Whoopi Goldberg Says Meghan McCain’s Father Warned Them She’d Be a “Pain in the A**” in ‘The View’ Goodbye Speech

With Meghan McCain announcing her exit from The View this morning after four seasons on the show, her co-hosts bid goodbye to the conservative panelist by sharing some of their best memories with her and thanking her for her strong, unapologetic presence over the past four years.

McCain, who will be leaving The View at the end of July, broke the news in a lengthy speech on this morning’s episode, telling her co-hosts that it was her late father, Sen. John McCain, who pushed for her to take the job in the first place.

“Before I came onto the show, I didn’t want to join the show, as I think I’ve talked about in the past, and it was my dad who encouraged me to do it,” Meghan explained. “He said that I could never give up an opportunity to work on such an iconic show and to work with Whoopi Goldberg and he was right. It was one of the last things he told me to do before he died.”

Goldberg, who said it was “quite wonderful” to sit across from Meghan for four years, told her co-host, “Your dad was very smart. He wanted you to be here with us because I think he thought we could help toughen you up for what was coming.” She added, “It was an honor when he said, ‘Please take my child.'”

Meghan joked that her father had warned “she’s a pain in the ass” before she joined The View, with Goldberg replying, “He did say that!” with a laugh and asking co-host Sunny Hostin if she remembered the conversation, too.

Hostin confirmed the story, telling Meghan, “He told me to take it easy on Meghan, that I would learn to love her and understand her, and that she would be a pain in the ass, and he was right about all of those things.” Hostin added that she and Meghan talk “every day,” even texting during the show. “I’ll miss those conversations,” she said. “I think you have a really important point of view.”

Sara Haines praised Meghan for leaving the show, telling her, “Good for you. It’s a full-circle moment to know so much of your dad’s words brought you here and yet your calling for your daughter and your family is what takes you away.”

Joy Behar, who clashed with Meghan most often, admitted she and her co-host had their differences, but she appreciated having her on the show the past four years. “You and I have had our disagreements, we’ve had our fights, we also had some drinking moments which were rather fun and interesting,” she began. “But I have to say that we have in common, you and I have in common as do all of us here, we’re on a show where we stick our necks out, we take the blowback, we take a lot of hits on this show and we stick by our points of view.

“You have done that brilliantly for four years, I hope you can say that I did the same thing,” she continued. “I really, really appreciated the fact that you were a formidable opponent in many ways and that you spoke your mind, and you’re no snowflake, missy.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC. Watch McCain’s full goodbye speech in the video above.

Where to watch The View