

Tjenester, der udbyder vedvarende energi

Geotermi - den fjerde store vedvarende energikilde

Om os

I takt med at kloden bliver varmere, bliver det mere og mere presserende at gentænke måden, vi opvarmer vores bygninger på. Innargi vil anvende geotermi til at opvarme millioner af hjem uden at efterlade aftryk på vores planet. Vi kan alle lave små ændringer i vores hverdag for at passe bedre på vores natur og miljø. Men det, klimaet virkelig har brug for, er forandring i stor skala. Sol og vind har allerede forandret måden, vi producerer energi på. Det, de teknologier har gjort for elektricitet, kan geotermi gøre for varme. Innargi har kompetencerne til at gøre det til virkelighed. Med vores samlede ekspertise fra et erfarent hold af geologer, reservoir-, facilitets- og boreingeniører samt fra partnerskaber med fjernvarmeeksperter har vi nu en unik mulighed for at virkeliggøre ambitiøse planer og skabe grundlæggende forandring.

Tjenester, der udbyder vedvarende energi
51-200 medarbejdere
Kgs. Lyngby
geothermal, renewable energy, geothermal energy og energy


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    Lyngby Hovedgade 85

    Kgs. Lyngby, 2800, DK

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  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Ever wondered if Morse code is still in use today? At Innargi, our drillers are proving its timeless value! 👩💻 Standing tall at 32 meters and powered by a mighty 6000-horsepower engine, our rig operates precisely, guiding a drill pipe string deep into the earth. Each 12-meter segment of the drill pipe interlocks seamlessly, creating a robust conduit that penetrates geological formations with the help of gravity. The true marvel lies in our use of drilling mud. This essential fluid cools the drill bit, maintains well stability, and transports drill cuttings to the surface. On the picture below you can see one of the drill bits. The small holes are where the mud is pumped out after travelling several kilometres into the ground. Behind the drill bit, sophisticated electronic equipment monitors every angle, direction, and material layer, utilising gravity, magnetic fields, and natural radiation. This wealth of data is transmitted to our surface computers using Morse code, empowering our drillers to make real-time adjustments. They can modify the weight of the drill bit or change its direction with remarkable precision. Picture this: several kilometres of drill pipe, engineered from resilient materials, flexing like a plastic straw over great distances. That’s how we manage to do directional drilling. What might seem like pure logic and technical knowledge to our drilling experts often go beyond everyday understanding. What other traditional technologies do you think might still hold surprising relevance in modern industries?

    • Innargi Drill Bit closeup
    • Innargi Geothermal Drilling Rig
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Our students are bold, driven and amazing colleagues – are you? At Innargi, entrepreneurship and innovation aren’t just buzzwords – it’s the heartbeat of our culture. That is why we are committed to and depend on student assistants, who help and drive various operations in the company, ranging from commercial and communication to drilling. Having diverse voices and alternative perspectives is crucial for work that aims to promote new ideas and innovation, which is critical to industrialising geothermal energy on a big scale. Young professionals contribute diversity, tenacity, and fresh ideas to our operations. Read what our students have to say about working at Innargi: “I really feel like my voice and opinion in my team is heard and that I am not just a student assistant, but a valued team member! The best part of my job is that I am integrated into our operations and get diverse tasks. Working at Innargi means working in an incredibly supportive, educative, fun environment that provides amazing opportunities for its student assistants.” - Fiona Debelts, who works as the student assistant to the commercial team.  “My approach is mainly focused on technical aspects and driven by problem-solving. I can learn about real-life problems in my industry and I am integrated into operations, which results in improved competitiveness and knowledge at the university. Some of the tasks I am responsible for are crucial in our operations, which motivates me.” - Stanisław Włodarczyk, who is a student assistant to the geothermal drilling department. During summer we are looking for more students to join our teams. Keep an eye out for open positions here:

    • Two student assistants stand at a desk with a senior member of the team, smiling and speaking with one another in the sun. The caption reads: 'I really feel like my voice and opinion in my team is heard and that I am not just a student assistant, but a valued team member.' - Fiona Debelts, Commercial Student Assistant.
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Like the rest of Europe, we are following the European Football Championship closely these days. But actually, we talk football all year long. When finding suitable plots for drilling and building our geothermal facilities together with our partners, football pitches fit perfectly into the discussions: 1.    When drilling and constructing the facility, we need space little over half the size of a football field. 2.    When built, the facility takes up space equivalent to the size of the penalty area. Geothermal energy is a community friendly source of heat. When running, the facility emits no pollution and is smell- and noise free. 3.    The facility can be incorporated in the surroundings, whether it is in a park, on a parking lot or next to a football field. We just need space around the facility to remain free in case of re-drilling. We wish everyone good luck with the upcoming quarterfinals this weekend.

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Make geothermal happen in Europe ♨️   We welcome that geothermal energy is among the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU and we are very excited about it. Adopting Council Conclusions is an important next step to prioritise tapping the enormous potential of geothermal for decarbonising heat during the next institutional cycle as already called for by the European Parliament.   - Increase political support for geothermal district heating by adopting an EU geothermal strategy as part of a broader reflection on heating and cooling. - Remove barriers for geothermal projects, e.g. accelerate permitting, facilitate access to subsurface data and plots by developing dedicated permitting rules and procedures. - Funding: Develop design principles for de-risking and funding schemes carefully striking the balance between risks that should be taken by the geothermal company and those that the public can cover. - Expand and modernise district heating as it is the most efficient way to decarbonize heating, to integrate local renewable energy sources in European cities, and thereby decreasing import dependencies and create value in European cities.   #HU24EU



