Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Notifications in Visual Studio 2013

One of the benefits to having a connected IDE is that your environment can be kept up to date easily by presenting you with notifications of updates and relevant account information. Visual Studio will not only keep your environment up to date but also keep you in control of your preferred configurations. There are two main avenues for ...

Supercharged Styling: Quickly Finding and Setting a CSS Property in Blend

A core goal of Blend for Visual Studio is to make it fast and easy for developers who care about the quality of their markup to create professional looking apps. One of the many ways that the HTML Designer in Blend can speed up the CSS editing experience when developing Windows Store apps is by providing immediate visual feedback and enabling ...

Visual Studio 2013 RC available now!

Today, we announced that the Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate is now available for download on our Visual Studio product site. We are also excited to share that the Visual Studio 2013 Launch is on Nov 13th 2013. Save the date to participate in all the excitement, more details about the event can be found on the events page. Visual ...

What’s new for HTML Developers in Blend for Visual Studio 2013

At Windows’ Build conference in June, we introduced Visual Studio and Blend 2013 Preview to the world. With this release, we significantly expanded Visual Studio’s support for creating Window Store Apps using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. In addition to the client-side diagnostics and debugging tools found in Visual Studio, Blend also ...