Message from our Founder, Margaret Press

Dear Supporters,

As we embark upon a new year, I am filled with so many emotions. With pride, gratitude and
awe at what we have achieved as a team – lifting the burden on investigators across the
country by returning well over 100 Jane and John Does to their grieving families and

But this is now coupled with the difficult decision that as we enter our 8th year it is time for me
to step away from my role of CEO at the DNA Doe Project. I therefore am announcing my
retirement and officially turning over the operations of our organization to our wonderful Co-
Executive Directors Jennifer Randolph, Pamela Lauritzen, and Rhonda Kevorkian. They have
been working in this capacity for much of the past year, and I am confident that we are in good
and capable hands.

This past year has been remarkable. We continued to provide internship and practicum
opportunities for those who want to enter the field and we love the reciprocal learning that
takes place. Our management team helped us further strengthen our infrastructure so that we
maintain stability in the coming years. Our newly-enhanced Data Dashboard on our website
attests to our commitment to transparency. Our newsletters and our third annual Welcome
Home video capture the pride and poignancy of our achievements over the past twelve
months. And we have teamed up with Wall to Wall Media and National Geographic Channel to
produce a documentary series about our work.

DDP was the first organization in the world to pioneer the use of investigative genetic
genealogy for solving cold cases involving unidentified remains. Our collective efforts have led
to groundbreaking advancements in the field and our world-wide reputation reflects our
leadership as well as our successes. We are trail-blazing each and every day.

It has been such an extraordinary privilege to work alongside such committed volunteers and
staff, as well as the labs and databases we depend on and our agency partners who put their
trust in us. There is, sadly, no shortage of unidentified cases. But we face each day with passion
and dedication. And when we look over, we see you – our supporters, the bedrock of our
success – alongside us. Day by day, case by case – we’ll get this done together.

Though my tenure as CEO is ending, my passion for this cause and this organization endures. I
will continue to support and champion the efforts of the DNA Doe Project in whatever capacity
I can. I look forward to continuing to serve on our Board of Directors, and to remain an active
volunteer within DDP participating in case work, training, and special projects.

Thank you for taking this remarkable journey with me. I embrace this change with cherished
memories, deep gratitude, and a sense of optimism for the future of this organization.

With heartfelt appreciation,
Margaret Press