Jim Carrey Painted A Terrifying Portrait Of Sarah Huckabee Sanders

You might not have known this about Jim Carrey, but in addition to his wide-ranging acting portfolio, he dabbles in other forms of the visual arts from time to time. His latest painting is quite terrifying, depicting President Donald Trump‘s current White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You can check out the portrait below, which seems to capture Carrey’s impressions of the White House official’s essence.

Though Carrey didn’t mention Sanders by name, Twitter users quickly identified the subject by the portrait’s likeness and the actor’s indirect commentary. “This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked,” Carrey captioned his piece. “Monstrous!”

If you weren’t already frightened by what’s going on in the White House, then this painting will certainly give you nightmares. Sanders, who acts as a senior spokesperson for the President, senior executives, and government policies, has yet to comment on Carrey’s unflattering rendition.

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor