If You Need Me I’ll Be Screaming Over Ben and Saanvi’s ‘Manifest’ Kiss

Warning: Spoilers for Manifest Season 4, Part 1 ahead.

After four seasons of tireless shipping, Manifest fans finally got a taste of the romantic couple they’ve been craving since the start of the series: Ben Stone and Saanvi Bahl.

Since Season 1, Ben (Josh Dallas) and Saanvi (Parveen Kaur) shared the same burning desire to solve the mysteries of Flight 828, save their fellow passengers, and survive the Death Date. Their chemistry is effortless, they work incredibly well together, and Saanvi is always there to help care for Cal. In Season 2, Saanvi revealed her romantic feelings for Ben in a therapy session with The Major (TBT), and though she and Ben have had their fair share of moments throughout the series, one thing has always stopped them from crossing the line from friendship to romance: Ben’s wife, Grace.

In Season 4, Manifest confirmed early on that Grace did die at the end of Season 3. Her loss is undoubtedly tragic and though two years have passed, the Stone family (especially Ben) is still taking Grace’s death very hard. But longtime Benvi shippers also see Season 4 as a new opportunity for Saanvi and Ben to be endgame — especially since they kissed in Episode 7. Yeah, you heard me. KISSED!

Ben and Saanvi kissing on 'Manifest' Season 4
Photo: Netflix

Episode 7, “Romeo,” finds Ben and Saanvi snooping around a nursing home that holds detained passengers. Ben gets to the nursing home first and has a look around, but when Saanvi shows up later, the woman at the front desk gets suspicious. Without missing a beat, Ben says, “I’m sorry, I apologize. This is my wife.” Then he smooches Saanvi so casually, as though the unexpected act of passion I’ve been wanting for four seasons wouldn’t make me nearly choke on my own saliva from gasping so hard. Saanvi seemed pleasantly surprised by the kiss, and she quickly got into character, saying, “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was crazy.” Ben replies, “Don’t worry about it babe. Dad’s gonna love this place.” Oh, and did I mention this whole time Ben is HOLDING SAANVI’S HAND? Because he is.

LOOK AT THEM. They’re beautiful. One one hand, the fact that the kiss was so casual and effortless shows the two are incredibly comfortable with each other. But the way they don’t discuss this kiss fans have waited literal years for? Not cool. We need more, Manifest writers. Don’t leave us hanging at the end of the series.

Fans will recall Saanvi was romantically linked to Dr. Alex Bates (Sydney Morton) throughout the series, and though it’s clear the two still have lingering feelings for each other, Season 4 didn’t just give fans hope for a potential Saanvi and Ben romance in that one kiss scene. We also got a face caress and a major Benvi moment in Episode 9, “Rendezvous.”

While everyone was making toasts at Mick and Zeke’s engagement party, Saanvi decided to share a few meaningful words. She held her glass up and said, “As someone who is still in search of their person, you two give me hope. So here’s to happiness and to hope.” That’s precious as hell, but the fact that the camera focused on Ben’s face as she delivered those words felt like a careful creative choice meant to foreshadow a deeper connection between the two. Needless to say, Ben and Saanvi shippers were delighted by all the romantic progression in Season 4 Part 1.

Here’s hoping Manifest Season 4, Part 2 shows Saanvi and Ben finally exploring their feelings for each other, and, you know, figuring out a way to survive the Death Date. That too.