Leslie Jones Rating Cable News Guests’ Zoom Backgrounds is the Height of Comedy

Leslie Jones may no longer be on Saturday Night Live, but she’s still delivering the laughs. Last night, the comedian spent hours commenting on the day’s political news in a series of videos that were all but guaranteed to go viral. Fans listened with delight as Jones sounded off on everything from the Georgia Senate runoffs to President Trump’s surprise speech, but it was her Room Rater-esque hot takes that really stole the show. Get this woman an HGTV series, STAT.

Jones has been filming her television and providing commentary for the past few weeks, but on Wednesday night, she kicked things up a notch when she posted dozens — and I mean dozens — of videos recapping the evening in cable news. The SNL alum began the night with a video of former Sen. Claire McCaskill, who called in to MSNBC from the comfort of her kitchen. “Yaaas, Claire, you got the update,” said Jones, praising the politician’s new decorations. “Okay, so that’s an apple and a Santa. Okay, beautiful flowers, still. You added something to the dish thing — are those Santas? Well, aren’t you just festive this morning, ain’t ya!”

The comedian followed up with analyses of the backgrounds behind Rep. Adam Schiff, Trita Parsi, and Vermont Gov. Ned Lamont. Of course, not all of their rooms got her stamp of approval: Schiff, in particular, was roasted for his “goddamn courthouse” Zoom background. “That look like a fucking courthouse. This can’t be in his house, unless they’re moving or something,” said Jones. “Where are you, Adam? Are you lost in your own house? Do you need help?”

Jones then moved on to less aesthetically-pleasing topics — “You’re going to be in jail, bitch!” she screamed about the president — before returning to her roots. “These backgrounds are shitty, man,” she said, as a trio of CNN commentators flashed on screen. “Are they all in the studio? These backgrounds is real shitty-ditty … Where’s the backgrounds at?”

“I’m gonna say your wife hooked your shit up,” she added of The Washington Post’s Robert Acosta. The “gorgeous” Maya Wiley, a former U.S. District Attorney in the Southern District of New York, also earned Jones’ praise. “I see the Martin Luther King candle. That’s dope,” she said. “Sister, that jacket is dope. I want to know what that little statue in the back. You didn’t tell me what that tree was with the little lady under it. You ain’t tell me what that was yet, sis. I need to know what that is.”

Tune in tonight for another edition of “Clean Up Your Damn Room with Leslie Jones!”