepare the Lunar Module simulator, a LM procedure trainer and an Apollo space suit for display. He regularly lectures on the Apollo computer and related topics to diverse groups, from NASA's computer engineering conferences, the IEEE/ACM, computer festivals and university student groups.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11646009781441908766132278141768_1_En141768Aerospace Technology and Astronautics3101/Vehicle Engineering/Aerospace Technology and Astronautics/Mechanical Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Vehicle Engineering/Aerospace Technology and Astronautics/Mechanical Engineering/Technology and Engineering/////010.1007/978-1-4419-0877-3The Apollo Guidance Computer
58978-1-4302-1078-8LivingstonJessica LivingstonJessica Livingston, CAMBRIDGE, MA, USAFounders at WorkStories of Startups' Early DaysXVIII, 488 p.12008final27.9929.9530.7924.9933.5029.99Soft coverBook0Business and ManagementProfessional book0English488KJApressApress0Available2008-09-162008-10-012008-09-172008-10-011Max Levchin.- Sabeer Bhatia.- Steve Wozniak.- Joe Kraus.- Dan Bricklin.- Mitchell Kapor.- Ray Ozzie.- Evan Williams.- Tim Brady.- Mike Lazaridis.- Arthur van Hoff.- Paul Buchheit.- Steve Perlman.- Mike Ramsay.- Paul Graham.- Joshua Schachter.- Mark Fletcher.- Craig Newmark.- Caterina Fake.- Brewster Kahle.- Charles Geschke.- Ann Winblad.- David Heinemeier Hansson.- Philip Greenspun.- Joel Spolsky.- Stephen Kaufer.- James Hong.- James Currier.- Blake Ross.- Mena Trott.- Bob Davis.- Ron Gruner.- Jessica Livingston.Now available in paperback—with a new preface and interview with Jessica Livingston about Y Combinator! Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days is a collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies about what happened in the very earliest days. These people are celebrities now. What was it like when they were just a couple friends with an idea? Founders like Steve Wozniak (Apple), Caterina Fake (Flickr), Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Max Levchin (PayPal), and Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail) tell you in their own words about their surprising and often very funny discoveries as they learned how to build a company. Where did they get the ideas that made them rich? How did they convince investors to back them? What went wrong, and how did they recover? Nearly all technical people have thought of one day starting or working for a startup. For them, this book is the closest you can come to being a fly on the wall at a successful startup, to learn how it's done. But ultimately these interviews are required reading for anyone who wants to understand business, because startups are business reduced to its essence. The reason their founders become rich is that startups do what businesses do—create value—more intensively than almost any other part of the economy. How? What are the secrets that make successful startups so insanely productive? Read this book, and let the founders themselves tell you.<p>A passionate, first-person account of the visions, sacrifices, and rewards of modern technology giants</p><p>Interviews with the who’s who of tech startups, including Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc, and Sabeer Bhatia, founder of</p><p>The interviews focus on the exciting early days of startup, and how these founders turned their ideas into successful, profitable ventures</p>Jessica Livingston is a founding partner at Y Combinator, a seed-stage venture firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Mountain View, California. She was previously vice president of marketing at investment bank Adams Harkness. In addition to her work with startups at Y Combinator, she organizes Startup School ( She has a bachelor's degree in English from Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11643009781430210788147676162050_1_En162050Business and Management3120/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/////010.1007/978-1-4302-1077-1Founders at Work
59978-3-031-06468-5CorkePeter CorkePeter Corke, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, AustraliaRobotics, Vision and ControlFundamental Algorithms in PythonXXVI, 824 p. 635 illus. in color.Previously published in two volumes32023final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Soft coverBook0Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics146EngineeringGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English824TJFMUYQSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-08-082023-05-102023-05-272023-06-2412011, 2017Introduction.-Foundations: Representing Position and Orientation.- Time and Motion.- Mobile Robotics: Mobile Robot Vehicles.- Navigation.- Localization and Mapping.- Robot Manipulators: Robot Arm Kinematics.- Manipulator Velocity.- Dynamics and Control.- Computer Vision: Light and Color.- Images and Image Processing,- Image Feature Extraction,- Image Formation.- Using Multiple Images.- Vision-Based Control: Vision-Based Control.- Advanced Visual Servoing.- Installing the Toolboxes.- Linear Algebra.- Geometry.- Lie Groups and Algebras.This textbook provides a comprehensive, but tutorial, introduction to robotics, computer vision, and control. It is written in a light but informative conversational style, weaving text, figures, mathematics, and lines of code into a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision—separately, and together as robotic vision. Over 1600 code examples show how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code.

This edition is based on Python and is accompanied by fully open-source Python-based Toolboxes for robotics and machine vision. The new Toolboxes enable the reader to easily bring the algorithmic concepts into practice and work with real, non-trivial, problems on a broad range of computing platforms. For the beginning student the book makes the algorithms accessible, the Toolbox code can be read to gain understanding, and the examples illustrate how it can be used. The code can also be the starting point for new work, for practitioners, students, or researchers, by writing programs based on Toolbox functions, or modifying the Toolbox code itself.
This textbook provides a comprehensive, but tutorial, introduction to robotics, computer vision, and control. It is written in a light but informative conversational style, weaving text, figures, mathematics, and lines of code into a narrative that covers robotics and computer vision—separately, and together as robotic vision. Over 1600 code examples show how complex problems can be decomposed and solved using just a few simple lines of code.

This edition is based on Python and is accompanied by fully open-source Python-based Toolboxes for robotics and machine vision. The new Toolboxes enable the reader to easily bring the algorithmic concepts into practice and work with real, non-trivial, problems on a broad range of computing platforms. For the beginning student the book makes the algorithms accessible, the Toolbox code can be read to gain understanding, and the examples illustrate how it can be used. The code can also be the starting point for new work, for practitioners, students, or researchers, by writing programs based on Toolbox functions, or modifying the Toolbox code itself.
<p>Serves as tutorial introduction, now in a completely revised, extended, and updated third edition</p><p>Includes a lot of Python examples and figures and is written in a light but informative style, easy-to-read, and absorb</p><p>Covers new content, particularly in the areas of mobile robot path planning</p>Peter Corke is a robotics educator and researcher. He is known for his work in vision-based control and field robotics, as well as open-source robotics software and educational resources such as the QUT Robot Academy. He is a distinguished professor at the Queensland University of Technology and a technical advisor to several robotics companies. He was the Australian University Teacher of the Year in 2017 and is a fellow of the IEEE, the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, and the Australian Academy of Science. He received his PhD from the University of Melbourne.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP42732009783031064685465496513120_3_En513120Control, Robotics, AutomationArtificial IntelligenceControl and Systems TheoryComputer VisionDigital and Analog Signal ProcessingCognitive Psychology3185,2970,3461,4777,2884,3000/Control, Robotics, Automation/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Control, Robotics, Automation/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Control and Systems Theory/Control, Robotics, Automation/Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Computer Vision/Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Digital and Analog Signal Processing/Signal, Speech and Image Processing /Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Technology and Engineering//Cognitive Psychology/Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-031-06469-2Robotics, Vision and Control
60978-1-4419-7939-1LeeJohn LeeJohn Lee, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USAIntroduction to Topological ManifoldsXVII, 433 p.22011final59.9964.1965.9953.9986.1774.95Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics202Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English433PBMSPBPDSpringerSpringer New York0Available2010-12-282010-12-302011-01-012011-01-291,978-0-387-95026-6,978-0-387-98759-0,978-1-4757-7431-3,978-0-387-22727-6Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Topological Spaces.- 3 New Spaces from Old.- 4 Connectedness and Compactness.- 5 Cell Complexes.- 6 Compact Surfaces.- 7 Homotopy and the Fundamental Group.- 8 The Circle.- 9 Some Group Theory.- 10 The Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem.- 11 Covering Maps.- 12 Group Actions and Covering Maps.- 13 Homology.- Appendix A: Review of Set Theory.- Appendix B: Review of Metric Spaces.- Appendix C: Review of Group Theory.- References.- Notation Index.- Subject Index.This book is an introduction to manifolds at the beginning graduate level. It contains the essential topological ideas that are needed for the further study of manifolds, particularly in the context of differential geometry, algebraic topology, and related fields. Its guiding philosophy is to develop these ideas rigorously but economically, with minimal prerequisites and plenty of geometric intuition.Although this second edition has the same basic structure as the first edition, it has been extensively revised and clarified; not a single page has been left untouched. The major changes include a new introduction to CW complexes (replacing most of the material on simplicial complexes in Chapter 5); expanded treatments of manifolds with boundary, local compactness, group actions, and proper maps; and a new section on paracompactness.This text is designed to be used for an introductory graduate course on the geometry and topology of manifolds. It should be accessible to any student who has completed a solid undergraduate degree in mathematics. The author’s book Introduction to Smooth Manifolds is meant to act as a sequel to this book.This book is an introduction to manifolds at the beginning graduate level. It contains the essential topological ideas that are needed for the further study of manifolds, particularly in the context of differential geometry, algebraic topology, and related fields. Its guiding philosophy is to develop these ideas rigorously but economically, with minimal prerequisites and plenty of geometric intuition.Although this second edition has the same basic structure as the first edition, it has been extensively revised and clarified; not a single page has been left untouched. The major changes include a new introduction to CW complexes (replacing most of the material on simplicial complexes in Chapter 5); expanded treatments of manifolds with boundary, local compactness, group actions, and proper maps; and a new section on paracompactness.This text is designed to be used for an introductory graduate course on the geometry and topology of manifolds. It should be accessible to any student who has completed a solid undergraduate degree in mathematics. The author’s book Introduction to Smooth Manifolds is meant to act as a sequel to this book.<p>New edition extensively revised and updated</p><p>New introduction to CW complexes (along with a brief and streamlined introduction to simplicial complexes)</p><p>Expanded treatments of manifolds with boundary, local compactness, group actions, proper maps, and a new section on paracompactness</p>John M. Lee is a professor of mathematics at the University of Washington. His previous Springer textbooks in the Graduate Texts in Mathematics series include the first edition of Introduction to Topological Manifolds, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, and Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978144197939116699061376_2_En61376Manifolds and Cell ComplexesAlgebraic Topology3260,5517/Manifolds and Cell Complexes/Topology/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Manifolds and Cell Complexes/Topology/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Algebraic Topology/Topology/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics/////010.1007/978-1-4419-7940-7Introduction to Topological Manifolds
61978-3-319-59210-7MolaviDiana Weedman MolaviDiana Weedman Molavi, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Pathology, Baltimore, MD, USAThe Practice of Surgical PathologyA Beginner's Guide to the Diagnostic ProcessXIV, 386 p. 428 illus., 290 illus. in color.22018final129.99139.09142.99109.99153.50139.99Hard coverBook0MedicineGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English386MMFSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2017-09-112017-08-232021-05-012021-05-011,978-0-387-52080-3,978-0-387-74485-8,978-1-4899-8922-2,978-0-387-74486-5Using the Microscope.- Descriptive Terms in Anatomic Patholgy.- Infection and Inflammation.- Interpreting the Complex Epithelium.- Ditzels.- Esophagus.- Stomach and Duodenum.- Colon and Appendix.- Liver.- Pancreas.- Prostate.- Bladder.- Kidney.- Testis.- Ovary.- Cervix and Vagina.- Uterus.- Placenta.- Breast.- Bone Marrow.- Lymph Node and Spleen.- Lungs and Pleura.- Thymus and Mediastinum.- Thyroid.- Salivary Gland.- Neuroendocrine Neoplasms.- Brain and Meninges.- Skin.- Soft Tissues.- Bone.- A Primer on Immunostains.- So You Want to Get a Job?.<div>Within the field of pathology, there is a wide gap in pedagogy between medical school and residency. As a result, the pathology intern often comes into residency unprepared for the practical demands of the field, and without the foundation to digest professional-level textbooks. Completely illustrated in color, this book is uniquely directed at the junior pathology resident, and goes first through some very basic introductory material, then progresses through each organ system. Within each chapter, there is a brief review of salient normal histology, a discussion of typical specimen types, a strategic approach to the specimen, and a discussion of how the multitude of different diagnoses relate to each other. The book’s goal is to lay the foundation of practical pathology, and provide a scaffold on which to build more detailed knowledge. The second edition retains the informal voice and brevity of the first edition, but with new and expanded chapters, new illustrations, and updated material.</div>Within the field of pathology, there is a wide gap in pedagogy between medical school and residency. As a result, the pathology intern often comes into residency unprepared for the practical demands of the field, and without the foundation to digest professional-level textbooks. Completely illustrated in color, this book is uniquely directed at the junior pathology resident, and goes first through some very basic introductory material, then progresses through each organ system. Within each chapter, there is a brief review of salient normal histology, a discussion of typical specimen types, a strategic approach to the specimen, and a discussion of how the multitude of different diagnoses relate to each other. The book’s goal is to lay the foundation of practical pathology, and provide a scaffold on which to build more detailed knowledge. The second edition retains the informal voice and brevity of the first edition, but with new and expanded chapters, new illustrations, and updated material.<p>Uniquely directed at junior residents in pathology</p><p>Written with no prior pathology knowledge assumed</p><p>Each organ-system-based chapter can be reviewed in 20-30 minutes</p><p>Conversational and informal style</p><p>Completely illustrated in color with annotated figures</p><p>Ample white space is provided for notes and additions</p><p>Includes supplementary material:</p><div>Diana Weedman Molavi MD PhD, </div><div>Staff Pathologist at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, </div><div>Baltimore, MD</div><div>
StudentsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783319592107372793149114_2_En149114Pathology6673/Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Pathology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//////010.1007/978-3-319-59211-4The Practice of Surgical Pathology
62978-3-030-33142-9AxlerSheldon AxlerSheldon Axler, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USAMeasure, Integration & Real AnalysisXVIII, 411 p. 41 illus., 20 illus. in color.12020final49.9953.4954.9944.9966.6859.99Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics282Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English411PBKLSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-12-242019-11-302019-12-022019-12-301About the Author.- Preface for Students.- Preface for Instructors.- Acknowledgments.- 1. Riemann Integration.- 2. Measures.- 3. Integration.- 4. Differentiation.- 5. Product Measures.- 6. Banach Spaces.- 7. L^p Spaces.- 8. Hilbert Spaces.- 9. Real and Complex Measures.- 10. Linear Maps on Hilbert Spaces.- 11. Fourier Analysis.- 12. Probability Measures.- Photo Credits.- Bibliography.- Notation Index.- Index.- Colophon: Notes on Typesetting.This open access textbook welcomes students into the fundamental theory of measure, integration, and real analysis. Focusing on an accessible approach, Axler lays the foundations for further study by promoting a deep understanding of key results. Content is carefully curated to suit a single course, or two-semester sequence of courses, creating a versatile entry point for graduate studies in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.Motivated by a brief review of Riemann integration and its deficiencies, the text begins by immersing students in the concepts of measure and integration. Lebesgue measure and abstract measures are developed together, with each providing key insight into the main ideas of the other approach. Lebesgue integration links into results such as the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem. The development of products of abstract measures leads to Lebesgue measure on Rn.Chapters on Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and Hilbert spaces showcase major results such as the Hahn–Banach Theorem, Hölder’s Inequality, and the Riesz Representation Theorem. An in-depth study of linear maps on Hilbert spaces culminates in the Spectral Theorem and Singular Value Decomposition for compact operators, with an optional interlude in real and complex measures. Building on the Hilbert space material, a chapter on Fourier analysis provides an invaluable introduction to Fourier series and the Fourier transform. The final chapter offers a taste of probability.Extensively class tested at multiple universities and written by an award-winning mathematical expositor, Measure, Integration & Real Analysis is an ideal resource for students at the start of their journey into graduate mathematics. A prerequisite of elementary undergraduate real analysis is assumed; students and instructors looking to reinforce these ideas will appreciate the electronic Supplement for Measure, Integration & Real Analysis that isfreely available online.This open access textbook welcomes students into the fundamental theory of measure, integration, and real analysis. Focusing on an accessible approach, Axler lays the foundations for further study by promoting a deep understanding of key results. Content is carefully curated to suit a single course, or two-semester sequence of courses, creating a versatile entry point for graduate studies in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.Motivated by a brief review of Riemann integration and its deficiencies, the text begins by immersing students in the concepts of measure and integration. Lebesgue measure and abstract measures are developed together, with each providing key insight into the main ideas of the other approach. Lebesgue integration links into results such as the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem. The development of products of abstract measures leads to Lebesgue measure on Rn.Chapters on Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and Hilbert spaces showcase major results such as the Hahn–Banach Theorem, Hölder’s Inequality, and the Riesz Representation Theorem. An in-depth study of linear maps on Hilbert spaces culminates in the Spectral Theorem and Singular Value Decomposition for compact operators, with an optional interlude in real and complex measures. Building on the Hilbert space material, a chapter on Fourier analysis provides an invaluable introduction to Fourier series and the Fourier transform. The final chapter offers a taste of probability.Extensively class tested at multiple universities and written by an award-winning mathematical expositor, Measure, Integration & Real Analysis is an ideal resource for students at the start of their journey into graduate mathematics. A prerequisite of elementary undergraduate real analysis is assumed; students and instructors looking to reinforce these ideas will appreciate the electronic Supplement for Measure, Integration & Real Analysisthat is freely available online. For errata and updates, visit version is free to the world via Springer’s Open Access programProvides student-friendly explanations with ample examples and exercises throughoutIncludes chapters on Hilbert space operators, Fourier analysis, and probability measuresPrepares students for further graduate studies by promoting a deep understanding of key conceptsIncludes supplementary material: Axler is Professor of Mathematics at San Francisco State University. He has won teaching awards at MIT and Michigan State University. His career achievements include the Mathematical Association of America’s Lester R. Ford Award for expository writing, election as Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, over a decade as Dean of the College of Science & Engineering at San Francisco State University, member of the Council of the American Mathematical Society, member of the Board of Trustees of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, and Editor-in-Chief of the Mathematical Intelligencer. His previous publications include the widely used textbook Linear Algebra Done Right.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11649019783030331429413563465399_1_En465399Measure and Integration3652/Measure and Integration/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Measure and Integration/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//////010.1007/978-3-030-33143-6Measure, Integration & Real Analysis
63978-3-319-59634-1BlakeyRonald C. Blakey; Wayne D. RanneyRonald C. Blakey, Carlsbad, CA, USA; Wayne D. Ranney, Geology, Flagstaff, AZ, USAAncient Landscapes of Western North AmericaA Geologic History with Paleogeographic MapsXI, 228 p. 146 illus. in color.12018final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Hard coverBook0Earth and Environmental ScienceGeneral interest0English228PDZRBGDSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2017-10-182017-10-042018-04-292018-04-291Geologic setting of the Cordillera: Introduction to terranes.- Overview of modern landscapes and geology, Western North America.- Proterozoic – origin of continental crust and passive margin history.- Passive margins and broad seaways – Early Pz (Camb-Dev).- First accretion – Antler orogeny (Dev-Miss).- Unstable margin – Marginal Island Arcs and terrane juxtaposition (Miss-Penn).- Second Accretion – Sonoman orogeny (Perm-Tr).- Cordilleran Arc – Sevier orogeny – volcanoes, batholiths, and more terranes (J-K).- Shallow subduction and arc disruption (Paleogene).- Transform margin and crustal extension (Neogene).- Canyons and glaciers – shaping the modern landscape (Pleistocene to Recent).- Special places – where to see the landscapes.- Use of Plaeogeographic maps.- New North American series (whole or cropped to area covered) – broad areas and broad events – to provide broad geologic setting.- Colorado Plateau-SW North America series – regional detail and events of N Mexico, California, Nevada, Western Arizona, Western Utah, Oregon, Idaho.- Global series – broad geologic setting of Western North America through geologic time.Allow yourself to be taken back into deep geologic time when strange creatures roamed the Earth and Western North America looked completely unlike the modern landscape.  Volcanic islands stretched from Mexico to Alaska, most of the Pacific Rim didn’t exist yet, at least not as widespread dry land; terranes drifted from across the Pacific to dock on Western Americas’ shores creating mountains and more volcanic activity.  Landscapes were transposed north or south by thousands of kilometers along huge fault systems.  Follow these events through paleogeographic maps that look like satellite views of ancient Earth.  Accompanying text takes the reader into the science behind these maps and the geologic history that they portray.  The maps and text unfold the complex geologic history of the region as never seen before.Allow yourself to be taken back into deep geologic time when strange creatures roamed the Earth and Western North America looked completely unlike the modern landscape. Volcanic islands stretched from Mexico to Alaska, most of the Pacific Rim didn’t exist yet, at least not as widespread dry land; terranes drifted from across the Pacific to dock on Western Americas’ shores creating mountains and more volcanic activity. Landscapes were transposed north or south by thousands of kilometers along huge fault systems. Follow these events through paleogeographic maps that look like satellite views of ancient Earth. Accompanying text takes the reader into the science behind these maps and the geologic history that they portray. The maps and text unfold the complex geologic history of the region as never seen before.<div>
</div><div>Winner of the 2021 John D. Haun Landmark Publication Award, AAPG-Rocky Mountain Section</div></div>
<p>Presents complex geologic history in an accurate, comprehensive manner using paleogeographic maps and concise, readable text</p><p>Uses numerous paleogeographic maps that mimic satellite images</p><p>Provides a concise history of this complex geologic region</p><p>Usable to wide audience: lay persons; students; geologists; anyone with interest in physical Earth</p><p>Relates modern landscapes to their geologic history</p><p>Winner of the 2021 John D. Haun Landmark Publication Award, AAPG-Rocky Mountain Section</p>Ron Blakey taught geology for over 37 years at the university level, mostly at NAU in Flagstaff, AZ.  His specialty is the sedimentary rocks of the Colorado Plateau and surrounding areas including the Pacific Coast region.  He has published well over 50 papers, many as single author, in national and international journals and symposia and two books, one published by Springer (see below).  For the last 25 years, he has constructed paleogeographic maps from regional to global scale – these maps appear in many published geological papers, books, monographs, museums, and are used extensively in general education at all levels.  His maps are based on the geological literature and are constructed as accurately as possible to mimic satellite views of ancient Earth.  Many individual maps represent 40 – 80 or more hours of work each.  <br/><br/>Wayne Ranney has been studying the geology of the American West since coming to live in Arizona in 1975. His first residence was at the bottom of the Grand Canyon where he worked as a backcountry ranger. He claims this is where he got all of the rocks in his head. In 1978 he enrolled in the geology program at Northern Arizona University, obtaining bachelor's and master's degrees. It was here that took classes from his colleague Dr. Ron Blakey while working his way through graduate school as a river guide. He began working as a shipboard geology interpreter in 1989 and has traveled the world ever since, completing over one hundred expeditions to the Arctic, the Amazon, Africa, Siberia, and Antarctica. These far-flung adventures have allowed him to see and learn about many different kinds of landscapes but he always returns to the red rock cliffs and canyon country of his native southwest. Wayne currently works as a geology lecturer for Smithsonian Journeys and is a retired adjunct faculty member of Yavapai and Coconino colleges. He is an award-winning author of many books including Sedona Through Time, Carving Grand Canyon, and Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau. He lives with his wife Helen in Flagstaff, Arizona.<div><br/></div><div><br/></div>TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11646009783319596341285657339928_1_En339928Earth SciencesGeologyRegional GeographyGeomorphology3130,3981,5241,4648/Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Geology/Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Regional Geography/Geography/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Geomorphology/Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences///010.1007/978-3-319-59636-5Ancient Landscapes of Western North America
64978-3-540-25484-3KoralovLeonid Koralov; Yakov G. SinaiLeonid Koralov, University of Maryland Dept. Mathematics, College Park, MD, USA; Yakov G. Sinai, Princeton University Dept. Mathematics, Princeton, NJ, USATheory of Probability and Random ProcessesXI, 358 p.Originally published as Springer Textbook: Probability Theory. An Introductory Course22007final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Soft coverBook0UniversitextMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English358PBTSpringerSpringer Berlin Heidelberg0Available2007-08-282007-09-252007-07-232007-09-011,978-3-540-53348-1,978-3-662-02846-9,978-3-662-02845-2Probability Theory.- Random Variables and Their Distributions.- Sequences of Independent Trials.- Lebesgue Integral and Mathematical Expectation.- Conditional Probabilities and Independence.- Markov Chains with a Finite Number of States.- Random Walks on the Lattice ?d.- Laws of Large Numbers.- Weak Convergence of Measures.- Characteristic Functions.- Limit Theorems.- Several Interesting Problems.- Random Processes.- Basic Concepts.- Conditional Expectations and Martingales.- Markov Processes with a Finite State Space.- Wide-Sense Stationary Random Processes.- Strictly Stationary Random Processes.- Generalized Random Processes.- Brownian Motion.- Markov Processes and Markov Families.- Stochastic Integral and the Ito Formula.- Stochastic Differential Equations.- Gibbs Random Fields.A one-year course in probability theory and the theory of random processes, taught at Princeton University to undergraduate and graduate students, forms the core of the content of this book
It is structured in two parts: the first part providing a detailed discussion of Lebesgue integration, Markov chains, random walks, laws of large numbers, limit theorems, and their relation to Renormalization Group theory. The second part includes the theory of stationary random processes, martingales, generalized random processes, Brownian motion, stochastic integrals, and stochastic differential equations. One section is devoted to the theory of Gibbs random fields.
This material is essential to many undergraduate and graduate courses. The book can also serve as a reference for scientists using modern probability theory in their research.
Comprehensive, self-contained exposition of classical probability theory and the theory of random processesDwells on a number of modern topics, not addressed in most textbooksAuthor Ya. G. Sinai is one of the world's leading probabilists and mathematical physicistsIncludes supplementary material: SINAI has been a professor at Princeton University since 1993. He was educated at Moscow State University, and was a professor there till 1993.
Since 1971 he has also held the position of senior researcher at the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics. He is known for fundamental work on dynamical systems, probability theory, mathematical physics, and statistical mechanics. He has been awarded, among other honors, the Boltzmann Medal (in 1986) and Wolf Prize in Mathematics (in 1997). He is a member of Russian and American Academies of Sciences.LEONID KORALOV is an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. From 2000 till 2006 he was an assistant professor at Princeton University, prior to which he worked at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He did his undergraduate work at Moscow State University, and got his PhD from SUNY at Stony Brook in 1998. He works on problems in the areas of homogenization, diffusion processes, and partial differential equations.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097835402548433126428515_2_En28515Probability Theory2923/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//////010.1007/978-3-540-68829-7Theory of Probability and Random Processes
65978-1-4842-7124-7MurrayAlan MurrayAlan Murray, IPSWICH, UKAdvanced Excel FormulasUnleashing Brilliance with Excel FormulasXXX, 816 p. 899 illus., 8 illus. in color.12022final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0054.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English816UMPApressApress0Available2022-08-292022-08-292022-08-292022-08-291<div>Chapter 1: Excel Formulas – A Quick Primer.Chapter 2: Logical Functions.Chapter 3: Defined NamesChapter 4: You Need to Start Using Tables.Chapter 5: Manipulating TextChapter 6: Working with Dates and Time.Chapter 7: The Infamous VLOOKUP Function.Chapter 8: The Awesome SUMIFS, COUNTIFS and Friends.Chapter 9: Next Level Aggregation Functions.Chapter 10: Dynamic Array FormulasChapter 11: Advanced Lookup FunctionsChapter 12: XLOOKUP – The New Kid on the Block.Chapter 13: FILTER Function – The Game ChangerChapter 14: Formulas with Data Types in Excel Chapter 15: LET, LAMBDA and the Helper Functions.</div>Enhance and upgrade your Excel knowledge with this comprehensive guide to formulas in Excel. Over 150 of the most useful Excel functions are covered with numerous practical examples of their use. This book is fully updated and includes examples of the most recently released functions in 2022. It is written in a manner that you can read it cover-to-cover or pick it up and learn something new in just 5 minutes.The book begins with a primer on Excel formulas and functions. Starting from a basic level, but diving into intricate detail and building a solid understanding of the fundamentals. It may not always be sexy, but learning why, in addition to how, is important to truly understanding Excel formulas. Having strong fundamentals is the most advanced skill.The book covers all the most popular functions in Excel including VLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, COUNTIFS, MATCH, SORT and so much more. You will learn how to return multiple results with a single formula. Harness the power of the dynamic array engine and functions such as SEQUENCE, SORTBY, UNIQUE, XLOOKUP and FILTER to create top N Lists, models and reports that would seem impossible without array formulas. In the final chapter, we discover the amazing LAMBDA function in Excel. Create your own Excel functions to simplify future Excel formulas and share them with others. In this book, the formulas are not only written to return values to the grid, but also for use with other Excel features such as charts and Conditional Formatting, to take them to another level. Practice files are provided to follow all examples shown in the book.You will:Gain intimate knowledge of Excel formulasUnderstand efficient and practical use of Defined Names and TablesMaster the most popular functions of Excel – VLOOKUP, COUNTIFS, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT, and so much moreLearn to return multiple results from a single formula with the magical array formulas.Know the best lookup functions for dynamic spreadsheetsKnow true power of classic Excel functions such as IF, SUM, and INDEXUse new Excel functions including XLOOKUP, VSTACK, LET, and LAMBDA
Enhance and upgrade your Excel knowledge with this comprehensive guide to formulas in Excel. Over 150 of the most useful Excel functions are covered with numerous practical examples of their use. This book is fully updated and includes examples of the most recently released functions in 2022. It is written in a manner that you can read it cover-to-cover or pick it up and learn something new in just 5 minutes.The book begins with a primer on Excel formulas and functions. Starting from a basic level, but diving into intricate detail and building a solid understanding of the fundamentals. It may not always be sexy, but learning why, in addition to how, is important to truly understanding Excel formulas. Having strong fundamentals is the most advanced skill.The book covers all the most popular functions in Excel including VLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, COUNTIFS, MATCH, SORT and so much more. You will learn how to return multiple results with a single formula. Harness the power of the dynamic array engine and functions such as SEQUENCE, SORTBY, UNIQUE, XLOOKUP and FILTER to create top N Lists, models and reports that would seem impossible without array formulas. In the final chapter, we discover the amazing LAMBDA function in Excel. Create your own Excel functions to simplify future Excel formulas and share them with others. In this book, the formulas are not only written to return values to the grid, but also for use with other Excel features such as charts and Conditional Formatting, to take them to another level. Practice files are provided to follow all examples shown in the book.What Will You Learn Gain intimate knowledge of Excel formulas Understand efficient and practical use of Defined Names and TablesMaster the most popular functions of Excel – VLOOKUP, COUNTIFS, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT, and so much more
Learn to return multiple results from a single formula with the magical array formulas. Know the best lookup functions for dynamic spreadsheetsKnow true power of classic Excel functions such as IF, SUM, and INDEX
Use new Excel functions including XLOOKUP, VSTACK, LET, and LAMBDA <div>
</div><div>Who Is This Book For</div><div>
</div><div>Excel users who are familiar with formulas but want to improve their current skill level
<p>Covers dynamic array formulas LET and LAMBDA</p><p>Contains VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP functions for dynamic spreadsheets</p><p>Discusses the next level aggregation functions</p>Alan Murray is a Microsoft MVP and Excel trainer. He has been helping people in Excel for over 20 years. He loves training and the joy he gets from knowing he is making peoples working lives easier.Alan runs his own blog - Computergaga ( and writes for multiple other websites. His YouTube channel has over 550 videos and over 35 million views. He organizes a free monthly Excel meetup in London where anyone can come learn Excel, chat, and enjoy each other’s company ( Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484271247462847510733_1_En510733Microsoft5909/Microsoft/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Microsoft/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//////010.1007/978-1-4842-7125-4Advanced Excel Formulas
66978-1-4842-6701-1GarbisJason Garbis; Jerry W. ChapmanJason Garbis, Boston, MA, USA; Jerry W. Chapman, Atlanta, GA, USAZero Trust SecurityAn Enterprise GuideXXIII, 300 p. 58 illus.12021final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0054.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English300UYURApressApress0WorldwideAvailable2021-02-272021-02-272021-02-272021-02-271Part I: Overview.- Chapter 1: Introduction.- Chapter 2: What Is Zero Trust?.- Chapter 3: Zero Trust Architectures.- Chapter 4: Zero Trust in Practice.- Part II: Zero Trust and Enterprise Architecture Components.- Chapter 5: Identity and Access Management.- Chapter 6: Network Infrastructure.- Chapter 7: Network Access Control.- Chapter 8: Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.- Chapter 9: Virtual Private Networks.- Chapter 10: Next-Generation Firewalls.- Chapter 11: Security Operations.- Chapter 12: Privileged Access Management.- Chapter 13: Data Protection.- Chapter 14: Infrastructure and Platform as a Service.- Chapter 15: Software as a Service.- Chapter 16: IoT Devices and “Things”.- Part III: Putting It All Together.- Chapter 17: A Zero Trust Policy Model.- Chapter 18: Zero Trust Scenarios.- Chapter 19: Making Zero Trust Successful.- Chapter 20: Conclusion.- Chapter 21: Afterword.- Appendix A: Further Reading.-Understand how Zero Trust security can and should integrate into your organization. This book covers the complexity of enterprise environments and provides the realistic guidance and requirements your security team needs to successfully plan and execute a journey to Zero Trust while getting more value from your existing enterprise security architecture. After reading this book, you will be ready to design a credible and defensible Zero Trust security architecture for your organization and implement a step-wise journey that delivers significantly improved security and streamlined operations.<div>
</div><div>Zero Trust security has become a major industry trend, and yet there still is uncertainty about what it means. Zero Trust is about fundamentally changing the underlying philosophy and approach to enterprise security—moving from outdated and demonstrably ineffective perimeter-centric approaches to a dynamic, identity-centric, and policy-based approach.
</div>Making this typeof shift can be challenging. Your organization has already deployed and operationalized enterprise security assets such as Directories, IAM systems, IDS/IPS, and SIEM, and changing things can be difficult. Zero Trust Security uniquely covers the breadth of enterprise security and IT architectures, providing substantive architectural guidance and technical analysis with the goal of accelerating your organization‘s journey to Zero Trust.You will:Understand Zero Trust security principles and why it is critical to adopt themSee the security and operational benefits of Zero TrustMake informed decisions about where, when, and how to apply Zero Trust security architecturesDiscover how the journey to Zero Trust will impact your enterprise and security architectureBe ready to plan your journey toward Zero Trust, while identifying projects that can deliver immediate security benefits for your organization
Understand how Zero Trust security can and should integrate into your organization. This book covers the complexity of enterprise environments and provides the realistic guidance and requirements your security team needs to successfully plan and execute a journey to Zero Trust while getting more value from your existing enterprise security architecture. After reading this book, you will be ready to design a credible and defensible Zero Trust security architecture for your organization and implement a step-wise journey that delivers significantly improved security and streamlined operations.
<div>Zero Trust security has become a major industry trend, and yet there still is uncertainty about what it means. Zero Trust is about fundamentally changing the underlying philosophy and approach to enterprise security—moving from outdated and demonstrably ineffective perimeter-centric approaches to a dynamic, identity-centric, and policy-based approach.
</div>Making this type of shift can be challenging. Your organization has already deployed and operationalized enterprise security assets such as Directories, IAM systems, IDS/IPS, and SIEM, and changing things can be difficult. Zero Trust Security uniquely covers the breadth of enterprise security and IT architectures, providing substantive architectural guidance and technical analysis with the goal of accelerating your organization‘s journey to Zero Trust.
What You Will Learn

