Bill Maher Scolds “Fragile” People Who Find Certain Halloween Costumes Offensive

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Bill Maher is fed up with people offended by Halloween costumes.

Last night on HBO‘s Real Time with Bill Maher, the host scolded people who are already branding certain Halloween costumes as “off limits.” With so many options for costumes, the woke crowd seems to already be having a field day with canceling those who decide to dress up as specific controversial people.

Recently, there was even a BuzzFeed article designating 23 costumes as “offensive” this year.

“If Halloween is too much for your fragile sensibilities and you’re worried about seeing someone wearing something that’s on the forbidden costume list, just stay the f*ck home,” said Maher. “Every year we go through this bullsh*t. Lists of costumes you better not wear, lest the night of irreverent dress up spiral into something fun.”

He further added, “Halloween is supposed to be outrageous. It’s a festival of the sacrilegious and a celebration for the grotesque. From zombies to ghouls to bobbing for apples in other people’s saliva. Yet, every year, there’s a new list of offensive things we shouldn’t do on the day that’s all about being offensive.”

The forbidden costume list includes Queen Elizabeth (“too soon”), sexy schoolgirls, Playboy bunnies, Elvis, and “don’t even think of characters outside your race.”

Also, “no unhoused person” (aka “what we used to call a hobo”) which eliminates the “default costume of every kid in history.” No drag queens, either, “because if kids want to go see drag queens, they can go to story hour.”

Also on the list of banned costumes is Putin, Trump, Johnny Depp, Amber Heard and certainly nothing related to vaccines and monkeypox.

“Listen to me,” Maher said, addressing the teens of the nation. “I’m your last connection to fun.” He went on to even encourage mixing and matching. “Have the Queen shit in Johnny’s bed, have Will Smith smacking a hobo, have Kevin Spacey hitting on a mariachi band. Jeffrey Dahmer is the perfect Halloween costume.”

Interestingly enough, it’s Gen Z who seem to be the most sensitive. “Your parents protected you, and now you’re these assholes. Gen Z is the one telling you to get off my lawn.”

You can check out Maher’s entire segment above.