Vernon County Jane Doe

Vernon County Jane Doe

On May 4, 1984 three teenagers found the body of an unidentified white female on a gravel road in rural Vernon County near Westby, Wisconsin.  Investigators believe the woman was killed somewhere along the same road and moved to the spot where she was found.  Her face had been rendered unrecognizable from the extensive damage that had been done through blunt force trauma.  Her hands had been removed, presumably in an effort to prevent identification by fingerprints.  After the case was featured on the local news, a couple came forward and stated they saw a suspicious man in the area driving a yellow 1982 Datsun, but investigators were unable to locate the man, or to identify the deceased.

NamUs               UP4786
Date Found        May 4, 1984
Race                    White / Caucasian
Sex                      Female
Age                      50 to 65
PMI                     24 to 48 hours
Location             Westby, Wisconsin

Agency of Jurisdiction
Wisconsin Department of Justice
Joe Welsch, Special Agent

Links to More Information

This is no longer a DDP case and is being worked by another provider of investigative genetic genealogy

Image Credit:  Catyana Falsetti

Last Updated: June 28, 2023

Posted on

May 5, 2019