Bill Maher Jokes About QAnon Leader And Mainstream Traction Of Conspiracy Theory On ‘Real Time’

After a Republican QAnon supporter won a congressional primary this week and President Donald Trump embraced the conspiracy group during a White House briefing, Bill Maher felt compelled to tell America the true identity of the group’s founder “Q”… which he again claimed to be himself.

“It makes perfect sense that I — libertine, atheist, pot-smoking Trump-hating Bill Maher — am Q,” the host of Real Time said. “I am, which I revealed on this show two years ago.” He then cut to a quick clip from that episode and returned, cloaked and appearing under blue light in front of a laptop, joking that the speculation is true.

Maher stated that his most serious followers know, “It makes the least sense. … Assume the opposite of the opposite of what you know is not true. Then and only then are you thinking like a true QAnon.”

In his opening monologue, Maher also took a jab at The Dems, yawning about this week’s Democratic National Convention. “You ever tune in to the Jerry Lewis telethon at like 2 in the morning?” he asked rhetorically. He also referred to the Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden as “the Fresh Prince of Smell Hair,” if he had a rap name.

Throughout the broadcast, Maher welcomed famed director Oliver Stone, with whom he discussed censorship in 2020; Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican who spoke during Night 1 of the Democratic National Convention on Monday; Rev. Dr. William Barber II, co-chair of Poor People’s Campaign; and Thomas Frank, author of The People, No. A Brief History of Anti-Populism on last night’s episode.

The HBO host also said during his monologue this week that Real Time “will return to the studio next week” for the first time since March 13 without an audience. He has been doing shows from home with laugh tracks and video interviews since April 3.

You can check out the segment above about QAnon, a Trump-supporting movement that believes Donald and “Q” are battling an international syndicate of Satan-worshiping pedophile elites who devour babies.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor

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