Using cost allocation S3 bucket tags

To track the storage cost or other criteria for individual projects or groups of projects, label your Amazon S3 buckets using cost allocation tags. A cost allocation tag is a key-value pair that you associate with an S3 bucket. After you activate cost allocation tags, AWS uses the tags to organize your resource costs on your cost allocation report. Cost allocation tags can only be used to label buckets. For information about tags used for labeling objects, see Categorizing your storage using tags.

The cost allocation report lists the AWS usage for your account by product category and linked account user. The report contains the same line items as the detailed billing report (see Understanding your AWS billing and usage reports for Amazon S3) and additional columns for your tag keys.

AWS provides two types of cost allocation tags, an AWS-generated tag and user-defined tags. AWS defines, creates, and applies the AWS-generated createdBy tag for you after an Amazon S3 CreateBucket event. You define, create, and apply user-defined tags to your S3 bucket.

You must activate both types of tags separately in the Billing and Cost Management console before they can appear in your billing reports. For more information about AWS-generated tags, see AWS-Generated Cost Allocation Tags.

User-defined cost allocation tags

A user-defined cost allocation tag has the following components:

  • The tag key. The tag key is the name of the tag. For example, in the tag project/Trinity, project is the key. The tag key is a case-sensitive string that can contain 1 to 128 Unicode characters.

  • The tag value. The tag value is a required string. For example, in the tag project/Trinity, Trinity is the value. The tag value is a case-sensitive string that can contain from 0 to 256 Unicode characters.

For details on the allowed characters for user-defined tags and other restrictions, see User-Defined Tag Restrictions in the AWS Billing User Guide. For more information about user-defined tags, see User-Defined Cost Allocation Tags in the AWS Billing User Guide.

S3 bucket tags

Each S3 bucket has a tag set. A tag set contains all of the tags that are assigned to that bucket. A tag set can contain as many as 50 tags, or it can be empty. Keys must be unique within a tag set, but values in a tag set don't have to be unique. For example, you can have the same value in tag sets named project/Trinity and cost-center/Trinity.

Within a bucket, if you add a tag that has the same key as an existing tag, the new value overwrites the old value.

AWS doesn't apply any semantic meaning to your tags. We interpret tags strictly as character strings.

To add, list, edit, or delete tags, you can use the Amazon S3 console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the Amazon S3 API.

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