Justice for Children remains the overarching strategic priority of the DCI Movement. DCI has participated in the drafting of the UN Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (1985), of the new UNCRC General Comment No. 24 on Children’s Rights in the Child Justice System, and co-coordinated the NGO panel for the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty (GSCDL). DCI has convincingly demonstrated leadership, experience, and technical expertise on justice for children.

DCI’s long-term objectives focus on ensuring that children’s rights are acknowledged internationally and nationally and that child-friendly justice systems are established nationally, and based on the principles enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and all other relevant norms and standards.

DCI provides support and guidance for children whose rights have been/are being violated and for children in direct contact with the law. However, DCI’s definition of “Justice for Children” goes well beyond child justice: from developing child protection systems, to preventative, rehabilitation and empowerment projects for children victims of violence, as well as fighting against gender discrimination, to empowering children as actors and advocates for their rights.

Through its national sections and with associated members, DCI provides direct socio-legal support to children through their Socio-Legal Defence Centres (SLDCs).  Children who come into contact with justice systems are often denied or unable to properly enjoy their rights.  At the same time, children whose rights are violated often face difficulties in accessing justice or remedies.  Without access to justice, however, there are no rights. In response to this, DCI created an innovative model incorporating international children’s rights standards and child-friendly principles that is adaptable to address the most pressing issue affecting our national sections.

DCI’s socio-legal defence centres actively protect and proactively promote children’s rights by acting as a referral pathway and conducting daily monitoring of children rights’ implementation.  Using a multi-disciplinary approach, the SLDCs provide training, technical assistance, and capacity building in addition to legal aid. 

In addition to our national activities, DCI International Secretariat advocates for children and their rights within the justice system at the international level.  Along with other civil society partners and independent experts, DCI contributed to a joint submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment 24 (also known as the revision of General Comment 10 on children’s rights in juvenile justice systems).  The submission highlighted the importance, among other priorities, of the ratification of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and its Optional Protocol as well as the establishment of National Preventative Mechanisms.  

Despite some progress, many countries lack information about the needs of children in contact with the law. Governments often fail to align their national legislation with existing standards or to provide the child-friendly justice systems enshrined in the UNCRC.  Pursuing the protection and respect of the human rights of children involved in justice system remain a huge challenge.  DCI – with its multi-level structure – is in a unique position to change the situation of children in contact with the law and to ensure that all children can access justice on an equal basis.

DCI is an active founding member of the Child Justice Advocacy Group (CJAG).  The group unites key international nongovernmental organisations working in the field of justice for children— Terre des Hommes International Federation, Penal Reform International, Child Rights Information Network, Child Rights International Network (CRIN), World Organisation Against Torture, Justice studio., International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates. Regarding children recruited by ISIL, CJAG calls on all authorities to facilitate their rehabilitation and recovery.  CJAG’s position paper “Bringing Children Home” emphasises the rights of children set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and asserts that children must never be criminalised purely for their association with or membership in a terrorist group.

In collaboration with Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies’ Task Force on Justice, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children, UNICEF, and other world-renowned partners, DCI forms part of Justice for Children, Justice for All Initiative (SDG16+), an interagency initiative that aims to leave no child behind within the context of achieving the SDGs.  The initiative highlights however that children are being left behind in the pursuit of SDG16 (on justice).

In response to challenges, a global Call to Action was launched at the heart of the “Justice for Children, Justice for All: The Challenge to Achieve SDG16+.”  The Justice for Children, Call to Action outlines a strategic vision that promotes children’s rights and allows them to reach their full potential as active members of society.  The Call to Action highlights the top ten critical impediments towards justice for children and emphasises the need for sustained political commitment.

Find here the Press Release 

Socio-Legal Defence Centres (SLDCs)

The work of SLDCs consists in actively offering children in conflict with the law, child victims and witnesses, as well as adults confronted with child rights violations direct access to justice and corresponding quality social-legal support, including:

  • information provision;
  • referrals to other service providers;
  • psychosocial counselling and;
  • free-of-charge legal advice and representation – including in court.

Through its National Sections worldwide, DCI has found that Socio-Legal Defence Centres (SLDCs) are effective in providing boys and girls with the opportunity to effectively access justice and obtain remedies.

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