Steen Helmer

København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark Kontaktoplysninger
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Erfaring og uddannelse

  • TBK Consult

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Licenser og certificeringer


  • LinkedIn InStruct, train-the-trainer program



  • Microsoft Partner Business Development Workshops

    – nu

    As a Microsoft Partner you constantly are facing business challenges due to new technologies and solutions, changes in the market and your buyers behavior, where and how to gain optimal awareness from your target audience etc.

    Together with Microsoft Denmark we have chosen to offer a selection of 1 day workshops that provides the Partners with the knowledge needed to overcome these challenges.

    The workshops are developed in order to be delivered for any type of Microsoft Partner…

    As a Microsoft Partner you constantly are facing business challenges due to new technologies and solutions, changes in the market and your buyers behavior, where and how to gain optimal awareness from your target audience etc.

    Together with Microsoft Denmark we have chosen to offer a selection of 1 day workshops that provides the Partners with the knowledge needed to overcome these challenges.

    The workshops are developed in order to be delivered for any type of Microsoft Partner in any country.

    Please contact me for more information: or +45 4040 9099.

  • Invited speaker at Directions EMEA conference for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partners

    Delivered following two sessions:

    1. Designing Scalable Revenue Generation Models
    2. How to Implement & Execute a Successful LinkedIn Strategy

    1.750+ attendees from countries all over EMEA and US at the venue in Prague.

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  • LinkedIn-Approved Sales Navigator, Train-the-Trainer Instruct Program

    The Instruct Program is a by invitation only partner program to train LinkedIn Partners about Social Selling and Sales Navigator. This program improved my ability to help my customers to be more successful implementing and executing Social Selling strategies using LinkedIn and Sales Navigator.

    I'm proud to be the first LinkedIn-Approved Social Selling & Sales Navigator trainer in Scandinavia.

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  • Indlæg omkring Social Selling ved VL Gruppe 43 møde

    I forbindelse med fokus på digitalisering generelt ønskede gruppens medlemmer at erhverve sig viden omkring, hvordan man udnytter LinkedIn professionelt og hvordan man succesfuldt implementerer og eksekverer en strategi omkring LinkedIn i forhold til branding, etablering af relationer hos sin målgruppe og leadgenerering.

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  • Entering Foreign Markets

    Vaeksthus Copenhagen has engaged TBK Consult to provide a series of workshops titled “Entering Foreign Markets” for their “Growth Through Internationalisation” program. The program provides training in contemporary and agile business development concepts and is completed with on-the-ground bootstrapping activities in selected foreign markets.

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  • Speaker at Directions EMEA 2015 in Mannheim, Germany

    For 3rd year in a row I was invited as speaker to this conference for Microsoft Dynamics Nav Partners from all over EMEA.

    Title: How to Prepare Your Business Model for Cloud Business
    · How to build, change or evolve your Business Model to support Cloud Business
    · How to achieve a Problem-Solution Fit
    · How to achieve a Product-Market Fit
    · How to achieve a Business Model Fit
    · How to implement a new Business Model
    · Value Proposition Common…

    For 3rd year in a row I was invited as speaker to this conference for Microsoft Dynamics Nav Partners from all over EMEA.

    Title: How to Prepare Your Business Model for Cloud Business
    · How to build, change or evolve your Business Model to support Cloud Business
    · How to achieve a Problem-Solution Fit
    · How to achieve a Product-Market Fit
    · How to achieve a Business Model Fit
    · How to implement a new Business Model
    · Value Proposition Common Mistakes
    · How Business Model Development can help you grow your business
    · How to market your Cloud Business
    · Guidance to specific frameworks and tools to evolve your own Business Model & Value Proposition
    · How to get local support to implementation and execution of your new Business Model
    Title: How to Create a Massive LinkedIn Referral Network with THE Most Influential Players in Your Market!
    · How to build a massive LinkedIn referral network AND how to attract hundreds of the most influential referral sources in your market....within just a few months.
    · How to stay TOP OF MIND with these movers & shakers for years to come (mostly on autopilot). When a deal crosses their plate, YOU'RE THE ONE THEY THINK OF.
    · A step-by-step strategy for getting targeted referrals. It's ridiculous how effective this strategy is, & how effective it is at opening conversations with potential clients.
    · The EXACT SCRIPT that you can use to achieve a 70% hit rate with even the most high-level decision makers!
    · How to position your profile so everybody knows YOU are the #1 leader in your area
    · A formula you can use to understand exactly how much work you need to put in to achieve your specific income goals
    · This is not theory. Everything we are going to show you is bases on practical experience from the software industry
    · A formula you can use to understand exactly how much work you need to put in to achieve your specific income goals
    · How to get local support to implement & execute

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  • LinkedIn Strategy & Training for Software/Service Businesses

    – nu

    Through a structured and proactive approach we help software companies to utilize LinkedIn strategically to achieve:

    • How to grow a large database of highly targeted connections
    • How to utilize those connections effectively to build relationships and increase leads
    • How to run messaging campaigns that keep you in front of your most important prospects
    • How to automate the most time consuming components of your LinkedIn marketing campaign
    • How to find and join the groups…

    Through a structured and proactive approach we help software companies to utilize LinkedIn strategically to achieve:

    • How to grow a large database of highly targeted connections
    • How to utilize those connections effectively to build relationships and increase leads
    • How to run messaging campaigns that keep you in front of your most important prospects
    • How to automate the most time consuming components of your LinkedIn marketing campaign
    • How to find and join the groups that will generate results for your business
    • How to leverage LinkedIn groups to promote expertise and generate leads
    • How to start your own LinkedIn group
    • How to leverage LinkedIn to establish a drip marketing campaign to stay in front of your most valuable prospects every single day
    • The secrets to growing and managing a successful LinkedIn group
    • How to leverage your content to increase traffic and leads
    • How to create awesome content that your prospects will eat up
    • How to build a real marketing system within LinkedIn that establishes you as THE expert in your space

    Give me a call +45 4040 9099 if you would like to know more and how YOU could benefit from this.

  • Business Development Workshops for Microsoft Partners

    – nu

    Helping Microsoft Partners growing their businesses locally or globally and overcome the challenges in the market, we have developed some customized 1-day workshops specifically for the Microsoft Partner Community.

    We have already received great feedback and ratings from the workshops delivered in 2014.

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  • LinkedIn Social Selling Index

    Resultat: 95

    On a scale from 0-100 this index shows how good you are at:
    - Creating a professional brand
    - Finding the right people
    - Engage with insights
    - Building strong relationships


  • English

    Komplet professionel færdighed

  • German

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

  • Scandinavian (Swedish & Norwegian)

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

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