Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Improving your productivity in the Visual Studio Editor

Over the last few updates to Visual Studio 2017, we’ve been hard at work adding new features to boost your productivity while you’re writing code. Many of these are the result of your direct feedback coming from the UserVoice requests, Developer Community tickets, and direct feedback we’ve encountered while talking to developers like you...

Visual Studio for Mac version 7.6

For this release of Visual Studio for Mac, we’ve focused our energy on improving product reliability, creating a better code editing experience, and making the performance second to none. We’re also exited to announce full support for Azure functions – it’s now possible to create, edit, configure, and publish your Function from within the IDE.

Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8

Today we are releasing Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8. In this version we have focused on productivity, performance and bug fixes. There are many new features you‘ll find useful, but in this post, I’ll underscore the highlights you may be most interested in. For the complete list of all the updates in today’s release, check out the ...