Understand Zero Trust security principles and why it is critical to adopt themSee the security and operational benefits of Zero TrustMake informed decisions about where, when, and how to apply Zero Trust security architecturesDiscover how the journey to Zero Trust will impact your enterprise and security architectureBe ready to plan your journey toward Zero Trust, while identifying projects that can deliver immediate security benefits for your organization

Who This Book Is For<div>Security leaders, architects, and practitioners plus CISOs, enterprise security architects, security engineers, network security architects, solution architects, and Zero Trust strategists</div><div>
Teaches you how to view your complete enterprise security and IT infrastructure through the lens of Zero TrustHelps you understand how Zero Trust security will integrate with and impact your existing identity, network, and security systemsShows you how to plan for and execute a successful journey to Zero Trust security in your organizationJason Garbis is Founder and Principal at Numberline Security, a consulting firm helping enterprises prepare for, define, and execute on effective Zero Trust security strategies. Jason has authored several books, including Zero Trust Security: An Enterprise Guide, and Getting Started With Zero Trust. He is co-chair of the Zero Trust Working Group at the Cloud Security Alliance, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. Jason holds a CISSP certification, has a BS in Computer Science from Cornell University, and an MBA from Northeastern. Professionally, he has expertise in the areas of Identity Management, Enterprise Security Architectures, Network Security, and Security Strategy. Previously, he served as Chief Product Officer at Appgate, and held roles at security firms including RSA and Aveksa.

Jerry W. Chapman is a cyber security professional with a focus on Identity. With over 25 years of industry experience, Jerry has successfully guided numerous clients in the design and implementation of their enterprise IAM strategies, in ways that align with both security and business objectives. As an IAM industry expert, Jerry provides guidance, support, and thought leadership across multiple cybersecurity practice areas, with a focus on positioning Identity as a core component within enterprise security architectures. Jerry is active in the technical working group at the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), where he was the group’s original Technical Architect. Jerry is a certified Forrester Zero Trust Strategist, has a BS in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University and is currently pursuing a degree in Applied Mathematics from Southern New Hampshire University.

TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484267011446641495801_1_En495801Computer ScienceData and Information Security2971,4516/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Data and Information Security/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/////010.1007/978-1-4842-6702-8Zero Trust Security
67978-3-031-14193-5AyresZoë J. AyresZoë J. Ayres, Rugby, UKManaging your Mental Health during your PhDA Survival GuideXIX, 199 p. 1 illus.12022final22.9924.6025.2919.9927.5024.99Soft coverBook0Biomedical and Life SciencesGeneral interest0English199MMJMMJTSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2022-09-152022-09-142022-10-022022-10-021Part I: Defining The Problem.- Chapter 1: Introduction.- Chapter 2: Challenging Perceptions - What is mental health anyway?.- Chapter 3: Setting the Scene - Understanding the PhD Mental Health Crisis.- Part II: Mindset Matters.- Chapter 4: Self-Care: Without you there is no PhD.- Chapter 5: Not another yoga session - University Wellbeing programs and why they so often miss the mark.- Chapter 6: “I’ll read it later” and other lies we tell ourselves – Managing Expectations and Guilt.- Chapter 7: Why you earned it – Fighting the Impostor.- Part III: Environmental Stressors.- Chapter 8: Dismantling the Ivory Tower – Systemic Issues that Might Impact your Mental Health.- Chapter 9: Perhaps it’s not you it’s them: PhD Student-Supervisor relationships.- Chapter 10: Publish or Perish – On the Myth of Meritocracy.- Chapter 11: The High-Walled Rose Garden: Understanding there is life outside the academy.- Part IV: Seeking Help.- Chapter 12: Thriving, not just surviving.This book explores the PhD experience as never before and provides a “survival guide” for current and prospective PhD students. The book investigates why mental health issues are so common among the postgraduate population, going beyond the statistics, looking at lived experience of both the author and as well as current PhD students, who have found balancing mental wellness with the PhD endeavour challenging.The author discusses tips and tricks she wished she had known at the start of her PhD process for managing mental health, such as managing imposter feelings, prioritizing workload, and self-care strategies to help others throughout their own journey.The book goes beyond typical mental health discussions (where the focus for improving mental health is placed on PhD students to become “more resilient”) and explores some of the often unspoken environmental factors that can impact mental health. These include the PhD student-supervisor relationship, the pressure to publish, and deep systemic problems in academia, such as racism, bullying and harassment.Finally, the book is a call to action, providing tangible improvements from the author’s perspective that university institutions can make to ensure that academia is a place for all to thrive.<div>
This book explores the PhD experience as never before and provides a “survival guide” for current and prospective PhD students. The book investigates why mental health issues are so common among the postgraduate population, going beyond the statistics, looking at lived experience of both the author and as well as current PhD students, who have found balancing mental wellness with the PhD endeavour challenging.The author discusses tips and tricks she wished she had known at the start of her PhD process for managing mental health, such as managing imposter feelings, prioritising workload, and self-care strategies to help others throughout their own journey.The book goes beyond typical mental health discussions (where the focus for improving mental health is placed on PhD students to become “more resilient”) and explores some of the often unspoken environmental factors that can impact mental health. These include the PhD student-supervisor relationship, the pressure to publish, and deep systemic problems in academia, such as racism, bullying and harassment. Finally, the book is a call to action, providing tangible improvements from the author’s perspective that university institutions can make to ensure that academia is a place for all to thrive.
<p>Provides tips and tricks on mental health management</p><p>Explores environmental factors that impact mental health</p><p>Examines the research culture we work in</p>Zoë Ayres (PhD) is an analytical scientist by background, with a PhD in electrochemical sensor development. After spending several years as a postdoctoral researcher in academia post-PhD, she now works in industry as a Senior Scientist. Additionally, Zoë is a mental health advocate, spurred on by experiencing mental illness herself during her PhD. Her advocacy work focuses on improving mental health in research settings, primarily focusing on PhD mental health. She raises awareness of the common issues PhD students face through various campaigns and initiatives, and can be found under the handle @zjayres on Twitter.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11642009783031141935482729528783_1_En528783Mental HealthCareer CounselingBiomedical Research5073,5190,3014/Mental Health/Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences//Mental Health/Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences//Counseling Psychology/Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences/Career Counseling//Biomedical Research/Life Sciences/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-031-14194-2Managing your Mental Health during your PhD
68978-3-030-28732-0GrossmanRobert B. GrossmanRobert B. Grossman, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USAThe Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction MechanismsXVII, 435 p. 1107 illus., 513 illus. in color.32019final79.9985.5987.9969.9994.5089.99Hard coverBook0Chemistry and Materials ScienceGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English435PNNPSBSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-12-052019-11-242020-02-222020-02-221,978-1-4419-3016-3,978-0-387-95468-4,978-1-4684-9255-2,978-0-387-21545-7The Basics.- Polar Reactions under Basic Conditions.- Polar Reactions under Acidic Conditions.- Pericyclic Reactions.- Free-Radical Reactions.-Transition-Metal-Mediated and -Catalyzed Reactions.- Mixed-Mechanism Problems.Intended for students of intermediate organic chemistry, this text shows how to write a reasonable mechanism for an organic chemical transformation. The discussion is organized by types of mechanisms and the conditions under which the reaction is executed, rather than by the overall reaction as is the case in most textbooks. The treatment emphasizes unifying principles, showing how common mechanisms link seemingly disparate reactions.

Each chapter discusses common mechanistic pathways and suggests practical tips for drawing them. Worked problems are included in the discussion of each mechanism, and “common error alerts” are scattered throughout the text to warn readers about pitfalls and misconceptions that bedevil students. Each chapter is capped by a large problem set.

The author has drawn on his own research and the current literature to ensure that appropriate attention is given to topics across the range of modern organic chemistry. The text is unique in its inclusion of a chapter on reactions mediated or catalyzed by transition metals, an area in which mechanistic understanding is now essential. More modern topics such as olefin metathesis and cycloaromatization are covered without giving short shrift to more traditional areas such as carbonyl chemistry. The text assumes a basic knowledge of organic chemistry. It can be used either in a formal course or by students working on their own, and will be particularly useful for graduate students studying for qualifying examinations. It will also be useful to students and researchers in biochemistry, pharmacology, and inorganic chemistry.

The third edition includes greater discussion of the reactions of biological cofactors such as thiamine and pyridoxal, and discussions of modern developments such as metal-catalyzed C–H activation reactions have been added. In terms of stylistic improvements, the author has introduced color into drawings to improve visual clarity and has improved the depictions of radical anions and radical chain reactions.
Intended for students of intermediate organic chemistry, this text shows how to write a reasonable mechanism for an organic chemical transformation. The discussion is organized by types of mechanisms and the conditions under which the reaction is executed, rather than by the overall reaction as is the case in most textbooks. The treatment emphasizes unifying principles, showing how common mechanisms link seemingly disparate reactions.

Each chapter discusses common mechanistic pathways and suggests practical tips for drawing them. Worked problems are included in the discussion of each mechanism, and “common error alerts” are scattered throughout the text to warn readers about pitfalls and misconceptions that bedevil students. Each chapter is capped by a large problem set.

