Home » Pending Cases

Pending Cases

These cases are going through the laboratory processes to extract DNA from a biological sample, undergoing whole genome sequencing, and formatting the genomic sequence into a profile that can be uploaded to the databases at GEDmatch Pro, FamilyTreeDNA.com, and DNAJustice.org.

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Trego County John Doe 1995

Trego County John Doe 1995

Bone Lake Jane Doe 1993

Bone Lake Jane Doe 1993

Roosevelt Phoenix Jane Doe 2004

Roosevelt Phoenix Jane Doe 2004

Jenner John Doe 2004

Jenner John Doe 2004

Freeborn Co John Doe 2015

Freeborn Co John Doe 2015

Porter Co Jane Doe 2021

Porter Co Jane Doe 2021

Columbia Co Jane Doe 1982

Columbia Co Jane Doe 1982

Hartford Circus Fire Victims

Hartford Circus Fire Victims

Mr X Doe 1972

Mr X Doe 1972
