Objective: To assess whether real-world weight loss is associated with a modified risk of developing cancer.

Methods:A retrospective observational study was conducted using the electronic health record at Cleveland Clinic (1/1/00-12/31/22).

The primary endpoint was the development of 13 obesity-related cancers, and the secondary endpoint was the occurrence of 17 other types of cancer. The association between the % change in body mass index (BMI) 3, 5, and 10 year intervals prior to cancer diagnosis (for cases) vs. controls for each cancer endpoint was assessed using logistic regression models.

Results:A total of 105,489 patients:100,162 controls and 5327 cases were identified. The % female was 43% and 52%, the % White was 84% and 78%, and median age (years) was 62 and 53, among cases and controls, respectively. Median BMI at censoring (kg/m2.) was 34.3 for cases and 34.5 for controls.

Our results show reduced risk of developing obesity-related cancers with weight loss at 3 years (OR 0.99, 95%CI [0.984, 0.996]) and 5 years (OR 0.989,95% CI [0.983-0.995]), and for other types of cancer for all time intervals (ORs<1, P <0.001) (Figure 1a). The risk was reduced for renal cell carcinoma (3 years), multiple myeloma (10 years), and endometrial cancer (3& 5years) among primary cancer endpoints (P<0.05) (Figure 1b).

Conclusion:A decrease in risk of developing obesity-related cancers and other types of cancer was associated with real-world weight loss.


K. Alkwatli: None. H. Xiao: None. A. Mariam: None. K.M. Pantalone: Speaker's Bureau; AstraZeneca. Consultant; AstraZeneca. Board Member; Bayer Inc. Research Support; Bayer Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Corcept Therapeutics. Consultant; Corcept Therapeutics, Diasome, Eli Lilly and Company, Merck & Co., Inc. Speaker's Bureau; Merck & Co., Inc. Research Support; Merck & Co., Inc. Consultant; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Novo Nordisk. Speaker's Bureau; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Twin Health. Consultant; Sanofi. D.M. Rotroff: Consultant; Novo Nordisk. Research Support; Bayer Inc.

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