The author has drawn on his own research and the current literature to ensure that appropriate attention is given to topics across the range of modern organic chemistry. The text is unique in its inclusion of a chapter on reactions mediated or catalyzed by transition metals, an area in which mechanistic understanding is now essential. More modern topics such as olefin metathesis and cycloaromatization are covered without giving short shrift to more traditional areas such as carbonyl chemistry. The text assumes a basic knowledge of organic chemistry. It can be used either in a formal course or by students working on their own, and will be particularly useful for graduate students studying for qualifying examinations. It will also be useful to students and researchers in biochemistry, pharmacology, and inorganic chemistry.

The third edition includes greater discussion of the reactions of biological cofactors such as thiamine and pyridoxal, and discussions of modern developments such as metal-catalyzed C–H activation reactions have been added. In terms of stylistic improvements, the author has introduced color into drawings to improve visual clarity and has improved the depictions of radical anions and radical chain reactions.

<p>Chapter level solution manuals are available on SpringerLink as Supplementary Material</p><p>Ideal as an independent study guide or reference to organic chemistry</p><p>Helps readers develop the ability to distinguish between diverse reactions</p><p>Includes common error alerts that warns of pitfalls and misconceptions</p><p>Begins with all the basics of the structure and stability of organic compounds</p>​Robert B. Grossman earned his A.B. degree at Princeton University and his Ph.D. at MIT. He then moved from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Cambridge, England for his postdoctoral work. In 1994, he moved from the United Kingdom (UK) to the University of Kentucky (UK), where he has been ever since. At UK, Dr. Grossman maintains an active research program focused on synthetic methodology, target-directed synthesis, and biosynthesis. He is also the creator of ACE Organic, a Web-based organic chemistry homework program. Dr. Grossman has also served two terms as one of the two faculty representatives on the UK Board of Trustees. <div>
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164400978303028732043536261032_3_En61032Organic ChemistryBiochemistryPharmacologyInorganic ChemistryPolymers2897,37114,3357,2895,3717/Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Organic Chemistry//Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Organic Chemistry//Biochemistry/Chemical Biology/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Biological Chemistry/Physical Sciences/Chemistry//Pharmacology/Biomedical Research/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry//Polymers/Soft Materials/Materials Science/Physical Sciences/Materials Chemistry/Chemistry//010.1007/978-3-030-28733-7The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms
69978-3-030-75731-1AlbinCatherine S.W. Albin; Sahar F. ZafarCatherine S.W. Albin, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA; Sahar F. Zafar, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USAThe Acute Neurology Survival GuideA Practical Resource for Inpatient and ICU NeurologyXVI, 364 p. 189 illus., 110 illus. in color.12022final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0059.99Soft coverBook0MedicineGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English364MJNMNNSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2022-06-032022-06-032022-06-202022-06-201Part One: A Comprehensive “How-To” Guide.- Pre-Rounding On and Presenting Floor Patients. Pre-Rounding and Presenting NeuroICU Patients.- The Coma Exam.- Tips for Common Cranial Nerve Exam Findings.- Stroke and Vascular Anatomy.- Basics of Computed Tomography (CT).- Basics of MRI Ordering and Assessment.- Understanding Transcranial Dopplers (TCDs).- Tips and Tricks for EEG Interpretation.- Part Two: Vascular Neurology.- Acute Ischemic Stroke – First Encounter Assessment and Management.- Perfusion Imaging.- Ischemic Stroke: Admission Checklist.- Stroke Workup Beyond the Basics.- Ischemic Stroke – Dissection.- Ischemic Stroke - Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis (“Hot Carotid”).- Ischemic Stroke – Post Stroke Management of Anticoagulation.- Selected Anti-Platelets and Anticoagulation in Stroke Prevention.- Acute Management Strategies – TPA and Mechanical Thrombectomy Trials.- Venous Sinus Thrombosis.- Posterior Reversible Vasoconstriction Syndrome (PRES) and Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS).- Part Three: Non-Vascular Inpatient Neurology.- Altered Mental Status.- Framework for Workup of Unknown Brain “Lesion”.- Approach to First-Time Seizure.- Pharmacology Tips for Commonly Used AEDs Tips.- Approach to Infectious Encephalitis and Meningitis.- Aseptic Meningitis.- Inflammatory and Autoimmune Encephalitis.- Differential Diagnosis and Ordering Guide: Neuroanatomical Syndromes.- Autoimmune Encephalitis Testing.- Approach to New Onset Weakness.- Workup of New Demyelinating Lesions.- Approach to the “Dizzy” Patient.- Part Four: NeuroICU.- Intracranial Pressure: Theory and Management Strategies.- Management of External Ventricular Catheters.- Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction Intracerebral Hemorrhage – Management.- Intracranial Hemorrhage – LandmarkTrials.- Reversal of Selected Anti-Thrombotics.- An In-Depth Review of Reversing Direct Factor XA-Inhibitor-Related Hemorrhages.- Intracranial Hemorrhage - Management of Anticoagulation.- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – Differential.- Aneurysmal SAH – Admission and Early Management.- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – Scoring Systems.- Aneurysmal SAH – Daily Management Principles.- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – Notable Trials.- Traumatic Brain Injury.-Trials in TBI.- Induced Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest.- Status Epilepticus.- Continuous EEG Monitoring, Electrographic Seizures and The Ictal-Interictal Continuum.- Neuromuscular Crises: ICU Management of Guillan Barr & Myasthenia Gravis.- Evaluation of C-Spine Trauma.- ICU Management of Spinal Cord Injuries.- Management of Post-Operative Craniotomy Patients.- Post-Operative Management of Cerebrovascular Patients.- Preparation for Brain Death Testing.- Nutrition in the NeuroICU.- Hypernatremia in the NeuroICU.- Hyponatremia in the NeuroICU.- Pressors and Inotropes Commonly Used in the NeuroICU Seizure Prophylaxis in the NeuroICU.- Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in the NeuroICU.- Part Five: Important References.- Brainstem Anatomy NeuroICU Intravenous Fluid Compositions.- Anti-Epileptic Drug Chart, For Use in Adults.- Drug-Drug Interactions Common in Neuro Patients.- Myasthenia Gravis: Medications to Avoid.- Parkinson’s Disease: Medications to Avoid.This practical guide for trainees and advanced practice providers covers the essential management of hospitalized patients with acute neurologic conditions. Divided into five sections, this text serves as an incredibly easy-to-use, visually accessible, how-to manual that covers exactly what every responding clinician needs to know to care for the patient in front of them.

The first section provides tangible guidance about how to pre-round, structure a presentation, examine neurologically ill patients, and interpret the core diagnostics obtained in many neurology patients: CT, MRI and EEG. The next three sections cover common complaints encountered in the hospital: spanning from non-vascular admissions, vascular & stroke neurology topics, and core neurocritical care principals and chief complaints. Throughout are checklists, scoring systems, pro-tips, images, helpful reminders, as well as concise summary of the pertinent literature.

This is an ideal guide for medical students, neurology & neurosurgery trainees and advanced practice providers, as well as experienced professionals who want to brush up on the latest updates.
This practical guide for trainees and advanced practice providers covers the essential management of hospitalized patients with acute neurologic conditions. Divided into five sections, this text serves as an incredibly easy-to-use, visually accessible, how-to manual that covers exactly what every responding clinician needs to know to care for the patient in front of them.The first section provides tangible guidance about how to pre-round, structure a presentation, examine neurologically ill patients, and interpret the core diagnostics obtained in many neurology patients: CT, MRI and EEG. The next three sections cover common complaints encountered in the hospital: spanning from non-vascular admissions, vascular & stroke neurology topics, and core neurocritical care principals and chief complaints. Throughout are checklists, scoring systems, pro-tips, images, helpful reminders, as well as concise summary of the pertinent literature. This is an ideal guide for medical students, neurology & neurosurgery trainees and advanced practice providers, as well as experienced professionals who want to brush up on the latest updates.<p>Offers a practical guide to neurocritical care for trainees in neurology</p><p>Acts as a practical beside tool</p><p>Written by expert authors</p>Sahar F. Zafar, MD, MBBS<div><div>Department of Neurology<div>Massachusetts General Hospital</div><div>Harvard Medical School</div><div>Boston, MA</div><div>
</div><div>Catherine SW Albin, MD </div><div>Department of Neurology</div><div>Division of Neurocritical Care</div><div>Emory University School of Medicine </div><div>Atlanta, GA</div></div></div>
StudentsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030757311434945485093_1_En485093NeurologyNeurosurgerySurgery2937,6223,3070/Neurology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Neurology/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Neurosurgery/Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-030-75732-8The Acute Neurology Survival Guide
70978-3-030-56882-5BensonTim Benson; Grahame GrieveTim Benson, R-Outcomes Ltd, Newbury, UK; Grahame Grieve, Health Intersections Pty Ltd, Melbourne, VIC, AustraliaPrinciples of Health InteroperabilityFHIR, HL7 and SNOMED CTXVIII, 475 p. 110 illus., 35 illus. in color.42021final59.9964.1965.9954.9971.0064.99Soft coverBook0Health Information Technology StandardsMedicineGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English475UBHMBNSpringerSpringer International Publishing1WorldwideAvailable2020-10-202020-10-202020-11-062020-11-0612016,978-3-319-30368-0,978-3-319-30369-7,978-3-319-30370-3Contents.- Foreword.- Preface.- Part 1 Principles of Health Interoperability.- The Health Information Revolution.- Why Interoperability is Hard.- Terminology, Content, Exchange.- Safety Thinking.- Part 2 FHIR.- FHIR Principles.- FHIR API.- FHIR Resources - Administrative.- FHIR Resources – Clinical Summary.- FHIR Terminology.- FHIR Implementing FHIR.- Part 3 Other Exchange Standards.- HL7 Version 2.- CDA.- IHE XDS.- Part 3 Terminology.- Clinical Terminology / Coding and Classification.- SNOMED CT+ Concept Model.- LOINC.- Terminology & Content models.- Mapping between Terminologies.- Terminology Services.- Part 4 Security & Privacy.- Security : TLS & OAuth.- Integrity: Provenance and Audit Trails.- Privacy and Consent.- Part 5 Supporting Standards.- UML, XML, JSON.- Standards Development Organizations.- The HL7 V3 Framework.- Glossary.- Bibliography.<div>
This extensively updated fourth edition expands the discussion of FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources), which has rapidly become the most important health interoperability standard globally. FHIR can be implemented at a fraction of the price of existing alternatives and is well suited for use in mobile phone apps, cloud communications and electronic health records. FHIR combines the best features of HL7’s v2, v3 and CDA while leveraging the latest web standards and clinical terminologies, with a tight focus on implementation. Principles of Health Interoperability has been completely re-organised into five sections. The first part covers the core principles of health interoperability, while the second extensively reviews FHIR. The third part includes older HL7 standards that are still widely used, which leads on to a section dedicated to clinical terminology including SNOMED CT and LOINC. The final part of the book covers privacy, models, XML and JSON, standards development organizations and HL7 v3. This vital new edition therefore is essential reading for all involved in the use of these technologies in medical informatics.
This extensively updated fourth edition expands the discussion of FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources), which has rapidly become the most important health interoperability standard globally. FHIR can be implemented at a fraction of the price of existing alternatives and is well suited for use in mobile phone apps, cloud communications and electronic health records. FHIR combines the best features of HL7’s v2, v3 and CDA while leveraging the latest web standards and clinical terminologies, with a tight focus on implementation.

Principles of Health Interoperability has been completely re-organised into five sections. The first part covers the core principles of health interoperability, while the second extensively reviews FHIR. The third part includes older HL7 standards that are still widely used, which leads on to a section dedicated to clinical terminology including SNOMED CT and LOINC. The final part of the book covers privacy, models, XML and JSON, standards development organizations and HL7 v3. This vital new edition therefore is essential reading for all involved in the use of these technologies in medical informatics.
Updated edition containing sections on SNOMED CT, HL7 and FHIRAuthored by two of the most experienced teachers of SNOMED CT, HL7 and FHIRAccessible to both relative novices and more experienced practitionersTim Benson graduated from the University of Nottingham as a mechanical engineer. He founded one of the first GP computer suppliers (Abies Informatics Ltd). There, with James Read and David Markwell, he helped develop the Read Codes, which became one of the two sources of SNOMED CT. He led the first European project team on open standards for health interoperability and was a co-chair of the HL7 Education Committee for several years. He has developed a family of short generic outcome and experience measures (PROMs and PREMs) with R-Outcomes Ltd. Grahame Grieve is FHIR Product Director at HL7 and is the founder of FHIR. Grahame travels the world giving lectures, guiding connectathons and advising governments, vendors and care providers about all aspects of interoperability. He graduated from the University of Auckland as a biochemist, worked as a clinical diagnostic scientist and medical researcher before joining Kestral Computing P/L,a Laboratory and Imaging Information Systems vendor and then setting up Health Intersections Ltd. A growing involvement in integration and interoperability lead him to the HL7 community where he has led committees and edited standards for HL7 v2, v3 and CDA. The outcome of this was to recognize that something new was needed, which led to the creation of the FHIR specification.
StudentsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030568825438128147783_4_En147783Health InformaticsPublic Health4129,2977/Health Informatics/Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Health Informatics/Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Public Health/Life Sciences/Health Sciences////010.1007/978-3-030-56883-2Principles of Health Interoperability
71978-3-319-70328-2CampbellBradley Campbell; Jason ManningBradley Campbell, California State University, Los Angeles, CA, , USA; Jason Manning, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, , USAThe Rise of Victimhood CultureMicroaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture WarsXXVII, 278 p.12018final37.9940.6541.7932.9945.0044.99Soft coverBook0Social SciencesGeneral interest0English278JFJFSRPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2018-02-272018-02-152018-02-152018-02-151<div><div>1. Microaggression and the Culture of Victimhood.- 2. Microaggression and the Structure of Victimhood.- 3. Trigger Warnings, Safe Spaces, and the Language of Victimhood.- 4. False Accusations, Moral Panics, and the Manufacture of Victimhood.- 5. Opposition, Imitation, and the Spread of Victimhood.- 6. Sociology, Social Justice, and Victimhood.- 7. Victimhood, Academic Freedom, and Free Speech.- 8. Conclusion.</div></div>The Rise of Victimhood Culture offers a framework for understanding recent moral conflicts at U.S. universities, which have bled into society at large. These are not the familiar clashes between liberals and conservatives or the religious and the secular: instead, they are clashes between a new moral culture—victimhood culture—and a more traditional culture of dignity. Even as students increasingly demand trigger warnings and “safe spaces,” many young people are quick to police the words and deeds of others, who in turn claim that political correctness has run amok. Interestingly, members of both camps often consider themselves victims of the other. In tracking the rise of victimhood culture, Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning help to decode an often dizzying cultural milieu, from campus riots over conservative speakers and debates around free speech to the election of Donald Trump.The Rise of Victimhood Culture offers a framework for understanding recent moral conflicts at U.S. universities, which have bled into society at large. These are not the familiar clashes between liberals and conservatives or the religious and the secular: instead, they are clashes between a new moral culture—victimhood culture—and a more traditional culture of dignity. Even as students increasingly demand trigger warnings and “safe spaces,” many young people are quick to police the words and deeds of others, who in turn claim that political correctness has run amok. Interestingly, members of both camps often consider themselves victims of the other. In tracking the rise of victimhood culture, Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning help to decode an often dizzying cultural milieu, from campus riots over conservative speakers and debates around free speech to the election of Donald Trump.<p>A timely intervention in the hot-button topics of free speech and political correctness</p><p>Accessibly engages with the sociological and cultural concerns arising from recent events on college campus and in wider society</p><p>Relevant to an array of disciplines including sociology, culture and media studies, psychology, politics, and American studies</p><div><div><div>Bradley Campbell is Professor of Sociology at California State University, Los Angeles, USA.
</div><div>Jason Manning is Associate Professor of Sociology at West Virginia University, USA.</div><div>
TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41176009783319703282384773438057_1_En438057SociologySociology of CultureMedia SociologySociology of Knowledge and DiscoursePolitical SociologyDigital and New Media2902,3111,4351,4397,3538,7440/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Sociology of Culture/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Media Sociology/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Sociology of Knowledge and Discourse/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Political Sociology/Political Science/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology//Digital and New Media/Media and Communication/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-319-70329-9The Rise of Victimhood Culture
72978-3-030-04356-8LindseyGeoff LindseyGeoff Lindsey, University College London, LondonEnglish After RPStandard British Pronunciation TodayXVI, 153 p. 19 illus.12019final24.9926.7427.4922.9929.5027.99Soft coverBook0Social SciencesGeneral interest0English153PDZCBPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-03-072019-02-272019-02-232019-02-231Introduction: What was RP?.- Part I. Changes: General observations.- Chapter 1. The power of writing.- Chapter 2. The special relationship.- Chapter 3. Getting stronger.- Part II. Vowels.- Chapter 4. The anti-clockwise vowel shift.- Chapter 5. FLEECE, GOOSE and other diphthongs.- Chapter 6. GOAT, GOOSE and FOOT backing.- Chapter 7. A LOT more common.- Chapter 8. KIT – still going strong (but happY never existed).- Chapter 9. FOOT – even rarer, but still common!.- Chapter 10. Weak vowel merger.- Chapter 11. Two kinds of BATH.- Chapter 12. PRICE and MOUTH.- Chapter 13. The decline of the centring diphthongs.- Part III. Consonants.- Chapter 14. More aspiration (and affrication).- Chapter 15. /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ – a new si-chew-ation.- Chapter 16. /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ – a new chrend.- Chapter 17. Epen-t-thesis.- Chapter 18. Syllabic consonants – a little less certain.- Chapter 19. Glottal stops, part 1.- Chapter 20. Is /l/ following /r/?.- Chapter 21. G-dropping and H-dropping.- Chapter 22. Fings to come?.- Part IV. Stress.- Chapter 23. The love of alternating stress.- Chapter 24. Westwards toward America?.- Part V. Connected speech.- Chapter 25. Linking /r/.- Chapter 26. Glottal stops, part 2.- Chapter 27. Vocal fry.- Part VI. Intonation.- Chapter 28. Falls.- Chapter 29. Yes-no questions.- Chapter 30. Continuation patterns.- Chapter 31. Uptalk.- Part VII. Mini Dictionary.<div>This book concisely describes ways in which today's standard British English speech differs from the upper-class accent of the last century, Received Pronunciation, which many now find old-fashioned or even comic. In doing so it provides a much-needed update to the existing RP-based descriptions by which the sound system of British English is still known to many around the world.</div><div>
</div><div>The book opens with an account of the rise and fall of RP, before turning to a systematic analysis of the phonetic developments between RP and contemporary Standard Southern British (SSB) in vowels, consonants, stress, connected speech and intonation. Topics covered include the anti-clockwise vowel shift, the use of glottal stops, 'intrusive r', vocal fry and Uptalk. It concludes with a Mini Dictionary of well over 100 words illustrating the changes described throughout the book, and provides a chart of updated IPA vowel symbols.</div><div>
</div><div>This book is an essential resource for anyone interested in British pronunciation and sound change, including academics in phonetics, phonology, applied linguistics and English language; trainers of English teachers; English teachers themselves; teachers of voice and accent coaches; and students in those areas.</div><div>
<p>Provides an update to phonetic descriptions which have become outdated over the past half-century of rapid sociophonetic change</p><p>Includes a Mini Dictionary of over a hundred common words which illustrate the changes described throughout the book</p><p>Presents a succinct analysis of 21st century British speech, showing how it differs from the classic RP descriptions of the 20th century</p>Geoff Lindsey is Honorary Lecturer in Linguistics, and Director of the Summer Course in English Phonetics, at University College London, UK. He works internationally as a pronunciation and accent tutor and is co-editor of the online dictionary CUBE. He has also worked in film and TV as a writer and director.<div>
TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41176009783030043568420017471258_1_En471258LinguisticsGermanic LanguagesPhonology and PhoneticsSociolinguisticsLanguage ChangeLanguage Teaching and Learning3274,4010,8243,4389,7730,8188/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Germanic Languages/Languages/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Phonology and Phonetics/Theoretical Linguistics / Grammar/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Sociolinguistics/Applied Linguistics/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Language Change/Historical Linguistics/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Language Teaching and Learning/Applied Linguistics/Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-030-04357-5English After RP
73978-3-319-64932-0SwansonMichael SwansonMichael Swanson, Royal Center, IN, USAThe NexStar User’s Guide IIFor the LCM, SLT, SE, CPC, SkyProdigy, and Astro FiIX, 274 p. 67 illus., 45 illus. in color.22017final39.9942.7943.9934.9947.5044.99Soft coverBook0The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy SeriesPhysics and AstronomyGeneral interest0English274PGPGSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2017-11-092017-11-012017-11-162017-11-161,978-1-85233-714-8,978-0-85729-419-7,978-0-85729-418-0<div>Chapter 1 - Introduction.- Chapter 2 - Astronomy Basics.- Chapter 3 - Overview of Celestron's Alt-Az Computerized Telescopes.- Chapter 4 - Alignment.- Chapter 5 - NexStar and StarSense Hand Control Operation.- Chapter 6 - SkyPortal Operation.- Chapter 7 - Connecting a PC, Mac, Tablet, or Smartphone to Your 'Scope.- Chapter 8- Expanding Your Horizons - Choosing Objects to View.- Chapter 9 - accessories for Your Telescope.- Chapter 10 - Firmware Updates.- Chapter 11.- Collimation, Maintenance, Care, and Cleaning.- Chapter 12 - Tips, Solutions, and Troubleshooting Common problems.- Appendix A - Internet Resources.- Appendix B - Glossary.- Index.</div><div><br/></div>As with the first edition, this book is a thorough reference for the telescope models covered. The original NexStar User's Guide has remained very popular among the NexStar owner community. This updated edition has been completely rewritten to cover all current Celestron altitude-azimuth computerized telescopes (German EQ mounts are not discussed). Detailed information on the alignment and operation of these ‘scopes provides a complete reference that expands greatly upon the manuals provided by Celestron. It also serves as a guide to buying the most suitable model for a variety of budgets and interests. Connecting and controlling the telescope with PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones is covered in great detail. A chapter is dedicated to updating the firmware in the hand control, mount, and StarSense camera (an optional accessory). Chapters on accessories, collimation, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips round out the book’s extensive coverage of the subject matter. Additionally, the book offers a brief, though complete, introduction to amateur astronomy, making it an ideal source for both the beginner astronomer as well as the seasoned veteran looking to get the most out of a new telescope.As with the first edition, this book is a thorough reference for the telescope models covered. The original NexStar User's Guide has remained very popular among the NexStar owner community. This updated edition has been completely rewritten to cover all current Celestron altitude-azimuth computerized telescopes (German EQ mounts are not discussed). Detailed information on the alignment and operation of these ‘scopes provides a complete reference that expands greatly upon the manuals provided by Celestron. It also serves as a guide to buying the most suitable model for a variety of budgets and interests. Connecting and controlling the telescope with PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones is covered in great detail. A chapter is dedicated to updating the firmware in the hand control, mount, and StarSense camera (an optional accessory). Chapters on accessories, collimation, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips round out the book’s extensive coverage of the subject matter. Additionally, the book offers a brief, though complete, introduction to amateur astronomy, making it an ideal source for both the beginner astronomer as well as the seasoned veteran looking to get the most out of a new telescope.Serves as an accessible, updated manual of a best-selling (7,000 copies!) first edition for these popular telescopes used by amateur astronomersAims to be the definitive reference for Celestron's alt-az computerized telescopesProvides a thorough introduction of amateur astronomy for newcomersIncludes in-depth coverage of the technology in the telescopeIncludes supplementary material: Swanson is a veteran IT manager for the United States Navy with a lifelong interest in astronomy, technology, and computer programming. Shortly after purchasing his first NexStar telescope in the year 2000, he established what would quickly become the definitive Internet resource for NexStar telescopes - the NexStar Resource Site ( Since 2001, he has worked with Celestron in reviewing and testing their latest technologies, contributing numerous suggestions during the design process. TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP1165100978331964932039367175678_2_En75678Astronomy, Cosmology and Space SciencesAstronomy, Observations and Techniques3547,3987/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Astronomy, Observations and Techniques/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/////010.1007/978-3-319-64933-7The NexStar User’s Guide II
74978-3-540-04758-2ØksendalBernt ØksendalBernt Øksendal, University of Oslo CMA, Oslo, NorwayStochastic Differential EquationsAn Introduction with ApplicationsXXVII, 379 p.62003final54.9958.8460.4949.9965.0059.99Soft coverBook0UniversitextMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English379PBKPBTSpringerSpringer Berlin Heidelberg0Available2003-07-152003-09-102003-07-092004-04-181,978-3-540-63720-2,978-3-662-03621-1,978-3-662-03620-4Some Mathematical Preliminaries.- Itô Integrals.- The Itô Formula and the Martingale Representation Theorem.- Stochastic Differential Equations.- The Filtering Problem.- Diffusions: Basic Properties.- Other Topics in Diffusion Theory.- Applications to Boundary Value Problems.- Application to Optimal Stopping.- Application to Stochastic Control.- Application to Mathematical Finance.This well-established textbook on stochastic differential equations has turned out to be very useful to non-specialists of the subject and has sold steadily in 5 editions, both in the EU and US marketIncludes supplementary material: Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978354004758213967409_6_En7409AnalysisProbability TheoryTheoretical, Mathematical and Computational PhysicsSystems Theory, ControlCalculus of Variations and OptimizationDifferential Equations3076,2923,2998,3365,5129,7169/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Systems Theory, Control /Optimization/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Calculus of Variations and Optimization/Optimization/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Differential Equations/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics/010.1007/978-3-642-14394-6Stochastic Differential Equations
75978-3-030-71496-3CoxElizabeth CoxElizabeth Cox, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USAWomen's Mood DisordersA Clinician’s Guide to Perinatal PsychiatryXII, 304 p. 9 illus., 6 illus. in color.12021final119.99128.39131.99109.99142.00129.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English304MMHMMJSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2021-05-262021-05-262021-06-122021-06-121Background of History of Perinatal Psychiatry.- Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs): Overview & Etiology.- The Perinatal Psychiatric Interview.- Approach to Perinatal Psychiatry: General Strategies. Risk of Untreated Symptoms of PMADs in Pregnancy.- Risk of Untreated Symptoms of PMADs in Breastfeeding Women.- Risk of Medication exposures in Pregnancy and lactation.- Special Considerations: Teenage Pregnancies, Hyperemesis Gravidum, IVF, Miscarriages and Loss.- Anxious Patients.- Depressed Patients.- Manic Patients.- Psychotic Patients.- Substance Use Disorders in Pregnancy and Lactation.- Eating Disorders in Pregnancy and Lactation.- Trauma Disorders in Pregnancy and Lactation.- Psychotherapy Treatment Options for PMADs.- Care of the Suicidal Patient: Pregnancy and Postpartum.- Care of the Homicidal Patient: Pregnancy and Postpartum.- Importance of Collaborative Care with OBGYN and Pediatrics.- Documentation Considerations.This text provides background on the history of perinatal psychiatry, and discusses future directions in the field. It clearly defines perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), which are the most common complication of pregnancy. When left untreated, PMADs are morbid and devastating for both the patient and their entire family. It reviews gold standard recommendations for the treatment of PMADs, including evidence-based psychotherapies, as well as risk-benefit analysis of psychotropic medication use in pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, common presentations of depression, anxiety, and trauma in pregnancy and postpartum women, as well as mania, psychosis, suicidal and homicidal thoughts are reviewed. Women’s Mood Disorders: A Clinician’s Guide to Perinatal Psychiatry highlights special considerations in pregnancy, including teenage pregnancies, hyperemesis gravidum, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, as well as infertility, miscarriage and loss. The text concludes with outlining the importance of collaborative care in providing gold standard treatment of perinatal women and review documentation and legal considerations. This handbook will help educate and train future psychiatrists and OBGYNs in feeling confident and comfortable assessing and treating pregnant women who suffer from PMADs.
This text provides background on the history of perinatal psychiatry, and discusses future directions in the field. It clearly defines perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs), which are the most common complication of pregnancy. When left untreated, PMADs are morbid and devastating for both the patient and their entire family. It reviews gold standard recommendations for the treatment of PMADs, including evidence-based psychotherapies, as well as risk-benefit analysis of psychotropic medication use in pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, common presentations of depression, anxiety, and trauma in pregnancy and postpartum women, as well as mania, psychosis, suicidal and homicidal thoughts are reviewed.

