Here’s How To Find The First Thing You Ever Binged On Netflix

We all know that Netflix is an all-seeing, all-knowing entity that sees everything we’re watching on its platform, synthesizes that data in order to make programming that decision, and every once in a while, makes fun of you for your viewing decisions.

But this afternoon, Netflix’s social media has been doing something more fun: it’s pretending it’s not an all-knowing, all-seeing eye in the sky and instead asking us to share the first thing we ever binge-watched.

All it takes is a quick trip into your account status, a scroll down to “My Profile” and find the viewing activity link, click that link, and then start scrolling. Scroll some more. Keeeeep scrolling. Take a break for a meal and possibly a nap. Then finally scroll all the way to the bottom. Observe the first TV shows and movies you ever watched on Netflix. So what was your first true binge-watch?

Ever the enthusiastic binge-watchers, the Decider staff dived into their own viewing histories, and the answers are interesting!

Joe Reid: Broadway: The American Musical (12/26/07) and then Party Down (7/9/09)

Jade Budowski: Breaking Bad (8/21/13)

Alex Zalben: Party Down (5/31/11)

Brett White: Breaking Bad (9/25/11)

Meghan O’Keefe: Dexter (12/6/09)

Mark Graham: The Office (UK) (11/22/08)

Lea Palmieri: Arrested Development (May 2013)

Kayla Cobb: Psych (6/14/11)

Josh Sorokach: Party Down (7/6/09)

Karen KemmerleSkins (1/20/10)

We highly recommend doing this kind of thing with your friends. You’ll find some interesting similarities! Jade and Brett jumping into Breaking Bad two years apart. Josh, Alex, and I all having Party Down as our picks (Josh and I doing the Party Down things three days apart is more than a little freaky).

So what’s yours?

Where to stream Party Down

Where to stream Breaking Bad

Where to stream Psych

Where to stream Skins

Where to stream The Office (UK)

Where to stream Arrested Development

Where to stream Dexter