Woman Crush Wednesday: Sarah Goldberg is the Heart and Sunshine of HBO’s ‘Barry’

There’s a new Woman Crush Wednesday on the horizon and you’re going to fall hard for this one. As aspiring actress Sally Reed, Sarah Goldberg is the true breakout star of HBO’s Barry. So let’s get to know our new springtime crush, shall we?

WHO’S THAT GAL: Sarah Goldberg

WHY WE’RE CRUSHING: You know how sometimes you’re like, pshh, how can an actress really “radiate” off the screen? Then I’d like to direct you to Barry, where Sarah does exactly that. It’s clear very early on that she just plain stands out in HBO’s new dark comedy. In the first episode alone, Bill Hader’s Barry meets Sally at an acting class, and Sarah accomplishes something few actors can: she knows how to act poorly. There have been so many cinematic moments of actors pretending to act badly, but Sarah really nails it here, and it’s the ultimate compliment — and proof of her talent. Plus, paired with Barry’s introversion, Sarah gives Sally the right amount of a bubbly and welcoming lightness to balance out the duo’s intriguing on-screen chemistry.

Her character goes on to be both a bit erratic and also a total voice of reason for the show, as she’s grounded one minute, and spiraling the next. Honestly, it’s the true portrayal of a struggling actor in LA’s typical life. And while our tendency is to roll our eyes at these actor types, Sarah makes Sally someone you feel for, you root for, and you just plain like. Oh, and like to watch! Which means once this season of Barry is over, we’re going to be demanding to see Sarah in pretty much everything.


WHERE YOU’VE SEEN HER BEFORE: If you were keeping your eyes peeled, you would’ve noticed Sarah as Analyst #1 in The Dark Knight Rises back in 2012. Since then, she starred in the VH1 series Hindsight, and can be seen in the films Gambit, Crown Heights, Izzy Gets The F*ck Across Town, and Bikini Moon. Sarah is also an accomplished theater actor.

WHERE YOU’LL SEE HER AGAIN: Sarah can be seen in the upcoming drama The Hummingbird Project with Jesse Eisenberg and Salma Hayek.

But before then, set yourself an alarm to watch Barry on HBO this Sunday night. You’ve been warned: there will be radiating.

Where to watch Barry