Train with a Purpose

Celebrate Your Fitness

The countdown to DEKA FIT MIDWEST featuring the DEKA FIT Ultra World Cup is on!


DEKA Experiences

The DEKA Zones

Zone 1

30 ram alt reverse lunge

Zone 1 is a basic lunge movement that targets lower body muscle groups including the core, mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The weight of the ram roller adds an extra challenge to the zone.

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Zone 2

500m row

Zone 2 targets the lower body muscle groups and the core. The movement incorporates an upper body pull that strengthens back, shoulders, and arms.

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Zone 3

20 box step/jump over

Zone 3 targets the lower body muscle groups and the core. It requires focus on balance and coordination challenging the neuromuscular, and central nervous systems.

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Zone 4

25 med ball sit-up throw

Zone 4 provides a move that requires core strength, upper body strength, and shoulder mobility. After zone 4 is completed, every muscle group of the body, balance, and coordination have been challenged.

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Zone 5

500M Ski ERG

Zone 5 provides a move that requires overhead shoulder mobility, upper body, lower body, and core strength. Zone 5 also targets grip strength.

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Zone 6

100M Farmers carry

Zone 6 provides a move that requires basic lifting and carrying ability which places the body in a situation where full body strength balance, and coordination are required. There's also a big focus on grip strength.

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Zone 7

25c air bike

Zone 7 provides a move that targets every joint in the body which means every muscle group in the body is working. Once the first 6 zones have been completed, there’s no question the body is warmed-up and ready for the start of what we call the DEKA Gateway which is Zones 7-10. Zone 7 requires every muscle group in the body and is arguably the toughest zone of all 10.

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Zone 8

20 dead ball wall over

Zone 8 provides a move that like zone 7 targets every joint in the body which again which means that every muscle group in the body is worked out. Mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination will also play a key role.

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Zone 9

100M sled push/pull

Zone 9 provides a move that also targets the entire body with the back and forth pushing and pulling. This zone now puts the body in a situation where we build up to targeting the entire body with zones 1-6 and now the body is 3 zones into moves that require every joint and muscle group to complete the zone. The full body functional fitness test is almost complete.

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Zone 10

20 ram burpee

Zone 10 provides arguably the most well-rounded strength training move ever used. The Spartan RAM Burpee requires a squat, lowering the body down to the ground, pressing the body off the ground, standing up while lifting the weight off the ground, and finishing by pressing the weight overhead. More than any other move in the zones, every joint and muscle group is used while also challenging the now fatigued body with extensive balance and coordination.

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Zone 1 is a basic lunge movement that targets lower body muscle groups including the core, mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination. The weight of the ram roller adds an extra challenge to the zone.

Zone 2 targets the lower body muscle groups and the core. The movement incorporates an upper body pull that strengthens back, shoulders, and arms.

Zone 3 targets the lower body muscle groups and the core. It requires focus on balance and coordination challenging the neuromuscular, and central nervous systems.

Zone 4 provides a move that requires core strength, upper body strength, and shoulder mobility. After zone 4 is completed, every muscle group of the body, balance, and coordination have been challenged.

Zone 5 provides a move that requires overhead shoulder mobility, upper body, lower body, and core strength. Zone 5 also targets grip strength.

Zone 6 provides a move that requires basic lifting and carrying ability which places the body in a situation where full body strength balance, and coordination are required. There's also a big focus on grip strength.

Zone 7 provides a move that targets every joint in the body which means every muscle group in the body is working. Once the first 6 zones have been completed, there’s no question the body is warmed-up and ready for the start of what we call the DEKA Gateway which is Zones 7-10. Zone 7 requires every muscle group in the body and is arguably the toughest zone of all 10.

Zone 8 provides a move that like zone 7 targets every joint in the body which again which means that every muscle group in the body is worked out. Mobility, flexibility, balance, and coordination will also play a key role.

Zone 9 provides a move that also targets the entire body with the back and forth pushing and pulling. This zone now puts the body in a situation where we build up to targeting the entire body with zones 1-6 and now the body is 3 zones into moves that require every joint and muscle group to complete the zone. The full body functional fitness test is almost complete.

Zone 10 provides arguably the most well-rounded strength training move ever used. The Spartan RAM Burpee requires a squat, lowering the body down to the ground, pressing the body off the ground, standing up while lifting the weight off the ground, and finishing by pressing the weight overhead. More than any other move in the zones, every joint and muscle group is used while also challenging the now fatigued body with extensive balance and coordination.


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Top 3 All Time DEKA Marks

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“I love how DEKA truly tests my physical AND mental fitness, all while putting me in a competitive atmosphere. The energy of the other athletes pushing themselves helps motivate you to give it everything you’ve got! Whether you’re beginner, intermediate, or advanced- it’s you VS. you out there… nothing like DEKA!”

Renee Pickett, DEKA FIT Atlanta

“DEKA FIT was an amazing experience for me.  The training leading up to the event with my gym community and the extra support of the DEKA staff helped me accomplish my goals. After it was all said and done, I really do feel proud of myself and can’t wait for the next one!”


Jackie, DEKA FIT Palm Beach

“Whenever I tell friends and family I’m doing this kind of stuff (DEKA), they think I’m a little crazy, but I tell them Anybody can do it. It’s fun, you feel accomplished… and it just makes you feel powerful.”

Amanda, DEKA STRONG Liberty Hill