Women’s Mood Disorders: A Clinician’s Guide to Perinatal Psychiatry highlights special considerations in pregnancy, including teenage pregnancies, hyperemesis gravidum, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, as well as infertility, miscarriage and loss. The text concludes with outlining the importance of collaborative care in providing gold standard treatment of perinatal women and review documentation and legal considerations. This handbook will help educate and train future psychiatrists and OBGYNs in feeling confident and comfortable assessing and treating pregnant women who suffer from PMADs.
<p>Addresses key issues in perinatal mental health</p><p>Reviews and presents expert recommendations in the treatment and management of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders</p><p>Written by experts in the field</p><div>Elizabeth Cox, MD

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Department of Psychiatry

Center for Women's Mood Disorders

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009783030714963447393496461_1_En496461PsychiatryClinical PsychologyBiological Psychology3853,3002,3074/Psychiatry/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Psychiatry/Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine/Health Sciences//Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Clinical Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences//Biological Psychology/Behavioral Sciences and Psychology/Humanities and Social Sciences////010.1007/978-3-030-71497-0Women's Mood Disorders
76978-3-319-99691-2FerzigerJoel H. Ferziger; Milovan Perić; Robert L. StreetJoel H. Ferziger, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; Milovan Perić, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany; Robert L. Street, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USAComputational Methods for Fluid DynamicsXVIII, 596 p. 209 illus., 43 illus. in color.42020final69.9974.8976.9959.9983.0079.99Soft coverBook0EngineeringGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English596TGMFPHUSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2019-08-282019-08-162019-10-102019-10-101,978-3-540-42074-3,978-3-642-56027-9,978-3-642-56026-2
Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow.- Introduction to Numerical Methods.- Finite Difference Methods.- Finite Volume Methods.- Solution of Linear Equation Systems.-Methods for Unsteady Problems.- Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations.- Complex Geometries.- Turbulent Flows.- Compressible Flows.- Efficiency, Accuracy and Grid Quality.- Special Topics.
In its 4th edition, this classic textbook offers an overview of the techniques used to solve problems in fluid mechanics on computers and describes in detail those most often used in practice. Included are advanced methods in computational fluid dynamics, like direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence, multigrid methods, parallel computing, moving grids, structured, block-structured and unstructured boundary-fitted grids, free surface flows. The book also contains a great deal of practical advice for code developers and users, it is designed to be equally useful to beginners and experts. The issues of numerical accuracy, estimation and reduction of numerical errors are dealt with in detail, with many examples. All computer codes can be accessed from the publishers server on the internet.<div>
This book is a guide to numerical methods for solving fluid dynamics problems. The most widely used discretization and solution methods, which are also found in most commercial CFD-programs, are described in detail. Some advanced topics, like moving grids, simulation of turbulence, computation of free-surface flows, multigrid methods and parallel computing, are also covered. Since CFD is a very broad field, we provide fundamental methods and ideas, with some illustrative examples, upon which more advanced techniques are built. Numerical accuracy and estimation of errors are important aspects and are discussed in many examples. Computer codes that include many of the methods described in the book can be obtained online. </div><div>This 4th edition includes major revision of all chapters; some new methods are described and references to more recent publications with new approaches are included. Former Chapter 7 on solution of the Navier-Stokes equations has been split into two Chapters to allow for a more detailed description of several variants of the Fractional Step Method and a comparison with SIMPLE-like approaches. In Chapters 7 to 13, most examples have been replaced or recomputed, and hints regarding practical applications are made. Several new sections have been added, to cover, e.g., immersed-boundary methods, overset grids methods, fluid-structure interaction and conjugate heat transfer.</div><div>
<p>Provides practical advice for students and developers offering access to some fine and well-established programming techniques in CFD</p><p>Constitutes an excellent introduction to the world of CFD equally useful to beginners and experts</p><p>Includes the complete set of computer codes ready for download</p>
<div>Joel H. Ferziger, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA</div><div>Joel passed away in 2004; he taught numerical methods in engineering and CFD over many years at Stanford and is widely known for his pioneering work on large-eddy simulation methods.</div><div>
<div>Milovan Perić, Faculty of Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, and CoMeT Continuum Mechanics Technologies GmbH, Erlangen, Germany</div><div>Milovan taught CFD and fluid dynamics at universities in Erlangen and Hamburg for 15 years and then spent 12 years at CD-adapco (now part of Siemens PLM), working on the development of commercial CFD software. He is currently consultant to Siemens PLM and industrial users of CFD-software and also teaching Applied CFD at the University of Duisburg-Essen.

</div><div>Robert L. Street, School of Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA</div><div>Bob has taught fluid mechanics, numerical methods and turbulence modeling courses at Stanford for the past 56 years; his research focuses on numerical simulation of geophysical flows. In recent years, he has worked on turbulence models for large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer and of cloud formation and evolution.</div><div>
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164700978331999691228469743507_4_En43507Engineering Fluid DynamicsTheoretical, Mathematical and Computational PhysicsComputational Science and Engineering4465,2998,4149/Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications/Engineering Fluid Dynamics/Engineering Mechanics/Technology and Engineering//Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications/Engineering Fluid Dynamics/Engineering Mechanics/Technology and Engineering//Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Computational Science and Engineering/Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics////010.1007/978-3-319-99693-6Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics
77978-3-031-31071-3WallworkAdrian WallworkAdrian Wallwork, Pisa, ItalyEnglish for Writing Research PapersXVI, 338 p. 3 illus., 2 illus. in color.32023final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Soft coverBook0English for Academic ResearchEducationEducational supplement0English338CJCBXSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2023-09-212023-09-212023-10-082023-10-0812011, 2016,978-3-319-26092-1,978-3-319-26093-8,978-3-319-26094-5Introduction.- PART I. Writing Skills.- 1. Planning and Preparation.- 2. Word order and sentence length.- 3. Structuring Paragraphs.- 4.Being Concise and Removing Redundancy.- 5. Avoiding ambiguity, repetition, and vague language.- 6. Clarifying and Highlighting.- 7. Discussing your limitations.- 8. Readability.- 9. Chatbots.- 10. Automatic translations.- Part II: Sections of a Paper.- 11.Titles.- 12. Abstracts: Standard Types.- 13. Abstracts: Particular Types.- 14. Introduction.- 15. Writing a Review of the Literature.- 16. Methods.- 17. Results.- 18. Discussion.- 19. Conclusions.- 20. The Final Check.
Publishing your research in an international journal is key to your success in academia. This guide draws on over 1000 manuscripts and reviewers' reports revealing why papers written by non-native researchers may be rejected due to poor English.

With easy-to-follow rules and tips, you will learn how to:

prepare and structure a manuscriptincrease readability and reduce the number of mistakes you make in English by writing concisely, with no redundancy and no ambiguitywrite a title and an abstract that will attract attention and be readwrite the sections of a paper (Introduction, Methods, etc)choose the correct tenses and stylesatisfy the requirements of editors and reviewers

This edition has two completely new chapters covering machine translation and using AI tools (e.g. chatbots, paraphrasers, editing tools) to improve and correct the English of a text.

Other titlesin this series:

Grammar, Usage and Style

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing Exercises (three volumes)

100 Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Academic Writing and Presenting

English for Presentations at International Conferences

English for Academic Correspondence

English for Academic CVs, Resumes, and Online Profiles

English for Academic Research: A Guide for Teachers

Adrian Wallwork is the author of more than 40 English Language Teaching (ELT) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhD students and researchers from 50 countries to write papers. He edits research manuscripts through his own proofreading and editing agency.
Publishing your research in an international journal is key to your success in academia. This guide is based on a study of over 1000 manuscripts and reviewers' reports revealing why papers written by non-native researchers are often rejected due to problems with English usage and poor structure and content.

With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and examples taken from published and unpublished papers, you will learn how to:

prepare and structure a manuscriptincrease readability and reduce the number of mistakes you make in English by writing concisely, with no redundancy and no ambiguitywrite a title and an abstract that will attract attention and be readdecide what to include in the various parts of the paper (Introduction, Methodology, Discussion etc)highlight your claims and contributionavoid plagiarismdiscuss the limitations of your researchchoose the correct tenses and stylesatisfy the requirements of editors and reviewers

This edition has two completely new chapters covering machine translation and using AI tools (e.g. chatbots, paraphrasers, editing tools) to improve and correct the English of a text.

Other titles in this series:

Grammar, Usage and Style

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing Exercises (three volumes)

100 Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Academic Writing and Presenting

English for Presentations at International Conferences

English for Academic Correspondence

English for Interacting on Campus

English for Academic CVs, Resumes, and Online Profiles

English for Academic Research: A Guide for TeachersAdrian Wallwork is the author of more than 40 English Language Teaching (ELT) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhDstudents and researchers from 50 countries to write papers. He edits research manuscripts through his own proofreading and editing agency.

How to: structure sections (abstract, methods) and keep editors/ referees happySentence/paragraph structure; avoiding redundancy, ambiguity and plagiarism; using AI to correct and paraphraseUnique insights into writing skills based on editing around 5000 research papers authored by non-natives<div>Adrian Wallwork is the author of more than 40 English Language Teaching (ELT) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhD students and researchers from 50 countries to write papers. He edits research manuscripts through his own proofreading and editing agency.</div>TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP41171009783031310713498987214620_3_En214620Language EducationLinguisticsTheoretical Linguistics / Grammar8189,3274,4003/Didactics and Teaching Methodology/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences/Language Education//Didactics and Teaching Methodology/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences/Language Education//Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Linguistics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Theoretical Linguistics / Grammar////010.1007/978-3-031-31072-0English for Writing Research Papers
78978-3-030-85930-5BerridgeG. R. BerridgeG. R. Berridge, University of Leicester, Leicester, UKDiplomacyTheory and PracticeXXXII, 302 p.62022final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Soft coverBook0Political Science and International StudiesGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English302JPSDJPSPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2022-01-102021-11-292022-06-042022-06-0412015, 2010, 2005, 2002,978-1-137-44550-6,978-1-137-44551-3,978-1-349-68561-5,978-1-137-44553-7,978-1-137-44552-0<div><div>1. The Foreign Ministry.- 2. Prenegotiations.- 3. ‘Around-the-Table’ Negotiations.- 4. Diplomatic</div><div>Momentum.- 5. Packaging Agreements.- 6. Following Up.- 7. Embassies.- 8. Telecommunications.- 9. Consulates.- 10. Secret Intelligence.- 11. Conferences.- 12. Summits.- 13. Public Diplomacy.- 14. Embassy Substitutes.- 15. Special Missions.- 16. Mediation.</div></div><div></div>This fully revised and expanded edition of Diplomacy, written by an internationally respected researcher and teacher of the subject, is richly illustrated with examples from the worlds of health and commerce as well as high politics. The instances included are mostly contemporary, but considerable historical background to the diplomatic methods themselves is always provided. Among other features, new to this edition is a list of topics for seminar discussion or essays, as well as annotated further reading at the end of each chapter.Following a chapter on the foreign ministry, Part I of this book deals with the art of negotiation (prenegotiations, around-the-table negotiations, diplomatic momentum, packaging agreements, and following up); Part II covers conventional modes of diplomacy (embassies, telecommunications, consulates, secret intelligence by ‘legals’, conferences, summits, and public diplomacy); and Part III examines diplomacy in hostile circumstances (embassy substitutes such as representative offices and interests sections, special missions, and mediation). Students and educators of diplomacy will find much of value in the latest edition of this highly regarded and much-cited textbook.

G. R. Berridge is Emeritus Professor of International Politics at the University of Leicester, UK, sometime Occasional Teacher at the London School of Economics & Political Science, and a Senior Fellow of DiploFoundation. He was Associate Editor for diplomatists of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

<div> <div><div>
</div></div><div><div> </div> </div> </div>
This fully revised and expanded sixth edition of Diplomacy, written by an internationally respected researcher and teacher of the subject, is richly illustrated with examples from the worlds of health and commerce as well as high politics. The instances included are mostly contemporary, but considerable historical background to the diplomatic methods themselves is always provided. Among other features, new to this edition is a list of topics for seminar discussion or essays, as well as annotated further reading at the end of each chapter. Following a chapter on the foreign ministry, Part I of this book deals with the art of negotiation (prenegotiations, around-the-table negotiations, diplomatic momentum, packaging agreements, and following up); Part II covers conventional modes of diplomacy (embassies, telecommunications, consulates, secret intelligence by ‘legals’, conferences, summits, and public diplomacy); and Part III examines diplomacy in hostile circumstances (embassy substitutes such as representative offices and interests sections, special missions, and mediation). Students and educators of diplomacy will find much of value in the latest edition of this highly regarded and much-cited textbook.<p>Fully revised 6th edition, with content on global health diplomacy, Donald Trump, and EU-Brexit prenegotiations</p><p>Offers a definitive yet contemporary text for scholars, students, and practitioners alike</p><p>Written in a clear, accessible, and lively style by a widely acknowledged authority on the subject</p>G. R. Berridge is Emeritus Professor of International Politics at the University of Leicester, UK, sometime Occasional Teacher at the London School of Economics & Political Science, and a Senior Fellow of DiploFoundation. He was Associate Editor for diplomatists of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.StudentsPalgrave Standard US (P5)Palgrave Standard (P5)EBOP41174009783030859305469029375129_6_En375129DiplomacyInternational RelationsPolitical Communication7149,2881,5539/Diplomacy/International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//Diplomacy/International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//Political Communication/Political Science/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/Media and Communication/Media Policy and Politics////010.1007/978-3-030-85931-2Diplomacy
79978-0-85729-081-6CapińskiMarek Capiński; Tomasz ZastawniakMarek Capiński, AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Kraków, Poland; Tomasz Zastawniak, University of York Department of Mathematics, Heslington, York, UKMathematics for FinanceAn Introduction to Financial EngineeringXIII, 336 p. 66 illus.22011final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Soft coverBook0Springer Undergraduate Mathematics SeriesMathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English336PBWKCBSpringerSpringer London0Available2010-11-252010-11-252010-11-012010-11-291,978-1-85233-330-0,978-1-4471-3978-2,978-1-85233-846-6A Simple Market Model.- Risk-Free Assets.- Portfolio Management.- Forward and Futures Contracts.- Options: General Properties.- Binomial Model.- General Discrete Time Models.- Continuous Time Model.- Interest Rates.As with the first edition, Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering combines financial motivation with mathematical style. Assuming only basic knowledge of probability and calculus, it presents three major areas of mathematical finance, namely option pricing based on the no-arbitrage principle in discrete and continuous time setting, Markowitz portfolio optimisation and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, and basic stochastic interest rate models in discrete setting.In this second edition, the material has been thoroughly revised and rearranged. New features include:• A case study to begin each chapter – a real-life situation motivating the development of theoretical tools;• A detailed discussion of the case study at the end of each chapter;• A new chapter on time-continuous models with intuitive outlines of the mathematical arguments and constructions;• Complete proofs of the two fundamental theorems of mathematical finance in discrete setting.From the reviews of the first edition:”This text is an excellent introduction to Mathematical Finance. Armed with a knowledge of basic calculus and probability a student can use this book to learn about derivatives, interest rates and their term structure and portfolio management.”(Zentralblatt MATH)”Given these basic tools, it is surprising how high a level of sophistication the authors achieve, covering such topics as arbitrage-free valuation, binomial trees, and risk-neutral valuation.” (”The reviewer can only congratulate the authors with successful completion of a difficult task of writing a useful textbook on a traditionally hard topic.” (K. Borovkov, The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, Vol. 31 (4), 2004)Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering combines financial motivation with mathematical style. Assuming only basic knowledge of probability and calculus, it presents three major areas of mathematical finance, namely Option pricing based on the no-arbitrage principle in discrete and continuous time setting, Markowitz portfolio optimisation and Capital Asset Pricing Model, and basic stochastic interest rate models in discrete setting.A case study to begin each chapter – a real-life situation motivating the development of theoretical toolsA detailed discussion of the case study at the end of each chapterA new chapter on time-continuous models with intuitive outlines of the mathematical arguments and constructionsComplete proofs of the two fundamental theorems of mathematical finance in discrete settingIncludes supplementary material:​Marek Capinski is Professor of Mathematics at AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland. <div>
</div><div>Tomasz Zastawniak is Professor of Mathematics at the University of York, UK.
StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)10978085729081616514865250_2_En65250Mathematics in Business, Economics and FinanceFinancial Economics4203,13130/Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematics in Business, Economics and Finance/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Financial Economics/////010.1007/978-0-85729-082-3Mathematics for Finance
80978-1-0716-1755-7Branstetter IVBarton F. Branstetter IVBarton F. Branstetter IV, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USAPractical Imaging InformaticsFoundations and Applications for Medical ImagingXVII, 670 p. 47 illus., 36 illus. in color.22021final149.99160.49164.99129.99177.00169.99Soft coverBook0MedicineProfessional book0English670MMPHMBGSpringerSpringer US0WorldwideAvailable2021-11-032021-11-032024-03-022024-03-0212010,978-1-4419-0487-4,978-1-4419-0483-6,978-1-4419-0485-0Section I: Medical Imaging.- Introduction to Medical Images.- Medical Terminology.- Imaging Modalities and Digital Images.- Image Post-Processing.- Incorporating Non-Image Data.- Section II: Information Technology.- Computers and Networking.- Data Storage.- Data Security and Patient Privacy.- PACS and Other Image Management Systems.- Ancillary Software.- Section III: Imaging Informatics.- Databases and Data Retrieval.- Standards and Interoperability.- Billing and Coding.- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.- Section IV: Image Interpretation and Support.- Roles and Relationships in Healthcare.- Workflow Steps in Radiology.- Viewing Images.- Reporting and Dictation.- User Governance.- External Data.- Section V: Work Environment and User Training.- Reading Room Design.- Enterprise Distribution.- Customer Relations.- User Training.- Quality Improvement and Workflow Engineering.- Change Management and Acceptance Testing.- Section VI: Operations.- Imaging Quality Assurance.- Disaster Recovery.- Downtime Procedures.- Policy Management and Regulatory Compliance.- Availability and Notification.- Section VII: Project Management.- PACS Readiness and PACS Migration.- Procurement.- Imaging Program Management.This new edition is a comprehensive source of imaging informatics fundamentals and how those fundamentals are applied in everyday practice. Imaging Informatics Professionals (IIPs) play a critical role in healthcare, and the scope of the profession has grown far beyond the boundaries of the PACS. A successful IIP must understand the PACS itself and all the software systems networked together in the medical environment. Additionally, an IIP must know the workflows of all the imaging team members, have a base in several medical specialties and be fully capable in the realm of information technology. Practical Imaging Informatics has been reorganized to follow a logical progression from basic background information on IT and clinical image management, through daily operations and troubleshooting, to long-term planning. The book has been fully updated to include the latest technologies and procedures, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. Written by a team of renowned international authors from the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine and the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics, this book is an indispensable reference for the practicing IIP. In addition, it is an ideal guide for those studying for a certification exam, biomedical informaticians, trainees with an interest in informatics, and any professional who needs quick access to the nuts and bolts of imaging informatics.
This new edition is a comprehensive source of imaging informatics fundamentals and how those fundamentals are applied in everyday practice. Imaging Informatics Professionals (IIPs) play a critical role in healthcare, and the scope of the profession has grown far beyond the boundaries of the PACS. A successful IIP must understand the PACS itself and all the software systems networked together in the medical environment. Additionally, an IIP must know the workflows of all the imaging team members, have a base in several medical specialties and be fully capable in the realm of information technology.Practical Imaging Informatics has been reorganized to follow a logical progression from basic background information on IT and clinical image management, through daily operations and troubleshooting, to long-term planning. The book has been fully updated to include the latest technologies and procedures, including artificial intelligence and machine learning. Written by a team of renowned international authors from the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine and the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics, this book is an indispensable reference for the practicing IIP. In addition, it is an ideal guide for those studying for a certification exam, biomedical informaticians, trainees with an interest in informatics, and any professional who needs quick access to the nuts and bolts of imaging informatics.<p>Compiled by the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM)</p><p>Fully updated with latest technological considerations, including artificial intelligence and machine learning</p><p>Provides detailed, comprehensive information on medical imaging informatics and PACS</p><p>Written by world-renown experts</p>Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) is a leading professional organization in medical imaging informatics and healthcare technologies. They publish the Journal of Digital Imaging with Springer.

