Corey Feldman Accuses Charlie Sheen of Sexually Abusing Corey Haim in New Documentary

Almost three years after he first started fundraising, Corey Feldman‘s (My) Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys documentary is finally here. In the new documentary, which promises to name Hollywood abusers, Feldman claims that Charlie Sheen sodomized his friend Corey Haim while filming 1986 film Lucas. According to Entertainment Weekly, the former child star recalls that Haim “went into great detail” about the alleged rape, and he provides a graphic account of the incident. Sheen has denied this allegation in the past but has yet to comment on claims made in Feldman’s documentary.

In (My) Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys, Feldman lists men who allegedly sexually assaulted him and Haim as children, including Sheen, actor Jon Grissom, and former talent manager Marty Weiss (Grissom and Weiss have denied allegations of abuse). EW reports that the documentary devotes a large portion of time to Haim’s claim against Sheen, details of which the star allegedly revealed to Feldman years ago.

“This wasn’t like a one time thing he said in passing. It wasn’t like ‘Oh, by the way, this happened.’ He went into great detail,” a crying Feldman says of Haim. “He told me, ‘Charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight. Anybody could have walked by, anybody could have seen it.'”

When the actors worked together on Lucas, Sheen was 19 and Haim, who passed away in 2010 from pneumonia, was 13.

According to EW, Feldman’s ex-wife Susannah Sprauge also claims that Haim divulged details of the alleged rape. “He shared with me that on the set of Lucas that he was raped as a little boy,” she says. “He told me that it was his costar and he told me that it was Charlie Sheen that did it.”

In November 2017, late actor Dominick Brascia — who is also named in (My) Truth as one of Haim’s alleged abusers — came forward with similar allegations. In a statement provided to the National Enquirer, Brascia claimed that Haim confided that Sheen raped him on the set of Lucas. “He told me they smoked pot and had sex,” said Brascia. “He said they had anal sex. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.”

Sheen publicly denied the allegations at the time. “Charlie Sheen categorically denies these allegations. He absolutely denies the claim,” said his representative in a statement.

EW reports that the Two and a Half Men star later sued the National Enquirer and Brascia for defamation; after much back and forth, Sheen dismissed the lawsuit and the parties settled out of court.

The premiere of (My) Truth: The Rape of Two Coreys was plagued with technical issues, so Feldman’s documentary will re-air today at 3 p.m. EDT/12 p.m. PDT. Tickets to the live stream cost $20 and can be found on the (My) Truth website.

Where to stream Lucas