Joy Behar and Meghan McCain Spar Over Al Franken Allegations: “He Was Nowhere Near Her Actual Breasts!”

The View Season 22 may be winding down, but its hosts sure aren’t. On Tuesday, the panel clashed during a discussion about former Rep. Al Franken, who recently told The New Yorker that he “absolutely” regrets resigning after sexual misconduct allegations were levied against him. While the panel agreed that the Ethics Committee should have investigated the allegations, Joy Behar and Meghan McCain clashed over his immediate resignation. After Behar went out of her way to defend the congressman by comparing his behavior to Joe Biden’s, McCain exploded, saying, “There are no pictures of Joe Biden putting his hands on a woman’s breasts.” Fired back Behar, “He was nowhere near her actual breasts!”

Behar has been vocal in her defense of Franken in the past, but this morning, she came out in full force. “I’ve said before that I thought he needed due process. He just left,” she said. “The guy was just forced to resign … It was kind of a political hit, in many ways.” Behar went on to mention Jane Mayer’s New Yorker story, in which she takes a close look at Leann Tweeden’s sexual misconduct allegations against him. “A lot of the things that she told us, Tweeden, the girl who accused him, some of it has some holes,” said the longtime host. “There were some holes in her story which should have come out.”

McCain immediately pushed back, saying that Mayer’s piece only references Tweeden, not “the seven other women who accused [Franken] of sexual misconduct.” She noted that Franken “needed to resign,” as it would have been “very uncomfortable for Democrats” for him to question Brett Kavanaugh about similar allegations. Behar wasted no time before firing back. “According to him, those allegations were part of his personality, the way Biden has been able to get out of those allegations,” she said. “This is the same thing that Biden says, and you’re okay with that.”

“I wouldn’t compare his allegations to Biden’s,” replied McCain. “No woman, that I’m aware of, has accused Joe Biden of kissing her without him — forcing himself kissing her.” Yelled Behar, “Nobody corroborated that!” When McCain noted that “there are no pictures of Joe Biden putting his hands on a woman’s breasts that I’m aware of,” Behar bizarrely doubled down. “She was wearing a flack jacket,” said Behar. “The problem with that was that she was sleeping, and he admits that was wrong. He was nowhere near her actual breasts!”

Watch Behar and McCain throw down in the clips above.

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