Barton F. Branstetter IV, MD, FACR, FSIIM is Professor of Radiology, Otolaryngology, and Biomedical Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
ProfessionalsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP11650009781071617557448716159941_2_En159941RadiologyHealth Informatics2963,4129/Radiology/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Radiology/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Health Informatics/Computer and Information Systems Applications/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/////010.1007/978-1-0716-1756-4Practical Imaging Informatics
81978-1-4842-9273-0DmitrovićSlobodan DmitrovićSlobodan Dmitrović, Belgrade, SerbiaModern C++ for Absolute BeginnersA Friendly Introduction to the C++ Programming Language and C++11 to C++23 StandardsXXI, 440 p. 14 illus.22023final49.9953.4954.9944.9959.0049.99Soft coverBook0Professional and Applied ComputingProfessional book0English440UMXUApressApress0Available2023-03-242023-03-242023-04-122023-04-1212020,978-1-4842-6046-3,978-1-4842-6047-0,978-1-4842-6048-7,978-1-4842-7692-11. Introduction.- 2. What is C++?.- 3. C++ Compilers.- 4. Our First Program.- 5. Types.- 6. Exercises.- 7. Operators.- 8. Standard Input.- 9. Exercises.- 10. Arrays.- 11. Pointers.- 12. References.- 13. Introduction to Strings.- 14. Automatic Type Deduction.- 15. Exercises.- 16. Statements.- 17. Constants.- 18. Exercises.- 19. Functions.- 20. Exercises.- 21. Scope and Lifetime.- 22. Exercises.- 23. Classes - Introduction.- Part I.- 24. Exercises.- 25. Classes - Inheritance and Polymorphism.- Part II.- 26. Exercises.- 27. The static Specifier.- 28. Templates.- 29. Enumerations.- 30. Exercises.- 31. Organizing code.- 32. Exercises.- 33. Conversions.- 34. Exceptions.- 35. Smart Pointers.- 36. Exercises.- 37. Inuput/Output Streams.- 38. C++ Standard Library and Friends.- 39 Exercises.- 40. C++ Standards.- 41. Projects.<div>Learn the C++ programming language in a structured, straightforward, and friendly manner. This updated version of the book teaches the basics of the modern C++ programming language, the C++ Standard Library, and modern C++ standards, including C++23. No previous programming experience is required. </div><div>
</div><div>C++ is a language like no other, surprising in its complexity, yet wonderfully sleek and elegant in so many ways. It is also a language that cannot be learned by guessing, one that is easy to get wrong and challenging to get right. To overcome this, each section is filled with real-world examples that gradually increase in complexity. Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners, Second Edition teaches more than just programming in C++23. It provides a solid C++ foundation to build upon. </div><div>
</div><div>The author takes you through the C++ programming language, the Standard Library, and the C++11 to C++23 standard basics. Each chapter is accompanied by the right amount of theory and plenty of source code examples. You will work with C++23 features and standards, yet you will also compare and take a look into previous versions of C++. </div><div>
</div><div>After reading this book, you'll be able to start programming in modern C++ standards. You will do so with plenty of relevant source code examples, freely available on this book's GitHub page. </div><div>
</div><div>You will:</div><div>Work with the basics of C++: types, operators, variables, constants, expressions, functions, classes, I/O, smart pointers, and more
Set up the Visual Studio environment on Windows and GCC on Linux, where you can write your own codeDeclare and define functions, classes, and objects, and organize code into namespacesDiscover object-oriented programming including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, using the most advanced C++ featuresManage the basics of lambdas, inheritance, polymorphism, smart pointers, templates, modules, contracts, concepts, and more
<div>Learn the C++ programming language in a structured, straightforward, and friendly manner. This book teaches the basics of the modern C++ programming language, the C++ Standard Library, and modern C++ standards, including C++23. No previous programming experience is required. </div><div>
</div><div>C++ is a language like no other, surprising in its complexity, yet wonderfully sleek and elegant in so many ways. It is also a language that cannot be learned by guessing, one that is easy to get wrong and challenging to get right. To overcome this, each section is filled with real-world examples that gradually increase in complexity. Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners, Second Edition teaches more than just programming in C++23. It provides a solid C++ foundation to build upon. </div><div>
</div><div>The author takes you through the C++ programming language, the Standard Library, and C++11 to C++23 standard basics. Each chapter is accompanied by the right amount of theory and plenty of source code examples. You will work with C++23 features and standards, yet you will also compare and take a look into previous versions of C++. </div><div>
</div><div>After reading this book, you'll be able to start programming in modern C++ standards. You will do so with plenty of relevant source code examples, freely available via a dedicated GitHub repository. </div><div>
</div><div>What You Will Learn</div><div>Get Introduced to modern C++ in a friendly but effective wayWork with the basics of C++: types, operators, variables, constants, expressions, references, functions, classes, I/O, smart pointers, polymorphism, and moreSet up the Visual Studio environment on Windows and GCC on Linux, where you can write your own codeDeclare and define functions, classes, and objects, and organize code into namespacesDiscover object-oriented programming: classes and objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and more using the most advanced C++ featuresEmploy best practices in organizing source code and controlling program workflowGet familiar with C++ language do's and don'ts, and moreManage the basics of lambdas, inheritance, polymorphism, smart pointers, templates, modules, contracts, concepts, and more</div><div>
</div><div>Who This Book Is For </div><div>
</div><div>Beginner or novice programmers who wish to learn C++ programming. No prior programming experience is required.</div>
<p>Covers the basics of the C++ programming language</p><p>Uses relevant modern C++ standard releases, techniques and practices</p><p>Includes features from the latest C++23 standard</p>Slobodan Dmitrović is a software consultant, trainer, and author of several programming books. He is a professional R&D software developer with two decades of experience in the industry. Slobodan provides C++ training courses for corporate clients and academic institutions.
TradeAPress Trade (14)Springer Trade (T)EBOP12059009781484292730486580495745_2_En495745C++Programming LanguageComputer Science22728,3376,2971/C++/Programming Language/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//C++/Programming Language/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Programming Language/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing////010.1007/978-1-4842-9274-7Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners
82978-3-319-17770-0PughCharles Chapman PughCharles Chapman Pugh, University of California Dept of Mathematics, Berkeley, CA, USAReal Mathematical AnalysisXI, 478 p. 1 illus. in color.22015final44.9948.1449.4940.9951.1059.99Hard coverBook0Undergraduate Texts in MathematicsMathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English478PBKLPBKBSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2015-08-072015-07-302015-08-312015-08-3112002,978-1-4419-2941-9,978-0-387-95297-0,978-1-4684-9541-6,978-0-387-21684-3,978-1-4939-7071-1Real Numbers.- A Taste of Topology.- Functions of a Real Variable.- Function Spaces.- Multivariable Calculus.- Lebesgue Theory.Based on an honors course taught by the author at UC Berkeley, this introduction to undergraduate real analysis gives a different emphasis by stressing the importance of pictures and hard problems. Topics include: a natural construction of the real numbers, four-dimensional visualization, basic point-set topology, function spaces, multivariable calculus via differential forms (leading to a simple proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem), and a pictorial treatment of Lebesgue theory. Over 150 detailed illustrations elucidate abstract concepts and salient points in proofs. The exposition is informal and relaxed, with many helpful asides, examples, some jokes, and occasional comments from mathematicians, such as Littlewood, Dieudonné, and Osserman. This book thus succeeds in being more comprehensive, more comprehensible, and more enjoyable, than standard introductions to analysis.<br/><br/>New to the second edition of Real Mathematical Analysis is a presentation of Lebesgue integration done almost entirely using the undergraph approach of Burkill. Payoffs include: concise picture proofs of the Monotone and Dominated Convergence Theorems, a one-line/one-picture proof of Fubini's theorem from Cavalieri’s Principle, and, in many cases, the ability to see an integral result from measure theory. The presentation includes Vitali’s Covering Lemma, density points — which are rarely treated in books at this level — and the almost everywhere differentiability of monotone functions. Several new exercises now join a collection of over 500 exercises that pose interesting challenges and introduce special topics to the student keen on mastering this beautiful subject.Based on an honors course taught by the author at UC Berkeley, this introduction to undergraduate real analysis gives a different emphasis by stressing the importance of pictures and hard problems. Topics include: a natural construction of the real numbers, four-dimensional visualization, basic point-set topology, function spaces, multivariable calculus via differential forms (leading to a simple proof of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem), and a pictorial treatment of Lebesgue theory. Over 150 detailed illustrations elucidate abstract concepts and salient points in proofs. The exposition is informal and relaxed, with many helpful asides, examples, some jokes, and occasional comments from mathematicians, such as Littlewood, Dieudonné, and Osserman. This book thus succeeds in being more comprehensive, more comprehensible, and more enjoyable, than standard introductions to analysis.<br/><br/>New to the second edition of Real Mathematical Analysis is a presentation of Lebesgue integration done almost entirely using the undergraph approach of Burkill. Payoffs include: concise picture proofs of the Monotone and Dominated Convergence Theorems, a one-line/one-picture proof of Fubini's theorem from Cavalieri’s Principle, and, in many cases, the ability to see an integral result from measure theory. The presentation includes Vitali’s Covering Lemma, density points — which are rarely treated in books at this level — and the almost everywhere differentiability of monotone functions. Several new exercises now join a collection of over 500 exercises that pose interesting challenges and introduce special topics to the student keen on mastering this beautiful subject.Elucidates abstract concepts and salient points in proofs with over 150 detailed illustrationsTreats the rigorous foundations of both single and multivariable CalculusGives an intuitive presentation of Lebesgue integration using the undergraph approach of BurkillIncludes over 500 exercises that are interesting and thought-provoking, not merely routineCharles C. Pugh is Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include geometry and topology, dynamical systems, and normal hyperbolicity.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978331917770023178670068_2_En70068Measure and IntegrationReal FunctionsSequences, Series, Summability3652,4809,3075/Measure and Integration/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Measure and Integration/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Real Functions/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Sequences, Series, Summability/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics////010.1007/978-3-319-17771-7Real Mathematical Analysis
83978-3-319-45613-3DurrettRichard DurrettRichard Durrett, Duke University , Durham, NCEssentials of Stochastic ProcessesIX, 275 p. 26 illus.32016final109.99117.69120.9999.99130.00119.99Hard coverBook0Springer Texts in StatisticsMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English275PBTPBTSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2016-11-172016-11-082023-12-022023-12-021,978-1-4614-3614-0,978-1-4614-3616-4,978-1-4899-8967-3,978-1-4614-3615-71) Markov Chains.- 2) Poisson Processes.- 3) Renewal Processes.- 4) Continuous Time Markov Chains.- 5) Martingales.- 6) Mathematical Finance.- 7) A Review of Probability.Building upon the previous editions, this textbook is a first course in stochastic processes taken by undergraduate and graduate students (MS and PhD students from math, statistics, economics, computer science, engineering, and finance departments) who have had a course in probability theory. It covers Markov chains in discrete and continuous time, Poisson processes, renewal processes, martingales, and option pricing. One can only learn a subject by seeing it in action, so there are a large number of examples and more than 300 carefully chosen exercises to deepen the reader’s understanding.

Drawing from teaching experience and student feedback, there are many new examples and problems with solutions that use TI-83 to eliminate the tedious details of solving linear equations by hand, and the collection of exercises is much improved, with many more biological examples. Originally included in previous editions, material too advanced for this first course in stochastic processes has been eliminated while treatment of other topics useful for applications has been expanded. In addition, the ordering of topics has been improved; for example, the difficult subject of martingales is delayed until its usefulness can be applied in the treatment of mathematical finance.
• A concise treatment and textbook on the most important topics in Stochastic Processes
• Illustrates all concepts with examples and presents more than 300 carefully chosen exercises for effective learning
• New edition includes added and revised exercises, including many biological exercises, in addition to restructured and rewritten sections with a goal toward clarity and simplicity

Richard Durrett received his Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford in 1976. He taught at the UCLA mathematics department for 9 years and at Cornell for 25 years before moving to Duke in 2010. He is author of 8 books and more than 200 journal articles and has supervised more that 45 Ph.D. students. He is a member of the National Academy of Science. Most of his current research concerns the applications of probability to biology: ecology, genetics, and cancer modeling.
Building upon the previous editions, this textbook is a first course in stochastic processes taken by undergraduate and graduate students (MS and PhD students from math, statistics, economics, computer science, engineering, and finance departments) who have had a course in probability theory. It covers Markov chains in discrete and continuous time, Poisson processes, renewal processes, martingales, and option pricing. One can only learn a subject by seeing it in action, so there are a large number of examples and more than 300 carefully chosen exercises to deepen the reader’s understanding.

Drawing from teaching experience and student feedback, there are many new examples and problems with solutions that use TI-83 to eliminate the tedious details of solving linear equations by hand, and the collection of exercises is much improved, with many more biological examples. Originally included in previous editions, material too advanced for this first course in stochastic processes has been eliminated while treatment of other topics useful for applications has been expanded. In addition, the ordering of topics has been improved; for example, the difficult subject of martingales is delayed until its usefulness can be applied in the treatment of mathematical finance.
A concise treatment and textbook on the most important topics in Stochastic ProcessesAll concepts illustrated by examples and more than 300 carefully chosen exercises for effective learningNew edition includes added and revised exercises, including many biological exercises, in addition to restructured and rewritten sections with a goal toward clarity and simplicityIncludes supplementary material: Durrett received his Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford in 1976. He taught at the UCLA mathematics department for 9 years and at Cornell for 25 years before moving to Duke in 2010. He is author of 8 books and more than 200 journal articles and has supervised more that 45 Ph.D. students. He is a member of the National Academy of Science. Most of his current research concerns the applications of probability to biology: ecology, genetics, and most recently cancer.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP1164900978331945613336405565316_3_En65316Statistical Theory and MethodsProbability TheoryStatistics in Business, Management, Economics, Finance, InsuranceOperations Research, Management SciencePopulation GeneticsQuantitative Economics3921,2923,4383,3672,3196,4588/Statistical Theory and Methods/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Statistical Theory and Methods/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Statistics in Business, Management, Economics, Finance, Insurance/Applied Statistics/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Operations Research, Management Science /Optimization/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Population Genetics/Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Genetics and Genomics//Quantitative Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-319-45614-0Essentials of Stochastic Processes
84978-3-030-27292-0KinleyNik Kinley; Shlomo Ben-HurNik Kinley, Woking, UK; Shlomo Ben-Hur, Lausanne, SwitzerlandLeadership OSThe Operating System You Need to SucceedXIX, 269 p. 52 illus.12020final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Hard coverBook0Business and ManagementGeneral interest0English269KJKJCPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-11-202019-11-092019-11-302019-11-3011. How Leadership Works.- Part I. Building Trust.- 2. Trust.- 3. Care.- 4. Psychological Safety.- 5. Reliability.- 6. Fairness.- Part II. Creating Clarity.- 7.Clarity.- 8. Direction.- 9. Accountability.- 10. Purpose.- 11. Values.- Part III. Generating Momentum.- 12. Momentum.- 13. Motivation.- 14. Confidence.- 15. Empowerment.- 16. Connection.- Part IV. Your Leadership OS.- 17. The Imprint you Make, The Legacy you Leave.Based on years of original research, this book controversially counters almost every existing leadership model and approach.It shows how as leaders rise to senior levels, their roles become less about doing things that directly drive results and more about directing and supporting others to achieve objectives. Using case studies and research insights the authors reveal how leadership success is thus not so much about having the right core capabilities, but about creating the right environment.Using the analogy of a smartphone operating system (OS), the book presents a new way of thinking about leadership. The authors provide a clear and practical framework to follow and show how your leadership OS becomes the impact you have, the imprint you make and the foundation of your legacy as a leader.After reading it, you will learn:· How to diagnose the impact you have as a leader and understand the OS you create· How famous business and societal leaders have created effective – and sometimes ineffective – OSs· How to optimise your OS to produce the best results· How to get people working together effectively, and be a high-performing leaderProviding you with practical and easy to follow advice, this book will show you how leadership success is not about having the core capabilities, but about creating the right operating systems for your organisation.Based on years of original research, this book controversially counters almost every existing leadership model and approach.It shows how as leaders rise to senior levels, their roles become less about doing things that directly drive results and more about directing and supporting others to achieve objectives. Using case studies and research insights the authors reveal how leadership success is thus not so much about having the right core capabilities, but about creating the right environment.Using the analogy of a smartphone operating system (OS), the book presents a new way of thinking about leadership. The authors provide a clear and practical framework to follow and show how your leadership OS becomes the impact you have, the imprint you make and the foundation of your legacy as a leader.After reading it, you will learn:· How to diagnose the impact you have as a leader and understand the OS you create· How famous business and societal leaders have created effective – and sometimes ineffective – OSs· How to optimise your OS to produce the best results· How to get people working together effectively, and be a high-performing leaderProviding you with practical and easy to follow advice, this book will show you how leadership success is not about having the core capabilities, but about creating the right operating systems for your organisation.<p>Provides useful techniques for leaders, as well as a clear and practical model to help create an operating system that is unique to each individual</p><p>Includes empirical case studies on global leaders including Elon Musk at Tesla, Cees ‘t Hart at Carlsberg and René Obermann at Deutsche Telekom</p><p>Cuts against the grain of the leadership industry by demonstrating that traditional leadership models are over-simplistic and do not consider each individual involved</p>Nik Kinley is a London-based Director of the global leadership consultancy YSC. His experience over the past thirty years encompasses work with CEOs, life-sentence prisoners, factory-floor workers, government officials and children. He began his career in commercial roles, before spending the next decade working in prisons as a forensic psychotherapist. He then returned to the corporate world, where he held global leadership roles in talent management and leadership development for the likes of BP and Barclays. He currently works advising firms across the globe on their leadership and people strategies, and as a coach with Boards, CEOs and senior execs. He has published award-winning research papers, authored multiple books, and is a regular speaker at global conferences.

