‘Easy’ Nails The Complexities Of Feminism In “Lady Cha Cha”

Hidden beneath its layers of normalcy, Easy has always been a quietly complicated show. While a couple may be arguing about the emotional logistics of arranging a threesome or embracing an open marriage, there’s always more happening beneath the surface of Joe Swanberg‘s fun and ever-watchable anthology series. It’s easy to be surprised by Easy because the show promises so little yet consistently delivers so much. One episode from this new season excels at showing this intricate balance —  Kiersey Clemons and Jacqueline Toboni‘s “Lady Cha Cha.”

Clemons’ Chase and Toboni’s Jo are one of this season’s returning couples. Audiences were first introduced to their sweet brand of complexity in Season 1’s “Vegan Cinderella,” which featured Chase lying about being vegan, pretending that she liked to bike, and changing almost everything about herself to impress a girl. “Vegan Cinderella” ended on a characteristically sweet note with Jo telling her new girlfriend that it’s OK for her to just be herself, and in Season 2 we now know the couple is still in a happy relationship. However, while Chase and Jo’s Season 1 episode focused on a typical problem most if not all couples face — someone pretending to be a person they’re not at the beginning of a relationship — Season 2 tackles an obstacle that’s more rooted in Chase and Jo’s status as a lesbian couple: What is and isn’t feminist?

This isn’t to say this is a discussion that’s limited only to lesbian couples or that all LBGT couples are required to ask this question. But this episode, perhaps more than any other, focuses on an obstacle that feels like a natural progression to this couple. In Season 1 Jo was established to be a strong feminist and vocal advocate in her community, and Chase was portrayed as someone who is equally impulsive and dedicated to her new goals. Of course when Chase decides to take up burlesque dancing, she dives into it whole-heartedly. However, this time the tension relies on Jo. Though everyone believes that this is a hobby the very feminist Jo will immediately approve of, that’s clearly not the case.

Photo: Netflix

Jo’s able to hide her disapproval for a little while, gritting her teeth and rolling her eyes when Chase isn’t in the room and secretly tearing down posters for her girlfriend’s upcoming burlesque show. But when Chase starts passing out flyers for the upcoming show in the middle of Jo’s feminist art exhibit, their quiet disagreement comes to a head. Later, during a risque performance in the middle of the art show, Chase actually storms out in anger and demands Jo to ask her why the art performance is acceptable feminism when her burlesque show is not. Really the only difference between the two dances is their location. Jo is unable to answer.

Every movement has questions that threaten to divide those who support it, and in feminism’s case, questions around overt sexuality often fall into this category. Is taking a pole dancing class a way for a woman to reclaim and embrace her sexuality, or is she submitting to the conventions of the male gaze? What if that same feminist motivation is applied to stripping or becoming a sex worker? Is the only thing that makes an action feminist or not intent?

As a woman and a feminist, I don’t have an answer for those questions, and neither does Easy, which is a very good thing. As great as “Lady Cha Cha” is, it was written and directed by Swanberg. A male creator tackling this problem, even one who takes as much outside input from writers, actors, and people as Swanberg, may already raise an eyebrow for some. If the episode were to walk away with a definite take on what feminism “should” look like, that would be a very bad look. However, the uncomfortable way the show stumbles through this complicated sexual puzzle perfectly mirrors conversations that are happening in the real world. Also, the fact that the show’s most overtly feminist mouthpiece struggles with this issue indicates how complicated these questions really are.

Photo: Netflix

There’s another episode that echoes these ideas, Seaosn 2’s “Side Hustle.” The excellent episode follows Sally (Karley Sciortino), a feminist, sex-positive writer who also works as a sex worker on the side. The episode drifts through the mundane realities of her job, highlighting the human element of the profession in a way that feels realistic instead of exploitative. However, Sally only has to explain her version of feminism to Annabelle (Jane Adams), a woman who already agrees with her. There’s not much conflict, so “Side Hustle” isn’t about to explore different views of feminism in the same way “Lady Cha Cha” does.

In the end, Chase and Jo reach a sort of compromise. Jo apologizes, admits she was being jealous, and shows up to support Chase during her burlesque show. Even in the episode’s last moments, it’s unclear if Jo approves of what her girlfriend is doing or if she just wants to be supportive. “Lady Cha Cha” concludes with Jo cheering Chase, the feminist and personal arguments of their near past echoing even after the applause ends. There are no definite conclusions. There are only questions an tender acceptance in this wonderful episode.

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