Coldfoot John Doe 2018


On July 2, 2018, a Bureau of Land Management agent on routine patrol discovered partial skeletal remains 2.5 miles upstream from the Dalton Highway on Clara Creek. Clothing found with the remains included a light colored t-shirt, size small, size 9 athletic shoes, and a lightweight gray jacket, size medium. Investigators were unable to determine the sex, age, or race of the person.

NamUs ID: UP51311

Date Body Found: 7/2/2018

Race: Uncertain

Sex: Male

Estimated Age: Unknown

Estimated PMI: Unknown

Agency of Jurisdiction: 

Alaska State Troopers
Patricia Busby
(907) 444-1325
[email protected]

More Information:

Status: Research in Progress

Last Updated: October 21, 2022

Posted on

October 21, 2022