Shlomo Ben-Hur is an organisational psychologist and Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour at the IMD Business School in Switzerland. He is the Director of the school’s flagship program for top executives, Cultivating Leadership Energy through Awareness and Reflection (CLEAR). Shlomo is the author and co-author of a variety of award-winning books, business cases, and articles and he advises a wide variety of organisations across the globe. Prior to joining IMD, Shlomo spent over twenty years in the corporate world holding senior executive positions including at BP in London, UK, and DaimlerChrysler in Berlin, Germany. He earned his doctoral degree in Psychology from the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
TradePalgrave Trade US (P1)Palgrave Trade (P1)EBOP41169009783030272920434605484761_1_En484761Business and ManagementBusiness Strategy and LeadershipOperating SystemsHuman Resource Management3120,3247,22726,3723/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Operating Systems/Software Engineering/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing//Human Resource Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences///010.1007/978-3-030-27293-7Leadership OS
85978-1-4419-6052-8StillwellJohn StillwellJohn Stillwell, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USAMathematics and Its HistoryXXII, 662 p.32010final54.9558.8060.4549.9979.1569.95Hard coverBook0Undergraduate Texts in MathematicsMathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English662PBXPBMSpringerSpringer New York0Available2010-08-022010-08-012010-10-022010-10-301,978-1-4419-2955-6,978-0-387-95336-6,978-1-4684-9282-8,978-1-4684-9281-1The Theorem of Pythagoras.- Greek Geometry.- Greek Number Theory.- Infinity in Greek Mathematics.- Number Theory in Asia.- Polynomial Equations.- Analytic Geometry.- Projective Geometry.- Calculus.- Infinite Series.- The Number Theory Revival.- Elliptic Functions.- Mechanics.- Complex Numbers in Algebra.- Complex Numbers and Curves.- Complex Numbers and Functions.- Differential Geometry.- Non-Euclidean Geometry.- Group Theory.- Hypercomplex Numbers.- Algebraic Number Theory.- Topology.- Simple Groups.- Sets, Logic, and Computation.- Combinatorics.From the reviews of the second edition:'This book covers many interesting topics not usually covered in a present day undergraduate course, as well as certain basic topics such as the development of the calculus and the solution of polynomial equations. The fact that the topics are introduced in their historical contexts will enable students to better appreciate and understand the mathematical ideas involved...If one constructs a list of topics central to a history course, then they would closely resemble those chosen here.'(David Parrott, Australian Mathematical Society)'The presented in a lively style without unnecessary detail. It is very stimulating and will be appreciated not only by students. Much attention is paid to problems and to the development of mathematics before the end of the nineteenth century... This book brings to the non-specialist interested in mathematics many interesting results. It can be recommended for seminars and willbe enjoyed by the broad mathematical community.' (European Mathematical Society)'Since Stillwell treats many topics, most mathematicians will learn a lot from this book as well as they will find pleasant and rather clear expositions of custom materials. The book is accessible to students that have already experienced calculus, algebra and geometry and will give them a good account of how the different branches of mathematics interact.'(Denis Bonheure, Bulletin of the Belgian Society)This third edition includes new chapters on simple groups and combinatorics, and new sections on several topics, including the Poincare conjecture. The book has also been enriched by added exercises.From the reviews of the second edition:'This book covers many interesting topics not usually covered in a present day undergraduate course, as well as certain basic topics such as the development of the calculus and the solution of polynomial equations. The fact that the topics are introduced in their historical contexts will enable students to better appreciate and understand the mathematical ideas involved...If one constructs a list of topics central to a history course, then they would closely resemble those chosen here.'(David Parrott, Australian Mathematical Society)This third edition includes new chapters on simple groups and combinatorics, and new sections on several topics, including the Poincare conjecture. The book has also been enriched by added exercises.New edition extensively revised and updated The author’s style and exposition are uniqueFeatures new exercises throughout the book Contains a new section on the Poincare conjecture Includes new chapters on simple groups and combinatoricsJohn Stillwell is a professor of mathematics at the University of San Francisco. He is also an accomplished author, having published several books with Springer, including The Four Pillars of Geometry; Elements of Algebra; Numbers and Geometry; and many more.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097814419605281789417956_3_En17956History of Mathematical SciencesGeometryNumber TheoryAnalysis5090,3472,4799,3076/History of Mathematical Sciences/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//History of Mathematical Sciences/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Geometry/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Number Theory/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics///010.1007/978-1-4419-6053-5Mathematics and Its History
86978-1-137-46685-3SwartT. Swart; Kitty Chisholm; Paul BrownT. Swart; Kitty Chisholm; Paul BrownNeuroscience for LeadershipHarnessing the Brain Gain AdvantageXVIII, 260 p.12015final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Hard coverBook0The Neuroscience of BusinessPalgrave Business & Management CollectionGeneral interest0English260KJCKJMPalgrave MacmillanPalgrave Macmillan UK0Available2015-01-282015-01-282015-01-282015-01-2811. There is chemistry and then there is Chemistry 2. Brains, Bodies and Businesses: a systems approach 3. The New Model Leader 4. Testosterone, Risk and Entrepreneurship 5. Why is the Soft Stuff so Hard? 6. The Challenge of Decisions 7. Changing Yourself – Changing Others 8. Elite Performance, Brain Agility and Engagement 9. Stress, Resilience and Confidence 10. Creating the Spark, Lighting the Fire 11. Difference, Diversity and Gender 12. Whole Person, Vibrant OrganizationLeadership can be learned: new evidence from neuroscience clearly points to ways that leaders can significantly improve how they engage with and motivate others. This book provides leaders and managers with an accessible guide to practical, effective actions, based on neuroscience.An exciting new approach to effective leadership and team development, based on the emergence of neuroscience outside of research publishingWritten by a unique set of authors with experience of the business world, leadership development and crucially – psychology and neuroscienceThoughtfully designed to ensure accessibility whilst not losing the key scientific evidence, full of pull-out boxes that can be read separately or ignored if the reader would prefer to focus on the easier narrativeTara is Senior Lecturer at MIT and the only leadership coach with a PhD in neuroscience and a successful career as medical doctor behind her. This unique combination of experience comes together to create an uncompromising and holistic impact on performance optimisation in businesses in the UK and USA. Tara is passionate about disseminating simple, pragmatic neuroscience-based messages that change the way people work and sustainably translate to tangible financial improvement in the business. Neuroscience consulting includes individual brain-based coaching at CE level, team development workshops, in-house talks, conference key-notes and The Unlimited Mind's signature programme 'Leading sustainable performance.' This involves resilience monitoring, nutrition, hydration, physical exercise and mindfulness tools and techniques. It is designed for senior teams in businesses that need their people to do more with less and keep doing it, better and for longer without burning out. Tara is at the forefront of the application of neuroscience to business. She is a published author of a book and over 20 articles in journals of neuroscience and coaching. She speaks globally on the brain in business at international conferences, blue chip corporations and at top business schools including Oxford, Stanford and MIT. She is regularly quoted in the Financial Times.<br/><br/>Kitty Chisholm is a professional coach specializing in leadership development and strategic change. She is a founder Director of Boardwalk, formed in 2011 to support women in achieving their full leadership potential. Kitty has been involved with pioneering work in organisational learning, including the first major application of AI in training, the creation of the Knowledge Media Institute and the Reliance Academy. She was on the advisory boards of the BT Corporate University, VTES and Board Intelligence. Kitty is a Trustee of the UK's Science Museum Group and chairs the Advisory Board of the School of Management of Royal Holloway. She is a Fellow of Brunel University, the RSA, and the Knowledge Media Institute. <br/><br/>Dr. Paul Brown is a consulting clinical and organisational psychologist and executive coach and was Chairman of the Association for Professional and Executive Coaching and Supervision, APECS. He has been Visiting Professor in Organisational Neuroscience at London South Bank University and in Individual and Organisational Psychology, the Nottingham Law School. He is now Senior Adviser to the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, Hanoi: External Adviser to the International Energy Research Centre, the Tyndall Institute, University of Cork, Ireland: and is the Association for Coaching's Global Ambassador for Applied Neuroscience. He consults and teaches widely, especially in S E Asia.<br/><br/>ProfessionalsPalgrave Standard US (P5)Palgrave Standard (P5)EBOP41135009781137466853300880354986_1_En354986Business Strategy and LeadershipManagementOrganizationExperimental Economics3247,3248,5660,4587/Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Organization/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Experimental Economics/Quantitative Economics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences///010.1057/9781137466877Neuroscience for Leadership
87978-1-4419-8287-2AlleyMichael AlleyMichael Alley, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USAThe Craft of Scientific WritingXX, 298 p. 27 illus., 13 illus. in color.42018final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Soft coverBook0HistoryGeneral interest0English298PDZPHSpringerSpringer New York0WorldwideAvailable2018-04-062018-03-232018-04-132018-04-131,978-0-387-94766-2,978-1-4757-2483-7,978-1-4757-2482-0Lesson 1: Analyzing the Audience, Purpose, and Occasion.
Lesson 2: Balancing Precision with Clarity.
Lesson 3: Avoiding Ambiguity.
Lesson 4: Sustaining Energy.
Lesson 5: Connecting Ideas
Lesson 6: Beginning with the Familiar
Lesson 7: Organizing the Content for the Audience
Lesson 8: Providing Proper Emphasis
Lesson 9: Adapting Your Style to Email, Instructions, and Proposals
Lesson 10: Using Your Writing Time Efficiently
Appendix A: Grammar: Recognizing What a Sentence Is and Is Not
Appendix B: Punctuation: Helping Readers Navigate Your Sentences
Appendix C: Usage: Avoiding Egregious Mistakes
Appendix D: Format: Dressing Documents for Success
The Craft of Scientific Writing is designed to help scientists and engineers - both professionals already active in the disciplines as well as students preparing to enter the professions - write about their work clearly and effectively. Written for use as a text in courses on scientific writing, the book includes many useful suggestions about approaching a wide variety of writing tasks from journal papers to grant proposals and from emails to formal reports, as well as a concise guide to style and usage appropriate for scientific writing. Also useful for self-study, the book will be an important reference for all scientists and engineers who need to write about their work.With this new and updated fourth edition, while most technical writing texts have gotten larger over the years, this one has streamlined, to provide busy readers with the essence of what distinguishes the style of the best scientific documents. With this new edition, readers will learn not just how to organize information, but how to emphasize the key details of that information. Also, readers will not just learn how to cast their ideas into precise and clear sentences, but how to connect these sentences in an energetic fashion. In the section on language, the new edition goes into much depth about how to make connections between ideas: an important issue that few technical writing texts address. Moreover, the new edition integrates the discussion of illustrations with language because those two aspects of style are so intertwined. Finally, the new edition does a better job of explaining how to make the process of writing more efficient. From a review of the first edition:'A refreshing addition to a genre dominated by English teacher-style textbooks. Instead of listing rules that constrain writers, the book uses examples to lay out the path to successful communication … Especially helpful (and entertaining) is the chapter on the writing process. Anyone who has spent more time avoiding a writing task than actually doing it will appreciate Alley's tips.'–Dr. Ellen Ochoa, Deputy Director of Flight Crew Operations, Johnson Space CenterThe Craft of Scientific Writing is designed to help scientists and engineers - both professionals already active in the disciplines as well as students preparing to enter the professions - write about their work clearly and effectively. Written for use as a text in courses on scientific writing, the book includes many useful suggestions about approaching a wide variety of writing tasks from journal papers to grant proposals and from emails to formal reports, as well as a concise guide to style and usage appropriate for scientific writing. Also useful for self-study, the book will be an important reference for all scientists and engineers who need to write about their work. With this new and updated fourth edition, while most technical writing texts have gotten larger over the years, this one has streamlined, to provide busy readers with the essence of what distinguishes the style of the best scientific documents. With this new edition, readers will learn not just how to organize information, but how to emphasize the key details of that information. Also, readers will not just learn how to cast their ideas into precise and clear sentences, but how to connect these sentences in an energetic fashion. In the section on language, the new edition goes into much depth about how to make connections between ideas: an important issue that few technical writing texts address. Moreover, the new edition integrates the discussion of illustrations with language because those two aspects of style are so intertwined. Finally, the new edition does a better job of explaining how to make the process of writing more efficient. From a review of the first edition: 'A refreshing addition to a genre dominated by English teacher-style textbooks. Instead of listing rules that constrain writers, the book uses examples to lay out the path to successful communication … Especially helpful (and entertaining) is the chapter on the writing process. Anyone who has spent more time avoiding a writing task than actually doing it will appreciate Alley's tips.' –Dr. Ellen Ochoa, Deputy Director of Flight Crew Operations, Johnson Space Center<p>Offers well-tested advice, having been used by research engineers and scientists at many national labs and universities for over twenty years</p><p>Uses scores of interesting examples to teach the principles of scientific writing</p><p>Fun to read and conversational, focusing on the stylistic traits that distinguish the best scientific writing</p><p>Has a popular accompanying website which contains many supporting materials for readers of the book and teachers using as a course text</p>Holding a master of science in electrical engineering and a masters in fine arts in writing, Michael Alley is an associate professor of Engineering Communication at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of three popular textbooks: The Craft of Scientific Presentations (2013), The Craft of Editing (2000), and The Craft of Scientific Writing (2017). He has taught scientific writing and presentations to engineers and scientists on four continents, in sixteen countries, and for more than 150 companies, universities, organizations, and agencies.ProfessionalsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP411720097814419828724978147858_4_En47858Technology and EngineeringLife SciencesHumanities and Social SciencesPhysical SciencesMathematics and ComputingPhysics and Astronomy2887,2874,2883,2867,2925,2928/Technology and Engineering//Technology and Engineering//Life Sciences//Humanities and Social Sciences//Physical Sciences//Mathematics and Computing//Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/010.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9The Craft of Scientific Writing
88978-3-030-80041-3FargenKyle M. FargenKyle M. Fargen, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston Salem, NC, USAIdiopathic Intracranial Hypertension ExplainedA Guide for Patients and FamiliesXVI, 247 p. 67 illus. in color.12021final34.9937.4438.4929.9941.5037.99Soft coverBook0MedicineGeneral interest0English247MNNSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2021-08-182021-08-182021-09-042021-09-041Introduction.- Basic brain anatomy and physiology.- Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH).- The Fundamental Reasons Patients get IIH.- Understanding your brain imaging.- Measuring Intracranial Pressure.- Lifestyle Modification and Weight Loss.- Medical Therapies for IIH.- Catheter Angiography.- Venous sinus stenting.- Cerebrospinal fluid shunting.- Other surgical treatments.This book provides a valuable guide to understanding idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), which is a very complex and painful disease. It is a chronic, often disabling condition resulting in headaches, visual loss, and ringing in the ears. This condition was thought to be rare but is becoming much more common, especially as the population becomes more overweight. Patients with this condition often suffer from intractable headaches with poor quality of life. Very few physicians specialize in this condition, and as a result, there is almost no information or resources available to those trying to understand this condition. The text is designed to take very complex neurosurgical anatomy, principles, and treatments and reduce them down into simple principles. The book contains 12 chapters, each organized into distinct sections. All chapters also contain key points from those paragraphs to summarize useful take home messages.<div>
<div>Written by an expert specializing in this debilitating condition, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained serves as a valuable guide towards understanding and treating IIH. The ultimate goal is to empower patients and families with knowledge about the disease.</div></div>
This book provides a valuable guide to understanding idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), which is a very complex and painful disease. It is a chronic, often disabling condition resulting in headaches, visual loss, and ringing in the ears. This condition was thought to be rare but is becoming much more common, especially as the population becomes more overweight. Patients with this condition often suffer from intractable headaches with poor quality of life. Very few physicians specialize in this condition, and as a result, there is almost no information or resources available to those trying to understand this condition. The text is designed to take very complex neurosurgical anatomy, principles, and treatments and reduce them down into simple principles. The book contains 12 chapters, each organized into distinct sections. All chapters also contain key points from those paragraphs to summarize useful take home messages.<div>
<div>Written by an expert specializing in this debilitating condition, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained serves as a valuable guide towards understanding and treating IIH. The ultimate goal is to empower patients and families with knowledge about the disease.</div></div>
<p>Designed to take very complex neurosurgical anatomy, principles, and treatments and simplify them so that patients and families can understand</p><p>All chapters include key points that summarize take home messages on each topic</p><p>Written by an expert who specializes in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)</p><div>Kyle M. Fargen, MD, MPH, FAANS, FACS</div><div>Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology</div><div>Wake Forest University</div><div>Winston-Salem, NC</div><div>USA</div><div>
TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP11650009783030800413465173512848_1_En512848Neurosurgery6223/Neurosurgery/Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Neurosurgery/Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//////010.1007/978-3-030-80042-0Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained
89978-3-031-26548-8BallJared A. BallJared A. Ball, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, USAThe Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying PowerMedia, Race, EconomicsXIX, 133 p.22023final44.9948.1449.4939.9953.5049.99Hard coverBook0Economics and FinanceBrief/Pivot0English133KCAKCZPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0Available2023-05-312023-05-302023-07-152023-07-151,978-3-030-42354-4,978-3-030-42355-1,978-3-030-42356-8,978-3-030-42357-5Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Propaganda Versus Economics: Constructing a Myth.- Chapter 3. Buying Power Not Protest: The Myth Prevents Unrest.- Chapter 4.The Myth’s “BIG THREE” Modern Purveyors: Reviewing Selig, Nielsen, McKinsey & Co.- Chapter 5. The Myth at. Play: A Most Suitable Environment.- Chapter 6. Cryptoganda: The Newest Bottle for Very Old Brandy.- Chapter 7.Freedom Was the Call But “Instead They Got a Bank!”.- Chapter 8.Conclusion: Policy and Organization Versus Economics.
The second edition of this Palgrave Pivot offers a history of and proof against claims of 'buying power' and the impact this myth has had on understanding media, race, class and economics in the United States. For generations Black people have been told they have what is now said to be more than one trillion dollars of 'buying power,' and this book argues that commentators have misused this claim largely to blame Black communities for their own poverty based on squandered economic opportunity. This book exposes the claim as both a marketing strategy and myth, while also showing how that myth functions simultaneously as a case study for propaganda and commercial media coverage of economics. In sum, while “buying power” is indeed an economic and marketing phrase applied to any number of racial, ethnic, religious, gender, age or group of consumers, it has a specific application to Black America. A new foreword by Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Henry Cohen Professor of Economics and Urban Policy at the New School (in New York, USA), and a new chapter on cryptocurrencies are included in this new edition.<div>
</div><div>Dr. Jared A. Ball Professor of Africana and Communication Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. and host of the “iMiXWHATiLiKE!” podcast. His decades of journalism, media, writing, and political work can be found at Ball has also been named as one of 2022’s Marguerite Casey Foundation’s Freedom Scholars.
