Christopher Plummer Just Got a Golden Globe Nomination After Replacing Kevin Spacey on ‘All the Money in the World’ Four Weeks Ago

Ridley Scott’s All the Money in the World has been one of the biggest question marks this awards season given that the director had to remove Kevin Spacey from the film following numerous accusations of sexual harassment and abuse. Christopher Plummer stepped in to reshoot all of Spacey’s scene in just over a week in November, and now the film has entered the awards race in a big way with three major Golden Globe nominations: Best Supporting Actor for Plummer, Best Actress (Drama) for Michelle Williams, and Best Director for Scott.

Plummer, who had previously circled the role of J. Paul Getty years ago when “All the Money in the World” was first in development, was announced as Spacey’s replacement on November 8. Co-stars Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams agreed to return to set to reconstruct the scenes that needed to be filmed again with Plummer in the role. Scott filmed for 10 days just after the Thanksgiving holiday and showed an unfinished cut of the new film to Golden Globes voters just a week ago.

“It’s really not replacing him [Spacey]—it’s starting all over again,” Plummer told Vanity Fair about the role just before filming began. “I’m very saddened by what happened to Kevin, but what can I do? I’ve got a role. I admire Ridley Scott and I’m thrilled to be making a movie for him. And so I thought, that was it. Ages ago I was in contention for [the role], way back. So I was familiar with it, and then Ridley came to me and I agreed. I wanted to work with him. He’s very good. I loved the script. The script is wonderful.”

“All The Money in the World” opens in theaters December 25. The Golden Globe. The 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards will air live across the country on NBC on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018 at 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m.