Yvette Nicole Brown Accuses Melania Trump Of Being A Former “Mistress” On ‘The View’

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has fired back on comments made about Melania Trump on ABC’s The View by actress Yvette Nicole Brown.
Brown, the star of sitcom Community, was filling in for co-host Joy Behar on Friday when she said that Melania Trump may not mind the President’s alleged infidelities because she was once his mistress.
The comment was made as a reaction to a clip from ABC’s 20/20 interview with Melania Trump. Interviewer Tom Llamas was a guest on The View,  and aired a clip wherein the First Lady was asked about her thoughts on reports of her husband’s infidelity.
Melania Trump responded to the question thusly: “I am a mother and First Lady, and I have much more important things to think about and to do.”
Brown asked Llamas after the clip played on The View, “Is it possible that she’s not concerned with his mistresses because she was one of them? Is that possible that it doesn’t affect her in that way?”

The other View panelists appeared stunned, and co-host Abby Huntsman quickly posed a different question to Llamas.
Sanders blasted Brown’s remarks in a tweet, calling it another of the “disgusting attacks” on the First Lady. “The left’s “war on women” they disagree with is a disgrace. @FLOTUS is strong, accomplished, and has a lot more class than the women who bully her.”

A spokesperson for Melania Trump also tweeted, telling Brown on Twitter to “check your facts before you accuse someone of being a mistress. She deserves your respect & certainly not your lies. Disgusting.”
Brown was not moved. She tweeted,  “I stand by every word I said. My mom taught me that respect is earned. And thankfully we live in a nation–at least for now–where I don’t have to bow down to dear leader or his third wife.”
On Saturday, Brown updated her remarks via Twitter, presenting her attack on Melania Trump in a political context. “We all better stand up for what we believe in NOW. With the way things are going, we may be in the last days of being able to. We don’t live in a totalitarian nation…yet. My views are my own. And I own every one.”

We all better stand up for what we believe in NOW. With the way things are going, we may be in the last days of being able to.
We don’t live in a totalitarian nation…yet.
My views are my own. And I own every one. https://t.co/DPACg8obfw
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) October 13, 2018

Day 2 of attacks from @TheView. @YNB check your facts before you accuse someone of being a mistress. She’s your @FLOTUS – she deserves your respect & certainly not your lies. Disgusting. #disrespectful #accusation #LiberalMedia @TomLlamasABC @ABCWorldNews
— Stephanie Grisham (@StephGrisham45) October 12, 2018

Sad @TheView continues their disgusting attacks on @FLOTUS. The left’s “war on women” they disagree with is a disgrace. @FLOTUS is strong, accomplished, and has a lot more class than the women who bully her
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) October 12, 2018