Suck It, ‘Ghostbusters’ Trolls: Melissa McCarthy Has Nothing But Love For You

Sorry, online trolls, but as much as you tried to get Melissa McCarthy to hate you (oh, and you tried), she actually has nothing but compassion for the people that took to their keyboards to protest 2016’s Ghostbusters.

In the latest issue of People magazine, McCarthy says, “Weirdly, instead of getting mad at them, I always feel like, ‘Oh, I hope you meet someone soon that you can talk to, someone that really makes you laugh.’ I just root for that person to find a little joy.”

She goes on to say, “I’m never going to change things by sitting in my living room bawling. That’s not going to fix or help anything.”

“This has been a tough chunk of history for women,” she admitted. “But at one point I just said, ‘I’m not going to wallow in this anymore.’

Plus, it helps that McCarthy doesn’t have to interact with any online trolls in her own life. “It’s not my reality—the men I know wouldn’t act like this. So I look to the men I know, who have made my life better, and I just keep remembering that they’re the norm.”

She’s also passing this calm and wise perspective on to her daughters, Vivian, 11 and Georgette, 8, and reminding them to think about why another person might be acting out this way, especially online.

“It’s the same thing I tell my girls, ‘If somebody is being mean, they’re probably really not happy.’ If you’re having a great day, you don’t walk past someone and yell, ‘Freak!’ If you’re happy, you say, ‘I love your skirt!’ ”

Where to watch Ghostbusters