Best On Netflix

The 17 Drama Films On Netflix With The Highest Rotten Tomatoes Scores

When it comes to dramas, Netflix does not play around. Yeah, the sci-fi movies make all the money and the comedies bring the memes, but its the dramas that have the power to really move an audience–and, most importantly for the focus of this list, critics.

If you’re into award-winning fare, Netflix has plenty of films old and new, foreign and domestic for you to check off your must-see list. Oscar winners, critical favorites, cultural touchstones, the breadth of Netflix’s drama selection is staggering. For instance, not only is Netflix home to Alfonso Cuaron’s current Golden Globe-winning feature Roma, the service also carries his English directorial debut A Little Princess. You’ll also find some of the most important works in the careers of directors like Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, and Orson Welles on the list.

With the Golden Globes behind us and the Academy Awards on the horizon, why not spend the first month of 2019 digging through Netflix’s extensive dramatic offerings? You’ll find under-appreciated Oscar gems like 45 Years as well as international films that may have slipped under your radar. Above you’ll find our list of the 17 drama films on Netflix with the highest Rotten Tomatoes scores, so get to watching!

Stream Roma on Netflix