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Active Cases

DDP’s investigative genetic genealogists are actively researching these cases.

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Canton Oil Well John Doe

Canton Oil Well John Doe

Del Rey Jane Doe 1984

Del Rey Jane Doe 1984

Lincoln County Rail Car John Doe 1961

Lincoln County Rail Car John Doe 1961

Atlanta Cemetery Doe

Atlanta Cemetery Doe

Lincoln Highlands John Doe 2023

Lincoln Highlands John Doe 2023

Minneapolis Rail Car John Doe 2003

Minneapolis Rail Car John Doe 2003

Leo Jane Doe 1998

Leo Jane Doe 1998

Frisco TX John Doe 1988

Frisco TX John Doe 1988

Pond Jane Doe from the Granite State 2019

Pond Jane Doe from the Granite State 2019

Little Lost Seabrook Doe

Little Lost Seabrook Doe

Algonquin Park John Doe 1980

Algonquin Park John Doe 1980

Montreal River John Doe 2017

Montreal River John Doe 2017
