Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

What's new for editor extenders in Beta 2?

(image) Noah Richards – Developer, Visual Studio Editor Team Short Bio:  Noah has been working on the Visual Studio Editor team since he graduated college two and a half years ago.  He maintains a blog, posts sample code for editor extensions, and frequently answers editor-related questions on Twitter. Editor’s Note:  This...

What’s new for editor extenders in Beta 2?

(image) Noah Richards – Developer, Visual Studio Editor Team Short Bio:  Noah has been working on the Visual Studio Editor team since he graduated college two and a half years ago.  He maintains a blog, posts sample code for editor extensions, and frequently answers editor-related questions on Twitter. Editor’s Note:  This...

Framework Multi-Targeting for VC++ Projects

(image) Short Bio: Pavan Adharapurapu is a developer on the Visual Studio Project and Build team. As part of VS 2010, he has worked on numerous features of the VC++ project system such as property sheets, filters, property pages, platform and tool extensibility, etc. His long term focus is on developing a "common project system" infrastructure...

Diagnosing Toolbox Filtering Errors

(image) Hi again – Josh here, Toolbox developer. If you've created or installed a toolbox item, but it doesn't appear in the toolbox when the appropriate designer is active, the first thing to do is select "Show All" from the toolbox and check to see if the item is there at all.  (The new search feature might help.)  If the item ...

Can I host a VSIX on my own server?

Several of our VSIP partners have asked me if they can host their VSIX file on their own server and what would the user experience be?To answer the first question, yes, you can host your VSIX file on your owner server.  It doesn’t have to live on the Visual Studio Gallery.  Customers who visit your website can download the VSIX...

Behind the Scenes: The Splash Screen

(image) Paul Harrington – Principal Developer, Visual Studio Shell Team Short Bio: Paul Harrington is a principal software developer on the Visual Studio platform team. He has worked on every version of Visual Studio .Net to date. Prior to joining the Visual Studio team in 2000, Paul spent six years working on mapping and trip planning...

Tips and tricks: Window Management – Aero Snapping

(image) Adrian Collier – Program Manager, Visual Studio Shell Team Short Bio: I started at Microsoft as an intern in 2004 back in the UK and crossed the pond last year to work on Popfly, since then I’ve been working in Visual Studio land primarily working on the Start Page and window management areas if the IDE.   One of the largest...

Tips and tricks: Window Management – Aero Snapping

(image) Adrian Collier – Program Manager, Visual Studio Shell Team Short Bio: I started at Microsoft as an intern in 2004 back in the UK and crossed the pond last year to work on Popfly, since then I’ve been working in Visual Studio land primarily working on the Start Page and window management areas if the IDE.   One of the largest...

Improvements to VS 2010 Text Selection

(image) Brittany Behrens – Program Manager, Visual Studio Editor Team Short Bio: I’m Brittany, a Program Manager on the Visual Studio Editor team.  Some of you may recognize me from Connect bugs or as the main voice of @VSEditor on Twitter, and I’m responsible for a variety of Editor features.  I love hearing from customers, ...