The second edition of this Palgrave Pivot offers a history of and proof against claims of 'buying power' and the impact this myth has had on understanding media, race, class and economics in the United States. For generations Black people have been told they have what is now said to be more than one trillion dollars of 'buying power,' and this book argues that commentators have misused this claim largely to blame Black communities for their own poverty based on squandered economic opportunity. This book exposes the claim as both a marketing strategy and myth, while also showing how that myth functions simultaneously as a case study for propaganda and commercial media coverage of economics. In sum, while “buying power” is indeed an economic and marketing phrase applied to any number of racial, ethnic, religious, gender, age or group of consumers, it has a specific application to Black America. A new foreword by Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Henry Cohen Professor of Economics and Urban Policy at the New School (in New York, USA), and a new chapter on cryptocurrencies are included in this new edition.<p>Describes the origins of the myth of black buying power, the rhetoric around this myth, and the contextualization</p><p>Looks at historical figures from across the political spectrum who have propagated the myth of black buying power</p><p>Provides an original contribution to the literature on the racial wealth gap</p>Dr. Jared A. Ball Professor of Africana and Communication Studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD. and host of the “iMiXWHATiLiKE!” podcast. His decades of journalism, media, writing, and political work can be found at Ball has also been named as one of 2022’s Marguerite Casey Foundation’s Freedom Scholars.SciencePalgrave Standard US (P5)Palgrave Standard (P5)EBOP41170009783031265488486740488550_2_En488550Social Choice and WelfareEconomic HistoryAfrican American CultureCultural Economics4076,4293,8172,4968/Social Choice and Welfare/Microeconomics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Social Choice and Welfare/Microeconomics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economic History/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences//Regional Cultural Studies/African American Culture/Cultural Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences/Sector and Industry Studies/Cultural Economics///010.1007/978-3-031-26549-5The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power
90978-0-387-94268-1EisenbudDavid EisenbudDavid Eisenbud, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, CA, USACommutative Algebrawith a View Toward Algebraic GeometryXVI, 800 p.11995final79.9585.5587.9572.00106.7199.00Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics150Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English800PBMWSpringerSpringer New York0Available1995-03-301995-04-012002-12-012002-12-291Advice for the Beginner.- Information for the Expert.- Prerequisites.- Sources.- Courses.- Acknowledgements.- 0 Elementary Definitions.- 0.1 Rings and Ideals.- 0.2 Unique Factorization.- 0.3 Modules.- I Basic Constructions.- 1 Roots of Commutative Algebra.- 2 Localization.- 3 Associated Primes and Primary Decomposition.- 4 Integral Dependence and the Nullstellensatz.- 5 Filtrations and the Artin-Rees Lemma.- 6 Flat Families.- 7 Completions and Hensel’s Lemma.- II Dimension Theory.- 8 Introduction to Dimension Theory.- 9 Fundamental Definitions of Dimension Theory.- 10 The Principal Ideal Theorem and Systems of Parameters.- 11 Dimension and Codimension One.- 12 Dimension and Hilbert-Samuel Polynomials.- 13 The Dimension of Affine Rings.- 14 Elimination Theory, Generic Freeness, and the Dimension of Fibers.- 15Gröbner Bases.- 16 Modules of Differentials.- III Homological Methods.- 17 Regular Sequences and the Koszul Complex.- 18 Depth, Codimension, and Cohen-Macaulay Rings.- 19 Homological Theory of Regular Local Rings.- 20 Free Resolutions and Fitting Invariants.- 21 Duality, Canonical Modules, and Gorenstein Rings.- Appendix 1 Field Theory.- A1.1 Transcendence Degree.- A1.2 Separability.- A1.3.1 Exercises.- Appendix 2 Multilinear Algebra.- A2.1 Introduction.- A2.2 Tensor Product.- A2.3 Symmetric and Exterior Algebras.- A2.3.1 Bases.- A2.3.2 Exercises.- A2.4 Coalgebra Structures and Divided Powers.- A2.5 Schur Functors.- A2.5.1 Exercises.- A2.6 Complexes Constructed by Multilinear Algebra.- A2.6.1 Strands of the Koszul Comple.- A2.6.2 Exercises.- Appendix 3 Homological Algebra.- A3.1 Introduction.- I: Resolutions and Derived Functors.- A3.2 Free and Projective Modules.- A3.3 Free and Projective Resolutions.- A3.4 Injective Modules and Resolutions.- A3.4.1 Exercises.- Injective Envelopes.- Injective Modules over Noetherian Rings.- A3.5 Basic Constructions with Complexes.- A3.5.1 Notation and Definitions.- A3.6 Maps and Homotopies of Complexes.- A3.7 Exact Sequences ofComplexes.- A3.7.1 Exercises.- A3.8 The Long Exact Sequence in Homology.- A3.8.1 Exercises.- Diagrams and Syzygies.- A3.9 Derived Functors.- A3.9.1 Exercise on Derived Functors.- A3.10 Tor.- A3.10.1 Exercises: Tor.- A3.1l Ext.- A3.11.1 Exercises: Ext.- A3.11.2 Local Cohomology.- II: From Mapping Cones to Spectral Sequences.- A3.12 The Mapping Cone and Double Complexe.- A3.12.1 Exercises: Mapping Cones and Double Complexes.- A3.13 Spectral Sequences.- A3.13.1 Mapping Cones Revisited.- A3.13.2 Exact Couples.- A3.13.3 Filtered Differential Modules and Complexes.- A3.13.4 The Spectral Sequence of a Double Complex.- A3.13.5 Exact Sequence of Terms of Low Degree.- A3.13.6 Exercises on Spectral Sequences.- A3.14 Derived Categories.- A3.14.1 Step One: The Homotopy Category of Complexes.- A3.14.2 Step Two: The Derived Category.- A3.14.3 Exercises on the Derived Category.- Appendix 4 A Sketch of Local Cohomology.- A4.1 Local Cohomology and Global Cohomology.- A4.2 Local Duality.- A4.3 Depth andDimensio.- Appendix 5 Category Theory.- A5.1 Categories, Functors, and Natural Transformations.- A5.2 Adjoint Functors.- A5.2.1 Uniqueness.- A5.2.2 Some Examples.- A5.2.3 Another Characterization of Adjoints.- A5.2.4 Adjoints and Limits.- A5.3 Representable Functors and Yoneda's Lemma.- Appendix 6 Limits and Colimits.- A6.1 Colimits in the Category of Modules.- A6.2 Flat Modules as Colimits of Free Modules.- A6.3 Colimits in the Category of Commutative Algebras.- A6.4 Exercises.- Appendix 7 Where Next?.- References.- Index of Notation.Commutative Algebra is best understood with knowledge of the geometric ideas that have played a great role in its formation, in short, with a view towards algebraic geometry. The author presents a comprehensive view of commutative algebra, from basics, such as localization and primary decomposition, through dimension theory, differentials, homological methods, free resolutions and duality, emphasizing the origins of the ideas and their connections with other parts of mathematics. Many exercises illustrate and sharpen the theory and extended exercises give the reader an active part in complementing the material presented in the text. One novel feature is a chapter devoted to a quick but thorough treatment of Grobner basis theory and the constructive methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry that flow from it. Applications of the theory and even suggestions for computer algebra projects are included. This book will appeal to readers from beginners to advanced students of commutative algebra or algebraic geometry. To help beginners, the essential ideals from algebraic geometry are treated from scratch. Appendices on homological algebra, multilinear algebra and several other useful topics help to make the book relatively self- contained. Novel results and presentations are scattered throughout the text.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097803879426814507943809_1_En43809Algebraic Geometry6291/Algebraic Geometry/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Algebraic Geometry/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//////010.1007/978-1-4612-5350-1Commutative Algebra
91978-3-319-13235-8WebbStephen WebbStephen Webb, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UKIf the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY?Seventy-Five Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial LifeXV, 434 p. 70 illus., 18 illus. in color.With a Foreword by Martin Rees22015final29.9932.0932.9922.0034.0729.99Soft coverBook0Science and FictionPhysics and AstronomyGeneral interest0English434VXQBPGSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2015-05-292015-05-202015-05-312015-05-3112002,978-1-4419-3029-3,978-0-387-95501-8,978-1-4757-8817-4,978-0-387-21739-0Foreword.- Preface to the Second Edition.- Preface to the Third Edition.- Where is Everybody?.- Of Fermi and Paradox.- They are (or were) Here.- They Exist, But we Have Yet to See or Hear From Them.- They Don`t Exist.- Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- Index.Given the fact that there are perhaps 400 billion stars in our Galaxy alone, and perhaps 400 billion galaxies in the Universe, it stands to reason that somewhere out there, in the 14-billion-year-old cosmos, there is or once was a civilization at least as advanced as our own. The sheer enormity of the numbers almost demands that we accept the truth of this hypothesis. Why, then, have we encountered no evidence, no messages, no artifacts of these extraterrestrials? In this second, significantly revised and expanded edition of his widely popular book, Webb discusses in detail the (for now!) 75 most cogent and intriguing solutions to Fermi's famous paradox: If the numbers strongly point to the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, why have we found no evidence of them?Reviews from the first edition: 'Amidst the plethora of books that treat the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence, this one by Webb … is outstanding. … Each solution is presented ina very logical, interesting, thorough manner with accompanying explanations and notes that the intelligent layperson can understand. Webb digs into the issues … by considering a very broad set of in-depth solutions that he addresses through an interesting and challenging mode of presentation that stretches the mind. … An excellent book for anyone who has ever asked ‘Are we alone?’.' (W. E. Howard III, Choice, March, 2003)'Fifty ideas are presented … that reveal a clearly reasoned examination of what is known as ‘The Fermi Paradox’. … For anyone who enjoys a good detective story, or using their thinking faculties and stretching the imagination to the limits … ‘Where is everybody’ will be enormously informative and entertaining. … Read this book, and whatever your views are about life elsewhere in the Universe, your appreciation for how special life is here on Earth will be enhanced! A worthy addition to any personal library.' (Philip Bridle, BBC Radio, March, 2003)Since gaining a BSc in physics from the University of Bristol and a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Manchester, Stephen Webb has worked in a variety of universities in the UK. He is a regular contributor to the Yearbook of Astronomy series and has published an undergraduate textbook on distance determination in astronomy and cosmology as well as several popular science books. His interest in the Fermi paradox combines lifelong interests in both science and science fiction.Given the fact that there are perhaps 400 billion stars in our Galaxy alone, and perhaps 400 billion galaxies in the Universe, it stands to reason that somewhere out there, in the 14-billion-year-old cosmos, there is or once was a civilization at least as advanced as our own. The sheer enormity of the numbers almost demands that we accept the truth of this hypothesis. Why, then, have we encountered no evidence, no messages, no artifacts of these extraterrestrials? In this second, significantly revised and expanded edition of his widely popular book, Webb discusses in detail the (for now!) 75 most cogent and intriguing solutions to Fermi's famous paradox: If the numbers strongly point to the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, why have we found no evidence of them?Reviews from the first edition:'Amidst the plethora of books that treat the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence, this one by Webb … is outstanding. … Each solution is presented in a very logical, interesting, thorough manner with accompanying explanations and notes that the intelligent layperson can understand. Webb digs into the issues … by considering a very broad set of in-depth solutions that he addresses through an interesting and challenging mode of presentation that stretches the mind. … An excellent book for anyone who has ever asked ‘Are we alone?’.' (W. E. Howard III, Choice, March, 2003)'Fifty ideas are presented … that reveal a clearly reasoned examination of what is known as ‘The Fermi Paradox’. … For anyone who enjoys a good detective story, or using their thinking faculties and stretching the imagination to the limits … ‘Where is everybody’ will be enormously informative and entertaining. … Read this book, and whatever your views are about life elsewhere in the Universe, your appreciation for how special life is here on Earth will be enhanced! A worthy addition to any personal library.' (Philip Bridle, BBC Radio, March, 2003)Since gaining a BSc in physics from the University of Bristol and a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Manchester, Stephen Webb has worked in a variety of universities in the UK. He is a regular contributor to the Yearbook of Astronomy series and has published an undergraduate textbook on distance determination in astronomy and cosmology as well as several popular science books. His interest in the Fermi paradox combines lifelong interests in both science and science fiction.Is beautifully written, concise, but thorough, interesting, and thought-provokingGives a unique account of the Fermi paradox and its possible solutionsProvides extensive information about sources and suggestions for further readingConnects insights from many scientific disciplines in an easy-to-follow wayMuch expanded and revised editionIncludes supplementary material: Stephen Webb is best known as author of popular science books: he has published 'Measuring the Universe - The Cosmological Distance Ladder'  in 1999, the first edition of 'If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life' in 2002, 'Out of this World - Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings, and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics' in 2004 and 'New Eyes on the Universe - Twelve Cosmic Mysteries and the Tools We Need to Solve Them' in 2012.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP1165100978331913235825689574197_2_En74197AstrobiologyAstronomy, Cosmology and Space SciencesSpace PhysicsBiogeosciencesPlanetary Science3963,3547,4139,3371,3964/Astrobiology/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Astrobiology/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Space Physics/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Biogeosciences/Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences//Planetary Science/Earth Sciences/Earth and Environmental Sciences/Physical Sciences/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy//010.1007/978-3-319-13236-5If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY?
92978-3-030-66048-2SteeleScott R. Steele; Tracy L. Hull; Neil Hyman; Justin A. Maykel; Thomas E. Read; Charles B. WhitlowScott R. Steele, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA; Tracy L. Hull, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; Neil Hyman, University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL; Justin A. Maykel, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA; Thomas E. Read, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Charles B. Whitlow, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LAThe ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal SurgeryXX, 1216 p. 588 illus., 508 illus. in color. In 2 volumes, not available separately.Jointly published with The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Arlington Heights, IL, USA42022final129.99139.09142.99109.99153.50139.99Hard coverBook0MedicineGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English1216MNSpringerSpringer International Publishing0Available2022-05-042021-11-212024-04-072024-04-0712007, 2011, 2016,978-3-319-25968-0,978-3-319-25969-7,978-3-319-25970-3,978-3-319-79867-7Anatomy and Embryology of the Colon, Rectum and Anus.- Colonic Physiology.- Anorectal Physiology.- Endoscopy.- Endoscopic management of polyps and endolumenal surgery.- Pre-operative evaluation in the colorectal patient.- Optimizing Outcomes with Enhanced Recovery.- General Postoperative Complications.- Anastomotic Construction.- Anastomotic Complications.- Hemorrhoids.- Anal Fissure and Anal Stenosis.- Cryptoglandular Abscess and Fistula.- Rectourethral and complex fistulas: evaluation and management.- Rectovaginal Fistula.- Pilonidal Disease and Hidradenitis Suppurativa.- Dermatology and Pruritus Ani.- Sexually transmitted infections of the Colon and Rectum.- Anal intraepithelial neoplasia.- Anal Cancer .- Presacral Tumors.- Sporadic and Inherited Colorectal Cancer: How Epidemiology and Molecular Biology Guide Screening and Treatment.- Management of Malignant Polyps.- Colorectal cancer: Preoperative evaluation and staging.- Colon Cancer Surgical Treatment: Principles of Colectomy.- Rectal Cancer: Neoadjuvant Therapy.- Rectal Cancer: Local Excision.- Rectal Cancer: Non-operative management.- Proctectomy for Rectal Cancer.- Colorectal Cancer: Postoperative Adjuvant Therapy and Surveillance.- Colorectal Cancer: Management of Distant Metastases.- Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer.- Appendiceal Neoplasms.- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, Neuroendocrine Tumors, and Lymphoma.- Cytoreductive Surgery (CRS) and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC).- Colorectal cancer: minimally invasive surgery.- Minimally Invasive Complete Mesocolic Excision with Extended Lymphadenectomy for Colon Cancer.- Colonic Diverticular Disease.- Large Bowel Obstruction.- Lower GI Hemorrhage.- Endometriosis.- Benign Colorectal Disease Trauma of the Colon and Rectum.- Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Pathobiology.- IBD Diagnosis and Evaluation.- Medical Management of Ulcerative Colitis.- Medical Therapy for Crohn’s Disease.- Anorectal Crohn’s Disease.- Crohn’s Disease: Surgical Management.- Ulcerative Colitis – Surgical Management.- Complications of the Pelvic Pouch.- Infectious Colitis.- Clostridium difficile Infection.- Radiation, Microscopic, and Ischemic Colitis.- Intestinal Stomas.- Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Parastomal Hernia Repair.- Functional Disorders after Colorectal Surgery/ IBS.- Common Tests for the Pelvic Floor.- Evaluation of Constipation and Treatment of Abdominal Component.- Treatment of Difficult/Obstructive Defecation.- Rectal Prolapse.- Fecal Incontinence: Evaluation and Treatment.- Low Anterior Resection Syndrome (LARS).- Sexual Function After Colorectal Surgery in Women.- Male Genitourinary Dysfunction as a Consequence of Colorectal Surgery.- Middle and Anterior Pelvic Compartment: Issues for the Colorectal Surgeon.- Pediatric Colorectal Disorders.- Considerations for Geriatric Patients Undergoing Colorectal Surgery.- Healthcare Economics.- Ethical Considerations (Conflict of Interest, Surgical Innovation, End of Life).- Welcome to Litigation.- Quality.- Practice Management.<div>This book serves as a valuable resource for surgeons and health care providers at all stages of their career caring for patients with colorectal disease. This edition provides all newly written chapters, organized around the “pillars” of colorectal disease: perioperative (including endoscopy); anorectal disease; benign disease (including inflammatory bowel disease); malignancy; pelvic floor disorders; and a “miscellaneous” section that covers aspects both inside and beyond the operating room. Chapters are formatted to follow that of a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind a proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that are utilized in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Chapters also include the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, the book incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease.</div><div> </div><div>Written by experts in the field from around the world, The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery 4th Edition exposes the many critical gaps in our knowledge base and inspires the next generation to answer them through thoughtful and high level scientific inquiry.
This book serves as a valuable resource for surgeons and health care providers at all stages of their career caring for patients with colorectal disease. This edition provides all newly written chapters, organized around the “pillars” of colorectal disease: perioperative (including endoscopy); anorectal disease; benign disease (including inflammatory bowel disease); malignancy; pelvic floor disorders; and a “miscellaneous” section that covers aspects both inside and beyond the operating room. Chapters are formatted to follow that of a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guide to allow the reader to understand the thought process behind a proposed treatment strategy. By making use of evidence-based recommendations, each chapter includes not only background information and diagnostic/therapeutic guidelines, but also provides operative technical details and perioperative “tips and tricks” that are utilized in the management of these complex surgical challenges. Chapters also include the assessment of risk and methods utilized to minimize perioperative complications. In addition, the book incorporates sections covering the medical and surgical therapies for abdominal, pelvic and anorectal disease. <div> </div><div>Written by experts in the field from around the world, The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery 4th Edition exposes the many critical gaps in our knowledge base and inspires the next generation to answer them through thoughtful and high level scientific inquiry.
Provides videos that give the reader an upfront look into technical aspects of colorectal surgeryFormat follows that of both a “how to” manual as well as an algorithm-based guideAuthors provide “tips and tricks” utilized in the management of these complex surgical challengesScott R. Steele
Chairman, Department of Colorectal Surgery
Rupert B. Turnbull, M.D. Endowed Chair in Colorectal Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland OH
USATracy L. Hull
Professor of Surgery
Cleveland Clinic
Department of Colorectal Surgery
Cleveland, OH
USANeil Hyman
Professor of Surgery
Co-Director, Center for Digestive Disease
Chief, Section of Colon and Rectal Surgery
University of Chicago Medical Center
Chicago, IL
USAJustin A. Maykel
Professor of Surgery
Chief, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
Worcester, MA
USAThomas E. Read
Cracchiolo Family Professor of Surgery
Chief, Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery
University of Florida College of Medicine
Gainesville, FL
USACharles B. Whitlow
Chairman, Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery
Ochsner Clinic
New Orleans, LA
StudentsMedical (6)Standard (0)EBOP1165000978303066048243733378566_4_En78566SurgerySurgerySurgery3070,3070,3070/Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences//Surgery/Life Sciences/Health Sciences////110.1007/978-3-030-66049-9The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery
93978-1-85233-896-1DekkingF.M. Dekking; C. Kraaikamp; H.P. Lopuhaä; L.E. MeesterF.M. Dekking; C. Kraaikamp; H.P. Lopuhaä; L.E. MeesterA Modern Introduction to Probability and StatisticsUnderstanding Why and HowXVI, 488 p. 120 illus. With online files/update.12005final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Hard coverBook w. online files / update0Springer Texts in StatisticsMathematics and StatisticsUndergraduate textbook0English488PBTPBTSpringerSpringer London0Available2005-06-152005-05-062010-11-302010-12-281Why probability and statistics?.- Outcomes, events, and probability.- Conditional probability and independence.- Discrete random variables.- Continuous random variables.- Simulation.- Expectation and variance.- Computations with random variables.- Joint distributions and independence.- Covariance and correlation.- More computations with more random variables.- The Poisson process.- The law of large numbers.- The central limit theorem.- Exploratory data analysis: graphical summaries.- Exploratory data analysis: numerical summaries.- Basic statistical models.- The bootstrap.- Unbiased estimators.- Efficiency and mean squared error.- Maximum likelihood.- The method of least squares.- Confidence intervals for the mean.- More on confidence intervals.- Testing hypotheses: essentials.- Testing hypotheses: elaboration.- The t-test.- Comparing two samples.Probability and Statistics are studied by most science students, usually as a second- or third-year course. Many current texts in the area are just cookbooks and, as a result, students do not know why they perform the methods they are taught, or why the methods work. The strength of this book is that it readdresses these shortcomings; by using examples, often from real-life and using real data, the authors can show how the fundamentals of probabilistic and statistical theories arise intuitively. It provides a tried and tested, self-contained course, that can also be used for self-study.

