‘Pam & Tommy’ Ending Explained: What Happened Next to Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee?

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Hulu‘s Pam & Tommy told the very real and very upsetting tale of the first major celebrity sex tape scandal. Pamela Anderson (Lily James) and Tommy Lee (Sebastian Stan) had a private recording stolen from them and then shared — without their consent — with the world. While shadowy figures profited off the tape, Pam and Tommy found their reputations sullied, their careers stalled, and their own relationship on the skids. But what happened to Pam, Tommy, Rand (Seth Rogen), and everyone else involved in the scandal after the credits of Pam & Tommy roll? Where exactly does Pam & Tommy leave off and where are they now?

Pam & Tommy is an eight-part limited series that seeks to look at the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape scandal through fresh eyes. In the ’90s, the general consensus was that Anderson and Lee were somehow involved with the tape’s exposure and were profiting off the tape’s sales. In fact, the married couple were victims of a deeply perverse crime. The tape had been stolen and distributed out of vengeance by contractor Rand Gauthier. The negative attention the tape brought to Anderson may have cost her opportunities in Hollywood, while the pressure of the experience clearly impacted the couple’s marriage negatively. As Pam & Tommy notes in its final coda, Anderson eventually divorced Lee and the rock star spent time in jail for domestic violence.

So how does Pam & Tommy wrap its wild story up? Where are Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee in 2022? Here’s everything you need to know about the ending of Hulu’s Pam & Tommy...

Sebastian Stan in Pam & Tommy
Photo: Hulu

Pam & Tommy Ending Explained: What Happens at the End of the Hulu Show?

Pam & Tommy ends with Rand Gauthier attempting to make things right with karma and the dissolution of Pam and Tommy’s marriage. Rand somehow saves up $10,000 and gives it to ex-wife Erica (Taylor Schilling) to cover their divorce. The coda tells us he’s been living in a small town in Northern, California since 2002.

Pam and Tommy, though, don’t get quite so happy an ending. After trying to move past the drama of the sex tape scandal, they have a huge fight over Tommy’s drinking and rage-fueled mood swings. What specifically is coming between them, though, is an offer from internet porn titan Seth Warshavsky. He offers to buy the online licensing rights from Pam and Tommy so that the only place you can watch their tape online is his website. Pam decides to sign for no money to contain the problem. Tommy remains defiant, until he finally sees how it’s hurting Pam.

However that’s not enough to save their marriage. In the final moments of Pam & Tommy, we see Pamela getting her tattooed wedding ring of Tommy’s name changed to “Mommy.” The end coda reveals in 1998, Anderson filed for divorce while Lee spent time in jail for domestic violence. They briefly reunited in 2008, but it didn’t last.

Pam & Tommy on Hulu: Where are Pamela Anderson, Tommy Lee, and the Rest of the Characters Today?

So there’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s start with the good!

Pamela Anderson is alive and well. She is working with Netflix on a documentary about her life and will play Roxie Hart on Broadway later this year. She is close with elder son Brandon Thomas Lee (and once saged his crotch on MTV; it’s cute). She is, however, by all accounts not happy with the Hulu series.

Tommy Lee is currently married to Brittany Furlan and will be touring with Mötley Crüe this summer.

Rand Gauthier, as the Hulu series notes, grows pot in Northern California.

Erica Gauthier, aka Erica Boyer, tragically died in a car crash in 2009.

Uncle Miltie, aka Milton Ingley (Nick Offerman) lived in Amsterdam until 2004. He passed away shortly after returning to the US in 2006.

Where to stream Pam & Tommy