  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Deal or no deal? In the coming days the European Council will discuss what should be the strategic priorities in the next EU mandate from 2024-2029.   Along with more than 500 cross-sector organisations, we are urging EU leaders to confirm the Green Deal as a strategic priority in the next EU mandate in a joint statement. The EU Green Deal is the foundation of a competitive, secure, modern, and efficient Europe.   Our request is to prioritise decarbonising heat and to increase the share of renewable heat sources such as geothermal. This not only helps in achieving climate targets but also significantly contributes to energy security, competitiveness, and value creation in the EU.   Let’s not gamble on our future, let’s build it.   Read the full joint statement on this link 👉 #GreenDealforEU

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    We have hoisted two Christmas trees on our drilling site in Skejby 🎄    ... Not for decorating, but because our two geothermal wells have now been completed: one to pump hot water up, and the other to return cooled water back into the reservoir. At the top of each wellhead, we have installed a set of valves, spools and fittings connected to direct and control the flow of geothermal water – this is what our drillers call “the christmas tree".     Lars Heineke, our Chief Project Officer, shares: “We’re thrilled our test wells are complete. Now, we’re building the heating plant to transfer geothermal heat to Kredsløb’s district heating network using heat exchangers and pumps.”    Our neighbours can look forward to a quiet, efficient, and nearly emissions free heating system once the facility is up and running. This facility will supply geothermal heat to Aarhus’s district heating network by the end of 2025.    In the pictures below, you can see the Christmas tree before and after installation. “It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeear....” 🎵 Read more about the next step in Aarhus here:

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  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    We’re excited to announce new opportunities at Innargi! 🌍 As a small but highly energised organisation, we harness our diverse backgrounds and experiences to strengthen our team. We are now hiring for two key positions: ➡ Geothermal Installation Manager: Focus on the geothermal installation of our wells, providing green heating to neighbourhoods. ➡ Student Assistant in Drilling Engineering: Support data analysis and learn the technical aspects of our geothermal drilling campaigns. With global warming continuing to impact our climate, it's crucial to rethink how we heat urban buildings. Innargi is committed to providing sustainable heating solutions for millions of homes using geothermal energy, leaving zero impact on our planet. We are always building the right team for the job. Could that be you? Check out our job postings on LinkedIn and visit our website to learn more about us. Let's make a difference together! 🌱 For our Student Assistant jobs, check out our website -> For the Geothermal Instillation Manager, check out our LinkedIn Job Posting -> #job #decarbonisingheat #greenenergy #jobsdenmark #instillationmanager #studentassistant #drillingengineer #sustainability

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    We are proud to announce that Innargi has been honoured with the "Company of the Year" award by the Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH) 📣 This award is a testament to the hard business development work and dedication of our entire team. We take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to DBDH, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, and the Danish The Trade Council for their unwavering support. As a Danish company entering new markets in Europe, it is a pleasure to receive support and counselling – also from seconded experts from the Danish Energy Agency. A special thank you goes to district heating company Kredsløb for always being ready to share their thoughts on modern and geothermal district heating when international visitors stop by to be inspired. Thank you to everyone involved – let's continue to push boundaries and make a positive impact! #districtheating #decarbonisingheat #districtheatingdenmark #greenenergy #greentransition #aarhus #copenhagen #award

    • Photo of two men similing and posing with 'company of the year' certificate. The title reads 'DBDH's Company of the year 2024'
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    Last week, our very own Helen Cromie took the stage at the AAPG Europe  conference in Krakow, Poland. Although AAPG originated as a professional association for petroleum geologists, this event brought together experts from various fields to discuss geoscience and subsurface matters in relation to many transition topics, including geothermal, carbon storage, and hydrogen exploration, as well as hydrocarbons. Helen, with her particular background, was invited to speak on a panel about the energy transition alongside representatives from AGH University of Krakow , The Polish Geological Institute, OMV, Halliburton, and Naftogaz of Ukraine. At the conference, Helen highlighted the critical role of geothermal energy in the energy transition, drawing from our flagship project in Aarhus, Denmark, and the potential project in Poznan, Poland. Helen’s journey is as dynamic as the energy landscapes she navigates. A geologist from Scotland with a ’BSc in Geology and Physical Geography and an ’MSc in Petroleum Geoscience, Helen initially carved her career in oil and gas, notably with Maersk Oil in Aberdeen and Denmark. After 15 years, she shifted gears to the wind industry with Ørsted, where she explored a commercial role in operations. Despite the rewarding experience, Helen found herself missing her true passion -geology. Returning to her roots, Helen joined Innargi, where she seamlessly blends her geoscience expertise with our mission to decarbonise heat:    “I really appreciate that my job allows me to use my existing subsurface skill set to further the energy transition, and with a fantastic set of colleagues! But I also really enjoy that it allows me to share my love of geology with those who don’t normally think about earth science. It is really fun to meet with customers and explain a little of the geological history under their city, and how it can impact the project.” Helen Cromie  

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  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.252 følgere

    We were honoured to welcome Deutsche Umwelthilfe to our geothermal plant construction site in Skejby, Aarhus on Thursday evening.   Truly grateful that Nadine Bethge from DUH made the effort to take the long train ride from Berlin to share insights and receive feedback from one of Europe's leading environmental organisations.   Seeing a geothermal operation in real life is undoubtedly the best way to understand all facets of geothermal energy. In Aarhus, we are currently completing our third borehole within six months at a depth of around 2.5 kilometers. The next step is the surface installation.    Knowledge is necessary to realise geothermal energy on an industrial scale and the new insightful position paper from DUH is a great contribution. Read their paper here: Thank you Nadine for great questions and reflections.   #Innargi #Geothermal #Decarbonisingheat #Sustainability #GeothermalEnergy #EnvironmentalProtection #DistrictHeating #Aarhus #DeutscheUmwelthilfe #GreenEnergy #Innovation #CleanTech

    • two people in front of the Innargi drill, talking

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