A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics has numerous quick exercises to give direct feedback to the students. In addition the book contains over 350 exercises, half of which have answers, of which half have full solutions. A website at gives access to the data files used in the text, and, for instructors, the remaining solutions. The only pre-requisite for the book is a first course in calculus; the text covers standard statistics and probability material, and develops beyond traditional parametric models to the Poisson process, and on to useful modern methods such as the bootstrap.

This will be a key text for undergraduates in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Business Studies who are studying a mathematical statistics course, and also for more intensive engineering statistics courses for undergraduates in all engineering subjects.
Many current texts in the area are just cookbooks and, as a result, students do not know why they perform the methods they are taught, or why the methods work. The strength of this book is that it readdresses these shortcomings; by using examples, often from real life and using real data, the authors show how the fundamentals of probabilistic and statistical theories arise intuitively. A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics has numerous quick exercises to give direct feedback to students. In addition there are over 350 exercises, half of which have answers, of which half have full solutions. A website gives access to the data files used in the text, and, for instructors, the remaining solutions. The only pre-requisite is a first course in calculus; the text covers standard statistics and probability material, and develops beyond traditional parametric models to the Poisson process, and on to modern methods such as the bootstrap.Developed from tried and tested course material, this book provides a self-contained course that is also suitable for self-studyUses real examples and real data sets that will be familiar to studentsFeatures quick exercises to give direct feedback to the student, and over 350 exercisesIncludes an introduction to the bootstrap, a modern method that is often missing in other booksIncludes full solutions to half the exercises given in the book; solutions to the rest are provided on an accompanying websiteIncludes supplementary material: lecturer material: Dekking, Cor Kraaikamp, Rik Lopuhaä and Ludolf Meester are professors in the Department of Applied Mathematics at TU Delft, The Netherlands. The material in this book has been successfully taught there for several years, and at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, and Wesleyan University, USA, since 2003.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP116490097818523389617772778771_1_En78771Probability TheoryStatistics in Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth SciencesMathematical and Computational Engineering Applications2923,3789,4539/Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Mathematics and Computing/Probability Theory/Mathematics//Statistics in Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences/Applied Statistics/Statistics/Mathematics and Computing//Mathematical and Computational Engineering Applications/Technology and Engineering////010.1007/1-84628-168-7A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics
94978-0-387-95289-5WardPeter D. Ward; Donald BrownleePeter D. Ward, University of Washington Institute of Geological Sciences, Seattle, WA, USA; Donald BrownleeRare EarthWhy Complex Life is Uncommon in the UniverseXXXIV, 338 p.12000final32.9935.3036.2927.9939.0037.99Soft coverBook0Physics and AstronomyGeneral interest0English338WNXGTCopernicusSpringer New York0Available2003-12-102004-01-162003-12-102004-01-011Why Life Might Be Widespread in the Universe.- Habitable Zones of the Universe.- Building a Habitable Earth.- Life’s First Appearance on Earth.- How to Build Animals.- Snowball Earth.- The Enigma of the Cambrian Explosion.- Mass Extinctions and the Rare Earth Hypothesis.- The Surprising Importance of Plate Tectonics.- The Moon, Jupiter, and Life on Earth.- Testing the Rare Earth Hypothesis.- Assessing the Odds.- Messengers from the Stars.In November 12, 2002, Dr. John Chambers of the NASA Ames Research Center gave a seminar to the Astrobiology Group at the University of Washington. The audience of about 100 listened with rapt attention as Chambers described results from a computer study of how planetary systems form. The goal of his research was to answer a deceptively simple question: How often would newly forming planetary systems produce Earth-like planets, given a star the size of our own sun? By “Earth-like” Chambers meant a rocky planet with water on its surface, orbiting within a star’s “habitable zone. ” This not-too-hot and not-too-cold inner region, relatively close to the star, supports the presence of liquid water on a planet surface for hundreds of million of years—the time-span probably necessary for the evolution of life. To answer the question of just how many Earth-like planets might be spawned in such a planetary system, Chambers had spent thousands of hours running highly sophisticated modeling programs through arrays of powerful computers. The results presented at the meeting were startling. The simulations showed that rocky planets orbiting at the “right” distances from the central star are easily formed, but they can end up with a wide range of water content. Earth seems to be quite a gem—a rocky planet where not only can liquid water exist for long periods of time, but where water can be found as a heathy oceanful—not too little and not too much. Our planet seems to reside in a benign region of the Galaxy, where comet and asteroid bombardment is tolerable and habitable-zone planets can commonly grow to Earth size. Such real estate in our galaxy—perhaps in any galaxy—is prime for life. And rare as well.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP116510097803879528956346361305_1_En61305Astronomy, Cosmology and Space SciencesHumanities and Social SciencesAstrobiology3547,2883,3963/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Humanities and Social Sciences//Astrobiology/Astronomy, Cosmology and Space Sciences/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences///010.1007/b97646Rare Earth
95978-1-4614-7115-8HallBrian C. HallBrian C. Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USAQuantum Theory for MathematiciansXVI, 554 p. 30 illus., 2 illus. in color.12013final69.9974.8976.9962.9993.6889.95Hard coverBook0Graduate Texts in Mathematics267Mathematics and StatisticsGraduate/advanced undergraduate textbook0English554PHUPBWHSpringerSpringer New York0Available2013-06-192013-07-012013-07-312013-07-3111 The Experimental Origins of Quantum Mechanics.- 2 A First Approach to Classical Mechanics.- 3 A First Approach to Quantum Mechanics.- 4 The Free Schrödinger Equation.- 5 A Particle in a Square Well.- 6 Perspectives on the Spectral Theorem.- 7 The Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators: Statements.- 8 The Spectral Theorem for Bounded Sef-Adjoint Operators: Proofs.- 9 Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators.- 10 The Spectral Theorem for Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators.- 11 The Harmonic Oscillator.- 12 The Uncertainty Principle.- 13 Quantization Schemes for Euclidean Space.- 14 The Stone–von Neumann Theorem.- 15 The WKB Approximation.- 16 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations.- 17 Angular Momentum and Spin.- 18 Radial Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom.- 19 Systems and Subsystems, Multiple Particles.- V Advanced Topics in Classical and Quantum Mechanics.- 20 The Path-Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.- 21 Hamiltonian Mechanics on Manifolds.- 22 Geometric Quantization on Euclidean Space.- 23 Geometric Quantization on Manifolds.- A Review of Basic Material.- References.​- Index.Although ideas from quantum physics play an important role in many parts of modern mathematics, there are few books about quantum mechanics aimed at mathematicians. This book introduces the main ideas of quantum mechanics in language familiar to mathematicians. Readers with little prior exposure to physics will enjoy the book's conversational tone as they delve into such topics as the Hilbert space approach to quantum theory; the Schrödinger equation in one space dimension; the Spectral Theorem for bounded and unbounded self-adjoint operators; the Stone–von Neumann Theorem; the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation; the role of Lie groups and Lie algebras in quantum mechanics; and the path-integral approach to quantum mechanics.The numerous exercises at the end of each chapter make the book suitable for both graduate courses and independent study. Most of the text is accessible to graduate students in mathematics who have had a first course in real analysis, covering the basics of L2 spaces and Hilbert spaces.  The final chapters introduce readers who are familiar with the theory of manifolds to more advanced topics, including geometric quantization.Although ideas from quantum physics play an important role in many parts of modern mathematics, there are few books about quantum mechanics aimed at mathematicians. This book introduces the main ideas of quantum mechanics in language familiar to mathematicians. Readers with little prior exposure to physics will enjoy the book's conversational tone as they delve into such topics as the Hilbert space approach to quantum theory; the Schrödinger equation in one space dimension; the Spectral Theorem for bounded and unbounded self-adjoint operators; the Stone–von Neumann Theorem; the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin approximation; the role of Lie groups and Lie algebras in quantum mechanics; and the path-integral approach to quantum mechanics.The numerous exercises at the end of each chapter make the book suitable for both graduate courses and independent study. Most of the text is accessible to graduate students in mathematics who have had a first course in real analysis, covering the basics of L2 spaces and Hilbert spaces.  The final chapters introduce readers who are familiar with the theory of manifolds to more advanced topics, including geometric quantization.<p>Explains physical ideas in the language of mathematics</p><p>Provides a self-contained treatment of the necessary mathematics, including spectral theory and Lie theory</p><p>Contains many exercises that will appeal to graduate students</p>Brian C. Hall is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame.StudentsProfessional Books (2)Standard (0)EBOP11649009781461471158173770272900_1_En272900Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsFunctional AnalysisTopological Groups and Lie GroupsMathematical Methods in Physics3177,3309,3519,5991,5270/Mathematical Physics/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematical Physics/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences/Applications of Mathematics/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Quantum Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//Functional Analysis/Analysis/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Topological Groups and Lie Groups/Algebra/Mathematics and Computing/Mathematics//Mathematical Methods in Physics/Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics/Physics and Astronomy/Physical Sciences//010.1007/978-1-4614-7116-5Quantum Theory for Mathematicians
96978-3-030-20683-3GhezJeremy GhezJeremy Ghez, HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas, FranceArchitects of ChangeDesigning Strategies for a Turbulent Business EnvironmentXVII, 230 p. 16 illus. in color.12019final39.9942.7943.9934.9947.5044.99Hard coverBook0Business and ManagementGeneral interest0English230KJKJCPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2019-09-202019-09-102019-09-132019-09-1311: A Tale of Two Professions.- 2. Case Study: When James Bond Met Q.- 3. The World We Live In.- 4. Case Study: The Change-maker Game.- 5. The Road to Reinvention.- 6. Case Study: Founding a Popular Pizza Place in Paris.- 7. The Power of Analysis.- 8. Case Study: Strategising at Amazon When Globalisation Comes Under Pressure.- 9. The Significance of Anticipation.- 10. Case Study: Getting Ready for the World in Five Years.- 11. The Purpose of Imagination.- 12. Case Study: Conducting a Pre-Mortem.- 13. The Meaning of Creativity.- 14. Case Study: Looking for Talent in a Chaotic World.- 15. A Tribute to my Kids (The Ultimate Architects of Change).
“It is common to hear that we are living in turbulent times: ones of anger and extremism. It is much less common to hear what to do about it. This book helps decision-makers move beyond the noise, arguing that they can be transformative even as private citizens. It pulls you away from ‘business as usual’ and empowers you to become an agent of change with the strategic tools necessary for success.' —Greg Treverton, Former Chairman of the US National Intelligence Council
What is the difference between a fire fighter and an architect? One deals with crises as they arise while the other is capable of building something that can withstand all weathers.

Using this analogy, Architects of Change provides you with the tools to grasp, leverage and harness the dynamics that shape tomorrow's markets. It encourages you to nurture an entrepreneurial mind-set to transform the way a business – or even an entire industry – operates. Tackling crucial topics related to geopolitics, creative destruction, fake news, resilience and creativity, this book gives you the tools to analyse your environment and future trends in order to reinvent the way you do business. It teaches you how to:

· Identify actors of change

· Conduct simulations about the future

· Assess threats of political instability · Build a strategy for a profitable and sustainable firm amid ongoing uncertainty

· Become an architect of change yourself.

Containing original interviews with industry insiders, including a world-famous expert on brands and luxury, the former CEO of a major think tank, a thought leader from CISCO, the former chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, and a former chief political scientist of a large Asian bank, this book helps you to understand the type of imagination and creativity this business environment requires not only to survive, but thrive.
What is the difference between a fire fighter and an architect? One deals with crises as they arise while the other is capable of building something that can withstand all weathers.

Using this analogy, Architects of Change provides you with the tools to grasp, leverage and harness the dynamics that shape tomorrow's markets. It encourages you to nurture an entrepreneurial mind-set to transform the way a business – or even an entire industry – operates. Tackling crucial topics related to geopolitics, creative destruction, fake news, resilience and creativity, this book gives you the tools to analyse your environment and future trends in order to reinvent the way you do business. It teaches you how to:

· Identify actors of change

· Conduct simulations about the future

· Assess threats of political instability

· Build a strategy for a profitable and sustainable firm amid ongoing uncertainty

· Become an architect of change yourself.

Containing original interviews with industry insiders, including a world-famous expert on brands and luxury, the former CEO of a major think tank, a thought leader from CISCO, the former chairman of the US National Intelligence Council, and a former chief political scientist of a large Asian bank, this book helps you to understand the type of imagination and creativity this business environment requires not only to survive, but thrive.
<p>Introduces the reader to anticipation, differentiation and pricing</p><p>Provides core concepts and learning objectives for each chapter</p><p>Helps you to increase organizational agility through a better understanding of risk and opportunities</p>Jeremy Ghez is an Affiliate Professor of Economics and International Affairs at HEC Paris, France. He is the Scientific Director of the school’s master program in Sustainability and Social Innovation as well as the Academic Director of the HEC Paris Centre for Geopolitics. His research and teaching focuses on populism, the global business environment, strategic foresight, tech giants, as well as on US and European politics. Previously, he was an assistant policy analyst and a research fellow at both the RAND Corporation and RAND Europe. Having received an award for his case study on ’The Economics of Amazon’ in 2016, Jeremy was later named one of the world’s top under-40 MBA professors by Poets and Quants in 2019. He has appeared on Bloomberg and France 24, as well as in various French media. An American and French citizen, Jeremy currently lives in Paris with his wife and three children.

ProfessionalsPalgrave Business US (P2)Palgrave Business ( P2)EBOP41169009783030206833418870470222_1_En470222Business and ManagementBusiness Strategy and LeadershipMicroeconomics3120,3247,4026/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business Strategy and Leadership/Management/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Microeconomics/Economics/Humanities and Social Sciences////010.1007/978-3-030-20684-0Architects of Change
97978-3-030-74285-0WolffsohnMichael WolffsohnMichael Wolffsohn, Bundeswehr University Munich, Neubiberg, GermanyWhose Holy Land?The Roots of the Conflict Between Jews and ArabsXVII, 222 p. 15 illus.12021final29.9932.0932.9924.9935.5032.99Soft coverBook0Political Science and International StudiesMonograph0English222JPSJPSpringerSpringer International Publishing0WorldwideAvailable2021-10-162021-10-162021-11-022021-11-021<div>Holy Land? Israel? Palestine?.- RELIGIOSITY AND POLITICS.- The Pious, the Zealous and a 'Dead' God.- Fundamentalism - A Shield for the Culture?.- Is Zionism Blasphemy?.- Zionism in the Quran?.- THE HOLY LAND, RELIGIONS AND POLITICS.- What Is the Holy Land? - Biblical Borders?.- Why Is the Land Holy?.- To Whom Is the Land Holy?.- Where Is the Land Holy? Or: To Whom Does Jerusalem Belong?.- How Is the Land Holy? Or: Holiness and Statehood.- By What Means Is the Land Acquired?.- THE HISTORY OF CHANGING OWNERSHIP.-Whose Possession? Whose Property?.-Names and Power.- The Patriarch Fathers.- Jewish Settlement as “Conquest”.- Kingdom and Kingdoms Come and Go.- Exile, Return and Autonomy.- The Europeanization of the Holy Land.- Christians as Heirs and Owners.- Re-Orientalisation - Arabisation, Turkification.- Re-Europeanization.- The Return of Islam.- The Return to Zion.- The British in the Holy Land.- The Founding of Israel -- Palestine Becomes Jordan.- “Greater Israel” -- Jewish or Democratic? Of Federations and Confederation.- Injustice for Injustice – Conclusion – Solution?.
<div><div>This book explains the historical roots of the conflict between Jews and Arabs, which has lost none of its explosiveness to the present day, in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner. </div><div>
</div><div>The question of who owns the Holy Land is more relevant today than ever. The debates on this topic are often characterized by ignorance and strong emotions, while partiality and power interests still obscure the view on the political situation in the Middle East. </div><div>
</div><div>Shaking up old myths and prejudices, this book presents an overall historical as well as political analysis of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim structures, actors, and actions from the very beginning to this very day, as well as a topical analysis. It combines history with theology and political science. </div><div>
</div><div>Thus, the book is a must-read for scholars and students of political science, history, and international relations, as well as policy-makers, interested in a better understanding of the historical background and current political situation in the Middle East. </div></div><div>
<div>This book explains the historical roots of the conflict between Jews and Arabs, which has lost none of its explosiveness to the present day, in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner. </div><div>
</div><div>The question of who owns the Holy Land is more relevant today than ever. The debates on this topic are often characterized by ignorance and strong emotions, while partiality and power interests still obscure the view on the political situation in the Middle East. </div><div>
</div><div>Shaking up old myths and prejudices, this book presents an overall historical as well as political analysis of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim structures, actors, and actions from the very beginning to this very day, as well as a topical analysis. It combines history with theology and political science. </div><div>
</div><div>Thus, the book is a must-read for scholars and students of political science, history, and international relations, as well as policy-makers, interested in a better understanding of the historical background and current political situation in the Middle East. </div><div>
<p>Explains the various issues from all possible angles</p><p>Offers historical and religious information rather than indoctrination</p><p>Presents a completely new approach to conflict resolution: A synthesis of federations and confederations</p>Michael Wolffsohn was born in 1947 in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is a Professor Emeritus for Modern History at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich, Germany. In 2017 he was awarded the title of Germany´s “Professor of the Year”. Wolffsohn is the author of numerous books on the Middle East, International Relations, Global Jewish History, and Historical Demoscopy.TradeTrade Books (1)Springer Trade (T)EBOP41174009783030742850453652502203_1_En502203Peace and Conflict StudiesMiddle Eastern PoliticsHistory of the Middle EastMiddle Eastern ReligionsPolitical HistoryTerrorism and Political Violence5915,5282,5859,5339,7606,2880/International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/Peace and Conflict Studies//International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/Peace and Conflict Studies//Middle Eastern Politics/Political Science/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//History of the Middle East/Asian History/History/Humanities and Social Sciences//Middle Eastern Religions/Comparative Religion/Religion/Humanities and Social Sciences//Political History/Political Science/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences//Terrorism and Political Violence/International Relations/Politics and International Studies/Humanities and Social Sciences/010.1007/978-3-030-74286-7Whose Holy Land?
98978-3-319-46327-8Pirbhai-IllichFatima Pirbhai-Illich; Shauneen Pete; Fran MartinFatima Pirbhai-Illich, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada; Shauneen Pete, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada; Fran Martin, University of Exeter, Exeter, UKCulturally Responsive PedagogyWorking towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and InterculturalismXIX, 261 p. 12 illus.12017final129.99139.09142.99109.99153.50139.99Hard coverBook0EducationMonograph0English261JNJNKCPalgrave MacmillanSpringer International Publishing0Available2017-03-102017-03-062017-03-061PART I.- Chapter 1. Culturally Responsive Pedagogies: Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism; Fatima Pirbhai-Illich, Shauneen Pete & Fran Martin.- PART II.- Chapter 2. Identification of Cultural Heuristics for the Creation of Consistent and Fair Pedagogy for Ethnically Diverse Students; Abdul Jabbar and Mohammed Mirza.- Chapter 3. Idle No More: Radical Indigeneity in Teacher Education; Shauneen Pete.- Chapter 4: Decolonizing Pedagogies: Disrupting Perceptions of The Other in Teacher Education; Gertrude Tinker Sachs, Barbara Clark, Meral Durkaya, Annmarie Jackson, Charles Johnson, William Lake & Patty Limb.- Chapter 5. Becoming Culturally Responsive: Reflections from an Autoethnographic Exploration of Teaching and Learning English in Brazil; Andrea Blair.- PART III.- Chapter 6. The Role of Song and Drum in Schools: A Response to Questions about Culturally Responsive Practice; Anna-Leah King.- Chapter 7. Using Māori Metaphors to Develop a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy of Relations; Iti Joyce.- Chapter 8. Partnering Māori Whānau in Literacy Interventions; Therese Ford.- PART IV.- Chapter 9. What's at Stake in a High Stakes Math Test? A Textual Analysis of Challenges for Emergent English Bilingual learners; Theresa Austin.- Chapter 10: Spoken Language and Literacy Assessments: Are They Linked?; Ann Daly.- PART V.- Chapter 11: Beyond Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Decolonizing Teacher Education; Fran Martin, Fatima Pirbhai-Illich, Shauneen Pete.-‘… an important read for educators, administrators and policy makers…a very welcome addition to studies of decolonial education and the poetics and politics of educational futurity.’-George J. Sefa Dei, Professor of Social Justice Education, University of Toronto, Canada ‘…an important read for those working and researching in anti-oppressive education…challenges us to engage critically with the theory and practice of culturally responsive pedagogy as it aims to reform and reorient teacher education as a transgressive space.’
-Jennifer Tupper, Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Canada

This book convincingly argues that effective culturally responsive pedagogies require teachers to firstly undertake a critical deconstruction of Self in relation to and with the Other; and secondly, to take into account how power affects the socio-political, cultural and historical contexts in which the education relation takes place. The contributing authors are from a range of diaspora, indigenous, and white mainstream communities, and are united in their desire to challenge the hegemony of Eurocentric education and to create new educational spaces that are more socially and environmentally just. In this venture, the ideal education process is seen to be inherently critical and intercultural, where mainstream and marginalized, colonized and colonizer, indigenous and settler communities work together to decolonize selves, teacher-student relationships, pedagogies, the curriculum and the education system itself. This book will be of great interest and relevance to policy-makers and researchers in the field of education; teacher educators; and pre- and in-service teachers.<p>Casts new light on critical literacy education within diverse cultural contexts</p><p>Sets forth a culturally responsive 'pedagogical lens' for educators</p><p>Draws on an international range of case studies</p><div>Fatima Pirbhai-Illich is Associate Professor and Chair of the Language and Literacy Education Department at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Her research focuses on critical multicultural literacy education for marginalised and disenfranchised youth. Shauneen Pete is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada and a nehiyaw (Cree) woman from Little Pine First Nation, Saskatchewan, Canada. Fran Martin works in Initial Teacher Education at the University of Exeter, UK. Her research interests are global education and intercultural learning. </div><div>
SciencePalgrave Standard US (P5)Palgrave Monograph (P6)EBOP41171009783319463278363612418151_1_En418151Sociology of EducationCurriculum StudiesLanguage EducationInternational and Comparative EducationAlternative Education3502,6390,8189,5364,4060/Sociology of Education/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology/Education Science/Education//Sociology of Education/Humanities and Social Sciences/Society/Sociology/Education Science/Education//Didactics and Teaching Methodology/Curriculum Studies/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences//Language Education/Didactics and Teaching Methodology/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences//Education Science/International and Comparative Education/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences//Alternative Education/Education/Humanities and Social Sciences//010.1007/978-3-319-46328-5Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
99978-981-16-2837-5SrinivasanR. SrinivasanR. Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru, IndiaPlatform Business ModelsFrameworks, Concepts and DesignXVII, 346 p. 83 illus., 71 illus. in color.12021final149.99160.49164.99129.99177.00169.99Hard coverBook0Management for ProfessionalsBusiness and ManagementMonograph0English346KJQKJESpringerSpringer Nature Singapore0Available2021-06-142021-06-132021-07-112021-07-111Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Network effects.- Chapter 3. FaircentTM: Powering P2P Lending Revolution.- Chapter 4. Value creation in platforms.- Chapter 5. Swiggy™, Foodora™, and Yelp™: Hyperlocal Platforms.- Chapter 6. Network mobilization.- Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Just Dial Limited.- Chapter 9. Practo.- Chapter 10. Pricing and subsidies.- Chapter 11. Zomato™ Gold: Platform Overreach.- Chapter 12. Platform architecture.- Chapter 13. Delhivery: Leveraging the Platform.- Chapter 14. Winner-takes-all dynamics.- Chapter 15. Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Orchestrating the Ecosystem.<div>
This book introduces platform firms as unique business models. Leveraging on the early literature on network economics and strategy frameworks, this book explores how platform business firms evolve in the modern business world. Taking a strategic perspective, this book engages the reader with core concepts, case studies, and frameworks for analyzing platform business firms. This book differentiates platform business firms from traditional pipeline firms; explores engagement with different actors, value creation, and operations of platforms; elucidates resources and capabilities of platform firms that provide them sustained competitive advantage; analyzes performance levers in operating platform business models, including complementarities with other business models; and discusses the sustainability of platform business models, in the face of regulatory and societal challenges, among others.

The book is designed as a primer for entrepreneurs setting up and operating platform business firms, senior managers in large corporations repurposing their resources to initiate network dynamics in their businesses, early career managers, and professionals engaging with myriad platform firms for their professional and personal needs. This book intends to provide a decision-maker with a portfolio of decisions to make to create, operate, sustain, and generate value out of a platform business firm. It is also useful for policy professionals to appreciate the economics and policy implications of regulating and governing platforms in a post-digital world.
This book introduces platform firms as unique business models. Leveraging on the early literature on network economics and strategy frameworks, this book explores how platform business firms evolve in the modern business world. Taking a strategic perspective, this book engages the reader with core concepts, case studies, and frameworks for analyzing platform business firms. This book differentiates platform business firms from traditional pipeline firms; explores engagement with different actors, value creation, and operations of platforms; elucidates resources and capabilities of platform firms that provide them sustained competitive advantage; analyzes performance levers in operating platform business models, including complementarities with other business models; and discusses the sustainability of platform business models, in the face of regulatory and societal challenges, among others.

The book is designed as a primer for entrepreneurs setting up and operating platform business firms, senior managers in large corporations repurposing their resources to initiate network dynamics in their businesses, early career managers, and professionals engaging with myriad platform firms for their professional and personal needs. This book intends to provide a decision-maker with a portfolio of decisions to make to create, operate, sustain, and generate value out of a platform business firm. It is also useful for policy professionals to appreciate the economics and policy implications of regulating and governing platforms in a post-digital world.
Offers a field guide for setting up platform firms, leveraging and capturing value from network effects and complementary ecosystemsProvides specific frameworks for analyzing platform business firmsExamines the influence of platform firms in the post-digital economiesR Srinivasan is Professor of Strategy at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. He teaches courses on strategy and platform business models for MBA students at IIMB and the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He has written a lot of cases and articles on platform businesses in India and Germany. He also engages with a variety of startups and businesses that operate platform business models as an advisor and consultant. He earned his doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.ScienceProfessional Books (2)Science (SC)EBOP41169009789811628375460590508656_1_En508656IT in BusinessE-BusinessBusiness IT InfrastructureEntrepreneurship3205,7615,3623,3752/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//E-Business/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences//Business IT Infrastructure/IT in Business/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences/Computer Science/Mathematics and Computing/Business Informatics//Entrepreneurship/Business and Management/Humanities and Social Sciences///010.1007/978-981-16-2838-2Platform Business Models