Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio for Mac 17.4 Preview 2.1 is now available

We are pleased to announce the second preview release of Visual Studio for Mac 17.4. This release has been focused on addressing feedback from customers and on improving the overall experience. If you are already using the Visual Studio for Mac Preview release, use the Visual Studio > Check for Updates… menu to update. If you aren't using...

Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 2

We have released Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 2. In this post we'll share details about features added since Preview 1. Feedback from developers like you during our preview cycle is so important for us to deliver a final product that meets your high expectations. We welcome your feedback in the threads to this post or through Developer ...

It’s finally here. Bicep is in Visual Studio!

In less than two years, Bicep’s VS Code extension has grown from zero users to more than 15 thousand a month. In addition to the Bicep extension's success, millions of resources are now deployed with Bicep files via Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell. Our incredible community has not only shaped the suite of Bicep features we know and love today...

Adding color to bracket pairs

When dealing with deeply nested brackets in Visual Studio, it can be hard to figure out which brackets match and which do not. For people with color blindness or other optic maladies, the problem can be even worse. By color-coding bracket pairs, we’re making this much easier. (image) Various IDE’s and editors offer this feature ...