Who Dies In ‘Manifest’ Season 4, Part 2: Which 828 Passengers Imploded? Does Angelina Die?

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Considering Manifest has been building up to Flight 828’s “Death Date” for the past four seasons — and Season 4’s midseason finale featured a crucial character death — we had a pretty good feeling the final 10 episodes of Jeff Rake’s series would feature its fair share of casualties. And we were right.

Season 4, Part 2 quite literally begins with a newscaster explaining that more than 700 people died in the midseason finale’s tri-state fissure event, courtesy of Angelina and her Omega sapphire. And though the Death Date didn’t completely wipe out humanity like it could have, as the season progressed and more mysterious events transpired, Manifest’s final death count rose, with several passengers losing their lives along the way.

Curious who dies in Manifest Season 4, Part 2? Does Angelina die? Does Cal die? Do passengers survive their Death Date and save the world? There are far too many deaths in Manifest‘s universe to track, but here’s a list of noted Season 4, Part 2 deaths.

  1. 828 Security Guards

    'Manifest' guards
    Photo: Netflix

    As a result of Captain Daly’s plagues and general chaos at the 828 detention center, we see several security guards die in Manifest‘s final 10 episodes.

  2. Captain Bill Daly

    Captain Daly on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    Speaking of Captain Daly (Frank Deal), the Flight 828 pilot has been through hell and put up quite the fight, but after being tricked by a fake Angelina sapphire calling, in which she took the form of Daly’s son and encouraged him to die, security guards who were fearful of Daly’s dangerous medical condition shot and killed the pilot. Daly was one of two crucial “witnesses” who Angelina set out to kill to bring about Judgement Day.

  3. Fiona Clarke

    Fiona on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    The second “witness” Angelina killed was fellow 828 passenger Fiona Clarke (Francesca Faridany). After Cal rescued her with help from a Calling, he and Olive cared for her and her collapsed lung at their home with help from Saanvi. When Fiona had trouble breathing, Saanvi walked Cal through an impromptu surgery that involved placing a straw in Fiona’s chest to help her oxygen flow. Later that night, Angelina faked a Calling, appeared before Eden as Olive, and encouraged her to remove the straw from Fiona’s chest, which killed her.

  4. Older Cal

    Ty Doran as older Cal on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    We said goodbye to young Cal Stone (Jack Messina) in Manifest‘s Season 3 finale and welcomed an older version of the character played by Ty Doran in Season 4. But in Manifest‘s series finale, we said goodbye to older Cal when he sacrificed himself at Storm King Mountain to carry out his calling and unite his Omega sapphire tattoo with the one in the piece of Noah’s arc driftwood Saanvi tossed into a fissure earlier in the series. As Cal disappeared, a beam of glowing blue light shot up from the ground and summoned passengers to the area. In the episode’s final minutes, it’s Messina’s Cal who runs off the plane in a full-circle cameo.

  5. Paul Santino

    Paul on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    After 828 passengers reboard their Montego Air plane and prepare for their judgment, a number of folks struggle to breathe onboard, while others, like Paul, start exhibiting cracked skin that oozes lava. The first passenger to implode and turn to dust on the plane? Paul Santino (Kerry Malloy), who abused his wife.

  6. Randall Barr

    Randall on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    The next life claimed in dramatic fashion on the flight? Passenger Randall Barr, played by Christopher Piccione. Turns out they’re imploding just as they would have had their plane crashed.

  7. Autumn Cox

    Autumn on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    Several other unknown passengers implode as Ben and the group attempt to process what’s going on and how to stop it, but the next passenger we watch turn to dust is Autumn Cox (Shirley Rumierk).

  8. Angelina Meyer

    Holly Taylor as Angelina on 'Manifest'
    Photo: Netflix

    Yes, one of TV’s most infuriating villains Angelina Meyer (Holly Taylor) turned to dust in the series finale after an extended burning/torture process. Farewell forever, girlie! It’s been awful. Though it remains unclear which additional passengers perished on the flight back to April 7, 2013, when the surviving passengers step off the plane we learn that 11 passengers are missing.

Though there was a mass amount of death and destruction in Season 4, Part 2, at long last the majority of the 828 passengers got their happy ending. And we even got Zeke back from the dead!

All four seasons of Manifest are currently streaming on Netflix.