Meghan McCain Rips Memorial Day Partiers: Did You Have to Go Full ‘Girls Gone Wild’?

Meghan McCain has spent the past few weeks pleading with lawmakers to reopen the economy, but after seeing crowds storm lakes and beaches over the weekend, she’s starting to rethink that stance. Tuesday morning on The View, the conservative co-host admitted that she was “very disheartened” to see Americans ignoring social distancing over the holiday weekend, as she didn’t think that lifting coronavirus restrictions would lead people to go full “MTV Spring Break.” What did you think was going to happen?

The View wasted no time before getting into Tuesday’s first Hot Topic: Americans across the country celebrating Memorial Day by defying social distancing rules. “It’s a weekend to honor the sacrifices made for freedom, but there didn’t seem to be much sacrificing happening in crowds that swarmed pools and lakes and beaches,” said longtime moderator Whoopi Goldberg, by way of introduction (she didn’t even ask her co-hosts about their long weekends!). “It looked like any other Memorial Day weekend.”

McCain, the first to speak, highlighted a video of poolside revelers in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, and she explained that the clip is rightly getting “the most attention” from critics. “Look, I have been advocating on this show for over a month to reopen the economy,” she said. “I think I’m just confused as to why I’ve been advocating for a slow-roll open of the economy if we aren’t going to have some kind of in-between between completely isolating, quarantining forever, and Girls Gone Wild.”

“I’m very confused. For me, when you see that gripping New York Times cover with all the names of people that have died,” she continued, “I’m just confused at the insensitivity.”

McCain added that she spent much of the weekend “very upset” about videos and images of those flouting social distancing guidelines, as they are preventing her from returning to normalcy later in the summer. “Again, I’ve been completely isolated and quarantined, and all I want to do by August is be able to buy a crib for my baby in a store, and visit my father’s grave!” she said with an emotional flourish. “That’s it! That’s all I want to do before the fall.”

“To see people sort of rubbing their nose at all the sacrifices of our first responders, and there’s still so much unknown about this virus — I’ve been very, very disheartened,” she concluded. “It’s happening everywhere. It’s a red state-blue state problem.”

Watch Meghan McCain backtrack on reopening the economy in the clip above.

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