Nordic microbes

Nordic microbes

Forskning inden for bioteknologi


Om os

Nordic microbes is a Danish biotech company based in Odense. We are developing all-natural microbial products that can help farmers achieve a higher and better yield with fewer chemicals and emissions. Our vision is to eliminate the use of pesticides, antibiotics and synthetic fertilizers in agriculture to ensure a sustainable future. We have developed a unique approach and technology platform that enables us to rapidly discover new beneficial microorganisms. Have a look at our technology:

Forskning inden for bioteknologi
11-50 medarbejdere
microbiology, biologicals, microbial discovery, biofertilizer, biopesticides, crop protection og crop fertilization


Medarbejdere hos Nordic microbes


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    This season, we are focused on expanding the impact of our products to more crops where they can make a difference. 🌱 We are particularly excited about our third-party trials with potatoes at two different locations in Denmark. 🥔 A key growth-limiting factor for potatoes is the lack of phosphorus. Our products, featuring bacteria that make tightly bound phosphorus and potassium available to the plants, have the potential to help potato growers achieve more significant, more robust plants and higher yields. 📈 Potatoes are a high-value crop for farmers, offering a high yield per hectare. They have numerous applications in human utilization, which makes them a climate-friendly crop. We look forward to monitoring the trials throughout the growing season and seeing the results this fall. 🍂 #biosolutions #agriculture #sustainability

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nordic microbes, grafik

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    Our team is currently immersed in a series of exciting tests in our test field; just last week, we established onions, maize, and faba beans. 🌱         Last year, we saw a significant yield boost when we tested our product on onions and maize. This year, we're diving deeper into different treatments to improve the product even more. 🌽 🧅        As for faba beans, one of our colleagues has discovered two species of Rhizobia bacteria that, in theory, can form a symbiotic relationship with legumes such as faba beans. These bacteria create unique structures on the roots called nodules, where they help the plant absorb nitrogen, significantly boosting plant growth. This is why we're excited to investigate whether these bacteria positively affect the development of faba beans. 🫛 #biosolutions #agriculture #sustainability

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nordic microbes, grafik

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    Two of our colleagues have recently been to England searching for microbes to develop into new products targeted towards the English market. Our philosophy is that our microbes should be found in the soil of the climate zone where our future microbial products will be sold 🌱. This ensures that the microbes are active under the conditions in which they will be used🧬. The English climate is different from the Danish, which is precisely why we need to find microbes that are well-suited to their climate and soil ️🌦️. We plan to begin testing potential new products aimed at England in the autumn of 2024. ️ #agriculture #sustainability #England

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nordic microbes, grafik

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    Recently, a farmer participating in our testing program sowed faba beans treated with SeedSpeed®. 👨🌾 The seeds were sown using a strip-till seeder in a harrowed seedbed. We're excited to observe the progress of these plants as they grow. 🌱 Additionally, customers nationwide have acquired faba beans treated with SeedSpeed®. Similar to cereal crops, our product helps legumes in accessing tightly bound phosphorus and potassium from the soil. This aids in faster germination, promotes healthier plant growth, and ultimately leads to increased yields. 🫛 #agriculture #sustainability #biosolutions

  • Se organisationssiden for Nordic microbes, grafik

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    Happy Earth Day! 🌍 Our Earth is full of fascinating wonders; one is right under your feet. Did you know that a tablespoon of soil contains billions of microorganisms and tens of thousands of different species? 🦠 At Bioomix, we specialize in finding the needle in the haystack, picking out those very special soil microbes that can help farmers grow our food. By doing so, we make our small contribution to a greener Earth. 🌱 

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  • Se organisationssiden for Nordic microbes, grafik

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    In our pursuit of a sustainable fertilizer alternative, we are actively assessing our bacterias' potential to replace synthetic NPK fertilizers🧑🔬. Our focus is on the unique capability of our bacteria to fixate nitrogen, which is a critical component for plant growth. Additionally, we are investigating the ability to dissolve phosphate, which is an essential nutrient that enhances its availability to plants. Lastly, we're examining the effects of our product on potassium, investigating whether it indirectly influences potassium accessibility or uptake 🌱. By addressing the essential elements of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, we provide farmers with a comprehensive, sustainable and eco-friendly fertilization option.  #argriculture #sustainability #biotech

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