Bill Maher Says UFOs Are Casing Navy Pilots To Attack On ‘Real Time’

It was a somewhat dull episode of HBO‘s Real Time With Bill Maher last night, however, there were a few interesting topics on the table.

Actor David Duchovny was Maher’s featured guest, who sat down with the host to talk about his new book, The Reservoir: A Novella. The conversation eventually evolved into a discussion on UFOs, given Duchovny’s background as former X-Files star.

Duchovny shared his theory on UFOs, that aliens mimic the old “Ship of Fools” strategy, wherein a society would cast off its criminals and other unwanted on ships set to sea.

Because most people on earth who claim that they’ve encountered aliens say it involved teeth drilling and anal probing, Duchovny suggested that maybe, “Some alien civilization was fed up with their sex offenders and their dentists, and put them on an intergalactic ship, and sometimes they come around us.”

Maher then shared his own theory on otherworldly visitors. He noted that a great deal of UFOs are seen by trained Navy pilots. He says the reason being, “Because that’s who they are casing to attack. They are seeing what they can do.”

You can watch Maher make his comments about UFOs above.

Later in the show Maher brought up the topic of Dave Chappelle with his panel, which featured author and podcast host Matt Taibbi as well as Lis Smith, former advisor to Pete Buttigieg.

Maher asserted “Democrats have lost their sense of humor,” and said “Dave Chapelle getting kicked out pissed me off. Then people say cancel culture isn’t a real thing?”

Smith said she was on Chappelle’s side, but added that it’s a losing battle to take on the transgender community. “There’s no one more powerless than the transgender community,” she claimed.

Maher disagreed. “I reject (that),” he said, but noted, “You’re allowed to have that point of view and Dave is still allowed to appear in Minneapolis.”

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