Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Windows Azure Mobile Services in Visual Studio 2013

With new tools for Windows Azure Mobile Services, Visual Studio 2013 helps you quickly build connected Windows Store apps. We’ve made it very easy for you to associate your app with Mobile Services, create new tables and services, edit your server side scripts, and most importantly enhance your apps with push notifications all from within ...

MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio!

We made a number of exciting changes to MSBuild for Visual Studio 2013, including rethinking the fundamental relationship between MSBuild, Visual Studio, and the .NET Framework. MSBuild has shipped as a component of the .NET framework since it was first introduced in 2005 with .NET 2.0, despite the fact that it is, first and foremost, a ...

Visual Studio 2013 Diagnostics Investments

this post, and the posts it links to have been updated for VS 2013 RTM - enjoy! Hi, I am Daniel Moth, a Program Manager in Visual Studio. I don’t know about you, but I usually spend more time (and more fun time in fact!) in the debugger than I do in actually constructing my app. Perhaps that is the reason I also work on the Visual Studio...

Visual Studio 2013 Preview Survey

It’s been 2 weeks since we released Visual Studio 2013 Preview, and we’d like to hear what you think about it. Let us know your impressions by taking the Visual Studio 2013 Preview survey.We do these surveys with most of our releases, and they help us gain deep insights on how we are doing with core areas such as quality,  ...

Visual Studio 2013 New Editor Features

[10/31/2013 : Updates to these features can be found in the latest post on Updates to Visual Studio 2013 Editor Enhancements] In Visual Studio 2013, we have introduced new features that boost productivity and save time when working inside the Editor. Some of these are new features and some are the most popular extensions from Productivity ...

Overview of Related Files in Blend

Related Files is a feature available in both Blend for Visual Studio 2012 and Blend for Visual Studio 2013 Preview. In this post, I’ll describe how this feature works and how to make the best of it when designing your Windows Store app in HTML. When you are performing styling-related tasks in an HTML document, it is common (if not, ...

The Story of Synchronized Settings

As you may have read in our post about signing into Visual Studio 2013, one benefit of signing in is the ability to roam your product’s settings across machines. In this post I’ll tell you more about the Synchronized Settings feature. When looking at feedback from customers or requests for new features that enhance productivity, a few ...