Jane Fonda Feels “Badly” About ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ Cancellation Despite Long-Running Feud

Megyn Kelly and Jane Fonda fought not once, but twice during Kelly’s brief tenure at NBC, but now, Fonda is putting their dispute behind her once and for all. At the Women’s Media Center Awards on Thursday, Fonda told Entertainment Tonight that despite their longstanding feud, she “feel[s] badly” about Megyn Kelly Today‘s cancellation and the host’s swift demise at NBC.

“I feel badly, because, you know, I wanted her to make it, I did,” said Fonda. But regardless of the ongoing backlash surrounding Kelly, Fonda believes that the soon-to-be-former Today host will bounce back. “That’s always how everyone learns, through making mistakes,” she said. “It’s through failure that we grow and learn.” With a nod to her decades-spanning career — this is a woman who just released a documentary titled Jane Fonda in Five Acts — Fonda added, “I know that’s been true for me, and I think it is for everybody.”

Fonda and Kelly’s feud first began in September 2017, during the very first week of Megyn Kelly Today (what a way to kick things off!). Kelly asked Fonda about why she’s “not proud to admit that you’ve had work done,” and Fonda immediately recoiled. “We really want to talk about that right now?” The 80-year-old actor then did multiple interviews bashing Kelly, and the next day, the Today host addressed the situation, saying that it was ridiculous that she was “supposed to discern that this subject was suddenly off-limits.”

In January, Fonda reignited the simmering conflict when she joked about Megyn Kelly during an appearance with Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb on Today. Kelly didn’t take kindly to the playful comment: a few days later, she opened her show with “a word on Jane Fonda,” saying that “Hanoi Jane” has “no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive.”

Many months later, it seems like Fonda is ready to let bygones be bygones. Perhaps you could even go so far as to say that Jane Fonda is a little fonda Megyn Kelly.