Establishing a National Section

Defence for Children International (DCI) is a movement for the promotion and protection of children’s rights. DCI is represented over 30 countries worldwide. National Sections and associated members design and implement their programmes according to spefici needs and priorities of the children in their respective countries, thus engaging in various spheres of work, including: justice for children, violence against children, children on the move, children in armed conflict, children deprived of liberty, as well as our cross-cutting issues of gender equality and child participation (see our Strategic Framework).


If you are concerned about children’s rights in your country, join us!

1. What does it mean to be a DCI national section or associated member?

  • A commitment to children’s human rights and to upholding the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • A responsibility to raise awareness about and act upon the child rights issues facing your country (both nationally and internationally);
  • A chance to be part of worldwide movement working to promote and protect the rights of the child;
  • An opportunity to make the challenges faced by children and young people in your country visible internationally.

2. What are the benefits?

  • Membership in an internationally recognised child rights movement;
  • Opportunity for involvement in DCI’s global campaigns and regional programmes
  • Training and capacity building opportunities;
  • Access to an international platform to advocate and lobby on national issues;
  • Opportunity to exchange information and expertise within the DCI network and with partners working on similar issues and programmes;
  • Link to Geneva United Nations forums through DCI’s ECOSOC consultative status, particularly the UN Human Rights Council, and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

4. How Do I Apply?

  • Send a letter to the DCI International Secretariat representing a group of at least 10 people. The request should indicate interest in becoming a national section or associated member (specifying which);
  • Complete the Membership application form ( EN / FR / SP) and gather the required accompanying documentation (as listed on the membership application form). Send the completed application (by email or postal mail) to the DCI International Secretariat

– See more at: qww

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