Kate Winslet Has “Bitter Regrets” About Working With Certain “Men of Power”, But Won’t Name Woody Allen

After months of what was largely radio silence on a hot button issue (with the exception of a few vague defenses), Kate Winslet finally addressed the elephant in the room – her controversial past collaborations with disgraced men like Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, and Roman Polanski – without naming them. While she had denounced Weinstein in the past, Winslet had received criticism for refusing to speak about her work with Allen on last year’s Wonder Wheel and with Polanski on Carnage in 2011.

Appearing onstage Sunday evening to accept a special honor at the London Critics’ Circle Film Awards, the Academy Award-winning actress admitted she had “bitter regrets” about past decisions to work with some filmmakers.

“There are directors, producers and men of power who have for decades been awarded and applauded for their highly regarded work by both this industry and moviegoers alike,” she said. “Indeed, many actors have had flourishing careers due in part to roles played in their films. The message we received for years was that it was the highest compliment to be offered roles by these men.”

It wasn’t clear what sparked this change of heart in Winslet, who just last month defended Allen amidst the allegations of sexual abuse from his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow, but she passionately continued to address her industry regrets on stage and referenced the Women’s March as inspiration.

“As women around the world and from all walks of life marched last weekend, once again joining together to speak out about harassment, exploitation and abuse, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to stand here this evening and keep to myself some bitter regrets that I have at poor decisions to work with individuals with whom I wish I had not… It has become clear to me that by not saying anything, I might be adding to the anguish of many courageous women and men. Sexual abuse is a crime. While it rests with the rule of law to pass judgment, it lies with all of us to listen to the smallest of voices and to never stop listening.”

Whether Winslet was moved to speak by the recent surge of allegations and #TimesUp movement or Farrow’s emotional first television interview is unknown, but her comments feel long overdue. One only wishes she might have named these “men of power” in the process.