I Want More ‘Imposters’ — But I’m Also Okay With That Ending

I’ve been obsessed with Bravo’s Imposters for two full seasons now, and I want to be for many more seasons to come. But if last night’s season 2 finale turns into a series finale, well, I can’t be mad at that either.

Con-flicted? Yes. (You get it, with the con thing?) Imposters knocked my socks off when I watched it in the beginning of 2017. My expectations were low, but boy were they exceeded. By taking an excellent cast of fresh actors and shoving gasp-worthy revelations in their faces, and ours, at every turn, a unique, exciting show was born. Co-created by Paul Adelstein and Adam Brooks, Inbar Lavi stars as Maddie, a con woman who makes people fall all the way in love with her before she takes everything they’ve got: cash, jewels, feelings, you name it. Parker Young, Rob Heaps and Marianne Rendón form what has lovingly been nicknamed The Bumblers, an unexpected group of buddies who bring a fun sense of humor and new emotional depths to each episode. Oh, and sometimes Uma Thurman shows up too.

From beginning to end, season one was packed with tension and action and romance, and proved not only to be highly entertaining but an excellent escape from the world. The complete season landed on Netflix ahead of the season 2 premiere this winter; I’m almost certain it’s been recommended to you, and if you didn’t watch it, well the blood is on your hands if this show goes away.

Because season 2 was great too, in a different way. We got to know these characters on new levels, and watch their goals and personalities shift as their worlds expanded and compressed accordingly. Season 2 was slick and enlightening and satisfying in a whole new way, while retaining the surprises and sexiness the show promised from the beginning.

While Netflix could swoop in, save the day and pick up the show for another season, I still can’t be mad about Imposters’ last episode on Bravo. If that is the end, it’s a damn good ending. The finale provides us with so much beautiful closure (spoilers!) in a way that guarantees I’ll always look back on this show fondly. We were treated to one last round of disguises, including quite the Marilyn moment, and a handful of those suspenseful sequences this show knows how to pull off so well.

While it became awfully fun to root for Maddie and watch her slip through an FBI agent’s fingers, she got caught, as she ultimately deserved to — though, knowing her, she’ll find a way to set herself free again. Another cat-and-mouse game came to a close as The Doctor met his justified demise. And now two-thirds of our precious Bumblers are off to live their lives, money in hand. Would it be fascinating to see Ezra, the last piece of that pie, step into the shoes (or glasses) of The Doctor now? Of course. But his character has also come full circle and there’s something so delicious about that as it is. From the baby dog eyes that were taken for all he had to now being the baby dog eyes doing the taking, a task he finds thrilling, no matter how reticent he is to admit it, his journey has been one of the show’s most interesting. Heaps did an excellent job bringing every little step of that transformation to life, but really, every actor on this show blossomed into incredible storytellers and I can’t wait to see what they do next. I dearly hope that it’s season 3 of Imposters, but whatever it may turn out to be, well, you know what they say. Always forward, never back.

Where to watch Imposters