Watch ‘Parks & Rec’ Actor Jim O’Heir Hilariously Spoof Fyre’s Infamous Blowjob Scene

Last night during the Film Independent Spirit Awards, host Aubrey Plaza played a clip of Parks & Recreation actor Jim O’Heir hilariously spoofing Andy King’s infamous bjowjob scene from Netflix’s documentary Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened. In the clip, O’Heir claims that his former co-star asked him to perform fellatio on a Costco employee to save the awards ceremony.

O’Heir recounts that Plaza called him up to asked him to “take one for the team.” Since the show had spent all of its budget flying in John Waters, O’Heir was asked to blow a cashier named Joel to secure all of the water bottles necessary for the awards show attendees.

If you recall from watching the documentary, King, who is a veteran event producer, was tasked with coordinating the execution of Billy McFarland’s failed Fyre Festival. The much-hyped event was eventually cancelled shortly after attendees started arriving on the island due to lack of running water and other basic necessities.

During the SVOD feature, King revealed that McFarland asked him to handle the negotiation of a fine from customs in the amount of $175,000, which if paid, would allow trucks full of Evian water to flow through customs.

When sh*t hits the fan, McFarland asks King to visit the Head of Customs and… “suck [his] dick” if he has to. King, who felt that there was no other solution, headed to the office prepared to perform the act of felatio, but was luckily spared the embarrassment by the customs official.

“I got into my car, to drive across the island to take one for the team. And I got to [the customs officer’s] office, fully prepared to suck his dick,” he noted during the film, before revealing that the officer “couldn’t have been nicer” and literally just wanted the fine to be paid.

Was Jerry, oh we mean Jim, also spared the embarrassment? You’ll have to watch the clip above to find out.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor