‘The View’ Hosts Absolutely Eviscerate Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “It’s Only an Hour Show”

Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders aware that she’s no longer the White House press secretary? This morning, the Trump official stopped by The View, where she sparred with the co-hosts about everything from The Atlantic‘s bombshell Trump article to his COVID-19 response and beyond. Unfortunately for Sanders and viewers alike, the former press secretary was absolutely eviscerated by the show’s panelists, who came into the interview guns a-blazing. It’s just like old times!

The View‘s Meghan McCain wasted no time before asking Sanders about the biggest news story of the week: Trump’s alleged disrespect of the U.S. military, as reported by The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. “We’re going to jump right in. Just pivoting off the last topic, because I think it would be awkward not to just open with this,” said McCain, referencing a heated discussion about the article in the last segment. She noted that while Sanders has publicly disputed The Atlantic’s reporting, “The president has a consistent history and pattern of saying incendiary things about people like my father,” so she’s apt to believe the claim. “I want to know if you understand my and other people’s perspective on it,” she told her guest. “Character and principle on this still matter.”

“After spending nearly every single day for two and a half years next to the president, I can tell you I witnessed first hand the president’s respect and admiration for the men and women of our armed forces,” replied Sanders. She added that she “was one of the few people that were in the room” when one of the conversations alleged in The Atlantic’s reporting took place, and she does not remember it happening as such. “I’m going on the record and I’m telling you it didn’t happen,” said the former WH press secretary. “That’s not who this president is, and that’s not how he feels about the men and women who serve in our military.”

Before McCain could jump back in, the discussion turned to police brutality, and Sunny Hostin didn’t hold back. She repeatedly asked why Trump declined to reach out to Jacob Blake, a Black man who was shot seven times in the back by a police officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to which Sanders said that “Trump has been strong” on the issue of police violence and racism. “[Joe Biden] has done nothing to empower the Black community!” said Sanders. “He has done nothing to create change for our Black community.”

“This is happening in Trump’s America!” fired back Hostin. “This is not Joe Biden’s America; this is Trump’s America! This is happening under your president’s watch!”

When Sanders attempted to say that police brutality and the subsequent calls for social change only occur in “Democrat-led cities,” Joy Behar stepped in to shut her down. “Sarah, it’s only an hour show,” said the longtime co-host, before shifting the discussion back to The Atlantic article. With a few leading questions, Behar established that Sanders was not present for every conversation described in the report, and therefore, she is not qualified to issue a blanket dismissal of the claims.

“I spent more time with him than anybody,” replied Sanders, continuing to toe the party line. “I got your answer! I got your answer, Sarah!” interrupted Behar with a hand wave. “Alright, alright.”

Even the softball topic got out of hand. After the commercial break, Sanders was asked about being a working mom, and rather than simply answer the question, she went on a rant about “the liberal mob” attacking her in front of her children. When Behar asked how she could work “for someone who throws personal attacks on people on a regular basis” if she feels that way, things spun off the rails, and the two began to yell at one another as the rest of the panel looked on.

“Can I get my question in, PLEASE?!” yelled moderator Whoopi Goldberg, officially ending the spat. We’re all very grateful, Whoopi.

And to think, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was supposed to be on The View to promote her new book.

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